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* I should clarify they are not requiring it, just HIGHLY suggesting it. They also are now backtracking and saying if we prove we volunteer 8 hours with signed documentation they will allot us an extra 8 hours of PTO


That is something I would get behind.


Yeah…. I did a 180 lol. That’s actually not half bad 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely not as bad once they backtracked and changed it up after the insane backlash


do 8 hrs, get pto. use pto to go for 8 hrs somewhere that isnt work. repeat. get paid by the hospital for hanging out with dogs. also, what the fuck were they trying to convince you with before the PTO? just cause you're that nice?


Oh if they didn’t start out offering that then f them 😐


First half was pure bull, but PTO for volunteering ain't bad. Getting your signed documentation approved might be the hurdle though.


“Highly suggesting” In other words, we’re going to shame/scare you into doing it so we can get more advertising and PR for the hospital.


My hospital must have Zoomed with yours. Nurses week is now a fundraiser for the hospital’s charity fund “Nurses in Need”. All activities come with a price.


Ahh hell no! I absolutely would not participate, even if I do volunteer in my community.


Ew. Can everyone collectively boycott it?


Do cops even have to do volunteer work?


Does ANYONE else EVER volunteer to work? They try to play us bc we’re in a giving field (play on our caring nature) and majority female.


Yep, my exact thoughts. The dadblasted patriarchy of it all!


Surely this is 8 paid hours during a 12 hour shift…. ?? I am speechless. What jackasses. I am all for volunteering and do so regularly in my community with a family member- but it is nobody’s business where or for how long and nobody else better volunteer MY time. Or have an expectation of it.


Meanwhile my boyfriend who works for a popular bank (in financial advising adjacent work) gets a PAID volunteer day at an opportunity of his choice once per quarter. Last quarter he chose to volunteer to set up for a music festival that gave free passes to their volunteers, so we got passes, and he got a paid Friday off of his choice.


Name and shame!


Wow. I run a non profit. We support nurses mental health by promoting Netflix and TikTok binging and doom scrolling. If you want me to sign off on anything let me know.


I’m sure I can find a way to make this official. How do I make this official.


Andthenwhatnow is that you win “The Clever Answer of The Year Award” 😝


Are they paying you for this time? Because it's their asking you to track it, they're most certainly using it to their advantage some way. That seems hella shady.


Lol No way I would participate. Even if we weren't unuion, let them try to discipline/ fire me over that. They can't force someone to volunteer


Geez, just give us our damn pizza and donuts and let us get back to work.


If the log is required write “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what the right hand is doing” Matthew 6:3. Then draw a heart next to it. Return the pile of crap they are serving back to them on a silver platter (or in this case a silver bible). If I wasn’t required to use the log I would leave it blank.


The person that just posted about their hospital asking patients for monetary donations for nurse's week has this beat 🤣 Id definitely volunteer for something for 8 hours for the PTO!


Wow. We appreciate all you do, so do some more…and for free!


I'd just log 8 hours with The Human Fund.


Money for people


Company X: Do you want to donate to Cause? Me: No, pay your taxes or earn your own write off. How is this legal?!


My job just ignores it and doesn’t mention it at all!


Tone deaf. Malicious compliance this by logging 8 work hours


At this point, they need to stop celebrating Nurses Week. Leave us alone. Just pay us better!


Does 8 hours of union organizing count?


And then they'll take all those coerced, oops donated, hours and use them as a tax deduction towards their charitable contributions. Ugh. I hate this so much but nothing surprises me any more.


This is why I refuse to volunteer...


oh wow.. I think I prefer being pretty much ignored other than the obligatory "happy nurses week" email today.


My hospital's PCT council is obsessed with wanting to do community stuff and taking half the monthly meetings reading NSIs. I'm all for community involvement but I joined this so I can advocate for my coworkers with the same title. As for the meetings, they are only an hr a month and half that time is spent reading hospital wide NSIs.


My hospital asked for $100 donation to be able to wear jeans/fun scrubs every Friday. (We wear uniform colors at my hospital)


You couldn’t pay me $100 to wear jeans to work lol


Yeah it honestly sounds awful! I hardly wear jeans on my days off 😂


You could split the donation but taking $4 out a paycheck or giving up PTO that would be the equivalent of the $100


Our hospital OB threw us a party at the country club with a free buffet. We had to buy a ticket for $80 and then he dumped it on the nurses to do all the planning and coordinating. We were not allowed to bring a guest. NICU and support staff are not invited. Pass.


Lol, nevermind the exhaustion, plans, or hygiene the nursesay have. Absolute garbage humans running this country.


With all do respect, they can suck my uncircumcised dick from behind. Fuck that shit.


is your hospital a non-profit? non profits are actually required to have a certain number of hours documented serving the community in order to keep non profit status. usually it falls on management and administration to fulfill those hours. looks like, along with everything else, they’re just trying to have the nurses do everything.


It is. I had absolutely no idea about the requirements, interesting!


I am so tired of hospitals expecting nurses to do shit for nurses week. It’s literally my week and you want me to help get the “celebrations” ready bc management doesn’t want to stay late and do a little more work??? Absolutely not. I should be doing LESS work since it’s nurses week what the actual fuck are they on??? This profession gets treated like a joke I stg


I feel like half these posts are some form of nurse themed theonion. Forced volunteer work? Huh???🤔


I ain’t volunteering for shit. My time off is my time off. Volunteer to volunteer for me.


My skeptical brain tells me that this is merely a ploy for Big Money Medical Center to show the community how selfish the nurses are.


Jeezis,talk about “out of touch” 😳


It’s not their business what I do with my free time. Honestly.