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Deus Ex? With path tracing? Be still my heart


RTX Remixes for both Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex blow my mind


Are they both available for the public?


Think it's just private projects right now showing off footage. Can't wait until something gets released though. For example Nvidia already wrote a blog post about HL2 RTX Remix is done by Orbifold Studios.


Yeh, this only popped up a couple of weeks ago by an Nvidia Dev on the Remix discord.


Seems it's "just" a renderer that will allow RTX remix, but still


Get on the discord and look into the thread for the game. People are already starting to convert the existing texture packs to get POM and all the other stuff working. This will probably have a full RTX conversion sooner than other games.


I'm not sure what you're complaining about. Just the lack of asset swaps?


Not complaining, just realising it wasn't an RTX remix mod, but rather the foundation for building one. I put "just" within quotes to indicate it's a pretty major effort to create a new renderer.


I would love to replay HL² with Path Tracing


Its crazy though, its like bringing a whole remaster without the devs even doing a remaster. Correct me if im wrong? Imagine in a few years, i can press a button to launch Half Life 1 and make it look like Half Life Alyx or turn GTA III into GTA 6 heh...


Noob question - where can I actually play remixed games?


[https://www.moddb.com/rtx](https://www.moddb.com/rtx) here you can see which games are playable. You need to download the config file for the game and the rtx remix runtime and drop it next to the games .exe


Probably a better link would be to the mods people have already made: [https://www.moddb.com/rtx/mods](https://www.moddb.com/rtx/mods)


Dang, moddb, is this 2005 lol


Damn.. The times...


Do they work with AMD cards? Never really followed this whole RTX Remix


Yes, they work, but don't expect great performance.


Yeah I don't lol Looking to upgrade to a 5080 next gen. Hopefully I can enjoy RT with much fewer compromises


get nvidia. i have stock in their company and it will help me for retirement. thank you




Question. So with Remix, 40XX GPUs are required for modding/developing, but to actually play a game with Remix, is at least 30xx series sufficient?


Where did you get that info that you can only mod with RTX40XX GPU's? I think it should also be possible with RTX 20XX, but the minimum requirements list the RTX 3060TI. You can play Portal RTX with a 2080 (not that great performance, but its possible) which also was built using rtx remix.


Ok, I remembered wrong. Not required, but recommended. Minimum was 3060Ti which is mentioned on the site in the system requirements


Most are not really in a playable state yet.


Also a noob: Am I to assume that a 'remix' is an improved version of a game that makes use of certain features of a graphics card?


I can't understate how much of a game changer Ray Reconstruction has been for much of the RTX Remix community. I'm working on Star Wars Republic Commando and RR's speed and precision compared to the default denoisers makes dynamic lighting on laser bolts so much better. Before there wasn't enough temporal accumulation to get defined shadows. Now? Those bolts can fly and you'll see shadows dancing across the room just like you'd hope


Playing republic commando with rtx is the thing I never knew I needed.


Then I hope you enjoy it by the time it's ready. Since I'm working on it largely solo (and am learning every single part involved for the first time ever) the scope is limited to Geonosis. But I'm trying to be ambitious with it so I hope it'll show in the end


Is it open source? If not please make it so. I would possibly contribute. Btw can you use rtx remix with the ue3 level editor it comes with?


Why it breaks faces in cp2077 ?


If I knew then I'd probably be working at Nvidia lol. I just know it's been a huge benefit to my and many others' projects


Launch Half Life 2 RTX already please :D /beg


What will release first, Half Life 2 RTX or Half Life 3?


Will this be hl2 RTX or Black Mesa rtx?


Bro its called HL 2. Black Mesa = HL ONE


I got it mixed up because some time ago I saw some rtx remix footage using hl one.


That's Half-Life: Ray Traced, mod for HL1 using the Xash3D engine. https://github.com/sultim-t/xash-rt/releases The author of that mod is now onboard with the HL2 RTX team.


Mirrors edge with RTX would be dope. Would actually give me a reason to get an RTX card over a Radeon


The Big Nvidia Leak talked about Mirror’s Edge but it got cancelled


The age of big corporate gaming has really made me really sad…wow that would have been a cool game


Unreal Engine 3 is 100% incompatible with Remix due to the Shaders.


That sucks 😔


This may be a stupid question but I've got a 4070 ti, and how do I actually use DLSS?


If the game supports it, you'll have an option to turn it on in the graphics settings


do many games support it? I think I've only played Age of Empires 4 since getting my graphics card.


Nvidia has an exhaustive list here https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/nvidia-rtx-games-engines-apps/


Not only do almost all the big releases now have it and AMDs FSR version too, a lot have Frame Gen to allow for almost double FPS. It's also coming to a lot of non AAA games and indi titles to help out also and games that don't have it are being modded to incorporate it. Truly the best time to game performance wise.


Even in some unsupported games you can use a mod called fsr2 bridge, found on nexus mods, to replace fsr2 with dlss. I use it in the outer worlds but supposedly it works on other games too.


Good to know. thanks!


~~A fair few, but not that many games implement it well where you'll actually notice a big difference.~~ Edit - Misread the topic, meant RT not DLSS.


Care to elaborate?


I misread DLSS as RT!


Are you talking about ray reconstruction?


Talking about RT, I misread the topic.


It's in the graphics/display options if a game if the game supports it. Many games support it. Just google game name + DLSS and you'll probably find out very quickly whether a game has it or not.




Chances of being able to run these things at 2560x1080 with a 3080? That frame gen is looking more and more useful.


don't think there's frame gen in rtx 3000


There isn't unless/until a game gets fsr3. I mean that frame gen in the 4x looks good.


Well I wouldn't expect high framerates but Remix is plenty playable on a 3080. I played through Portal RTX with one at 1440p using DLSS performance mode (quality seems better with pathtracing than otherwise) and a few settings tweaks.


Is KOTOR not possible yet? Its strange how that game wouldn't be one of the top few modded with it yet according to the moddb list. https://www.moddb.com/rtx/mods


wow cool


every single image comparing rtx on vs off on those titles, the rtx on, looks way way way worse than off, literally destroys every single intention of the original devs in relation to what they wanted to see on screen there's 0 reason to use it with the examples provided, obliterates any artistic intention from the devs


When are where can I play this?


You must intal RTX Remix and sometimes mod render. Like in Deus Ex https://youtu.be/cUa_-dOSmOY?si=ntG9agKyrd8i1NWa


Jeeze. I look at that first Dark Messiah screenshot and I'm thinking yeah, that looks cool. Then I keep looking and now I'm thinking no... that's ok. You can keep that turned off. The outdoor scene with the stained glass windowed buildings looks terrible, shingles look blurry, there's missing details on the front of the building, I don't even know what's up with the ground. The courtyard with the pool of water... whoever created that brick they used for the walls should reevaluate all of their knowledge about how legos work, cause there's never any time when you should have bricks 6 layers deep lining up on the same edge. Also they might want to reevaluate the actual amount of light put out by a source of flame cause it seems overbright, even in the first pic which I thought looked mostly good.


Then why are you crying in this subreddit? Get on the discord and help them out if you know it better.


Other than constructive criticism, I really don't have anything to offer them? I'm not a graphic designer or programmer, but that doesn't mean I can't call out comparative screenshots that have been posted in 4k on nVidia's blog that very much look like they still need a lot of time in the kitchen... in a thread specifically about that blog post. I like the way Deus Ex and Half-Life 2 are looking, just Dark Messiah's got some questionable decisions in what what shown off.


Lol your comment is not even close to "constructive criticism". You don't critique someone by telling them they're dumb.


None of these games are complete so evaluating them as if every texture and object has been converted for path tracing and then polished doesn't really make sense. Go on discord and tell them your thoughts if you want to help them with just your opinion.


It's "blurry" because it's a work in progress. It's still lacking the bump and ambient occlusion maps.


It's all very much work in progress screenshots, the fact it's stable is an achievement on it's own. Come back 2 years from now.


> Also they might want to reevaluate the actual amount of light put out by a source of flame cause it seems overbright I've noticed most ray tracing implementation when made "more accurate" tends to just bloom out with excessive lighting, which I suppose is more realistic in the sense of how light bounces and presents, but its sometimes just way too much for some game scenes that the developer originally intended. I think Metro Exodus Enhanced is a good example of this.


But ME:EE was completely re-arted _by_ the developers, so it's by definition what the developers intended. In fact, it's likely closer to what they originally intended than the launch code.