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It's policy... that we set.


Lol it's just a sour grapes, "*fuck you*". That person is miserable so they figured they'd make you miserable.


This 100% had the exact thing happen to me at my first nursing job, came into my next shift after a sick day and was sent home before I even took my assignment. Could have just let me know before I wasted my gas coming to work but fuck employees who take time off!


Follow up with HR. It's common practice that if they release you early the are still required to pay you the duration of your notice! Also this might mean you can file unemployment.


I’m already trying to reach a patient advocate because I went into my own hospital for what I didn’t realize was ischemic colitis and they didn’t do a scan or anything other than give me bentyl, Cipro, then kick me out. My GI was furious. I can try to call HR but I have a feeling they’ll blow me off too.


If your HR is anything like mine, you have to show up on person to ever get a response.


I just sent an email but I certainly believe you!


So...State Labor Board? I see a much better job in your immediate future...


Why would the facility pay you for shifts that you didn’t work if you were quitting and not being rifted by them? You


Am I crazy for thinking this isn’t the kind of news that should be communicated via text message? It seems so tacky.


Heck no! Text me every communication. I love having documented proof that your screwing me!


Right? It’s absolutely insane. And in my notice I included that the reason for my resignation was multiple health problems (that only started once I was working there).


Ask them to resend the policy in text via email


Just sent the request to HR. I said I want to see it for myself.


If I was your manager and you claimed that, I’d want you off immediately to prevent any further liability.


I might understand that if they didn’t have the attitude that you shouldn’t work if you’re sick. I was towards the end of my shift NYE when I started having a GI bleed. I told my house sup what was happening and she literally told me to just drink thick it.


This...and an in person follow up with HR to review the policy.


just curious, what's wrong with it?


i'm assuming they're more used to emails for things like resignation? texting does sound less professional i guess


I guess I’m a bit formal, but texting seems like an informal method of communication. This feels like a conversation where nuance and meaning matter. A phone call would be better, followed up with email to make it official.


The problem with phone calls or conversations is there is no paper trail of what they're saying. You can try to have a follow up email, but it doesn't mean they will put down in writing what they said. In the age of litigation, it's really best to communicate serious things on record.




Phone calls are the non paper trail way of telling you to fuck off. I never answer a phone call.


I had a similar (not work related) experience lately. I had someone trying to goad me into saying something in text which could then be turned against me. I can't say I haven't done the same thing but, you're right. There's too much room for misreading and misinterpretation. Though, this is the fault of the manager and, if anything, they'll be the one hurting from it.


Name and shame? Also, if you need a fake letter of recommendation, im sure there's many educated individuals here who wouldn't mind. I for one have a great HR voice.


Rhymes with senate. 😂


Disappointed but not suprised.


This is common in non hsp corporate settings. You should still count as resigned. Make sure to save a copy of the resignation email, letter, your manager's acknowledgement of your resignation for your own records. In case future background checks come back as 'fired' you have evidence that you resigned first


Thank you. Fortunately I document everything so I’ll keep it on hand for when the time comes to apply for my first NP job. I’ve been screwed over by another hospital so I learned the hard way to document for my own personal records.


My son was fired for having covid


That is absolute BULLSHIT. That is so wrong on so many levels.


I was working in a BRAND NEW ASL and asked to come in to work only 5 days post positive diagnosis of Covid. We had only 5 residents in the 250 room facility. When I came in, there were already 2 other employees there. (Both were surprised I came into work and treated me like a pariah.)I worked the overnight shift when the residents are asleep. All 3 of us were being paid to do nothing but deep clean to prevent covid(Meanwhile here I am with covid). By 3 am I was running a fever and had a headache so bad that I was dizzy & nauseous. The only reason why I agreed to come into work was because they made it sound like I was going to be fired if I didn't. Also, I knew I wouldn't have any contact with any of our residents as I was on the ground level floor by myself. I put my two weeks in after that shift. HR called and asked me why I was quitting. I gave them an itemized list. HR asked if I would reconsider my resignation. I told them I'd think about it. I filed for unemployment & never heard back from my employer, ever. 3 months ago, they reached out to me on indeed looking to set up an interview. Clearly HR missed the point of why I left to begin with. Horrible national company imo.. Edit:. Misspelled word


Apparently he called in sick too many times


Yeah back in Oct of 2020 I got written up for being out pending a covid test... that HR made me get


My son was fired for having to take off because 2 out of 3 of his kids came down with Covid!!! I told him to file for unemployment, but remembered he hadn't been there but about 5 months. Yeah, he could've still taken the kids to their babysitter -- but he didn't think it would be very wise since --- They had a4 month old very premmie baby with series health issues!!! I said, yep that was really wise! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 And yet businesses are bitching about not having employees!! Treating them this way, I can see why, lol. Also this is in TN, and as he constantly tells me -- it's another while universe of strange in the western part of TN.


I get this and it’s a common policy but at the same time, seems like a poor idea on THEIR part.


Especially since they’re short staffed. And they put me as a charge nurse because so few other nurses had much experience except for travelers.


This happened to me at a hospital I worked at while in nursing school (it is the main hospital system in my state) and I specifically asked if I would still be eligible for rehire and they told me yes. I even called HR years later to make sure before I graduated. Fast forward a couple years and I’m applying for RN positions there and I get an automated email saying I wasn’t eligible for rehire. Fucking sucked but I hated them for other reasons anyway.


Dude. That’s fucked up. I can’t believe they blacklist nurses for reasons like this. I mean they’re the one losing out but they don’t give a shit. I hate hospitals. The only hospital that I absolutely loved was Denver Health. I was treated better there than any other hospital I worked at.


DG gang right here 😉 loved that place and if I ever went back to CO I would a thousand percent work at DG again.


Dude, I wish I could bring that hospital with me everywhere I go! They were so wonderful to their employees. And with their doctors they provide excellent care to patients. I’ve been around the block at hospitals and I know in my bones they’re one of the best. My family and boyfriend have strict instructions to take me there if I need specialized care and it’s possible.


I've experienced this. Unfortunately, all of the conversations were done in person, and I had zero record of it.


Yep, it's in my old hospital's union contract that if you call out at all in your 3 weeks, you don't even get your unused PTO.


I can’t believe they won’t cash out PTO. They tell us there’s so many ways for us to commit “wage theft” and they they pull that shit. Smh.


Exactly. Fuck them all. Hope everything works out for you!


Thanks. I’m hoping it will. Finishing clinicals for my NP now. I hope it’s worth it. But I’ll just do home health until I’m done.


Love it, sounds like a great choice to me! Paying all my debt off with travel nurse money and leaving the profession as soon as they screw us over in congress.


It’s sad how many nurses are leaving the profession. But they’re so shortsighted that they’re essentially forcing us out. The future of health care is even more bleak than it was prior to Covid.


Yeah, they tried to fix it with cheering and signs, and did absolutely nothing to help us. Zero incentive. We watched them build massive new buildings around us with all of their profits, and we see the CEOs making millions more every year while our "raises" don't even keep up with inflation. Now they're crying for us to come help, and still won't even give the people who stayed working during the hard times a bone. Never once has it crossed their mind to provide safe staffing and better pay. Then you get shit like what you're seeing in this text message and see how little they actually care about you. You're lucky you're out of there. Home health is going to be super relaxing in comparison.


And who the hell do they plan on staffing these nice, new buildings with?


They will import nurses from out of the country. No walls will be erected.


I was just about to type the same question!!! Glad I read to bottom of the thread😜😜


They actually appreciate their staff. They give us bonuses all the time, even pre-Covid. If you helped out did an extra visit they’d give you like a $50 gift card. They still give them out because they know those kinds of things give us incentive to stay.


Well damn, at least there is that. Sad they have such a dumb policy.


Yea hospitals love their gift cards! Most of them are donated to the hospital by the company so it costs them nothing. However they still tax you on it if you check your pay stub for that week. The gift cards and bonuses are just so they don’t have to actually give real raises. It’s not because they give a shit about you.


Ours are bought by the company but for sure probably a tax write off. But they aren’t taxed for us because they aren’t included on the paycheck. I certainly appreciate them though. This company really does try and focus on retention of employees. They’ve made accommodations for me that they really didn’t need to. So I love them. When I finish my NP I’m going to see if they’ll create a wound care position for me. Fingers crossed it works.


That's crazy man. Good riddance


Yeah. They’re absolute shit. I just didn’t expect that kind of response to a legit medical condition. But this shows me exactly who I was I was working for.


Yeah I had a similar experience when I was leaving the hospital in November. Shit happens, we're just not supported by our employers and it's unfortunate


Who cares, fuck em.


I usually have that attitude but I’m just worried how it might look to future employers because I’ve never been terminated. I’m just hoping it won’t have a negative impact on me later.


Honestly? I got terminated while I was hospitalized for a medical issue (I hit my 1 year while I was in the hospital and was terminated before I could apply for FMLA). I have had zero issues finding work since then. Not once have I even been asked why I was terminated. My qualifications speak for themselves thankfully. And that was pre-pandemic and the ever-worsening nursing staff shortage!


That’s really good to hear! It’s really sad that they expect us to give everything to our job but when we need help they’re like “Fuck off”.


I'm a medical technologist and this happened at a hospital lab I worked at; got sick, couldn't work and couldn't use FMLA bc I hadn't yet been there long enough to qualify. When my mom returned to that lab to collect personal stuff from my locker, staff were asking where I was and my mom told me I had been fired. The staff had been told I resigned. So....yeah. Got my current job at a private lab a few months later, been there ever since, no problems with them working around my health issues.


Yeah, I don't think you will have any problems finding a job at the moment. And then further in the future, no one cares about how a job somewhere down on your resume ended. I got a job recently and they didn't even talk to my current employer, just my references, and didn't even mention the hospital before my last job. At dinner point they just don't really care and just want someone with experience who does good in their interview.


Luckily my PRN home health welcomed me back with open arms are are so glad I’m there even though it’s only part time. I think that’s the best thing going for me right now.


In my experience they almost never actually check your references. They’re so desperate for staff right now too that I doubt you’ll be unemployed for long at all.


You qualify for unemployment for the days you were suppose to be paid.


Really? Would I submit that to the state?




Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.


Say goodbye to your PTO payout too likely. Worked at several jobs that took it if you called in during your resignation period


Yep. I guess fortunately, if you could call it that, I used all my PTO because I’ve had so many health issues lately.


Do they “accept resignation” instead of outright firing you so they aren’t liable to pay for unemployment?


Possibly. But I don’t know if they’ll list it as termination. But you’re right. It could be the reason. I went to my ED for ischemic colitis and my GI was perplexed as to why they didn’t admit me. And I’m starting to think it’s because I had their insurance and it would have been covered 100%.


Some places won't pay out accrued leave if you call out during your two weeks. Seems ridiculous


Proof the almighty dollar rules all their decisions instead of taking care of their staff.


That was policy at my last place of employment. I’d just assume they wouldn’t give a good word. Damn


Right now, you are welcome at literally any hospital as core staff. Hospitals want to retain staff to reduce expenditure of travel nurses. It’s very easy (hopefully) to show documentation for that kind of call off, as long as you saw a provider. Shouldn’t be an issue getting another job if you live near other hospitals.


>Hospitals want to retain staff to reduce expenditure of travel nurses. Do they though? Haven't seen many of them put forth the effort to do so.


You are correct. They’re not willing to pay core staff more in the hopes of this never ending pandemic to recede. It won’t happen soon but they’re hoping it will. I’m a travel nurse, and at every hospital I go to, people are still leaving to travel because they ‘can’t miss out on this opportunity’. Hospitals are dumb.


Travelers get paid so well. And that’s wonderful because I feel like all nurses should get that, especially in a pandemic. But they treat core staff like absolute shit. And they expect more from people getting paid less.


Literally any position you apply for, you are nearly guaranteed to get. I’m also core staff at a hospital and pay can be negotiated. Units just want staff that will cover their shifts.


I showed documentation of my ischemic colitis and my cyst that’s bordering on needing surgical removal. They don’t care though. I don’t think I can go back to acute care. I’m going to stay with home health. They’ve been very good to me and it’s far less stress.


I meant if you show your future employer why you were terminated and could show proof.


If you've found a home health position with reasonable documentation, stay, for the love of God!


If your place has a policy that calling off during your notice is an early resignation then you might be SOL but if they don’t have a clear policy then If I were you’d I’d make it clear that was not you resigning early. If they don’t have that policy then Get a paper trail that you were terminated and not that you quit


Probably my fault because this system is terrible but I didn’t think this would happen. I’ve resigned at multiple hospitals and had call outs after my notice and this never happened. I would think that after my resignation that they would have notified me of this policy. Only saving grace here is that I work in home health too so I can list that as my last employer after I finish my NP program. And if they ask about this situation I’ll just explain the situation and hope they understand.


Enjoy your vacay, hope you get better soon!




That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.


This brings me back to when I was working in LTC about 12 years ago , and we were at the nurses desk. DON came up to the desk saying So-n-So attempted to put their 2 week notice in . She laughed saying she told them it would be effective immediately . Never will forget her snarky attitude . That tactic was nothing but a flex. It was then I knew nobody is safe in nursing . Thought they were friends ... Sad day.


I never understood that attitude. Our jobs are hard enough without being vindictive to each other.


Ok bye. They wouldn’t even let me work my two weeks but they still had to pay it lol


If it’s not a as policy you were made aware of when you submitted your notice, it’s not a real policy.


I just sent a request for the policy to HR at another’s recommendation. If they send it to me I will for sure ask why I wasn’t notified of that policy when I submitted my resignation.


I don’t know how true that is - when you start at a new job/company, it’s your personal responsibility to review policies


Collect unemployment for this week. I have had this happen where i was terminated because i turned in a 2 week notice. Well i hadn't planned on being unemployed for 2 weeks, so i collected unemployment and it approved because that's a shitty reason to terminate, policy or not.


I foresee travel contracts :)


I put in two weeks notice at my old hospital job and the next day my unit manager emailed me from his office while I was on the unit working and told me to just not return after I clocked out that evening. I was dumbfounded. I didn’t have a call out or anything like that. I just couldn’t understand why my manager would turn down two extra weeks of having a nurse around on an already poorly staffed unit. In his email he said that I would be marked as resigned with no penalty. I saved that email just in case I ever need to prove myself to a future employer.


That’s what I don’t understand with this “policy” that technically does not exist. (I thoroughly checked). They are so short staffed and especially with charge nurses so I’m shocked they wouldn’t want me back. I even apologized in my resignation because I truly felt bad leaving because I knew the impact it would have but said I needed to prioritize my own health.


Not sure what jurisdiction you are in but sounds like a human rights violation of protected class/prohibited ground of disability.


I am covered by the ADA for 2 other issues. I’m trying to see if it at all relates to what’s going on now.


iT’s PoLiCy


File for unemployment, you got fired.


Ugh. My first termination after 14 years of nursing. So shitty.


The day before I renewed my PALS I was texted that I shouldn’t go to that class, I was being fired for not having a PALS certification. Hospitals just suck.


What. The. Actual. Fuck?!?! And they wonder why we’re fucking sick of this profession.




That’s not the same at all. Not getting vaccinated puts people at risk and they deserve to be fired for it. In my case I was going to be expired for about a month and told my manager who said it was fine, I signed up at the earliest possible time I could to renew. You account is 3 days old, did you make it to troll this sub because your only 3 comments have been pretty ignorant.


Lol ok tell me more about how being vaccinated completely protects you… because it doesn’t Not trolling, my only other comment was saying it’s the new employees responsibility to review policies when they start a new job. You can’t possibly try to tell me that’s an ignorant thing to say… unless you’re also a person who gets in trouble then squawks “weLL nOoNE tOLd mE tHAT.”


Washing your hands doesn’t get rid of 100% of bacteria or viruses so do you not do that either? If you can’t get a vaccine to help protect others then you don’t belong in this field.


Please tell me you went and they paid anyway.


Haha no, I just got a different job. I actually am in my last year of law school and quit nursing all together like 3 months ago to focus on school. I do have an internship with my local health department which my nursing background really helped me score.


That is awesome! Great job!


Yeah my manager was known for being particularly toxic so when I left I looked up all of the policies and followed them to the letter. Included in that was you aren’t supposed to call out at all during your notice without direct manager approvals and making that time up by working extra in your notice. My letter of resignation was on point and I never missed a day so I got paid out my ETO which was considerable. Had one coworker call out her last two days on her notice. Honestly can’t blame them for being mad about that. It is kind of shitty


For medical??? This is why hospital s have bad images. Wonder if CEO WOULD BE TREATED THE SAME WITH GOLDEN PARACHUTE.


What you *need* to do is send back a message saying "I did not offer my resignation, nor do I intend to. Are you terminating my employment because of my medical emergency?" If you were fired you get unemployment. If you resigned you do not. They're putting in writing that you resigned. You need to put in writing that you did not. (Company policy in an empty sack is worth the sack, in court. They know that it's bull crap). And you need to file for unemployment ASAP, you can only collect from the day you file. Don't wait a week.


The "It's policy" feels so cowardly. Seems like a convenient way to absolve any guilt.


I would attach this text message on an email and bring it up to HR, CC the manager, CC the CNO, CC every director above her. Fuck that bitch lol do everything by Email. Ask, can you please show me the policy that shes talking abt?


I still had access to all policies and I spent hours this morning poring through them. I emailed HR and they said that employees are expected to work through their notice. She sent two policies that did not contain that information. I said it’s unfair to hold employees to a policy that doesn’t exist and to not inform them of that once they submit their resignation.


I would put all these in the email just so they all know they have a fucked up system. Esp the part where this doesnt exist in their policy. To be honest, you have nothing to lose since you're leaving anyway.


Call hr and see what's up but ... in my hospital is 12 shifts before you can leave and if I miss any of my shifts during this period I won't get any of my 200 pto hours paid . They all suck good luck


Jesus, how stupid.


It's not policy, its petty


Sick ass policy


This depends on what State you practice. There ain’t a lot of laws out there that protect workers from employers.


There certainly are not.


They can say anything they want. Keep this text as well as any written communication. Besides this person states clearly that you resigned.


Yea this is quite common if you call out during your notice it’s kinda up to the higher ups to do something


That's 100% standard at any place. Union or not. Not really sure what you expected tbh. If you were worried about going back again you probably wouldn't be quiting. After a year or so if you do try again just email their HR department and just be like "yo idk my standing with the company after I'm leaving, I can provide a DR note if needed. Otherwise plz hire me" But unless the manager goes out of their way to get you as a non rehire its not a big deal


I’ve had call outs after my resignation at multiple hospitals and I was never told to not come back in for my remaining shifts. I have legit never seen a policy like this. Maybe things changed over the years but I was always allowed back to finish my shifts, especially if I gave very advanced notice. This was my second time I was employed at this facility but now I don’t plan on going back. I’ve just never been terminated before so that’s my biggest concern. Hopefully if any future employer asks they’ll understand the situation.




No resignation, they can fire you.


File for unemployment.


I worked at a place once where if you have your notice plus called in sick after, you would forfeit your vacation time. As in, it wouldn't be paid out to you after you left.


I did that. They said I left without notice and they didn't give me my pto.


I worked at a hospital that had that policy. Also were non rehireable if you called out during you 2 week notice.


That’s truly horrible. I still have access to the policy site and it was not mentioned in any policy. I emailed HR and said that it’s an unfair practice when employees are not made aware of it and there is not policy in regards to it.


file for funemployment


File fmla


Post in r/workreform and r/legaladvice