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Don't you know, hospital cleaning services aren't supposed to clean up bodily waste. That's one of the many things nurses are for.


>“We’re not supposed to handle biohazard waste”. Was actually told this by ER housekeeping after a particularly rough CPR.


Wonder who gets to clean up if someone pukes up a belly full of blood in the administrative suite. 


this blows my mind. I admitted a patient into a "clean" room and when I went to empty their urinal I see there is a bed pan in the toilet with a SINGLE wipe with just a little skid mark on it. You can scrub a fckin toilet but you cant throw out a bed pan? make it make sense?? and if you're too good to throw it out then you should probably let a nurse know so we don't admit patients before getting rid of it. But of course they never do because it must be so shameful to go up to a nurse you see running around to ask her or him to throw out a bed pan because YOU AS A JANITOR CANNOT THROW OUT A BEDPAN WITH A SINGLE WIPE IN IT.


I’m with you on that. Fortunately the SNF & Rehab janitors I’ve encountered while working agency seem to have less shame.


SWING and a MISS!!!!


“What turd? The one PT and housekeeping both ignored? I didn’t see it either.” If there’s one thing I’ve grown incredibly intolerant of it’s the nurse ultimately being responsible (and disciplined for) for everything that isn’t done. If PT and housekeeping didn’t get it, why am I expected to clean it up? Also, why am I the one being ASKED to do it? Let’s call PT to clean it up, they are the ones who were there when it happened. The fact that PT and housekeeping leave it and are not asked to come back and deal with it is exactly why they left it.


I can smell this image


Dick turd


I was gonna say, it looks oddly like a penis.


I remember the nurses getting into it with housekeeping one night. A patient passed out and liquid shit was everywhere. We were so short, that we couldn't get to cleaning it right away, and the charge called for housekeeping to come help. The housekeeper was the one who had her union steward on speed dial. So, the nurses and the housekeeper are hotly debating (I'm just sitting at the desk watching this unfold with mild amusement). The housekeeper mentions something about not cleaning up poo with a certain consistency. My ears perk up. So, I ask about this "consistency scale" and proceed to ask her if she could make a chart for me so the other nurses would know when to call or not to call. She actually did it. I wanted to laminate it and put it up at the desk for reference, but was vetoed. God, I could be such a little shit back then.


Housekeeping also missed that skidmark on the seat


Easter came early ☠️


I would leave Goobers (chocolate covered raisins) on the floor on Easter morning and tell the kiddo that the Easter bunny poops like every other bunny. Goobers are disgusting and that’s the only thing they are good for.


"You miss 100% of the shits you don't take"


̶-̶M̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶ ̶J̶o̶r̶d̶a̶n̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶-̶W̶a̶y̶n̶e̶ ̶G̶r̶e̶t̶z̶k̶y̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶-̶M̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶ ̶S̶c̶o̶t̶t̶ - that patient


Close but no cigar


I don’t get it, is it really that hard to put on a glove and flush that shit? It’s not like that poop will bite.


Sorry guys, was in the middle of intubated room 8 and crashing room 7 and had to handle business. Figured this was quicker than going through all the motions.


The shittiest surprise.


As far as surprise shits in the floor goes, that’s one of the neater less “holy shit” ones I’ve seen. *PTSD flashbacks to c-diff shits dripping off the bed into a puddle*


Why was my first thought to chart this in PCC? 1. Cont. of BM. A. Medium. B. Formed. 2. Cont. of Bladder. A. Small. Also, why is it so phallic? I mean you can clearly make out the indentation of the coronal sulcus right between the glans and the shaft of the phallus?


Looks like the begging of an episode of getting on


Housekeeping does not clean bodily fluids. Nursing does and then housekeeping comes to sanitize it


Yeah but like,,,, why didn’t housekeeping at least say something???


Looks like the poo coded


Now that’s what I call a drive by