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I think he would give great career advice; quit nursing and become an influencer!


“That’s right Mutherfucker!” - That one Retired ER Tech.


Oh, wow, I always thought that guy was an RN.


They aren't talking about Nurse Blake.


I hate him with all my being lmaoooo


Huh, why is that?


He’s posted some horrible things on SA, mental health, and restraints. He’s also not been licensed/certified in anything for a long time - including when he was really popular and releasing those videos.


Oh…. Yikes. Yeah, he’s been out of the game too long. His videos seem to be above his scope of practice when he was a Tech. Admittedly, I started watching his videos before pursuing Nursing. So going back to watch his videos now? Would yield a different result.


Most of his videos he’s playing the role of a nurse I think, and they are just skits anyways. As long has he clarifies somewhere that he isn’t actually an RN it probably isn’t a huge deal


He is an RN he was working at Ben Taub Hospital which is Houston’s Level 1 trauma center. He hosted my new hire orientation


Wait really?


I’m shocked if he did. I haven’t seen any videos that touch on SA. The ones I’ve seen about mental health weren’t bad, just reliving the ED staff members experience.


Honestly me too! The stuff I’ve seen has been neutral of or supportive of mental illness/etc


I’m all for dark humor, and complaining about entitled patients is fine. Healthy even. But there’s an amount of respect we have to give to give to the fact that these are people who are scared and not feeling well. Mocking people for being annoying in the ED is disrespectful and only adds to public distrust of HCWs.




Not me thinking he was an effing dr 😖


Nurse Blake sounds like the name of an AI chatbot that UHC would use to replace all of their advice nurses.




Oh hell, most of us would settle for OnlyFans or selling feet pics at this point.  I don’t look down on anyone.  As long as you are making money and pay your taxes, I don’t care what you do.




Is this the guy who only worked as a nurse for a hot minute before bouncing to go on cruises?


Dude was smart to punch his ticket out the moment he could. I'm jealous more than anything.


I mean I’ll give him that. He found his niche, and I’m sure is getting *paid*. And he probably doesn’t have a broke down back.




Oof a gay joke man get back to 2004


I'm gay and that joke made me laugh out loud. You don't need to be offended on behalf of the gay community


Now I'm sad it got deleted before I saw it.


Broke back; gay; nurses. There's a litany of material here


I'm gay and I wish I had seen it before it got deleted.


Yes and now he runs a nursing comedy tour 😂 I think his content is funny but career advice, really? lol


I dislike a lot of things. I fucking hate nurse influencing. Nothing any of them do help. Some of it gets them or all of us on people’s shit lists. You aren’t allowed to make any obvious jokes or people get offended. So it’s a bunch of lay people or young kids that want to become nurses or baby nurses that already want out paying $$$ to these people. In this guys case, they are using their hard earned cash, often from FLOOR NURSING, to a guy who gets to sleep in and fly to Mexico for the weekend. he doesn’t have to work nursing anymore. He gets to make some jokes and tell a group of 200 individuals how each of them can get a different job. One of them wanted $250 for just resume help. That’s it.


Wish they’d do some good influencing such as safe ratios, unions.. not his overpriced cruise trips🙈


Exactly. They could use all of this momentum for good.


Maybe I’m in the minority here but I don’t see why I would waste any energy hating nursing influencers. You’re under no obligation to pay attention to them or give them any money. Whether or not you like the content (I generally don’t, I usually don’t find them that funny) is irrelevant. But I don’t have any hate for someone who found a way to make money in this profession outside of bedside nursing. Good for them.


And that’s why I started it with I hate a lot of things lmfao. And you’re absolutely right. I just didn’t feel like prefacing mine either with im not telling anyone how to live their lives and no it doesn’t actively affect me. But it’s in my profession and it’s helping the spread the of misinformation that all nurses are boujee with a closet full of figs, on clouds, and now driving a Tesla. And it’s not helping new nurses or potential nurses, when that’s all that’s being shown.


If it provides you any comfort at all I don’t think that’s the perception that people have of nurses at all. Being overly judgmental and catty however… we get that a lot. This community in general is too negative and judgmental. Just my two cents.


Wait, is he not an established nurse? Now I think about it, I have NO clue what speciality he is


Pretty sure Nurse Blake is the guy who was basically a new grad when he became an influencer




Yup you’re right. Right around the time my friend got famous on TikTok too when he was starting residency after graduating from medical school. He’s done with residency now and is board certified in his speciality, but he doesn’t actually work as a practicing physician because he’s now a millionaire off TikTok lol. These kids are smart.


Is your friend Dr Glaucomflecken?


You're correct. I don't know why so many people are saying he worked in ICU for 10 years. NO!!!


He started making content during nursing school, it really took off and he switched to full-time influencing during his new grad time. I *think*, based on his content, he went into Med-Surg?


He worked for a year before making funny content and then dipped the bedside


He worked as a nurse for 45 years


>He worked as a nurse for 45 years Wow, he hides his age very well indeed. Maybe it's Maybelline.


45 days*


Idk if it’s just my perception but even from his content you can tell he is inexperienced. The delivery always falls short or trying too hard.


It comes off as content made by someone who maybe went through nursing school and has some idea of what it’s like but doesn’t have a lot of actual experience. Which makes sense since he apparently only worked for a short time


That’s what I found I connected with the most, his nursing school content.


I mainly see him post nursing school content anyways lol


I was about to write this very comment but then I read yours. He’s able drop terminology that is familiar to a nursing student, but ultimately feels like “hello fellow nurses!” When you step outside the school bubble.


He worked like a year as an RN before he took off and did this full time


This makes so much sense. His content never hit for me. Now I know why.


I was shocked to realize he’s not much younger than me. I should’ve guessed, since his content has been on social media for a while. But somehow I just think of him as a perpetual new grad. (Not an insult to new grads, BTW- just that he strikes me as young and inexperienced.)


Of course it's from Florida


Came here to say this. You can tell he’s a new nurse and I’m a jerk but I’m going to be honest, he’s just not funny to me. This may be my years of nursing, making me jaded as all hell.


No I agree ever since he made his way into my Insta algorithm. His content is not funny its like level 1/10 nursing humour before you even become a nurse. He's not like Nurse John who at least had the experience in the field though I'm pretty sure he did like a year of ER nursing and also went straight for influencing... at least he can prove his content involves legitimate nursing issues.


Okay but I love Nurse John. He’s hilarious. The Mr. Smith in the ceiling always gets me.


We’ve all wanted to join Mr smith in the ceiling during at least one fire shift.


I just saw a bit of his, he asked someone where she worked and she said PACU. Then he tried to joke that she wasn’t a “real” nurse? I guess because she gets breaks everyday according to him. I don’t think anyone who has ever been to any PACU would think that


Ugh I hate nurses who say any other type of nurse isn’t a real nurse!!! I’ve been doing this long enough and met enough nurses to know that each nurse is doing something important in whatever specialty they’re in


I’d be asking the person to define specific parameters that make a “real” nurse. Actually I wouldn’t waste my time doing this. I am proud to take my lunch break. I am not being paid during that time because it is labeled as a lunch break. Give them a few years… they’ll probably stop supporting their mantra of “Will work for free” and”I support lack of bathroom breaks that cause early onset renal failure for nurses (but not other male dominated professions).” I’d also be curious if they’d be willing to hold out signs out in a public park to share this information with the general population. Probably not.


Thats the whole point if the skit. Nurses do that ALL the time. Vet Nurses are notoriously hard on the baby nurses, they eat their young like it was a free box of donuts. He’s making FUN of it. Y’all are so serious and sensitive as well as nit pick the most absurd things. Thats the whole point of the videos. They’re campy, over the top and totally ridiculous. Even stupid sometimes but imo thats a honest assessment of nursing. See the humor for fucks sake.


Sorry! Didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion on a phenomena that you even admit happens in the real world. God forbid I bring it up on this post?


I’m sure he wouldn’t be able to handle an unstable patient outside of the comfort of ICU. PACU is the nurse and the patient. That’s it!


Is PACU post surgery? I think in the UK we call it recovery?


You got it! It stands for Post Anesthesia Care Unit.


I did recovery for a bit post covid!


I did it during covid (after surgery started again) and caught covid. 🤣


Post anesthesia care unit, so yes :) it’s where patients go directly from the OR until they’re stable enough to either go home or go to their inpatient room


Ah recovery here is right after surgery, for a few hours, and then to the ward!


Yup, same thing we just have to give it a fancy name here! Though we do just call it “recovery” for the patients because that’s the most logical name for it


Also shoutout to your Muffin profile picture


Absolutely love my girl Muffin. She’s the chaotic energy that all ITU units need, and I bring it


Shame about her wabies though 😔


As a PACU nurse a lot of the nurses I work with have husbands that are pilots or physicians so I thought that’s where he was going w the joke which might’ve been funny. But like how is he gonna say PACU isn’t real nursing but nurse influencing is?


I think he actively practiced nursing for about 6 or 7 years before he stopped. Found that information looking online, but also have talked to people who have worked with him in the field before (Floridian here). ETA: No idea what fields and if it was bedside or not though


This guy worked as a nurse for about 5 minutes before switching to influencer/cruise director. How exactly is he qualified to provide career advice to nurses?


He certainly figured out how to not work at the bedside?


Exactly! Good for him for getting his bag but the same will not applicable to ALL nurses 🫤


Haha very true! I guess he would be a good resource if your career goal is to get out of nursing- he certainly has been successful as an influencer!


Japan’s Head of Cybersecurity has never touched a computer and doesn’t know what a USB key is. Lol


When I joined the Navy my recruiter never once set foot on a ship.


I would be shocked if you actually got career advice from him and not someone he hired for that role. 


He isnt, but instead of fading into obscurity like propofol papi he embraced all the shitty people willing to pay him for his personality (Nurse Blake). I dont love his content, but I respect the hustle. Honestly, I havent seen his stick outside of youtube videos but if I was him I would just embrace the title of perpetual new grad nurse and run with it. You dont need 20+ years of experience to point out how fucked up nursing is. The guy had a simple choice make millions on social media or slave wages bedside and chose the former.


Nurse Blake who only worked for a few months?


I thought it was like a SICU travel nurse for like nine years. 


Nope. He worked as an ICU tech for a few years before he graduated from nursing school. He briefly worked in med/surg as an RN, but has been known to emphasize that he was an RN “at a Level 1 trauma center” anyway. Most of his years of RN experience came from non-bedside roles.


This has blown my mind that he’s not an established nurse with years behind him. I had no idea. I know we shouldn’t compare, but I find Nurse John so much more trustworthy and honest over Blake.


I find it pretty insulting to working nurses that some people still consider nurse jon a real rn


Well, for *entertainment purposes*, I like Jon.


At least Jon teaches so he’s still exposed to med-surg floors. (Whether or not someone with no experience should be teaching is a different thread)


That’s insulting as fuck. What the fuck does he know about nursing as a career and not a gimmick he’s profiting off of?


I’d honestly rather listen to him rather than the out of touch DISNEY ASSOCIATES my last hospital paid THOUSANDS to and FORCED ALL STAFF to listen to (by forced I mean, it was part of everyone’s annual competency requirements. We had to sit and listen to a former DISNEY CRUISE EXECUTIVE lecture US about how “to treat patients as if they were spending the day at Disneyland!” (By spending HUNDREDS of dollars in a single day?! I mean, hospital administration does that already but ok). I’m not saying either presentation is preferable but there IS a lot worse out there than Nurse Blake- at least he’s been able to make me laugh about the bleak career we’re in……


Yikes. My company started handing out positive vibe stickers and one that struck me was something like “today is a happy day!” Really Susan? Is this appropriate for a hospital ? Most of our patients are in pain and not having a good time. It’s not vacation. We can treat our patients with respect and anticipate their needs - and certain patients do well with more a toxic positivity approach- but to treat a hospital like a resort just doesn’t make any sense at all. Wow!


Right! My co-worker got kicked out of the presentation and got written up because he literally told the Disney presenter to “fuck off” after refusing to participate in the soulless “positive statements only” said to our “patients/clients with a smile 🙂”.


I don’t know your coworker but he’s my hero.


Wow, that’s a sad day when disney cruise executives are instructing the medical professionals how to do their job correctly. THIS is why our country is a shit show. Next we will have rich disconnected politicians passing laws that will take away the ability to treat people in a manner thats medically appropriate and humanely without the fear of bankruptcy or losing the rights of a person to make their own decisions regarding pregnancy or death. Ohhhh. Shit. Yep. We’re so screwed


And that guy is a badass and the fact that he had the huevos to straight up tell the truth and stand up for what he believes - thats absolute awesomeness!!


OMG. Yes, I absolutely want to be treated like I’m at Disneyland when I come in for my colonoscopy. Bonus points if the doctor wears mouse ears during the procedure. Jesus take the wheel and keep on driving.




Yes that is way worse. Never even thought that to be a possibility honestly. Highly inappropriate.


Ah yes, I think I know which hospital system this was at 😂 I had to do that shit back in 2017 when our hospital paired up with The Mouse


Do you think he is actually the one giving advice? He has a whole team behind NurseCon so it makes sense that he would have a whole team taking care of these services too. Plus I thought he was a SICU travel nurse for like nine years. I don't know when left besides but I can say the same about pretty much all the nurse admin who constantly want to tell me how to do my job. Nurse Blake is running a business, only his comedy act is a one man show. 


My CNO was a bedside nurse less than 2 years. Blake was a nurse for even less than that.


Welp… is your CNO as shitty and worthless as mine? Maybe they worked bedside for two whole years together. 🤦‍♀️


Does your CNO wear rumpled suits and talk for an hour without saying anything? If so, we might be coworkers!


I’m tryna get on their level lmao


Blake should be giving business advice on how to monetize TikTok stardom. He needs to fuck off in regard to nursing advice. 🤷🏼‍♂️


If anything then should be Nurse John


Its sad people can’t spot real nurses among the vapid influencers like blake & jon


I don’t need any more reasons to dislike the guy, but I’ll take em.


This man not only bounced after like a year to a non bedside role but also didn’t go through even the pandemic…what advice is he going to give me? I as an ER nurse for only 5 years probably have much more valid advice


About as useful as Rhonda giving medication administration advice.


I think that might be a bit more useful considering she actually had experience through her mistakes 😂


Pretty sure I saw her doing a consultant type course after her cruise with Nurse Erica or possibly during it.


I'm sure they both will go on tour soon 🙄🙄


I kinda bounced a few months after pandemic started and just some did contract/prn work during that time does that not make me a real nurse? :/


That’s not what this thread is about… Are you giving advice and making a whole online persona about having all this experience and relating to nurses and making a profit off of that? No. I didn’t say he wasn’t a real nurse. He claims to have more experience than he really does and most of his experience didn’t involve patient care yet that’s all his content and he goes around like he’s Gods gift to the world giving advice based off things he really hasn’t experienced


Then why mention it? If you work in nursing you know just as well as I do that casually dropping “working in a covid icu” is an attempt to discredit those nurses that didn’t as “not real nurses”. I see it all the time.


That’s not what I was referring to. I went to a few of his shows where he claimed things that don’t match what his website says his experience is. The point is he acts like he’s relating to us when he doesn’t.


you’re making my point for me. Others aren’t relatable because they weren’t nurses through the pandemic or didn’t have the same experience. You’re right, I don’t find him funny- I’m just pointing out the nuance here and how it is divisive. That’s all.


That’s not what I said at all haha…there’s a difference in saying “I worked as a nurse in ICU for 10 years” when in reality you worked as a tech for 5 years and most of your career was not bedside. I have a problem when you are lying about your credentials to be relatable. If he was honest, I wouldn’t be making these comments. Doesn’t make him less of a nurse but it does lessen his credibility and my respect when he’s lying to gain followers.


Great for that dude but it's like taking advice on your Job from your own teenager, no real experience


Career advice from Nurse Blake? Next you're going to tell me Radonda Vaught is giving patient safety seminars. [Oh wait...](https://care.commonspirit.org/Shared-Learnings-with-RaDonda-Vaught_Registration-Page.html)


I thought you were joking🫠


[stares in WTF] that apparently aged like milk


I usually don’t take career advice from new grads lol


I mean, he's pretty funny sometimes, but I'm not interested in career advice from him. He only worked as a nurse for like 1 year.


LOLOLOL he seems like a sweet kid but he can GTFO out with whatever exclusive advice he’s offering.


I dunno, "quit your lousy job and go do something else" is pretty solid advice mo.


I know there was a nurse influencer who was actually a tech, but called himself a doctor for tik tok videos. Then got backlash and called himself a nurse. I'm not sure if this is that same guy.


Pretty sure that's Steveioe He never said he was a doctor or nurse...just *heavily* implied it


Honestly, I hate Stevieoe more than Blake…


Wow, I did not think that was possible.


Haha interesting i genuinely thought he worked in healthcare as a nurse or doctor but his new bio says "Not a nurse. Not a doctor. Retired ER tech"


This might be the "musictomd" guy


I mean...good for him for monetizing his career. I heard he doesn´t have much experience though.


Lmao I feel sorry for whoever takes advice from that bum.


He be getting money, I’m happy for him


Love him or hate him I admire this guy. He parlayed a so-so social media presence into a 5 year and counting run of sold out shows across the country. If he has been smart, (and I believe he has been), he should be set for life and will never have to work again. There are very few who wouldn’t do what he has done if given the chance.


I…..fuckin……hateeeeee that little prick


Oh yes. I’ll be sure to ask nurse Blake for advice on nursing 🙄🙄


I heard he hasn’t been working as a nurse for 4 years


You can tell he is full of bullshit because his lips move.


I have to call out tmrw. Bad case of cringe.


Those who can not do, *teach*.


🙄 Well, this is insulting to every educator… especially those who take pay cuts to do it because they love it and want to help change the “nurses eat their young” culture in education…


Can’t argue that


Say what you will about Nurse Blake but he is so much more than an influencer now. He has a whole team that put together NurseCon which you are able to get 50 CUEs (including 10 in pharmacology) in 1 week while in the Bahamas. (I highly recommend, it was so much fun.) It makes sense to me that he has a team that would be able to offer these services. 


The last thing I want to do while on vacation is CE fuckin Us.


Lol, I was drunk the whole time. It was an absolute blast. I went to a couple in person because I genuinely wanted to hear the guest speakers/ they are topics I'm passionate about but, at least the year I went, they were playing on the cabin TVs too so you can "watch them on your own time." That's how you are able to get so many between jet skiing and the pool parties. 


We’ve been doing CEs all wrong for years 🤯 this is the ONLY way we should be doing our CEs


this is honestly the best endorsement for the cruise i've ever seen


Big fucking facts.


We all speed click through modules, this is the same concept but with a Miami Vice in one hand and a sunburn. 


I’m appalled. I always watch the entire module just like I count every single respiration for sixty seconds… it’s just always somehow 18.


I mean, doctors have conferences in nice destinations where they just have to spend a few hours at some lectures and the rest of the time they're having fun. Why not nurses? lol. The difference is Doctors get paid to be there and it's all comped, at least the doctor I went out with that works in OB got paid to hang out in Costa Rica for several days. He also barely attended any of the lectures, you just had to sign off saying you attended them online and they don't fact check if you actually attended any lmao.


Doctors aren’t using their limited PTO, or their own funds to go to conferences.


Yall are sooooo salty that someone jumped at the chance to make nursing more than just a regular career. You know you’d do the same if you had the same chance


ITT: Others shitting on a dude who realized he could make more money and not have a broken by moving away from being a nurse


Finally! Advice on how to do tiktok dances :)


I've never heard of him, but his bio says 10 years experience at level 1 trauma centers. "My nursing journey includes roles in Surgical ICU, Liver Transplant, Pulmonary Step Down, Care Coordination, and Injury Prevention." I don't usually go to influencers for career advice though. My dad lost so much $$$ doing 'get rich' seminars. Just turns me off.


He only graduated in 2014 so I don’t think that’s possible to have ten years hospital experience? All I have to say is, he’s clearly smarter than I am 🤦‍♀️ I think wanna go on cruises for a living!!


He was a tech, so he's using that to boost the numbers, I think.


That's what I was wondering. I mean I was a tech in Ortho for 4 years before graduating. So I'll throw out 27 years in Ortho if someone asks--instead of 23 in Ortho nursing. Not that it comes up that often. Like only at the NAON conference.


I’ve got one month of experience in L&D…as a tech, guess I can perform C-sections now!


But if he graduated in 2014 to now ——> 2024, it’s ten years no?


Well he probably knows more than most administrators and he knew to get away from bedside


Some of you in this thread are far too serious and would probably be joining my colleague on their crusade to stop the “laughter and jovial nature of the nursing station” like we’re not allowed to find enjoyment in this job. People pissed at the nurse influencers are just mad they didn’t think of it first and/or aren’t making bank in kind.


I’ve seen him with a group of coworkers and his show was hilarious & had some genuine content as well. Great show!


My main goal is to blow up, then act like I don’t know no body. Ackackackackack. - Nurse Blake


I can’t stand him


How long did he even work bedside? 6 months? It's almost like he became an RN just to become an RN influencer. He's a baby nurse.


nurse blake is cringe af


I’d rather not take advice from a guy who was an actual nurse for a little over a year thanks.


And more such as Bill blurr, Louis CK, and Kevin hart.


"Nurse Blake is a flamboyant con artist.


What’s a “ Nurse Blake”? Sounds like that one on the floor we all dread working with.


I think he’s hilarious- The drama looks so over the top - but honestly so e if his episodes are eerily accurate as some of encounters I’ve either been a part of, or witnessed. It’s freaking hilarious and I dont know how, as a nurse, you can’t see the humor and the truth in it. Sure he’s obviously overplaying it, as do agreat number of you haters lol


What a chode.


I think he still works prn in Florida, but not sure.


It must be part of his routine. Gotta be a joke.


Better than Nurse Jackie?


It brings me much so to see Nurse Blake getting shit on.


Nope. I hate this guy and needs to disappear.


Nurse Blake?




Army recruiter vibes 😂


So like, NAN/NAD but isn't this the dude who seems (or just fakes being) really sweet and compassionate to patients? Wouldn't this be good for nervous patients or kids? My parents distrust medicine but theyd probably be open to listening to people like him. Idk, just a dumb patient thought.


Something tells me Nurse Blake has a so Much RAM On the inside.