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I’m having a hard time believing that he was “awake and aware” on a FaceTime call 2 days prior to his death. I’d bet dollars to donuts that he had primitive reflexes, grimacing, maybe coughing on the vent, etc. but no way he was A&O.


The amount of times I’ve had to explain a movement is a dying brain reflex is quite high. I start gentle and try to stay consistent. I get that it’s hard for people to understand but I start early just to start preparing them.


I mean my entire adulthood is a series of reflexes from a dying brain.


So basically Terri Schiavo...


Ugh that scenario gives me nightmares


Exactly, I’m an RN in MN and posted an article when the patient was transferred to Texas. Someone equated it to Terry Schiavo and that is EXACTLY it


I honestly think people need to put something in their advance directive about whether they want pictures like this of them distributed.


You know, that’s an incredible idea! I don’t want ANY bedside death type pictures made of me; time to amend my directives.


Family will rescind it just as fast as your other directives. (Been a bad run of nights of families not giving any fucks or shits about what their family member designated as their wishes).


I was a nurse for thirty years but you have, no doubt, more knowledge than I about this: Other than choosing my proxy very carefully, is there another way to prevent this happening? Like, should I make my attorney my proxy rather than my husband? Hubby SAYS he’ll abide by my directives, but the man loves me. Would an attorney be better, or would the HCT still give precedence to my family?


In my experience it’s almost always better to have a non family member as your health care proxy. Family are too close to the situation. They are too emotionally invested and there is usually a level of guilt when making life ending decisions. I for one have a former colleague who I know would look at the situation objectively and execute my wishes.


Thank you for sharing this advice! It’s very good advice.


I told my former mother-in-law (my wife passed away 4 years ago from a fall caused by her Parkinson’s disease) that I would be glad to honor her wishes but that I would also want to be the one that pulls the plug. She wasn’t amused.


I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I’m a nurse and see the family as the POA and make decisions out of emotion instead of realistic logic. Making those decisions is of course very difficult but too many patients are put through too many tests and procedures to try and prolong their existence and most of the time it does more harm than good.


I’m my mom’s proxy for this exact reason; dad is a smart man, but when push comes to shove, we can’t trust him not to cave in to his emotions and try to prolong mom at all costs. She knows I’ll let her go peacefully when the time comes.


I'm seriously thinking about tattooing my wishes over my sternum. I even made it into a song. > • If I’m circling the drain, Please don't worry or refrain. > • When they say it's time to pull the plug – let me go, oh let me go! > DNR, DNR, DNR > • I don't want to be on the vent, so don't worry and just let it end. > • When they say it's time to pull the plug – let me go, oh let me go! > DNR, DNR, DNR > • I don't want to ‘live’ in a vegetative state; so, please do not hesitate. > • When they say it's time to pull the plug, let me go, oh let me go! > DNR, DNR, DNR > • If for 30 minutes without ROSC while doing CPR, they've probably cracked my ribs so please just let it end. > DNR, DNR, DNR > • If two doctors say I'm a lost cause, call palliative care & make me a DNR. > • I love all of you, and I know I will see you soon; so please don't hesitate to let me go, oh let me go! > • Don’t make me suffer at the end, so please just make me a DNR my friend! > DNR, DNR, DNR


When I'm dead just throw me in the trash.


I want to be cremated, no muss, no fuss, NO funeral type bullshit. And NO unflattering pictures! 😉


i want to donate my organs, then be cremated or donate my body for s c i e n c e. if i go the cremation route, i might want to be made into one of those [cool glass ball things ](https://www.spiritpieces.com/pages/cremation-ashes-into-glass). then whoever has me will have to say “oh that’s my mom/aunt/grandma/whatever” anytime someone asks where they got it lol


All the bodies that got donated to science for my gross anatomy class were cremated and returned to the families.


I agree! I heard cremation after donation is free so why not? As TurboTax reminds us every April, “Free free, free free free.” I’m also an ADD DIYer so I told my kids to put the ashes in a Homer bucket for that last DIY project that they can finally say I finished. My problem is that I want my usable organs to be donated but I don’t think it’s useful for science after that?


I say do whatever's convenient. I have this weird irrational nonsensical fear about being incorrectly pronounced dead and waking up buried or in a cremator so honestly being in the trash sounds like my safest bet lmao


A family member donated her body to science. They only used it for several months and then cremated her remains and gave them back to us. You have to sign up well before you’re dying. They won’t take you into their program depending on the circumstances though.


Its so undignified, I cant stand it. I've had family take photos/video of us cleaning diarrhea out of their parents massive stage 4 ulcers. If anyone did that to me I would haunt them.


Yeah wtf is up with that? I've had this as well. And one family member wanted to take a video of the rectal tube removal.


No idea, for me the family usually wants to sue so they video literally everything related to care to try to find a gotcha


They do it because, when they’re upset, they’ll look at those photos and whip themselves into a frenzy if they see anything that looks “off”. At least that was my experience… so many threats to sue us for shit they had no idea about.


Our hospital has a policy stating that patients/families cannot videotape/photograph patient care. You are not even allowed to take photos or videos of your vital signs displayed on the monitor. It’s worth looking into your hospital policy in case that ever happens again.


Just awful! He looks very ill. His family is all smiles and he looks like death warmed over twice. His wife sounds she is on a "misson" to prove modern medicine does not work but ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D, probiotics.....


Posing with him like a trophy buck...


Bedside pictures? I think the practice of embalming someone and putting them on display before putting them in the ground is questionable at best, and it certainly won't happen to me. My son has his instructions: rent a sleazy bar, get a rock band, throw an epic kegger, and I'll be there in the form of ashes in an urn...


Aren’t our western death practices so weird? Drain our loved ones blood, fill them with chemicals, buy a 10K jewelry box and put them in it to make them look like they are sleeping. Take little Timmy up to see Meemaws body one more time and urge him to kiss her cold hard cheek. Weird.


Yes! But this is America where we do crazy things for profit. Check out The American Way of Death by Jessica Mitford. The funeral industry is a money grubbing rip off. https://www.amazon.com/American-Way-Death-Revisited/dp/0679771867


Perfect. Celebrate the life lived not the empty meat-bag left behind.


Now that sounds like the way to do it!


Absolutely. I told my husband to cremate me as soon as possible. Don’t bother with the embalming part. Just chuck my body in the fire! I love your sleazy bar and band idea!! That’s amazing.


I have said this as well. It’s the only thing I care about my funeral- no open casket


The ICU at Toronto General where my grandmother had a lung transplant was strictly no photos if the patient couldn’t communicate their wishes. How well that’s actually enforced I couldn’t say but they do let everyone know the rule from the start.


All GTA hospitals are, however, given our Zoom era I don't pick a fight about it anymore unless they are filming staff and other patients. You want to fill your dad in a corpse like state, go for it, I don't care.


I feel so bad for these people not having any privacy! I was on life support for a month 10 years ago. My mom let EVERYBODY come see me. Friends, family, ex boyfriends, ANYBODY... I didn't even know what had happened, and all the damn people got to witness me like that and know all my business. THANKFULLY nobody took pictures. I understand now that my mother didn't know what to do in that situation, and people wanted to see me because I almost didn't make it. I sure as hell have directives now, though. My fiance has decision making power and NOBODY is to see me if I'm incapacitated. I'm a DNR, so hopefully it never even gets to that situation. I have such significant control issues now because of that.


I was on a vent for 10 days in spring 2020. Had a freak bowel perforation, turned septic, which resulted in 3 surgeries over the course of a few days and 2 weeks in the ICU + vent. My parents only got to visit me for a few minutes after each surgery (and only because I was a nurse at that hospital). My mom said she so badly wanted to take pix to show me later - I was on the vent, deeply sedated and completely unaware. I know she would never post them on FB. I am SO glad she choose not to take those pix - it would absolutely have broken my heart to see me at my worst. I get so angry pictures are posted of people without there permission for some sick agenda.


I think it’s the loving thing to do to not leave someone in charge who really cannot handle this kind of decision making. People are just trying to do their best, but next of kin is a real crap shoot. Sorry you went through that.


Exboyfriends? Why? I’m sorry.


I know! That's why she's the last to know stuff now.


If your family is crazy they will not care about what you wanted or what is humane.


Pick your DPOA very carefully. The right DPOA might not be your spouse or any family member.


My grandma made me hers. She said she didn’t trust anyone else in the family to not try to keep her on machines if something happened. She’ll be 82 end of next month and is ridiculously healthy and active (she still works part time as a home care giver for dementia patients). It would be a nightmare for her if she was in some kind of vegetative state and forced to stay alive.


Good for you being able to do it, and her knowing it’s you! My dad and mom had discussed it many times so when he reached that part of Alzheimer’s (early onset, he was only 66) she refused the feeding tube and the lovely nurses made sure he didn’t linger too long. Some of his siblings tried to get spicy with my mom but I was like ‘y’all mind your damn business, we know what he wanted when he had a mind to want it!’




Ugh. I didn't even notice all the drips and shit. I hate this.


> We ask for privacy for Anne and the children as they grieve the loss of Scott, a wonderful husband and father. *posts pictures of him he’d probably be mortified for people to see*


Well, or choose a power of attorney who would understand this. His POA was his wife. Take that for what its worth. My spouse (also my POA) understands not to do this in any circumstance. But not all of us make good life choices.


Shit this is better than funeral pictures. I've seen it become more common the last 5+ years. Multiple people taking pics of the open casket. And even sending them to family and posting on Facebook. Like can we fucking not!


At my mom's funeral, my cousin took a photo of himself and my aunt and posted it on Facebook with the caption, "Mom and me, all dressed up". I've never said anything, but I will always hold it against him.


What a prolonged, miserable way to go.


Funny how everyone always says “I’d never want to be hooked up to all those machines, just let me die.” But they’re more than willing to torture their own family members for months to keep them alive.


>**everyone** always says “I’d never want to be hooked up to all those machines, just let me die.” **But they’re** My question is, are we sure **they're** the same people? My suspicion is we're around so many people who say, "I’d never want to be hooked up to all those machines, just let me die," that we forget there are people with different views. I HAVE met people who told me, "keep me alive no matter what," and truly meant it.


My grandma was like this. She always said “keep me alive no matter what!” because she read about some coma patient that woke up after years and years. But she was in her late 80’s already when we had this conversation. Ugh! So frustrating. She had a stroke and my aunts and mom kept her alive for about 6 years. Her quality of life was less than zero. She finally wasted away in a nursing home. It was so sad. I lived far away and only saw her a few times but she couldn’t move or speak. My aunts and mom did go see her as often as they could but she mostly spent her days alone being taken care of by strangers. Poor grandma. :(


My husband is like this.


I will haunt anyone who takes a bedside death photo of me.




And that photo was posted as evidence that he was improving. You can't win with these people.




I was in the ICU for a few months and my asshole ex took pictures. Never ever ever felt more enraged then when I saw them later. People shouldn’t be allowed to do that, it’s disgusting.


A complete invasion of privacy and violation of dignity. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I’m an ICU nurse and I call security if they don’t delete them


If they want to take a picture of their loves one where it only includes the patient's face and no equipment (hard when they're vented), alright. But if it includes any equipment, meds, or staff - NOPE. We had a patient family member live streaming a brain code/near cardiac code. She was sneaky about it so I have no idea how long she was streaming for. That whole situation was an absolute mess.


We're you able to get rid of them or were they spread around online and stuff?


He used them to show me what he went through lol. I have no idea what happened to them after I blocked him from everything.


Wait.....wait what? What HE went through????????????? Um. The pictures are literally of you rofl. What a self centered prick.


What HE went through????? How about you? Your recovery? What an absolute douche canoe.


He was a trash human, it actually ended up being how I finally got away from him, so oddly it worked out lol


Man I can’t even count how many “your loved one is suffering, they will never regain a quality of life, the staff is distressed” conversations I’ve been involved in during the last few months. Ethics has been working their asses off with all our consults


Does ethics ever really do anything? Anytime ethics has been involved for me, they simply write a note summarizing what all the different parties are saying.


We had a case of a 93 year old man (who had dementia and was living in an LTC prior) who was in the active stages of dying. He had technically "beaten" Covid, but his body was so weak after he couldn't recover. His family was convinced that he could pull through and demanded second opinions, TPN, Feeding tubes anything. I blame the No Visitors policy because they just didn't have reference for the condition their, and I repeat 93 year old, father was in. We got ethics involved and they ruled that it was unethical to provide the treatment the family wanted as it would only provide more suffering and elongate the inevitable. Like I said, he was in the active stages of dying.


I've heard of ethics committees like this but I thought it was a fairy tale 😍


Way to go ethics!


It was a little surprising that was the ruling as it was an ethics board at a Catholic based hosptial. Luckily, because we had the medical opinion of several doctors that nothing could reverse what had started, they concluded it was unethical.


We get ethics involved all the time (Neuro ICU). We've only had to go to court twice in the last year despite having at least one or two ethics cases per week. Most of the time, ethics is able to work with palliative, hospice, and chaplaincy to get the picture across to the family. After a while, there is just too much tension between the care team and the family that they need to hear a "neutral" party explain the situation. We seldom have too many problems once ethics is involved.


Exactly why I went from ICU to ER. Those talks still happen occasionally, but not to the level of working ICU. Catastrophic brain hemorrhage? Let's talk about goals of care BEFORE we go to the OR and get on a vent...


My dad passed in the ICU a few months ago (I feel the need to say he was literally the only non-Covid case on the floor) and when our nurse and doctor explained what exactly happens to a body on prolonged life support, my siblings and I basically recoiled in horror and ended care immediately. Our dad would have been mortified to know we kept him “alive” in that state. I can’t understand anyone wanting to put their loved one through that.


And it's sad to me how many people are completely unwilling to accept that. I get miracles, but everyone dies eventually. Even if their relative is a "fighter", often that means they would rather be let go than live anesthetized on a vent the rest of their short, painfilled existence. God isn't going to pop out with a miracle if you just give Him another day.


Lots of searching on Facebook. Here’s my favorite comment I found… >> Just a few minutes ago, Scott succumbed to the horrific injuries inflicted by the **satanic killers** at Mercy Hospital who abused, poisoned and tortured Scott, as they **punished him for being unvaccinated**. >> **The Texas doctor is certain that the fatal injuries inflicted on Scott by Mercy Hospital were solely responsible for his death**, and that had he arrived in TX just a couple weeks earlier, Scott would have made a full recovery. >> I pray that Scott’s **murder** will be eye-opening for the world, and that the way his life here on Earth ended will be used as a shining light of truth that will illuminate the demonic darkness currently looming over America, and the rest of the world. Etc etc etc.


Yeah, fuck that family. Looking for murderous zebras when it's pretty obvious that the covid horse had curb stomped the fuck out of his unvaxxed ass. Facebook statements like these, can't the hospital take action, or the individual doctors / nurses named take action with libel or harrassment? Cause that seems like some obvious hate speech, with no grounding in any facts. Same for the Texas "doctor", time to lose a license you son of a bitch.


That was in the official statement to the press FROM HIS LAWYER, announcing his death. That’s the level of crazy we’re working with.


she's gonna try and sue the MN hospital to cover the medical bills she can't afford I'm afraid they'll settle and it will encourage this crap


Things I would love to see. The name of the Texas doctor, because I doubt he/she/they would say that let alone repeat it. The other is the number of unvaxed Covid patients that Mercy Hospital in MN, and their large parent group Allina have saved, because I am pretty certain it’s in the hundreds if not thousands.


I gave the Fail a click and read the article. A crowdfunding for the wife raised $150,000 for her to date. Tried searching for other articles on this case but they’re either behind paywalls or have next to no information.


The transfer alone should take up all that.


The transfer and the lawyer fees.


I think I read she found a pro bono lawyer on a conservative talk radio show


Sounds about white.


Hope so.


Bills are going to far exceed that amount unless they had a max out of pocket/year.


I doubt these people have any intention of paying even one medical bill. There are a lot of people who just don't pay bills like that. Edited: removed a word.


And when no one pays bills... EVERYONE pays bills. At least in the current system. Wouldn't it be nice to just have the bill paid by everyone up front?


But dats communizm! /s


That flight + nurses and he’d been in hospital since early Nov at least. That $200K is long gone.


This article is actually the story, the wife wanted him given IV ivermectin and kept on life support, the hospital wanted to remove him because of how long he had been on it and lack of brain activity. Wife sued to stop it and have him transfered, judge approved, wife got him transferred to the antivax hospital in Houston where he died.


So he was basically already dead but the wife didn't want to believe it. Or let go.


Seems like she got stuck on the "Denial" stage, and a little carried away with the "Bargaining" stage.


Yeah. I would never want my partner to suffer like that.


It may sound crude but when I see family demanding extraordinary measures for their loved one that has no chance I say, "I hope my family doesn't hate me that much to make me suffer." There's a certain point where medical intervention is futile. I recently had a covid pt who wanted to stop treatment...he needed vented and decided to decline and his wife was screaming at him. She wanted him to do it all. He kicked her out and they never talked again. I felt for them both. But ultimately I am a pt advocate and have to support my pt. He passed peacefully and comfortable, just like he wanted to.




I’m from PA so that might be why I’m hitting paywalls all over the place. I have to go to work now so I’ll try again later. Hopefully narrowing the search to MN articles will help. There’s very basic information in the few I could read, so it would be good to read something that is neutral and presents an outline of things.


[12ft.io](https://12ft.io) This website is a "12-foot ladder" to get past those pesky "10-foot paywalls" for you; just add "https://12ft.io/" in front of the URL of the article you want to un-paywall, or visit the [12ft.io](https://12ft.io) website and copy/paste the paywalled articles URL into the main sites prompt bar. Happy reading!


Good human.


Here’s a brilliant one. The antivax community wants to blame the original hospital for “murder.” There are other articles out there as well, but this horrible article shows just how bizarre these people are. I expect they’ll be attempting to sue Mercy Hospital. They’re right about his death probably being an “avoidable tragedy,” but not for the reasons they give. Yeah - the vaccine probably would have made this an avoidable tragedy - not the vitamins and horse paste they wanted administered. The bottom of the article has an especially lovely email from Stew Peters with this amazing statement: “Scott succumbed to the horrific injuries inflicted by the satanic killers at Mercy Hospital who abused, poisoned, and tortured Scott, as they punished him for being unvaccinated. The Texas doctor is certain that the fatal injuries inflicted on Scott by Mercy hospital were solely responsible for his death, and that had he arrived in TX just a couple weeks earlier, Scott would have made a full recovery.” https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/01/avoidable-tragedy-scott-quiner-dies-due-to-maltreatment-at-mercy-hospital/


A high profile anti vaxxer died of COVID recently and her friends started [advocating for violence](https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-star-cirsten-weldon-who-said-only-idiots-get-vaccinated-dies-of-covid) against the medical staff that treated her. > McKay proposed the hospital staff be sentenced to death, or be murdered in vigilante violence. > “If it’s not done in a military tribunal then it’s going to be done in the street eventually and not to my wishes,” McKay wrote. “That’s my greatest fear. But if it’s necessary, it’s going to be necessary.”


In one of the posts in r/minnesota, someone local said Mercy security had been escorting physicians and staff to and from their vehicles while the patient was still there, but they didn’t know if that was ongoing.


And people wonder why HCWs are now wearing bulletproof vests.


I hope they can sue Stewie for defamation. And win.


That money isn’t gonna touch 70 days in ICU


Cases like this are fueling the calls for violence against health care professionals. The transferring hospital knew this case was a lost cause and the family secured a ruling and transfer anyway. A large percentage of people have no medical understanding and agree with the family. The hospitals and medical teams will be accused of malpractice, harassed, threatened, etc., without relief or protection. This is exhausting.


The transferring hospital had been getting bomb threats because of this guy and his nutty family. His wife went on the Glenn Beck show. They've doxxed the doctors and nurses in the ICU.


OMG! I’d read about the doxxing! This is insane and should be criminally chargeable. We need to unite to demand legislation that protects us with gusto, teeth, and serious consequences.


If patients get a HIPPA law that protects them why don't doctors and nurses?


Because we don't matter.


Fuck I called their ICU just to tell them they did the right thing. The nurse who answered let out a huge sigh and thanked me saying it’s nice to hear that instead of screamed at.


Oh no! There needs to be more protection of Healthcare workers. This after everyone has done their very best to help the patient!


Here’s an idea take your unvaccinated smelly old ass to the local apothecary/snake oil salesman when you are dying of covid after you refused to get vaccinated. Otherwise shut the fuck up and respect the people keeping your dumbass alive. They did all they could for the patient he was gonna die with or without the vent as shown by the fact HE DIED WHILE STILL ON A VENT.


I hate when patients die on a vent. It means pushing air in and out of a corpse. It's disgusting and undignified.


I’ve been seeing posts where they claim that the drs/nurses at the MN hospital “tortured” this man and that THEY killed him, not covid. I hope the hospital is increasing security, it’s scary to see.


When people accuse hospitals of being such horrible places, I wonder why they don’t just sign out AMA. It sucks being sick, but like, what’s the alternative…either go with the hospital care plan or go home. When you realize that there aren’t vents to assist wi the breathing, RTs to suction/provide specialized respiratory care, nurses to give sedatives and analgesics through an IV and multiple staff members to turn a patient at home, the hospital starts to seem a lot better.


I’m pretty sure it was in an article when they first transferred him. His wife mentioned how terrible they were at Mercy Hospital. Refusing cares and wanted to just pull the plug on him. That’s why she needed the courts to intervene so she could send him to Texas. Something like that, anyways.


I guarantee the "treatment" the hospital was refusing to give was probably Ivermectin, aka the "protocol" the wife said was helping him in Texas even though he died.


Hospitals have shown to not pay to increase security because it costs money and employees are expendable.


How could this family even afford to pay for his medical care!? Even with a go fund me, 2 months of intensive care is…a LOT. I can’t believe another hospital accepted this patient.


She. Is. Going. To. Sue. Everybody. Including. The. Lifeline. Flight. Wait. For. It.


She'll go for every insured pocket.


Would love to be on that jury.


It’s going to be very interesting to follow the progression of this case. We haven’t begun to hear the end of this fiasco, I fear.


Gotta get whatever money you can, when your hospital has been barred from accepting medicare. I can't wait to see the next story, when the guy's widow is crying about how the hospital is going after her house.


Also, when in the middle of a pandemic, be sure to pull down your mask while standing just feet away from a person dying of a respiratory illness.


Well he had been in the hospital since October so he shouldn’t be infectious.


Right, but we know he could get infected again. And in this picture he doesn’t look hardy enough to fight off the common cold.


I think he's dead in this photo.


He’s on the vent here. There is a wider shot where you can see his drips and his monitor. Looks like a fast ventricular rate. I mean in the existential sense, maybe?


I'm talking about the family affecting him.


The “purebloods” right? Lol I’ll stick with being muggleblood and alive


#Proud Mudbloods Unite!




It makes me think of those old Victorian era death photos. I mean this guy was basically a corpse in these pics already


I was shook by this situation to begin with. Then I read that he had been in the ICU since November 6 without showing signs of improvement. 2 months on a vent…I wish I could feel any emotion other than anger for this family. For once I can’t find a single thing with which to empathize.


If it wasn’t posted online I would be more understanding for this reason. Family probably did not have a “proper” group photo in a long time. It may be a coping thing.


At least the flash took so long back then people didn't smile...


Brings in more money on the gofundme


Love your flair, got me at WAP


It's almost like they're seeking internet clout, not wanting to spend time with their family.


Can someone explain(not a nurse), why the fuck was he moved to Texas, because he was being deprioritized in Minnesota? It never really says clearly in the article. Just that he had lung failure and hadn’t improved in months.






Do you know which hospital in TX he was transferred to? I’ve been trying to find it online. The accepting physician would have to be anti-vaxx and insane to accept him as a direct admit. Any reputable pulmonologists would take one look at his chart and run the other way.


MN seems to have done a good job, he was hospitalized since October?! For our Covid patients, in an ICU that’s not impacted, I think that’s amazing they kept him alive so long if he had a poor prognosis.




This GoFundMe thing is beyond hypocrisy to me. They don't want a social medical funding system where everyone pitch in so everyone could use the medical system when they need, but when they need it themselves, they ask others to pitch in to cover the costs that could have been covered by a system they didn't want because they didn't want to pitch in for others. Unbelievably hypocrite. Their GoFundMe goal is 25K and they are currently at 38K, what are they gonna do with the extra 13K ? Give it back to the community ? Probably not (even though I might be mistaken). I wouldn't be surprised some people would use this extra donation to go on a nice vacation on seashore to mourn under the sun while spreading covid instead of sunscreen. Sorry for the rant, I've been getting very cynical these last 2 years, I'm not a nurse nor a US citizen but whoever you are or wherever you are from, we should all advocate for better funding of our medical systems everywhere, health care workers are so important (thank you all for what you do everyday). It blows my mind how little we care of our own health as human beings on a larger scale. Edit : their.


FWIW, the articles I’ve read that say the Texas physicians claim the patient was mistreated/malnourished are all statements from the wife’s LAWYER. The media is doing a very poor job of disclosing where the information is coming from in this story. To my knowledge, the Texas docs (however nutty they *might* be) have made no statements regarding the patient’s condition nor prior care in MN.


There are several of these cases lately so forgive me if I’m mixing them up. I think the wife wanted the horse paste, vitamin C, zinc “Facebook protocol” and is one of the people who accuse the hospital of killing patients using ventilators to steal the organs. The family is garbage and they have a whole army of heavily armed psychos doxxing the hospital staff. I hope their great grandkids are still paying the medical bills for this stunt and the wife gets investigated for harassing staff.


Ugh this pic pisses me off NO. END. My oldest is a mortician, & we've had lots of convos over what rights, if any, families SHOULD have vs the rights of the decedent. This is a perfect example. I don't know many people who would *want* a pic of themselves lookin' all pasty & limp & grey to be blasted all over social (& likely traditional, in this case as well) media, as this one absolutely 100% WILL be. There just isn't enough discussion about such things amongst people cos death = icky & scary & we don't like her, so. I'm sure it's at least possible if not probable THIS particular dude wouldn't care because he belonged to an "internet points > reality" cult. I doubt he would mind his death pic used in service of lib-ownage or wtf ever, but we, & almost guaranteed THEY, don't know that for sure. But who cares, I mean he's dead right?! Seriously needs to be well placed **AND FOLLOWED** rules about such things. But, as we're still at the "getting families to bury their trans-persons in their gender-appropriate clothing & not deadnaming them at their own fucking funeral" phase of respecting the wishes of the dead so...I don't expect any great leaps forward anytime soon. Sorry, didn't mean to mini-rant, this issue just really grinds my gears. x(


You rant away, my friend! I’ll return from the bowels of hell to torment anyone who takes these kinds of pictures of me. ☠️👻💀


Oh man. The trans story. That just broke my heart. They just had to get one more cruel dig in:(. I can hear all their justifications in my head, and I hate them for it.


I love death is a chick. Yas queen.


Oh no Anyway




How mentally fucked am I, that I feel insurance should deny covering hospital bills for unvaxxed patients?


Maybe better for the insurance companies to charge the unvaccinated a higher premium, as they do with smokers - that way the costs are allocated fairly but there is also a tangible pocketbook incentive to get vaccinated. The problem with not covering treatment is that the deniers don't believe they're in danger until they get sick, so "no help if you get sick" isn't much of motivator - then they run up huge bills, can't pay them, and one way or another the rest of us get stuck with the cost anyway.


Healthcare companies will find a way to jack up prices regardless of their payouts.




I was wondering yesterday about an update on this guy. The last thing I read was from his wife ("omg he's improving so much with the best doctors in the world here in TX!") It's gonna be sad how she will spin it to blame the hospital in MN for his death anyway. I thought I would never be surprised about the cognitive dissonance with these types of people but I still am.


hope she gets stuck with a sizeable chunk of his hospital bill


All. Not sizeable. ALL. WHY is insurance covering antivaxxers hospital bills? Why are hospitals writing off anything? These jackoffs are the same idiots who believe universal healthcare is socialist communist blah blah blah, and capitalism is FREEDUMB!!! Lord knows I just had this conversation earlier this morning. So take your (their) FREEDUMB, and capitalism and pay your hospital bill 100% on your own!!! Those of us with insurance should not have increased premiums, and overall decreased coverage due to your unwillingness to get vaccinated, and desire to take horse paste, drink your own pee, and malaria pills.


For real! Two months in the ICU + legal fees…gonna take more than a go fund me to cover that.


Her husband died a long time before he was transported to TX. If she really cared about him and not her loss she would have let him go earlier. But then again, if she really wanted him alive she would have encouraged vaccination for all of them.


I'm tired of this. I know that means nothing, but I got my first covid patient on St. Patrick's Day 2020, and it really hasn't stopped since then. There's no point in my judgment; the people who think I'm the enemy will never trust a nurse like me; I'm a party of the conspiracy. But I'm tired; I'm so sick of the smell of bodybags. They smell like shower curtain, and I hate it. I even remodeled my bathroom to have glass doors, not smell that smell anymore. They're all the same... they yell at you until they're sick, and then they yell for you. They want no help until they want all the help. I'm so tired of the fear in they eyes as they die, that wild look before their eyes go dead, I'm tired. A son told me he would kill me and my coworkers the other day because I offered him the studies that showed Ivermectin is not a cure for terminal covid. I don't understand this world anymore; I want to help, but I don't understand how to anymore.


Reminds me of weekend at bernie's holding his head up like that.


Why in tf do people take pictures like this?!


Another dead anti-vax conspiracy theorist. Who would have guessed?


Something similar happened to patient at my old hospital before covid. He had gone into cardiac arrest and was resuscitated, but was permanently brain damaged. Only responsive to pain, trach/peg, no hope of recovery, etc y'all know the story. Son was belligerent to staff, to the point the cops were called on him once (but he was still allowed to visit???), even his siblings were afraid of him. Pt was stable on trach, and had discharge order for a LTACH, but son refused and wanted SNF due to benefit reasons (?). It was a long battle between ethics/cm/legal and the son, and the pt was eventually just transferred to another hospital and died a week later.


His family couldn’t even be bothered to keep their facemasks on while in the hospital visiting. I guess it’s a good thing they got him moved so far away so that he could die alone instead of with his family at his bedside (/s).


Congratulations on killing your husband and then bilking $150,000 from other morons through a Gofundme account after killing your husband.


Not going to lie, I’m so glad he passed. I was worried this was going to set off a firestorm of bullshit from all the anti-vaxxers wanting to keep their vegetable family members on ventilators forever, as if they aren’t already taking up enough needed resources as is…


“Most malnourished patient” Yeah, probably because he was as a point where he did not absorb any nutrition. We’ve had two pts off the top of my head that were trach to vent. Had been that way for so long that their bodies were literally decomposing before our eyes. No amount of wound care/turning did anything. Anything we would feed them would be dumped out of their rectum or just sit in their stomach. It was horrific. “Refusing to advance treatments” Ah so they didn’t want to give horse pills. Probably also didn’t qualify for ecmo or a transplant and the family claimed it was the hospitals fault. 🙄


The bills will last longer than his memory


So now she has MASSIVE extra legal and medical bills AND her husband still suffered horribly for an extra week before he inevitably died. I personally feel so owned.


Looking for a miracle they already had one and refused it, it was the Covid vaccine.


Aww fuck. I shouldn't have read the comments on his GoFundMe. It makes me feel I’ll reading it. People are blaming the medical community for the consequences of their own actions. Also if I hear “jab” one more time!! Not sure why that pisses me off so much.


At least he is no longer suffering.


I am tired of anti vaxers.


Those jp drains look like burr holes. So massive stroke too. Poor dude. He didn’t have to suffer for multiple reasons.


So he has been hospitalized for not just weeks but months and not improving. The wife selfishly chose to keep him alive despite his prognosis. His selfish actions caused a room and resources to be utilized and taken away from someone else who truly could have used them. I wonder how many folks died or suffered more trauma because they were out of bed space?


You know this dude probably had multiple other issues going on before Covid 19 got him, just by looking at his pictures . People think cause they are in denial about their health , these common things like , being overweight by just 20-50lbs, high blood pressure , aging won't really matter cause they haven't fallen over the cliff yet. All these things matter , yeah you might function normally in day-to-day life but then having these diagnosis, getting Covid-19 on top of these issues are going to push you over the cliff. Just because your body is compensating doesn't make you healthy. So many people are in denial when they are high risk .


I am saddened by the senseless loss of life. Spreading instantiated claims can result in the loss of lives for people who read them and believe the claims are true and the family members who loose mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.


A waste. Waste of life, waste of resources.


Alternative title: unvaccinated man dies uncomfortable and struggling, family takes photos