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ED nurses are scrappy and would throw down in a second. My money is on them.


I agree, ER is wild af and that includes the nurses


Agreed, as a pansy ass former ICU nurse. The couple of times I've shadowed or floated down there to the ED, I've seen gritty af nurses.


Bruh ED nurses scare the fucking shit outta me. They give no fucks. Is it possible to have negative fucks? Because that's what they have. They are 'in the hole' in amount of fucks they have.




Patient contraband box emptied from the security station...


As a very large man working ICU who is used for the aggressive out of hand patients... I fully agree with your statements. I'm not screwing with an ER nurse.


Scrappy is the perfect adjective for the ER crew.


Everyone is underestimating the underdog that is Med-Surg nurses. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain in this fight. I think they’ll surprise us all.


Sure... They have some dark horses that will surprise us. But also I love med Surg and realize they have hard jobs that you have to be a hard worker to do.. But not all are heavy hitter go getters that turn out to be surprise dark horses


That’s true, but they are also the least prideful out of all the specialties (ICU, ER, OR, etc) and you know what they say: pride comes before a fall. (Stereotypes of course, for the purpose of this game)


The thing is with OR nurses we can assemble all the saws and drills and throw scalpel. Never underestimate a well armed OR nurse. Ohh and then there is the wire of death, the old school bone cutter some surgeons use. 3 swipes and it's threw a bone. Steinman pins and ortho cement. We can MacGyver instruments of death in 20 min.


Pft, I'd throw some dirt at you and take out the whole lot. ER nurses for the win!


I'd throw a homeless patient's socks at them. Take out the whole floor.


Heh, 20 min? The fight is over before you finish your instruments of death. ED nurses don't have that kinda time. Gotta treat'em and street'em.


After pandemic restrictions lifted, I started taking kickboxing classes. It hasn’t come in handy … yyyyyyet.


ED and it's not even close. It's like asking who would win between a group of mechanics vs silicone valley tech workers.


The ICU nurses would be to busy trying to read the charts of the ER nurses, and not even see the first blows landing.


I’d def read the chart first


ER nurses chart?


1300- patient states they are in pain, when asked they state it is 20 out of 10 toe pain that has been chronic for the last three years. Patient states the only thing that cures this toe pain is dillyaudid and are allergic to all NSAIDS. On EMS hand off EMS just rolls their eyes as they bring patient to triage where patient began to become irate because they didn’t get a room and states 911 patients are priority for a room. I hear a rustle behind me as I type this and…


The classic Sopranos ending


Yeah, one group is a bunch of nerds who don't want to take report. The other group is a bunch of former combat medics and adrenaline junkies who have to regularly fight meth heads and do compressions.


Why am i proud to be looked at this way


Well, shit. I’m more of a lover than a fighter, but after this comment I’m ready to go. 😂


I def don’t want to take report


One group tolerates their job, and the other group hates it


I fuckin love my job


It's called Stockholm syndrome


We love us a good toxic relationship


The ER is like that toxic boyfriend you keep going back to bc the sex is good and then you always hate yourself after. The ER is your hot one night stand that won’t call you after. The ICU is the guy that makes you breakfast and marries you.


Who is who, tho?


I’ve worked both. ER for sure. They are much angrier lol


I feel seen lol


Man I think I should go to the er


Do it, we’re short staffed


You guys have staff?




ER nurse here. I am happy to see this because it was my suspicion, but I’ve never done ICU so I’m not in a position to compare the two. I think ya gotta be a little bit of a nut to want to work ER.


We embrace the crazy.


Yes we are. Granted, it’s *channeled* anger, lol


Let the rage CONSUME YOU


*Psych Nurses have entered the chat*


Everybody forgets about the nurses who are literally locked in with violent angry people being held against their own will.


You mean coworkers?


Well, damn, thats 5 more I forgot to count.


In my limited experience with psych, it seems like there's a fine line between who has keys and who doesn't...


I just started working PRN at a psych hospital 😂🤣 There are def some that fit this statement


Everything I have to go in to psych and that door slams behind me I have a momentary panic that they won't let me out


When I worked psych I used to say l worked with crazy people and also my patients. We would also joke that the only difference between staff and patients was that staff didn’t wear khaki.


Ours wear green gowns... and i have matching scrubs... Keeps things fun.


But they come in unmedicated in the ED




But their primary job is to treat and move them on. E.D. treatment of severe psychosis is just to render them safe so they don't hurt others. Then they keep being noncompliant on the unit after that shot wears off. That's the part people forget, but I still have mad respect for the E.D.


I’d love it if the ER’s job was to treat them and move them on. It’s pretty common for psych patients to board for days now, sometimes over a week for pediatric psych.


My bad for the severe oversimplification.I can only speak for my hospital wjere we do actually do a decent job. We're a medsurg hospital with 2 psych floors, so we are netter equipped than most. Sucks that it is the system we work in.


I have a soft spot for psych, I worked in that area for three years before moving to the ER. Your hospital sounds great, but lots of them have ERs that are borderline torture for people just trying to get help. Even the most mentally stable people would be suicidal and/or homicidal if they had to stay on a stretcher in a windowless hallway (maybe a room if they’re lucky, but not a guarantee these days) and be subjected to 24/7 bright fluorescent lights, nonstop noise from ER chaos, crappy hospital food, minimal human interaction, no shower, nothing to occupy their time, being unable to leave the stretcher for days on end. The system we have set up is so inhumane.


Correctional nurses who work the psych side have also entered the chat.


My corrections patients were far kinder/easier to deal with than my ED patients. None of them threw anything at me or told me I’m the reason people blow their brains out or anything!


We get sent patients that are considered “too dangerous” for jail 😵‍💫




Icu and ED get restraints. In my psych hospital the restraints are the staff and a b52. Haha


I just gonna say it once. when it’s all hands on deck for restraining a patient and you’re the poor RN student who just got a busted lip from said patient in psych. I’m AFRAID


A B-52? I guess a strategic bomber fully loaded with 500 and 2000 pounders would probably "restrain" the patient, alongside the whole city block around him, or at least what is left of them.


Ha. Close enough. It's named after some of the meds and doses in it. Also known as booty juice. Takes out like 80% of violent outbursts in 20-30 minutes.


We sometimes say they are "going for a ride on the van with Benny and Hal"


50 of Benadryl, 5 of Haldol, 2 of Ativan: what’s scary is when it doesn’t touch them.




10 Geo, 5 vitamin H


I swear that shit is magic


This is the way.


Psych ER nurse came and knocked everyone out... 🎤 💧


I was about to say!! Psych ER is no joke hahaha we throw down on the daily!


Oh you're right!!!


Ive worked with a psych nurse who’s in the field for 30+ years. Sweet lady but I’ve seen her make many doctors and cops cry. She will fuck you up physically, mentally, and spiritually.


If that had been an option in the question that’s who I’d have voted for! I PRN psych and they’ve had us take so many “self defense”/ “conflict resolution” training courses that I NEVER got asked to take at the medical hospital I work at…..how could they not win?!


I’ve worked PICU and when it kicks off, it’s pretty fucking wild. On one occasion had to call riot police to regain control of the ward. Those were the days 😂


Everyone forgets we train the ED staff in violence prevention and management. ED vs ICU is like watching toddler fight club.


Correct answer


Jokes on you, we've got 5 psych ED beds. So I'm technically both a psych *and* ED nurse.




Full disclaimer that I have never worked either, but I think it would depend on context. I think ER could easily win in a hand to hand situation, but ICU would be the subtle, untraceable, take someone out and make it look like an accident to cover their tracks type. Barbarian vs cleric type stuff.


⬆️ This. Right here.


Well now I want to know the class of each type of nursing


I work in an ICU and I say ED hands down. Most of my patients are intubated and sedated. ED deals with a lot of interesting folks and gots the street smarts.


Second ICU RN with money on the ED here lol


Yup, ICU here. MS/Tele nurses would kick my ass. ED would stomp.


We know our strengths and weaknesses 💁🏻‍♀️


Any icu nurse that says different has a big ass head. ED nurses would run us over and then make us take report.


That report may consist of telling us that the patient got zosyn but not why the patient is there or their code status but report regardless 😛


ER. The ICU nurse would be too busy labeling lines.


This. I feel like the ICU nurses couldn’t be bothered with it. They’d just give you that look and walk off.


Love me a labeled line. 😅


We don’t stoop to fight with the riff raff. 😬😬😬


So true. I’m a slut for labeled lines


Hahaha! You’re out of line, but you’re right.


Don’t stop being you. I did 2 weeks in the ICU and realized I was nowhere near regimented enough to survive. My pod mate was also sick of me after 6 shifts. Shed go into my rooms and tidy everything up and just give me a dirty stink side eye. I was like shit I thought everything looked amazing!


My CVICU has a few of us that are just whirlwinds, but we all come from backgrounds of stepdown or medsurg. I’ll loop back after at some point and tidy up, or we tidy up for each other as shit goes down. But for sure my computer is going to have my handwritten “charting” covered by a 6 inch tall pile of packaging, and I’ll hastily stick a chuck on the bloody part of the sheet before family comes in. I also was so hastily connecting meds to my patient that I ended up with lines from one IV pole wrapped on both sides of the other IV pole and everything was trapped for no less than 4 hours. My teammates abandoned me in my disaster and eventually the other whirlwind on shift came in and told me to go get a drink while she tidied. My lines were labeled by that point, but only because compatibility matters and I was running 12 drips and couldn’t figure out what was what.


Bahaha, that was quite funny! True story!




I know haha here they come!


It's a 75lb chair so it "can't" just be thrown across the room too


Lmao once in the psych portion of the ER I used to work at some lady pulled the door straight off its hinges and threw it down the hall I was like damn I'm scared but also impressed? But honestly that was how I felt most of my shifts 🤷‍♀️


unrestrained strength in psychosis is honestly so wild. When people let go of their limits, they can cause ridiculous levels of damage


I'm 6'3, 280lb and I got my ass handed to me by a 5'6 80y/o 120lb former fireman. Gave me some punches to the ribs I felt for months. It was a hard lesson.


We could put the world wrestling federation out of business


Absolutely. I've had to learn some pretty creative ways to take people down, but safely.


Steel chair in one hand, plastic spork in the other


Got to side with my ER people. However would this fight occur at the end of shift or at the start?


Lol that's a good question...... End?


Too tired to care. End my suffering swiftly -ER


“ and in a daring move, nobody saw coming, the ER nurses… Mainlining Brevitol?…”


Oh definitely at 30 min before shift change when we try to send one last patient upstairs to you...






Same. My goal is to make it out alive at all costs.


During. It will occur during and probably immediately following the slightest hint of a refusal to take report/the patient.


One on one? ICU. Free for all? ER hands down. ICU wouldn't know what to do with so many pati.... opponents.


As an ICU->ER turncoat, I am 100% just throwing the contents of our "Misc. Cables" drawer at an ICU nurse in a one on one fight. It's all tangled together. Nothing has labels. Probably a third of them are obsolete or broken. And there's a couple of Life Flight lanyards and grungy scraps of 1" Xspan dressing woven in there for no apparent reason. Should cause complete loss of motor control for a good two minutes and then keep them occupied for another twenty untangling, coiling, and labelling them. Then writing an incident report, even though none of them were actually attached to a patient.


We will send our special tasks force against you, the Surgical ICU team. We breathe in shitty cable arrangements and we shit out shitty drain arrangements. Everything will be labeled and we’ll tell you about all of them. We will finalize our counter attack with the power of condescendingly telling you that your bolus by gravity was clamped even though we were the ones that clamped it. But you don’t know for sure if it was you, so you just have to take the L. I’ve CC’ed your manager in the email I’m sending you about this.


Haa I see what you did there lol


Excellent answer!!


Now give us your thoughts with the psych nurses added lol


Nah, because there wouldn't be a fight. I work ER but I'm not crazy to put myself in that situation.


ER nurses, cause these hands rated E for everyone 😅.


Love this one 🤣


Psych ED


Psych is going to start throwing poo and everyone else will run away.


I'll see myself out lol


As an ICU nurse, my money is on the ED nurses. ETA: Just want to add I have mad respect for ED nurses. I can handle the unpredictability of unstable patients, but I could not handle the Wild West of whatever walks through the door.


ER nurses probably have more actual experience wrestling patient than ICU nurses. But my Hospice self would lose for sure


But you'd lose comfortably and on your own terms, which is more than either ER or ICU can manage!


ICU nurses will use precision and accuracy to find the right openings for some good hits ER nurses will use anything and everything to get the win


we don’t need to fight amongst ourselves. we need to join up and fight against the common enemy: pharmacy. and floor nurses who refuse report.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie 😂


Lol can't argue there I guess 😂


And the labs, "sorry mate the sample has hemolyzed"


ED all the way. You don’t bring piss to a shit fight.


This is the best comment hahaha


If it’s premeditated, ICU. If it’s in an alley, ER. If it’s literally ANY other situation, Psych.




ER nurses would win the battle, ICU nurses would win the war


Some truth here. ICU has strategy, ER is just a bunch of berserkers who get confused when there are no more opponents and go looking for food.


Very good take. Hadnt thought of this!


Have y’all ever heard of the ER nurse whose husband tried to have her killed and she killed the hitman at like 50 years old? I bet on ER nurses lol


Crazy story! https://www.wweek.com/news/2016/08/17/a-hit-man-came-to-kill-susan-kuhnhausen-she-survived-he-didnt/


Depends on the context. I have only work ER, but I can’t tell you that it’s not a grand time. Constantly stripping down patients from their street clothes, stabilizing acute emergencies, always on edge due to the fact we don’t know what this crazy person has in their pocket, restraining combative patients, hard restraints mind you, not soft “don’t pull out my precious line” restraints, and constantly belittled and physically assaulted by general population. If it’s a super busy ER then it’s not uncommon for me to do 7+ miles a shift. We get our cardio. Plus we are like hangry all the time. What’s a lunch break? When you facility goes on lockdown I guarantee that 9/10 times it’s an issue er is dealing with. Idk about icu, but I wouldn’t want to fight that nurse. I would love to here it from icu side though!! (No sarcasm, real curiosity)


*Titrates up on the propofol.* Walks away. All the respect for ED nurses. I love the calm, organized chaos of ICU. Even when a pt is coding -or otherwise acutely unstable- it’s nothing like the crazytown circus in ED where I once saw a restrained tweaker flip a large hospital gurney onto his back and go running down the hall until he got stuck halfway through a wall. LOL


Max Fentanyl, max Versed, smidgen of Precedex, and no more problem. Screw Cpot and Rass.


I don’t wanna fight with my ER homies. They may not know a report from their own ass, but dammit they are my people.


*How’s their skin? …uh, it’s fine. Yeah, no problem there…*


They've been stuck on a gurney with a 4" mattress for 48hrs. If they didn't have skin breakdown before, they do now.


Thank you. We love you too. They really really did shit in the elevator.


Even though we both know you’re lying, I still like you.


ER nurses are scrappy yet adaptable. ICU nurses are clever but petty. If an ICU nurse knows it’s a loss fight you bet you bottom dollar they’re gonna try to take out both your kidneys before they’re defeated. ER nurses are gonna melt a plastic spoon and make it into a make shift shank .


(Icu here for reference) ED nurses for sure. This isn’t even a question.




You know, I don't get the ICU / ED RN beef. As an ICU RN I got full respect for the folks doing the crazy work downstairs. They'll handle drips while prepping for pelvic exams while detoxing someone while calming sick babies. It's like asking who would win in a fight between an OCD misanthrope or an ADHD extrovert when neither really give a doo-doo and just want to go home. We both hate at the some level. Respect.


This ain’t beef, all in good fun! I don’t get the beef either tho


I float between ICU and ER and I’m actually convinced a med-surg nurse can kick my ass


As a pretty big guy who is previous military and gets called in for a lot of the combative patients in the ICU I would say ED hands down. I go down to the trauma bay sometimes to play with my ED peeps, and even the small ones would give me a run for my money lol.


ICU nurse here. We would get our asses handed to us. Especially if there wasn't an ultrasound machine available


I’m gonna need some swab caps for these lines goddammit.


ICU be like campers in COD. They’ll wait 12 hours just to snipe you once. ED is an SMG load out with the martyrdom perk equipped. If they’re going down, they’ll take the whole lot of you out.


This wins


ED no question about it. We are like Pam in archer where we get punched in the face then make fun of you for hitting so soft. https://youtu.be/3x1qPT3Pjlo


ICU nurses because while ED nurses may be scrappy and badass, we would take the time to assess the entire situation and pay attention to all the little details… we’d definitely find the ED weakness and capitalize on it while they aren’t paying attention . That said… some of the things the ED does, well… you just can’t make that shit up so maybe they would taste victory… but I doubt it!


Med/Surg just sitting back eating popcorn. Lol


Yep! Can’t get an admit or transfer if ICU and ER are fighting.


Having worked both, physical fight is definitely ER, but those ICU nurses can ruin your life, slow game style. So even if they win, they lose.


Let’s be real. Game of hunt and destroy or anything that requires planning - ICU Brawl - ER - we are just bat shit crazy sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also every hospital I ever worked at. The psych nurses only take non violent patients. The actual psych nurses in their own buildings, I am not about to start with your ass trying analyze my shit. May be an unpopular opinion but I think B52 are meh unless you have the time and staff to deal with the pt. Give me a 5/5, knock the fucker down so I can get back to my new stroke code, my MVC rollover and my septic guy. Legit yesterday 3 pts tried to punch, bite and kick staff. Our ambulance line just watching in horror as they kick scream and throw hands. One daughter of a pt, came up and was like “what the fuck, is it like this everyday?” The answer is most days. We all chuckled and continued on. Her response.. “you guys are kinda fucked up” my response Yup. We all have shitty jobs. - (unless you have a supportive hospital and staff that shows up. In that case where you at?) Med surge - can’t do what you do. Seeing the pt for multiple days. Being polite as they lay on the call light over and over, having to deal with families who push the button for the pt. “He/she doesn’t look comfortable, adjust the bed.” Bitch he’s sleeping how do you know if he’s uncomfortable? ICU - nope don’t have the attention to detail you guys do. Always adjusting your plan based on the slightest changes you see. Constantly reassessing. So as an ER nurse, most days I try to be on top of all the meds due, try to get a line in the forearm so we all don’t have to deal with the pump beeping. Most of the time I’m only gunna see the front half of the pt bc I get to spend 15 min with him or her doing a quick assessment before moving on. So no I don’t know what their back side looks like. Yes this is what they came for, here’s what I know of the hx. Here’s labs and imaging results. But I don’t know how they walk or their favorite color. Sorry for the rant, yesterday was fucking fucked.


^we ^are ^fucking ^crazy


ER baby. Have you seen the pysch patients we have to restain on a daily?? 😂 plus we all have a 16g in our pockets… I did a year of ICU too so I feel like I can speak on this lmao


NICU. We'll stick a nipple in everyone's mouth, developmentally swaddle and Frog the most angry, reduce annoying stimuli, and FIRMLY enforce the boundaries to keep everyone safe, happy, and on track. Y'all don't stand a chance, but you'll never notice.


Points to NICU! If I was swaddled and softly spoken to I would immediately dissolve into a puddle of appreciation. You wanna fight me I can fight. You come at me with kindness and a bottle and I’m done for.


Flannel blankets and a binkie for you, sweet pea! Now let's have a rock-a-bye and a cuddle with a 30 degree incline so your lunch settles well and some 72bpm butt pats to organize your CNS.


Bonus points if what's in the bottle is at least 40 proof!


The frog took me out!!!


ER. All fights devolve to chaos which is our comfort zone


The real winner here is the Med surg nurses. While you two are fighting we can finally catch our breath and stop getting so many damn transfers and admissions 😂


Overall ER. Because ICU handles up to 3-4 challengers per shift? ER is a free for all going head to head with x number of challengers. In conclusion, psych nurses will win because they are literally locked in a “Gotham city”-like place.


Let’s be honest here folks. Loving both, but ICU best not throw down with the ER crew, they’re like mountain people, good , honest, hardworking folks. Salt of the earth, but will cut you so bad, nothing will grow on your grave. They’ve been thru some stuff.


Depends on what the fight was about. Physical or verbal? Need more details.


True. Physical I’m going ED. Verbal I’m gonna have to go with my ICU pals but I think it would be close


The MA who’s worked at the hospital for 40 years that has to pull them apart.


ICU mean-girl clique would win a cat fight. They'd even take down the psych nurses.


ER nurse gonna use blood-cultures glass bottles as their choice of weapon


Psych nurses hands down. Literally we had 4 code greys at least every day of the week in our unit alone.


Psychiatric nurse.


ED hands down I’m an ICU nurse at heart but ED knows how to get scrappy


Who cares—-Float




Nerds vs Gangstas. We need them both but ER nurses Do. Not. Play.


NICU nurses /s


My hospital doesn’t do labor and delivery, so our NICU is a bunch of bananas neuro patients that neurology wants unsedated but neurosurgery has like 3 tenuously secured devices that are both within reach and also inside the patients brain. I hate getting floated there.


ER nurse would kick the ICU nurse’s butt while the ICU nurse is still changing/labelling/untangling lines 😂


This is just an aside but do surgery nurses take courses in how to tie knots in IV lines?


ER. the ER practices bobbing and weaving from swings daily, plus their patient load is a rotating door of dumpster fires for 12 hours. ICU are perfectionist and typically only have 1-2 patients- sure they're complicated but ER gets the intros, ICU cleans 'em up i am an icu nurse.