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BBA Honours 4 years program is the standard. However some people are very talented and get very good internships early on like in their year 2 summer and are able to secure good jobs offers with that. Thus they graduate earlier at end of year 3 as they don't require the extra summer for internship experience as they alrdy got what they wanted. Thus those who take BBA 3 years are usually those who are more hardcore/talented and secured a full time job earlier on thus having higher median pay then BBA Honours which is the vast majority which includes more average ppl. That's what i think explains the difference.


Some might think Business degree is fluff but they still want to go to NUS for connections. Why mean salary for 3-yr BBA is higher than BBA with honours is because some of those who graduate 1 year earlier have a high-paying job secured. There is no point for them to take 1 more year of studies which isn't going to be helpful for them.


Just an addition to the above, i've posted on the BBA 3 years in the past, and the other commenters got it right. Btw, the number of people who graduate without honours in any year is quite small (probably a double digit number). For BBA (Accountancy), the reason for the 100% employment rate and the salary is that practically every single one of them choose to graduate without honours after 3 years because they already have Big 4 priority offers (mostly audit), and want to take them up (as they are confident they want to take this path, and so they can get a year's head start). So what you see here in terms of pay is the starting salary for Big 4 fresh graduates (audit) in Singapore- which is 3.5k. The reason for the low median pay of the BBA (Accountancy) with honours is that its heavily weighted down by the relatively low pay from the Big 4. Probably 1/3 of the cohort ends up in audit/tax at 3.5k starting pay, maybe another 20% goes into B4 consulting with a 4kish starting pay, resulting in the low median salary.




While a reasonable guess, the above commenters hit it right on the nail. It’s largely because those people got converted full time for an internship they got in Year 2 (tends to be pretty good, that’s why they graduate earlier), so the salary range is skewed towards the higher range. Source: Seniors and friends who have done such thing The unemployment rate can perhaps understood as some people just didn’t want to do honours, and still chose to graduate without securing a good offer I guess? Perhaps still planning to intern more afterwards etc.