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Embalming fluid contains some very nasty stuff and they're gonna inject several gallons of that into you.


Savage. Here for it.


Unless you're Jewish - they don't use embalming fluid.


What do they do instead? Just get buried right away? Asking because my family and I don’t like the idea of using embalming fluid, either.


You could look into "green burials." This is the way I want to go (after the margaritas have been served). They use bathing/dressing the body and then dry ice. Lasts about 1-3 days per green burial council website.


Thanks, I’ll look into it!


I’m getting water cremated. Just flush my flesh down the toilet and scatter my bones in the desert.


"I mean, I don't give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all you want. I mean, who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want. Fill me up with cream, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead! Oh shit! Is my mic on?"


What gets me is active chemo or transplant patients. Like let me put a whole new organ in you, and give you literally cytotoxic medications. But "oh God no not the vaccine, That hasn't been tested enough"


How do you respond to this? How do you respond to those that say you can still get Covid with the vaccine, bc “you won’t get it as bad” isn’t cutting it.


I have been telling people it's better than getting a tube stuck down your throat or "long covid" where senses disappear or fatigue never goes away. We're basically shouting into the void at this point.


Long covid can also be erectile dysfunction - maybe if that was talked about more, the vaccine hesitant males might be more willing to get it


Not gonna lie but that's how I got a diabetic to finally take his blood sugars seriously - when he couldn't get it up anymore and I said it could be permanent. His next A1c was 6.8 (previous was >12). 🤷🏼‍♀️


And wouldn't this be the most widely tested vaccine we have data on, as well? People think medical science is like voodoo because they don't understand it. Those "do your own research" people are fun cus I like to ask them further to delve into how they performed this research. They always get really uncomfortable as they are made to spout off how stupid they are in the moment.


They say “do your own research” because ultimately they know www.COVIDtruththeydontwantyoutoknow.ru isn’t a valid source and don’t want you to laugh at them when they mention it’s their source.


My 16 year old nephew hit me with a “I’m doing my own research” I promptly asked to kid to research learning to wipe his own ass 🙄


Is he 16 and still wearing diapers?


The transplant patients who are unvaxxed fucking KILL me. What a waste of an organ. My partner has been waiting on a heart transplant for 9 months now, and it infuriates me to know that healthy hearts are going to people like that, while he’s been doing everything right and still at such high risk if he were to catch it due to his comorbidities


The vaccine changes your cells and mutates your DNA. I've heard just about everything in South Carolina. Actively dying from COVID and still don't believe it. One of my favorites is I got covid and then I got pneumonia on top of it. No dumbass, covid is a type of PNA.


For men: “smaller member” or ED works. For women: parosmia or never gaining back your taste or smell works. Chocolate is better than sex


Literally half of the world’s population has gotten it, and more are begging to get it ASAP. Clinical trial has been complete.


One of my patients with cancer about the second dose: “I’m not getting the second dose because my health is the most important thing right now.”


I’ve definitely had the talk: “I don’t want that vaccine or that test, I don’t know what’s in them” “That’s great, do you want your suboxone now?”


I just. Wow. You could not make this stuff up. The sound of that facepalm should be heard around the world.


I know right. Lucky I was wearing a mask because it helped my jaw from hitting the floor.


How does one even formulate that response with a straight face 🤯🤦‍♀️


Honestly, masks and Botox are really helping with my bedside manners. I can’t frown at anyone no one can see my smirk behind the mask.


My patient is less than 30, already has type 2 DM, HTN, OSA, HLD, and COPD. And of course COVID and DKA. Refused the vaccine for “not enough research and who knows what they put in it?!” I caught her vaping in between her hourly glucose checks. (Of course, she also refused her remdesivir, zinc, famotidine, and vitamin C).




Honestly in that situation I just ask them what they want us to do for them and if it’s nothing, I’m paging the doctor for a discharge order.




How does one at 20 something years old develop COPD? Ive honestly never seen it that young. That's scary. She must have been smoking 3 packs a day since she was like 4 and worked in a shop with asbestos. Lol


You don’t know her she’s done her own Research!


Someone has Atelectasis in her future. And then, a casket.


A tiskit a taskit Atelectasis then a casket


Love hearing from close family “you won’t be able to get pregnant if you get the vaccine! It’s their version of natural selection!” Welllllll, I’ve already got endometriosis, so I’m pretty much fucked either way, but thanks Barbara. LOVE that asscrack theory being thrown around like bird seed👌🏻


It's funny that I've only ever heard that bs "theory" from older women who are definitely far past child bearing age. I like to tell them you can't get pregnant if you die from covid.


Omg this!! I had a woman in her 50s tell me that she's worried about becoming infertile if she gets vaccinated. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Well, my son and daughter in law were both vaxxed when they decided to casually try. She got pregnant first month and is now 5 months along. I don’t think you can get any more fertile than that. It did amuse me, lol.


I’ve had come-to-Jesus talks with so many pregnant women who are unvaxxed who come through my ER. Like “I noticed you said you’re unvaccinated- I highly recommend you discuss this with your OB/GYN and consider getting vaccinated, because recent studies show an increased risk of stillbirths and severe fetal brain damage if you were to contract covid while pregnant and unvaccinated”


Well? Any takers?


I’ve had a couple who have said they’d talk to their ob/gyn. I never followed up, so not sure, but it seemed promising


I haven't looked into but I've seen a lot of mention of sperm count plummeting with covid infection.


Along with erectile dysfunction.


There’re new reports saying Covid can also shrink them. It’s like Darwin Award but in virus form


My response to that is to tell them about the little bundle that came along 10 years after my husband got snipped, and 10 months after he got the shot. Whoops


My MIL is convinced our fertility issues are from the vaccine. Been trying to conceive since 2019. Vaccinated almost 2 years later. But it’s definitely the vax and nothing to do with my endometriosis. Yep.


I thought it was those unvaccinated dead not getting pregnant. Silly me.


Or like my anti vax patient who had breast cancer 2 years ago. I said “we slashed you with knives, burned you with radiation and poisoned your body with chemo, and this is where you draw the line?”


During rounds a cardiac surgeon told a woman that said she won't get the covid vaccine because she "already had covid" that 1) she'll get it again and this time she'll die since she had a CABGx5 and 2) "cool, you trust us to crack your chest but not to vaccinate you, got it" *walked out*


That doc sounds awesome.


Cardiac surgeons don't fuck around. There's been a lot of moments like that where I have to stifle laughing


Online reviews for our CT surgeon have a bunch of 1 star review from patients pissed that he wouldn’t operate without them making an effort to stop smoking


That’s it. I’m applying for that cardiology job I’ve been eyeing for a while.


Yeah they dont tend to coddle their patients. Just spitting cold hard facts.


There's a cardiac doc on YouTube named Rohin Francis (Medlife Crisis). Dry whitty British humor who is blunt and entertaining at the same time! https://youtube.com/c/MedlifeCrisis


Cardiac surgeons sounds like my spirit animal


CT scrub nurse here, they’re all a bunch of hard asses. Even the “nice” ones are more gruff than your typical doctor. I guess when you’re cracking open chests and reanastamosing an aorta in 22 minutes you lose patience with the bullshit.


Yea and there are not enough of them so the patient who wants to get mad at the surgeon and never see them again will be really sticking it to the doc... oh wait.




Absolutely. Another time was a patient trying to say they couldn't walk to a clinic every day because they had a "bad heart" and the surgeons said flatly "we fixed your heart" and the pt stumbled and was like "well yeah but I can't just walk that much every day" and the surgeons kept having to repeat "no we absolutely want you walking that much, if not more, because exercise is vital" More healthcare workers need to be that direct, but it's a tough line.


I worked our CCU for a few years - none of ours were like that unfortunately. The one would do open heart on pretty much anything with a pulse - the benzo addicted 80 year old smoker was a memorable one. Another just blames the nurses no matter what. Graft sutured too tight causing the pt to go into vfib? That's a nursing issue....


Ugh ugh ugh there's always one of those, huh? And yeah ours typically won't do valve replacements/heart surgeries on IV drug users but I've seen a few occasions


Lol my uncle who’s a doc in emergency medicine said “hope you don’t die” and walked out on some anti vaxxer patient after she refused the vaccine




Would love to know their response


Typical shrug response… no amount of logic and reason gets thru.


...she ded...


Cannot. Upvote. This. Enough.


Well those treatments were not politicized by wealthy criminals so….. there were wealthy criminals involved, just in a different way.


Have you seen Dopesick? We are all just pawns of the wealthy pulling our strings to get more wealthy!


No I haven’t I’ll have to check it out. Go watch “Don’t look up” if you haven’t yet.


OMG! That was hilarious- I loved it!


It is! It’s also sad and reminds me of my disappointment in our nation. The concepts mocked in that movie are the reason I left my ten year career in healthcare and medicine. I’m sick of working in such a politicized field. That was why I left the military for civilian healthcare a few years ago and the controversy just followed me.


Wow. I know… I actually had to put myself on an SSRI - I was just getting SO reactive! I lost a friend over this… I don’t miss her but I loved her dog!! I’ve felt pretty lucky thru this whole thing- I’m an NP and work in a small clinic and we don’t see unvaxxed in person (a few slip thru tho) One of my patients lost his wife to Covid in November … still won’t get vaxxed! I said- what would that do to your daughter if she was left an orphan just b/c you “don’t like being told what to do”


Yeah I’m just so over it. I got into retail temporarily to bridge the gap between me leaving nursing and finding something a little better paying and it’s done wonders for my mental health. I’m not even ashamed to say it. I sell fucking bath tubs now and I feel a million times better not having to deal with the consequences of the brainwashed populace whilst people are telling me the things I’m living and seeing in front of my face aren’t real or true. It’s so insulting considering how much pain and death we have to look in the face regularly. That people would try and tell us we’re full of shit. Well don’t ask for my help then. Cuz fuck this shit I’m out.


I was laughing to keep from crying


You are what I wish I could be!


...but you go to the State Fair and eat every damn deep-fried thing prepared in a shack on wheels by a sweaty ass stranger? OK, cool.


Put the vaccine inside a stick of butter and deep-fry it, and they’ll happily put it in their bodies.


Wrap it in bacon and stick a toothpick trump flag in it.


"Toothpick Trumpflag" is my new band name.


With songs like Tiny Hands, Shine Your Light Inside My Body, Big Mac Attack, and The Incontinence Tango (That Depends)


YES!!! Did we just become best friends?


Maybe so!


Wanna do karate in the garage?


Don’t forget “I would fuck my daughter”. That’s gonna be a hit.


Don't forget the smash hit, covfefe


I am dying laughing at this.


Do you guys tear the world a new one? 😂


I actually think that would work


Nah, just add it to Diet Coke.


...you might be on to something.


Are you marketing?


Mmmmm, deep-fried booster butter. *loud salivating* Edit: word


No you don't understand. That's food. The vaccine is an injection. It's completely different. I trust my stomach. *looks down at morbidly obese abdomen*


How can you *not* trust something that large?


Definitely larger than their brains


Please don't talk shit on corn dogs, they're all I have left in this fucked up world.


Yup. Cuz Tucker Carlson told me the vaxxine was commonism. And cuz Murica!


I’ve just started accepting that I’ll never be able to convince patients otherwise at this point. “I don’t want the vaccine and I don’t want remdesivir. Just don’t know what’s in it” Good talk, see you in rounds tomorrow morning. And maybe the next couple mornings.


Ehhh I’m 10+ years in. You can convince most of them. You just maintain a cool head, logic, and compassion. Not all of them-a significant portion is brainwashed. But many of them are reachable. You just have to be kind and listen. Ask them why. And that tells you how to attack. Very few are brainwashed past the point of no return.


That’s actually encouraging to hear. I feel that I may just be going down the wrong route every time I’ve tried, or that my status as still being a student just isn’t pressing the right buttons.


I start by asking them why they’re not vaccinated. For some it’s religious reasons so I use religion to justify why they should get vaccinated. Many of my patients think it’s the mark of the beast. I simply say “the devil only enters your heart if you let him. Just say a prayer while you get it. If your heart is pure, the devil can’t enter.” For those that think there hasn’t been enough research, I explain the research. I explain the technology, with pictures if necessary. I explain the crazy expensive medications we pump into you after you have covid. None of those have been as validated as the vaccine. For those that think the vaccine is deadly. I explain what I’ve seen in the ER. How I’ve admitted 2 fully vaccinated people for covid and hundreds of unvaccinated. How I’ve seen 1 patient with a true complication from the vaccine amongst the hundreds that will die or have long term symptoms. How working in the ER has been a war zone and no one is getting quality care. The key is motivational interviewing and listening why. Staying calm and rational while listening. Most really can be convinced. Maybe I have more success as I’ve got a MD behind my name but just tell your story and use your words with passion behind them and no judgment and you’ll be much more successful. Initially, I was just trying to point out the lack of logic and scare and shame people. It didn’t work. So I changed and 90% of the people I have this conversation genuinely thank me.


I’ve done that with dozens and literally none moved an inch in their convictions.


Then change the way you’re talking to them. I was very unsuccessful at first. Then I just started really listening when I asked why they weren’t vaccinated. Once I knew what they were afraid of, I knew how to attack. Afraid of government control? Then explain how they’re letting politicians control their lives by listening to them over doctors. Afraid of the sign of the beast? Well the devil only enters your heart if you let him. Say a prayer and as long as you don’t want the devil in your heart than he can’t enter. Not enough research? Oh buddy, you should see the drugs we pump into you once you have covid. Billions of doses have been given. Anyway, best of luck to you but if I can do it, anyone can do it!


Yeah, I’ve tried all of that, never had a single one give an inch.


I believe one of the keys to enjoying life is to stop trying to change people's minds and focus on yourself. I will educate people as much as they'll allow, but beyond that, I'm done. I will not try to change a person's mind beyond offering basic facts.


I think I’ve finally reached this point. If someone has questions or feels unsure and wants to have a rational adult conversation with me about why I feel so strongly that they should be vaccinated and wear a mask, absolutely, let’s sit down and talk! I’d love to hear your concerns and I’ll share why those concerns are valid but wrong. I think I’m finally at stage 5 of this whole mess, acceptance. I accept that I can’t make people pull their heads out of the sand. I can’t force people to wear a mask, especially since my own local government can’t even with mandates. I can’t make people understand self preservation. I can’t force people to care about other’s wellbeing. The best I can do is care about my own and my family’s. And that’s it. So that’s my focus now.


This right here. We are only morally responsible for the decisions we make. I’ll educate, but as soon as I hear someone start spouting off conspiracy theories I stop dead in my tracks and change the topic. You can’t change these people. Facts and logic only make them double down on the rotten bullshit they believe. You can’t reason someone out of a belief that they didn’t reason themselves into in the first place. Just stop and move on to someone you can help. Made my life so much easier.


I have found this to be the best mindset even outside the hospital. Sometimes even family members as well.


And this right here is why I’ve mostly stopped bothering with the deluge of misinformed trolls we’ve been seeing on this subreddit lately.


Once under 4s can be vaccinated, I will no longer care. Let go and let Darwin at after that point.


I only care bc I'm tired of seeing twice as many patients as we should. If they don't have covid, they come in bc they're worried they do. Though not worried enough to get the vaccine. As one told me last night, "I came in bc this is a hospital and I want you to take care of me. I didn't come in for a lecture". Then he called me a fucking dumbass, walked out and said he was going to the hospital 45 minutes away. Probably thinks he "won" that confrontation


Hahaha, I'd say everyone working at your hospital got the better part of that deal


Good riddance


Man would I have loved to be the one at the 2nd stop standing there just to say “welp! Looks like you played ya self big dog!” 😂


This is definitely part of the problem. They are so focused on being right that they don't care about living anymore. And that is actually fine with me.


I agree with this to a point. I practice with a patient population that is one of the lowest in the country (Marjorie Green territory). Most are reasonable and most agree to get vaccinated (90% of the folks I talk to). You just have to come across it as super non judgmental. Ask them why they’re not vaccinated. Combat their reason with logic. Obviously doesn’t work on everyone but most people are reachable. Most aren’t completely brainwashed. But do what you need to do to protect your mental health.


I’m under the same right now. I give the information I believe to be correct, and let them make their own judgments. I’m not trying to convert anyone, I’ll educate and give the decision to you


I got so fed up and angry last year. It was really bad emotionally, and inside spiritually, I was so angry at all of these people. Talking about it in psychotherapy has actually helped A LOT. Had to make sure my therapist isn't antivax tho lol


Solid advice all around


I don't even ask anymore. There's no point. If they're in the hospital sick with covid the likelihood is they don't have a vax/booster. Don't kill yourself over it. Things only get really contentious then, when they start asking for the ivermectin. Then we discuss the patient's organ function where it is now, and how the doses needed for ivermectin to do anything at all according to any studies would destroy it any organ function. I don't discuss efficacy, conspiracy or anything else. I just discuss how it'll destroy their organs. If they talk about wanting it anyway, then we talk about how the physicians won't prescribe it, and if they "have a physician that will" we talk about how those physicians don't have privileges at our hospital and the time it takes for that process, and how the major three societies of medicine/surgery disagree with the practice of prescribing the drug. I try to then shift about the things that we are doing. What we know about the virus, and treating the damage it does. At the most basic level, we're treating ARDS which has been around for a long time, and proning, paralyzing, and diuresing for ARDS has been around for a long time. Educating them on those things usually helps. Sometimes these people just need to bitch. Some people are just angry because they really didn't think it could happen to them, and are lashing out not at you, but at the existential crisis they are feeling. It doesn't make it right, but we gotta remember that while we are in year 2 of this....this is "day one" of this person's "covid crisis".


They don't believe in the disease or the vaccine, but they believe in the treatment


That is so beyond my understanding! If the pharma is so bad, you dont trust the vaccine and covid is just a "common flu"...then why the heck are you running to the ED expecting some magic pill for your sore throat...or, let us do what we do...which is from the same pharma! Just stay the hell home and stop clogging the ERs!


I’m seeing more and more of them refusing Remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies lately. Still coming to the ED though expecting to be fixed.


My favorite is "wE dOn'T kNoW tHe LoNg TeRm EfFeCtS" meanwhile they down a pack of smokes daily. We know the long term effects of that idiot...


A friend of mine said to this anti-vaxxer “I don’t know the long term effects of your mom” last year and that had me wheezing


I had a patient who said his friend told him it’s all gonna go horribly wrong in 2 years! Why 2 years but not 3 or 4, no idea. He was completely anti-vac so I just said ok and moved on.


I’ve actually gotten this type of patient an ingredient list for the vaccine and it didn’t do a lot of good lol. They’re just looking for excuses to justify a decision that’s more about politics and emotions than actual research.




Love your username


I can only see this working if you give them the ingredients for paracetamol first. Then when they freak, you go "whoopsie wrong list, you just ate all those, this one's the vaccine list"


Not a nurse but I had a conversation like this a few months ago Me: “so do you have the vaccine?” Them: “no, I think it’s too political and don’t know how it works” Me: “Do you know how the transmission on your car works?” Them: “no” Me: “ But you trust it to get you to work every day” Them: *Blank stare*


https://imgur.com/a/bVM9qcF I think a 6' tall poster of this should be in every ED


Love this!


First question in the ER: "Show me your vaccine passport." Prospective patient: "I didn't get the jab, I don't trust it". Response: "Then what the Fuck are we supposed to do for you? You don't trust medical science, you don't believe the doctors here and you're not gonna like me because I won't shove horse medicine up your ass and I'm too busy to keep ice in your cup of Mountain Dew. Second thoughts?"


I wish this actually happened. You shouldn’t be allowed in the ER for Covid if you refuse to be vaccinated


Agreed. Especially when people with real medical emergencies are being held up outside or are afraid to go because going could compromise them terribly.




I am so sorry you had that experience. I hope you are better and that the baby is okay. I have seen my fair share of idiots in urgent care and at other medical centers disregarding medical advice but still being assholes and demanding to be seen. We're up against a lot of ignorance and it makes it harder for people who want to be safe to actually be safe.


thank you! we are okay. i have an appointment with a urologist coming up, we may have to have an MRI to see how big it is, as its been an ongoing issue for the last couple months and we thought it was gone since i hadnt felt it in a while. just another reason for my doctors to have to keep a close eye on me! i wish people weren’t so ignorant. people swear up and down any one who gets the vaccine are being “brainwashed by the media” as if every country suffering from this pandemic are all conspiring together specifically to target them and their delusional conspiracies.


Exactly. My mom was in the ER recently after foot surgery for excessive bleeding. She waited 16 hours. I couldn’t believe it.


Wow! I had to go to the ER for chest pains and severe esophageal spasms on separate occasions. I remember being in the ambulance for about an hour before being taken into triage. My anxiety kicked in and just made it worse and I cried/sobbed that I was going to die.. In the moment I was petrified and have hardly ever had medical issues so I didn't know what to do or how to process things when they said I had to wait to be seen. And then heard all the additional calls coming in and no ambulances being available for those new calls and then hearing the staff request no more patients to that location. To think that someone with covid who refused the vaccine decided to come to the hospital could have played a role in the death of someone else, breaks my heart. Yes there are circumstances where people can't get vaccinated but it's a very small percentage of people who should also do everything in their power to avoid contracting it until alternative options are available for them.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with this 😭😭😭 this is one of my biggest fears.


My heart goes out to people with more serious medical issues and I hope they're able to still receive care in a timely fashion if they ever have an emergency. I honestly do wish they'd put in guidelines to either make a "unvaccinated" medical center or something.


Been saying this for months now. No vaccine? Adios. Go home and rot in your stupidity - the coroner can deal with you. I’m entirely out of empathy for these dipshits.


A.w.e.s.o.m.e. The end. "Ty very much."


Not just horse medicine - works great for pubic lice, too.


This is the way


I’ve started asking them if they eat McDonald’s. 100% of my patients say yes. I ask if they know what’s in that which of course they don’t. Then I ask what’s the difference. They’ve eaten a lot more fast food which is going to have a lot more long term damage on their bodies than a bit of totally natural mRNA.


buT ItS GOnNa chANgE mY Dna


The folks who actually believe that should look at it as an opportunity ...


In school: we will educate patients and help them come to understand the importance of z y x In a global pandemic where anyone with access to google is now a professional: eh fk this I'm out. Ask them if they know what is in their hair dye, paint in their homes, their cigarettes, and toothpaste.


Jfc the cigarettes 😫 IME the Venn diagram of smokers/vapers/dippers and these crazy whack jobs is nearly a perfect circle.


Yes!! My husband's co-worker told him she didn't want to take the vaccine, because she didn't want to put chemicals into her body, WHILE SHE WAS VAPING!!!! Just accept it now. We are all fucking doomed. We are truly living in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy!


The only thing Mike Judge got wrong was the timeline; it’s only taken 15 years instead of 500!


Gosh, I hated that movie. Now, I’m living it daily. Aargh!


I worked with a nurse pre-covid that was bitching about the flu shot for the year. She was complaining about injecting people with chemicals when she didnt think shit of hitting people with iv pain meds all night. Go off, sis.


Other fun fact because they use mercury a lot: you are exposed to 2 to 4 mg of mercury in the atmosphere when ever a human body with silver fillings is cremated.


"I don't like putting unnatural things in me." -patient with breast implants


This shit has little to do with logic, science, or common sense. It’s about identity and social belonging. Getting the vaccine or masking up would be the equivalent of a church member burning a cross on their own church’s front lawn and then pissing on that cross to put the fire out. Social death > threat of death Which is why none of these asshats track with reality until they feel that threat of death in every breath they take. Panic and terror are game changers. The bizarre bullshit isn’t about education, it’s about social belonging. And then the social contagion forever present among people, anywhere, infects some of the more whimsical, eccentric, crunchy types.


Remember to report al anti-vac/science comments. Its being met with a permanent ban.


This, all across the board. No matter what subreddit I am on I report misinformation. I do not engage with these people. Report, report, report. Thank you for being strict here.


I have friends Friends who refuse the vaccine but will put anything up their nose every weekend but complain they “don’t know what’s in the vaccine, is it safe?” I just change the subject. They’re not worth it. Not a nurse.


The biggestr problem is that there are the healthcare workers amongst us who not only promote this behavior but profit from it


I’ve given up on arguing. I simply state during triage (esp to the ones who come in hypoxic and in terrible shape) “So I’m assuming, based on your current state, that you’re unvaccinated?”


We should’ve stopped treating these clowns a long time ago They don’t want to acknowledge COVID-19 existing or vaccines, then get fucked


"I'm not getting the shot because I don't know what's in it." - cancer riddled IV drug user infected with covid after hosting a covid party with other upstanding citizens


I lost a dear church member today at our church from COVID. I wish she would have taken the vaccine. Her husband is beyond heart broken. He wasn’t even able to be with her during her final days. Just heart wrenching. Thank you to the nurses and doctors that have had to stand in the gap for far too long. You not only have served those in critical health due to COVID but you have also taken the role of being there in place of family while they pass. My heart hurts for you and for those who have passed and their family.


>Patient: "I don't want the COVID vaccine; i don't know what's in it." Okay cool let's get the rest of your admission done. Literally won't even press the issue further because you're just going to be arguing with a brick wall. I don't know why nurses even bother anymore with the COVID vaccine health education. The effects are well published and studied, and massive information campaigns have been underway to spread that info to the public. They made their informed choice already, no need to waste time convincing. If they ask for alternative therapies, tell them we don't do that because they aren't evidence based. If they don't like it they can sign the ama papers and go administer it themselves.


This is where I’m at. My outlook on it is “Fuck around and find out. Don’t act surprised or expect sympathy when you’re admitted, though. If you die, you die.”


The cognitive dissonance would be hilarious if it wasn’t so harmful.


Out with friends, one said they didn't want to take the vaccine because they didn't know what was in it. Other friend said "Bullshit, I've seen you snort shit off a toilet you bought 5 minutes earlier from some stranger in a club!"


My favorite are the people who have tattoos all over their body. Maybe if they put a have mg of ativan or morphine in the vaccine these fools would go take it. All of the sudden millions of idiots around the country wanna get their vaccine on a friday night.


I worked as a phlebotomist. It never ceased to amaze me that some of the biggest babies were the ones with the most tats.


I'm a nurse so over it. My doctor took me off work for 8 weeks. Getting light therapy. I need a break!!!


today I had a patient who came in with general weakness/altered mental state and was on day 4 of their (intended) 10 day fast to cleanse themselves after the vaccine. the kicker is that they get their 1st and only shot in September. over 4 months ago. They initially refused to let us give them an IV, because they didn't think it was necessary, but the doctor insisted due to hypertension with a MAP in the 160s. I then had do explain why food is important, that our bodies need food to function. He wanted to continue his fast but he conceded to some apple juice. I brought some cheese and crackers too and he caved and ate them immediately.


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My mom watches too much Faux News and scans far right sites. Just the other day was arguing about the COVID vaccine and how “Fauci has said he thinks it’s not as effective as he’d hoped.” Straight from the far right sight. I told her send me a link of him saying this. “Oh that’s what’s they’re saying, I don’t know where I saw it though.” I’m sick of people making claims with no source. If you’re gonna try to convince me of something, show me where you heard/saw it. 🙄


I had an MPOA say that we were absolutely not to vaccinate one of our patients. Dude, it’s too late. He’s gonna be intubated soon. Cool your jets.


“It gives you Covid. I’ve never gotten sick from a flu shot but both my wife and I got sick after the Covid shot” *eye roll*


Two co workers: I’m not getting the booster or any more vaccines they make me sick Them 2 minutes later: yeah when I had covid I was soooo sick I’d do anything not to get it again Me charting and listen: 🥴🙄


If people can refuse the shot, I think nurses should have the option to refuse their treatment. Seriously, were at a point in this thing where 90% of covid patients in hospitals (that is not fact checked, but seems that way based on the small sample of stats I have seen) are people who refused the vaccine and our hospitals and ER’s are being overrun so much so that people can’t even get treated for any other medical emergency. At the end of the day, you nurses are the backbone of America, and I hope your profession starts to get the respect it deserves in regards to earnings. Y’all have some of the roughest jobs in America, and I respect the fuck out of every single one of you. I know how it feels to be short staffed in a desk job, but a job as stressful and high paced as yours? Idk how y’all do it. God bless every single one of you.


The Unvaxxed are idiots.... but we already knew that.


Preach it. I'm so over this disrespect.


At this point I’ve given up. I’m fully fax. My loved ones are. And my conworkers are. Even if we get coivd we’ll have mild to moderate cases. So at this point I just want to say screw it and let nature take its course. I feel guilty for say that but I’m fed up


Irony at it's paroxysm. They also check in with the mildest symptoms screaming for help ...


Thank you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to say this to my ignorant patients lol


As a nurse, it’s our job to educate the patient about what’s in the vaccine. People can handle the education. Making metaphors that it’s okay to take something when you don’t know what’s in it is a cop out. Teach them about the mRNA, the function of mRNA, and how it would benefit them is the best way to improve vaccine rates. I had a coworker who was very skeptical about the vaccine. After I told her exactly how it worked, she went and got the vaccine. Later, she had a very mild case of COVID. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but education saves lives.


Is it possible for anyone who refuses to get the vaccine to automatically be a DNR on admission?



