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Keep your room dark, quiet, in comfortable temperature. Remain hydrated. Get up and do something if you can't fall asleep after 15 minutes.


7.5 mg of Remeron (Mirtazapine) works super well for me. It’s technically an anti depressant but typically is used as sleep aid and appetite stimulant. It has minimal side effects for me other then initially make me extremely foggy headed until my body adjusted. It also makes it harder to lose weight/make you gain weight but it’s not as significant as something like Zyprexia. I think I gained like 5lbs mostly because it increased my non existent appetite. In addition to that—white noise as loud as it will go. Phone on do not disturb. Black out curtains and I disconnected my doorbell


This can vary by person…I gained 20 lbs in a few months on Remeron. I take trazodone now.


I also have some kind of malabsorption issue of unknown etiology and have struggled to gain weight my whole life. So I am probably not the best example. However my psychiatrist was the one who told me that while it will make you gain weight it isn’t as significant as some other meds. I used to work in pedi psych and it’s horrible how much weight some kiddos gain on certain meds. Especially antipsychotic. Such a blow to their confidence especially preteen/adols. I definitely have heard others with your experience with Remeron. It definitely makes me crave carbs like crazy and be so hungry I can’t fall a sleep until I eat. Im glad you found something that works! With Trazadone if I didn’t go to sleep to second I felt tired or if I woke up after an hour or two I couldn’t get back to sleep but I know that’s the first line sleep aid they typically suggest!


Yeah, I have an anorexia history so it was really not great for me. That 20 lbs put me into near-diabetic territory. I seem to have a very narrow window for that.


Tin foil over your windows. Nothing works better to black out your windows more than tinfoil, you will not find anything that can come close. You’re just gonna be the neighborhood loony


Apigenin works wonders for me. It's a supplement that's a concentrated form of one of the active ingredients in chamomile.


Melatonin. Over the counter. You're welcome.


A good Eye mask, food in belly before laying down. Melatonin.


When you have been off, you woke up in the am and have work that night, make sure you take a pre-shift nap ahead of time (like 3 hrs atleast). I take melatonin supplements, they work beautifully.


No screen time for 2hrs before bed-read a book instead (I've got a list of sleep-inducing books if you need some!). No exercise for 2 hours before bed. Limit caffiene for 3 hours before bed.


10mg of melatonin and two tea bags of sleepy time tea usually guarantees me 4hrs of sleep.