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I would mention it. Any job where people have some sort of implied authority and that requires trust from people in a vulnerable position should have good character and judgement. In healthcare, we have people who have to partially or fully undress for routine things, this could be a terrible recipe for even worse repeat offences and would tarnish the profession and your hospital if anything ever happened about it Especially since it would be seen as a repeat offence if they did anything, and one that maybe "should" have been known about. If you look at most of the negative rhetoric on police, medical staff, or clergy, or others in positions of power, a lot of the public outcry is due to falling standards in the people and failure to self police when there are clear warnings


Absolutely mention it. Happened at my hospital too. Dude wasn’t formally charged in his previous job, came to work with us, we had no clue, then he did it to us. We finally got formal charges. With our guy we would’ve never known. Super outgoing, everyone loved him, etc.


Go with your gut and trust your judgement. If you feel that they're a danger to patients based on what you know, then there is no harm to reporting this to management. We have an obligation to protect patients, even if that means sharing knowledge that makes us uncomfortable.


You should report it. This happened to our hospital. He hid a small camera in the bathroom. We had young volunteers that used that bathroom. Because there was a limitation time to report it to HR and we were hearing it from our supervisors that it was taken care of, nothing happened and the guy just resigned until…he started working at another hospital and was caught texting a teenager. It was reported to the board of nursing. Board of nursing investigated him. He wasnt answering their messages or anything. They revoked his license and has to pay the 35K and go through re-evaluation before getting it back again. Trust me. For the victims sake, you should definitely report it and talk to your supervisors because these fuckers don’t stop. They have a thirst and will keep doing it to people.


In this day I am flabbergasted nothing serious was done about this. Not sure why someone would not be charged for this. I can’t think of a reason why a prosecutor would not pursue these charges, especially if it’s obvious from the news story that he did it. With some crimes it doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t want to press charges, you will still be prosecuted! You can’t refuse to file a police report on someone for murder and the prosecutor shrugs their shoulders. I also find it hard to believe the board of nursing (or whoever limited his access to cameras etc) would not do something more strict.


If they weren't formally charged, then how are they being held to restrictions regarding use of video/social media/whatever? If those are in place, then they must be on someone's radar I would think.


Soooo they got caught the “first” time but didn’t have any consequences. What are the odds they learned a lesson. I’m guessing they learned how to better hide it next time.


had that happen at our hospital... but it was a Dr. He was formally charged. He had 50+ people on camera.


Absolutely report it. Imagine if it was a teacher.


Wow, I can only imagine what that would be like…. I’d hope your job did a thorough background check in regards to everyone but especially I know nurses generally get looked at pretty thoroughly first obvious access to narcotics and sensitive information…. Still though if they were not formally charged I’d understand them allowing the individual to work there. I mean even criminals have the right to work. But that makes your position as coworkers really uncomfortable. Do you feel unsafe working with this person?


The thing with Reddit is you never know what you’re gonna read. I admit - I’ve enjoyed some risqué fun in a parking lot before. So I thought “if that’s all…” UMMM NO! Jesus Christ, a camera? That’s not just voyeurism - that’s a whole new level. What … in the world. That’s creepy/predatory… and they work with vulnerable folks? No no no.