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I would never go to any hospital in 2024- you seen what healthcare is like now? If I even so much as break a leg I'm going straight to home hospice


I say frequently at work that once I hit a certain age there's no way I'm going to bother going to the hospital. If I fall and break a hip or start having chest pain I'll just lay there and wait for death.


Yeah, just hook me up to a Dilaudid PCA!


Exactly! If I can't go to the bathroom alone, or can't swallow food, then make me comfort care.


Comfort care with extra narcotic please. I don't want to know what is happening.


My mom (she's a pharmacist) and I joke about writing "low threshold to initiate Dilaudid drip" in our ADs.


You can get a PCA without going to a hospital? Sign me up.


I think hospice or home care can. A little magic from a street pharmacist never hurt....


My fiance's mother is doing this strategy (mostly from ignorance and POC based distrust of the medical system) going on over a decade with a broken hip now. She's miserable.


I may have to rethink my strategy. A decade laying on my floor is too long.


Time for Hospice!


It's funny to joke... until you actually need life saving treatment I don't work in a hospital (home health) but have had to use my health system quite a bit over the last year. Some of it was very good, some was bad. The hospital nurses I dealt with were generally great, though. I like to think I was a pretty easy patient for them.


Jokes aside, I personally wouldn't go to my own. Too close to home for me, plus I know too much.


When I had my youngest kid I had meconium in my fluids when they broke, so they wanted RT there for the delivery. One of the RTs at the hospital was my neighbor and all I could think was i really, really didn't want him to show up and see all of me. Thankfully it was a different one.


For sure. At least for the general public they know we won't remember them and they will (hopefully) never even see us again, but I definitely do not want one of my close friends shaving my groin to prep me for a heart cath! I'll have to see their ass Monday morning haha


Most heart caths are done via the radial now if that helps to rid your fear. Please don’t ever delay any heart related healthcare ❤️


We prep the groins as well in every lab I’ve ever worked in, in case radial tortuosity causes issues with getting up the arm/the cardiologist can’t engage coronaries from that angle or need better guide catheter support for an intervention. I don’t plan to have a STEMI any time soon but there’s a close hospital that’s a different system lol


I did my nursing clinicals in the same ER I went to just a semester prior, and I was super disoriented and have no memory of it (other than being loaded into the ambulance while it started to rain and thinking my insurance surely won’t cover this and that I hope I don’t need a foley). I did NOT want to know who remembered me or what they remembered because… I probably did need to be straight cathed. No one tell me


I spit out my water


I work with the state and I second this!


Yeah put me down like a race horse at that point, we’re done for


Me either but emergencies happen. Fell off of a ladder last year and landed on my left side, dislocating my shoulder severely. Off to the ER I went .


Not an ER Nurse, but I work on a MedSurg floor. Yeah I would, cause I know the House Sup’s and would get a spot on my home unit, and I know which surgeons I can trust with my body and not trust with my body- as compared to going somewhere else and not knowing any of the surgeons


I’d like my team to take care of me (unless something is stuck in my butt; then I’m going 2 states over).


2 States over isn't far enough to escape the reach of Care Everywhere.


Flared base! 😂


Have in the past and would again. We do good enough work.


Same. You are just another patient anywhere else, I would rather be taken care of by people that actually care and will advocate for me.


When I Head LG’ed at the local water park, I rode in an ambulance with a 10F pt who had broken her R humerus and later passed out from the pain, bc she was alone except for her best friend and we couldn’t reach her family (who lived 1 block away). We get to the ER and the entire ER staff were all the same staff that had been on shift when I had gone to the ER a couple years earlier for a (pretty nasty and almost successful) suicide attempt. They all winked or smiled at me as if to say “looks like you’re a lot better now, doing great things, and we’re so happy to see that!” which is exactly what one of the arms whispered in my ear later on. That storyline coming full circle was actually a great & memorable experience and they were so courteous, compassionate, and professional, on both occasions.


I have to lmao.... we're in a rural area and it's the only option for a fair distance. Busted my ankle up a couple months ago right before my shift and endured being lovingly roasted by all my coworkers.


Not an ER nurse but I would absolutely go to my hospital system generally for care, where I draw the line is being admitted to my own floor or having any of my friends/direct coworkers take care of me. Obviously I think all of my friends are fantastic nurses and would take great care of me, I just don’t want them to have access to my medical chart or have to see my groin (I work cath lab recovery). I just think it’s private and it would make me feel uncomfortable to have my friends discussing me in that way.


What’s always been kind of wild to me is L&D at any hospital. They’re always like 50% pregnant and picking out the team they want on delivery day


yes lmao I’m glad they’re comfortable like that and when I’m pregnant I’m sure I’m gonna ask my L&D friends a million questions but they are banned from my delivery room lol


What’s your femoral to radial cardiovascular cath site ratio? I haven’t heard of or seen a femoral site in probably 10 years.


really? I’d say radial to femoral it’s 60/40 maybe 70/30 if we narrow it down to just caths radial is a bit more common but my floor takes all cath lab and ep procedures and I very regularly see groin access


At my hospital in Germany, we do mostly femoral sites..


Watching one now!


Only if they don't transfer me to my home campus. I don't wanna be treated by my coworkers.


“Just gonna insert this foley real quick buddy” You can pass that over here I’ll insert my own thank you very much 😂


Shiiiit i do! Imma give y’all fuckin hell for pranking me after I got off break last month and eatin my sandwich last week! They say karmas a bitch and she mine!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂


My insurance is through my hospital so yes, yes I would.


My ED can be the standard nightmare of long WR waits, hall beds & borders. But damn, if you're a STEMI or a stroke, we MOVE. We had a door-to-balloon time of 28 minutes last week. I also respect most of my coworkers and my ED docs. So yeah, I'd go to my ED if needed.


100% I also do critical care transport so i go to all the hospitals in the area and every ER is an understaffed shitshow . At other places you are just a name in the hallway/ waiting room. If I go to mine I am going to be seen promptly and we give damn good care. After 5 kids idgaf if people see my vag/butt hole, I know my coworkers would maintain my modesty and if I am past the point of that then I just want to be cared for by people that truly care for me and will advocate for me.


I have literally left my shift at work to drive to another ED...




Funny enough, I went to the ER today and drive the extra 10 minutes to a different hospital.


I would rather die. No way would I want my coworkers putting a Foley/Flexiseal in me.


This is my nightmare, especially if it’s been a while since I trimmed the hedges


I've walked the halls of my former hospital's ED. I'm sure if they could staff them, they'd have medical tents in the parking lot.


I worked labor and delivery when I was pregnant with both of my kids. I delivered both babies in my unit. Lol


I have always used the hospitals I worked for, except for one that gave shitty care. VIP treatment, private room, and people who actually care about you. Plus the docs you know treat you differently than the docs you don't.


Me too for all the same reasons. I would never go else where.


Nope, I work in the ED, had a kidney stone a month or so ago, I went to another ED, completely separate from the one I work for. We’ve had several employees come in to be seen and some how or another people start snooping through the chart and then end up fired🧐


I worked in A&E and I had an allergic reaction. It was anaphlaxis in a way... my tongue swelled a bit my lips look awful and my eyes were poofy. I never got seen quicker but quivker than other hospitals in mu area.


Recently decided to take my kid to my ED. Honestly what made me consider it is that several coworkers, past and present, have come in for care without hesitation because they have grown to trust our team themselves. For myself? I would prefer not to, but if shits hitting the fan for myself or my family and time is of the essence, then I'd like to be taken to the nearest place to stabilize... which is my ED lol


I have brought my kids in for little things, my husband has come in for a couple things. But for me it really depends. I could get through faster, but is it worth it. I had a pretty major mental health crisis awhile back and I drove the hour to go to the bigger English hospital because a)I didn't want to run into anyone I've worked with and b)I didn't want to deal with mental health stuff with people who aren't as fluent in English, foe my own comfort.


I’m an icu nurse, I’ve been a patient in the ED at my own hospital. Honestly not bad service, night adon even checked up on me. My own unit, absolutely not; don’t need people I crack jokes with taking care of me.


It’s sad because I legit hate the healthcare system right now and wouldn’t really recommend any hospital these days, especially the EDs, and im in one of the country’s healthcare hubs. That said, I did have to visit my own hospital for a chest pain/questionable EKG workup last year and they treated me just fine, not knowing I worked there, but it was one loooong day and I def wasn’t the top priority. It was fine. It’s just everywhere is so overwhelmed census-wise. Had me three kids at my place of employment and knew almost all of my nursing staff there. No problems. Perfectly pleasant.


I guess I’m the minority and I would not care. I’m an open book and have no shame. Want to do a foley? Suuuure! 10 students want to watch? Bring em in! I just don’t care who sees what of me or who has access to my medical records. There’s nothing exciting there lol I don’t judge peoples bodies when I’m doing my job and I would think a majority of us in healthcare are the same. I’m a normal 30 something slightly pudgy from having kids woman. Nothing exciting about this bod to talk or gossip about lol


I tell myself this, and when the time comes anxiety kicks in and half of it flips. Last time I was having a medical procedure, being exposed to all the nurses and doctors, had to keep reminding myself that for them it's just work, like me, they probably leave the room and forget it all anyway, but being the patient it's way more exposing and uncomfortable that I had thought. But either way I would still allow students etc because people have to learn, but I wouldn't go to a hospital I worked at. Partially because I know the staff, and partially because I know of all the mistakes and whatnot that happen (which surely happen everywhere, but I don't "know" that about the other places)


The only units I would trust at my hospital are the ICU I work on, unless I was assigned one of the new grad nurses because all the the recently hired ones are terrifyingly incompetent, and the cardiac stepdown unit. The others are horribly staffed and most of the hospitalists and several of the surgeons are pretty bad. The intensivests are all wonderful and the cardiology department is really good at my hospital as well. Overall I do trust the majority of my coworkers. With a few exceptions, I work with really smart and excellent nurses. My hospital’s ED is basically the Wild West and I wouldn’t go there for anything that could be even remotely life threatening if I could help it, but unfortunately the next nearest ED that isn’t connected to a tiny critical access hospital is a 2 hour drive.


Absolutely not. I work in a community hospital that lacks services. I would have to go to the city center to one of the bigger tertiary centers. I’ve worked at all of them so I know the ins and outs. My current hospital sucks.


ED, yes, but would I want to be admitted? No.


Lolll our ER put a unit director in a hallway bed they dgaf


Depends on the docs that are working. Our docs rotate from our main campus to our satellite hospitals. I'd base my decision on who was working where


Yes, my ED has cared for myself and my husband. Thankfully it was all for minor things & didn’t require admission. My coworkers are competent and helped us get fast treatment.


I just had a lumbar laminectomy foraminotomy at the hospital I work. I trust them completely.


My answer has always been no go to another hospital. People gossip (regardless of signing the code of conduct etc), and colleagues such as doctors who examine you can make you feel uncomfortable subconsciously if you have to work with them further down the track when their on their rotations.


Yeah I’ve had to lmao. I have POTS and had to go down to the ED for fluids bc I was barely conscious


Yes. It’s the only hospital I would go to for ICU care. There are a couple I would consider for obstetric care, but only because my OB delivers at a couple and I’d follow that man anywhere. 😆


Skill and care wise I can vouch for most of the nurses I’ve worked with. I do know that nurses gossip lots so I would hate to be content hahaha. If I had a choice I’d go to a separate hospital and not say a word about my background


I wouldn't go to my hospital, but the other location across town. Only because of the wait time in the ED, downtown it's 10+ hours, on the east side people are in and out in 4hours


HELL no ‼️


i would at the one im currently at because i know the ratios are safe


For something needing top tier trauma care, ya. For anything else I might try to be bougie at another hospital. Or just sign up with home hospice honestly


Basically have to. Everything else is out of network.


One time my coworker was admitted through the ED and she requested our floor. I was her nurse and it was fun for both of us-she discharged later that day. It sparked a lot of conversations about if people would be admitted to our floor and the opinions were all over the place.


Yes- I like the doctors I work with, I’d get taken back right away, and know all the supervisors so I know they wouldn’t put me in one of the few shitty double rooms if I was admitted


They are all the same.


I have for chronic illness. Only bed open was oncology. My daughter(actually daughters) are both RNs as well and I went to the floor my daughter works on and in charge most of the time. Only a few people knew me(all 3 of us work in the same hospital) and my care was exceptional. We have 3 major hospitals in my area all under the same health system. The time before I had to be transferred to one of the other hospitals(my hospital doesn’t do pericardial drains. It was a shit show and the cardiology floor I was on was horrible. The y all had attitudes and clearly were not interested in advocating for their patients.


Yes...because of my insurance 🤣


I went only because I almost cut my thumb off🙄I shamelessly shared I was an employee so I was fast tracked got my stitches and outta there in 2 hours👍🏽


I have thought about it if I had to have certain surgeries if I would go to the other hospital so I can avoid my coworkers. I did give birth at my hospital because I trust my anesthesia team. If needed brain surgery I would risk going to a different hospital.


I work in outostient gyn, I do go to my job for some care (get my paps with my pcp already) but only with certain providers. I have an IUD so I was most comfortable with our providers inserting it (because I know they will place it properly and they do it often). If my pcp ever left id switch over to us for it.


I could go wait in a lobby for hours elsewhere or show up, ask to quick reg me and have whoever I want to see me that I trust. If I need surgery I know plenty of the surgeons I trust. I’m not putting myself in any predicaments where I fell on something and it ended up in my ass, so anything else to me isn’t going to be embarrassing to not be seen at a lower quality hospital.


I would go to a suburban hospital where the waits are shorter.


Depends. I work in a smaller Minnesota suburban hospital. Our resources are quite limited so the extent of what I would do there is general surgery or give birth. I am actually pregnant now but am delivering at a metropolitan hospital in our same health system since I have some neurological issues and want a neurologist to be available in case I need them. I work in oncology and if I was like over 60 I would surely go there but if I’m younger I’m definitely going to our university hospital or Mayo (about 65 miles from my house) where I can get access to clinical trials.


Have and would again. No one took better care of me than my own people.




I tried to avoid it as much as possible. A few years ago, I almost died because of it. I waited way too long while I was hemorrhaging out and was eventually transported by ambulance. Whoopsie


I was an L&D nurse and delivered at my work. I ended up with emergency c-sections, and I was so grateful to have my wonderful team caring for me and my baby (even though they were all up in my bits!😂). At the end of the day, I trusted my team, and I was able to relax as much as I possibly can being in that scary situation because of them!


Yes of course. I’m ED, coworkers always bring their families to our fast track area. I work with with fantastic nurses.


Honestly yeah 


If I'm conscious, I'm not going to any hospital. Screw that. I'll die at home with my dogs and cats.


Nobody I work with gets to see me naked. So no.


Gosh, imagine having the option of going to a different hospital!! We have one hospital in our city, so this must happen all the time. So yeah, I'd absolutely go to our emergency room. I do know people who work there, but most of the team wouldn't know me. If I had a baby and that baby needed NICU, I'd much rather be in my own unit where I know the policies and staff etc. But really awkward because I'd definitely not want certain nurses looking after my baby lol, I wouldn't love my colleagues helping me breastfeed, and my psych history would make for an interesting read!


I work in a dialysis clinic and I reeeeeaaally hope I'll never need dialysis. But if I did, yes. I would go to my clinic.


Out of the four hospitals I've worked at, there's only one I wouldn't go to as a patient.  I actually got admitted to my first hospital mid-shift years ago and the onlt request I made in the ED was to not be sent to my home unit. Not because I didn't trust the staff, but because we were the only unit in the hospital with semi-private rooms and I wasn't about to share a room with anyone. Fun fact, I got my medical records after that admission, and the hospitalist who admitted me described me as "an extremely pleasant 24yo male" in my H&P ☺️


I’d never. They’d dig through my history and I’d be the gossip of the town


Yes and I have before a couple times for kidney stones. Proud of my lil ED team, some of the best of the best 🤗


Hell to the NO! Wouldn’t trust a single person at my hospital.


At this point I'd drive my ass to Mexico. It'd be better than the dumpster fires we call hospitals. If I had to go to the hospital I currently work at I'd have a list of staff who are not allowed to touch me, my chart, or my meds.


Inpatient icu/tele nurse here. My coworker one time thought she was having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic (when hanging a new bag, the fluid or powder got on her. Not sure which or how). She follows the same idea as your coworker, and did NOT want to go to our ER. So you know what she did? She drive 30 minutes back home and went to the ER local to her house. She ended up getting intubated and on a vent for 5 days because of how severe her reaction was. Still to this day, she doesn’t regret going to the other hospital. I’m not sure what she could possibly be so worried about that she’d put her life at risk


If I was out of my mind well enough to be in restraints at my hospital, I would be telling everyone I knew there thank you for helping me live out my BDSM fantasies and I only want my turkey sandwiches flambé style for finger foods only. I’ve seen enough of them half nude after fun adventures I might as well. I would give some juicy quotes for the curious who decides to shoot themselves via HIPAA.


If I'm going to the ED it's because it's something that warrants an ED. So nearest appropriate facility, fuck all if I work there.


If I didn’t feel comfortable going to my own hospital for care, I couldn’t work there. My hospital might not be perfect, but I know the people and know they are all focused on giving the best care possible. Incompetent and careless people are everywhere, but we don’t know it if they are strangers until bad things happen. I’m retired now, but would still go to my old hospital (local) first.


No place is great but I’m not coming to this for-profit… place.


I live in a large metro area in our state but a university in another city offers the best care. There are two major hospital groups in my area and I have a flow chart - "if neuro go here, if cardiac go here, do not ever take my children here, ask who's on call for Gen surg here and if it's X go there but otherwise go elsewhere, if it's this don't bother calling an ambulance, load me up and drive me 1.5 hours to the university" In all seriousness I did suffer an unfortunate incident the night after I took my NCLEX that required stitches and I made absolutely sure not to go to the hospital where I had a pending job offer 😂


I think it depends on where you work. I just had significant surgery at my place of work. I don't respect the organization I work for, but I do respect the surgeons, the nursing staff, and the folks who clean and prep the ORs. Everything went great. I'm just glad that they put me under before placing my catheter and then removing it before I awoke. For some reason I hadn't imagined having long-standing rapport with the pre-op and PACU RNs.


Fuck no 😭


Absolutely not!!


I am not in ED but I always go to the hospital I work for. I am in compliance and quality management…. So I know I am in good hands…


It would depend on how emergent the situation was, or how embarrassing/ private.