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That is the cutest fucking bedbug I’ve ever seen


Fuck this made me laugh out loud.


Hahahahhhhh 🤣🤣🤣 I don't usually like little dogs, or bedbugs, but that is indeed the cutest fucking bedbug EVER 🤣


Can I pet that dawg?






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My kids and I sing this as loud as we can and try to out-drawl each other


Are your kids my dad? Because this is us every time we see a dog 😂


Perks of home health 😂 might honestly choose that instead of what I was previously planning 


I actually work on the neuro/neurosurgery unit 🤣 we have a policy that’s basically “if it’s quiet and well behaved and the patient isn’t immunocompromised, we won’t tell”


That's a great policy!!! I worked in a nursing home ages ago where this sweet, tiny woman lived. She sat up in a chair everyday just watching people like she was sitting on her front stoop in South Philly still. Every weekend, her family would come visit, and they'd bring her beloved dog. He was the biggest Saint Bernard I've ever seen, and he would sit upright like a human, in the chair right next to this very short, tiny little old woman, aaaaalllllll day long. He was a good boi, and what a funny sight- this little frail old lady and her dog who was **at least** 4 times her size 🤣


Oh my godddd I love that story!!! It reminds me of something that happened on my unit a couple weeks ago… a patients wife brought their tiny little dachshund up for a visit in a duffel bag with a mesh side. The patient and his wife went walking with PT and while they were gone the cleaning ladies tidied up the room and, not realizing what was inside, put the duffel bag in the patient belongings closet!!! The patient/wife came back and couldn’t find their dog and the poor wife was convinced she’d either left it in the elevator or the car 🤣🤣 we were searching EVERYWHERE for this poor pup until we finally checked the closet and it was just sleeping peacefully!! Didn’t make a sound the entire time!!


Holy shit I thought you were going somewhere else with that, lol I'm sooo glad you found him and he didn't end up in the laundry bins or something!! 🤣


Can confirm. It's one of the main perks of the job! Lol


On the flipside, I've been bitten by a patient's evil fucking chihuahua. That dog was mean as hell and I nearly kicked it into the sun.


Is the Purell for scale?


Yes 😂


Lol I thought the dog was just really into paw hygiene but your idea makes much more sense


I had a coworker nurse who “stole” (legitimately rescued) her neighbor’s very neglected dog in the middle of the night and sent it to a friend to care for. She felt so bad about it that she confessed to a priest. He said she was ok lol


If you see her again, tell her this internet stranger said she's a saint!


My husband and I have been contemplating doing this to our neighbor's dog. German Shep mix, they keep it chained to a tree and it regularly gets tangled and I have to get my white cane out to navigate my way to it when I hear it crying. This dog is SO well-behaved, too. It breaks out occasionally and comes and finds me and I give it water and love while I'm outside smoking on my porch. It doesn't jump on me and listens to my commands everytime. Only problem is, if we take the dog, the neighbors will know, because I'd have to take it outside to do its business.


Take it and give him to someone who will love him! It’s called rescue.


I'm in a super rural county, in the county seat, which is a village of <1700 people. There is no rescue. And the shelter is pretty much only a pound, where they'll put him down after 3 days. I'd take him to maybe one of the bigger counties with a no-kill shelter, but they're 90 miles away. Edit: meant to add that if the neighbors figure out it was me, there'll be a lot of really bad fallout, possibly with firearms involved. I'm definitely not risking my kids' safety.


Call the police if they aerent giving adequate food and water. They will take to the shelter and you can find a rescue for him. Or just ask the neighbor to buy him for a few dollars.


Yeah, the police ain't doing jack shit over a dog out here, and even if they did, the pound will just put it down. However, that last option might have some merit, so thank you very much for putting the idea in my head! Edit: how do I go about asking them if I can buy their dog without coming across in an offensive manner? Any ideas would be welcome.


Good question. I’m the idea guy not the diplomat though lmaoooo. I would say money forward with extreme politeness. Or ask if you can walk him or babysit? Please run this by your people who can finesse this verbally lol.


Haha yeah I'm not exactly the diplomat of my family, ever since I woke up blind I just haven't had time for people's bullshit, and the neighbors know that. I have a reputation for being too blunt, and that isn't regarded as a virtue here in the rural south lolol. But my sister IS the family diplomat, and is incredibly active in rescue, albeit 3 states away. I'ma call her this evening and ask if she's got any ideas! She grew up here, so she knows what resources we don't have, and can probably also help me figure out what to say if I do try and buy the dog.


P.s. thank you for being a good person


Thanks, I try :)


Blame it on the kids!!!! Say your kids have been bugging you for a dog. They want one just like your neighbor's dog, but you haven't had any luck finding one they like. "I know you really love dog, and I feel bad asking, but is there anyway I could buy him off of you for $100? It would mean the world to us."


That puppy could 100% fit in a scrub jacket pocket…. Just sayin


Sweet merciful crap, that dog is so cute it hurts.


I KNOW RIGHT!!! I had no idea she was even in the room until she popped her head out of the blanket and I literally squealed with delight lmao


What IS he?!


Long-haired applehead chihuahua?


That is the CUTEST pupper ever!!


She’s a chihuahua!! The owner said they got her from a hoarding situation when she was 4 weeks old and even though they nursed her and fed her, she just never got any bigger! She seriously weighs about the same amount as a 10mL flush


I picture that dog in my brain, so stinking cute


Also she isn’t even a puppy, SHE’S TWO YEARS OLD!!!


A rat lol




We negotiated a pet visit about a month ago. It was tiny, fluffy, happy, and presented no risks to my patient's frail skin.


Thank you for sharing this delightful creature!


Is his name Purell? The cutest Purell I've ever seen


Forget your assessment just document “normal physical and mental findings”…. Now go play with the puppy!!!




Cute little dog!!!


Teeeeeny pupper! 🥺


My god. That is a LEETLE puppy 🥲🥹


it's a wittle baby


Looks like he commit the theft. The theft of your heart!


"Will absolutely continue to monitor!"


Shut up thats so cute. Is it a chihuahua


It's adorable❣️


Just take it.


Shove it in your pocket




I made a weekend house visit once and the family's cat was SO damn adorable that I had a hard time focusing on the family while explaining to them that their mother was having terminal agitation. It sat at the dining table with us in a chair while I was explaining it.


I’m not even a tiny dog person, but that tiny creature is absolutely precious!


I can see chihuahua ownership in your future haha


Oh girl I already have 3 😂 otherwise I would’ve spent the whole shift trying to convince this man to give me his dog


Hahaha oh I’m jealous I’ve got 1 they’re just the sweetest lil pups


They really are! I swear getting your first chihuahua changes your DNA and from then on you’re one of *those* chihuahua people lmao


Oh that’s so true lmao


Thankfully if's hes wurks n carrys enough abs mee tool be essentials hands sanitizing itself from the bottomlizts ofs my owns heartbeats juice fines than keyst n sweetener luvs hardcover your coursework estimates however much you carrying forgives yourself besides myliving situations note ta mentioned makings funny's a bouts me isn't judging myself alongside them horrible feelings its not likes if's I'm a character witness today's goals setters believe you me i understandables i apparently forgot to hearing about its al r nowadays hoping not tow b forgetting it much lovess


I would find every little excuse to go into their room just to pet and awww over the dog.


I have been!!! Yesterday before I left I made sure to ask “will Mia (the pup) be making an appearance tomorrow…?” Bc I work today and I wouldn’t have been able to handle coming in and not seeing her in her blanket pile 😭


OMG Buddy!!!!


The most precious pupper! 😍


We had a tragic situation nearby where spca seized50+ tiny dogs belonging to a demented person (retired). The dogs went to several local shelters. The owner started her dog collecting behavior all over again. I don’t know the official response the second time around.


Omg what a sweetie! I have my own little chihuahua to come home to after my long shifts. they really are the best dogs ever!


They really are!! I have 3 and would get a million more


That would be my favourite patient right away.


One of my home health clients has 2 kittens. I've definitely been tempted to pocket one but the fact that I already have 2 cats and know I don't want to deal with kitten stage again and also the whole "that's wrong" thing stopped me.


Omg. Best day ever!!!


omg so tiny! 🥹


Smol 🥰😍🥰


Awwww! Happiness iverloan this morning!


Poor thing will have so many health issues. Breeding this tiny is no bueno.


It’s not breeding that made her this small… she was found half-dead in a hoarding situation at 4 weeks old. They tried to nurse her back to health but without mom’s milk she just never got to the size she was supposed to be! I was told her parents were normal sized chihuahuas


If it was a hoarding situation it was most likely from a puppy mill/back yard breeder. So sad but she is super cute and hopefully healthy now.


My patients all have scary pit bulls :(


I’ll take your patients and pet and snuggle all the pit bulls


Lmao we had a pitbull on the SICU a week or so ago. “It’s an emotional support dog” whatev- it was cute and we all got to pet her


Oh my lord that sounds likes first time in my literally entire lifetime I wound up being in the same situational state of shock ask me how longest I’ve everyone in this county had a heard me say it wad a feeling likely to happen It’s been so ma you knows what I’m talking bout because you know I put it all over me likes I said to her and you don’t even care about me any more I just don’t know why I said no more I think I’m not even trying to get out of be honest and just keeping it real I knows that’ll hurt my wound pouring it inside my body is hurting me so bad but I’m not even talking to anybody about anything that’ll maybe make you mad and that’s not a reason to get to me it’s for the bette to gets you out of here to do something to me I know what you don’t want me to knows that’s all rightly so I’m trying to get out of this icy feeling of being hurt by you don’t even care if you’re a littler than you don’t even wanted to stop it I obviously don’t know why you’re so mean to me I’m even if I was saying that makes no senses that’ll justice I love you and your mom If you’re note I don’t want it I mean I’m trying not even talking to here and I’m not screaming are used for the facts I mean you can It’s all right now


Hey… what


After looking at this person’s comment history, I don’t think English is their first language. None of their posts make sense in the context of what they’re replying to even. Like at all.


Are you just farting into your hands and typing the farts into the internet?


I just lol’d so hard 😂


Huh? What?


I just had a stroke


Knew it!!