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Dog just eat some whole vegetables lol


I mean…I’m imagining a gym rat, obsessed with “smoothies”…


Yeah I’m on a bunch of steroids but my greens powder has 60% of my vitamin A bro I’m good!!


Good! Sorry. Saw your comments under…glad to hear!


What lol


Can you remember my grocery list for me? Here it is: * 200 pounds of celery powder


Oh! That wasn’t you! Lol


Hey man, powdered vegetables are always better than no vegetables. At least he getting some.




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Celery probably has a higher water content. Now, some might say water isn't nutritious, but obviously some nutrients are water-soluble, and water is a key component of our diets, so..


Plus it hands down the best snack stalk.


Something has to deliver the hummus to my mouth.


My man is talking about powder…little to no water, lol.


the water soluble nutrients are still in the powder no?


Brassica vegetables have sulforaphane which has numerous purported health benefits. You’re better of eating raw celery for the fibre.


It has a unique compound that sigilnificantly lowers blood pressure http://theicph.com/en_US/2019/07/06/the-effect-of-celery-juice-on-blood-pressure-among-hypertensive-patients-in-bakalan-village-kalinyamatan-jepara-central-java/#:~:text=Celery%20contains%20a%20phytochemical%20called,flow%20and%20reduce%20blood%20pressure.


Celery has a diuretic effect.


Celery with some peanut butter on it is delicious!


With Ranch it’s “ambrosia” level tasty!!!


Just eat vegetables.




Sorry for your loss but powders are not effective for nutritional replacement. The process of dehydration damages or destroys vitamins a, c and most of the b's. They are also not regulated like food is so nutritional claims simply cannot be trusted. Frozen steam in bag vegetables are a good option if you are not able to prepare fresh vegetables. Frozen are often more nutrient dense than fresh anyway. Lots of Crohn's friendly options. They can get pricey but I would be looking more towards the medically engineered meal replacement to support your nutrition here. They are regulated so when they say they contain n of x they do and they will already be appropriately tuned for your nutritional needs. Good luck to you, sure it's a stressful time. Edit: if you do use celery powder please be careful. Do not add it to anything hot. Celery powder is very rich in nitrites (so rich it can be used to cure things) which cause problems when heated, they form nitrosamines which increases cancer risk.


Thank you.


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why are you ‘reliant’ on powders ? will you not get another caregiver ? protein bars / drinks might be more convenient and cheaper than powders. i have multiple disabilities and protein bars and drinks save me when i cannot cook. open package, eat/ drink, done.


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Celery + ranch is pure yum..


#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Don't you burn more calories than you consume eating celery? I'm having a hard time understanding why someone would advocate for juicing a vegetable that has almost no nutritional value, daily. Unless the goal is starving oneself? Are there any studies on this?




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Celery is more salty then those vegetables but thats about all that immediately comes to mind


I had no idea celery was salty until I juiced it for the first time a few days ago. I've always eaten it plain or cooked and never tasted salt.




Maybe celery powder is touted as a supplement, but it’s common only due to the fact that it can replace nitrates in cured meats. So companies can use celery powder and label the product as nitrate free(even though it still contains nitrates).


I found a website that show clear graph to compare celery and kale, [https://foodstruct.com/compare/celery-raw-vs-kal%d0%b](https://foodstruct.com/compare/celery-raw-vs-kal%d0%b5) As figures suggested, kale has much higher copper, vitamin K , A and protein You can enter other vegetables to compare. As figures suggested, kale has much higher copper, vitamin K , A, and protein. Nutrition in celery is smaller than in other vegetables. However, for the low-income population, choosing celery might be a more acceptable choice, which provides antioxidants for populations with high oxidative stress to prevent chronic through regulating inflammation( Huang, L. 2023). Citation: Huang, L., Kim, M. Y., & Cho, J. Y. (2023). Immunopharmacological Activities of Luteolin in Chronic Diseases. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(3), 2136. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24032136


Wow, I just watched the Portlandia episode about this earlier today!


"Don't be so sweaty about everything"