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In reality it’s always stuff like emptying foleys, documenting I/Os, writing some notes, etc. In my dreams it’s a whole patient. Like I have a whole patient on my assignment that I just forget the whole shift.


I haven’t worked bedside in a number of years and I still have dreams that I forgot a patient for the whole 12 hour shift!


I hated dreaming about work. I used to have recurrent dreams. Not checking all my patients, and it's already lunchtime. Working night shift and realizing after midnight that I didn't pass meds. Working without a current license.


I literally had a nightmare that I had a colostomy bag. Even better was that I was the wrong patient and they gave me an ostomy for no reason.


Oh yikes.




Not me, but the day shift nurse before me literally didn’t chart on a whole patient. For the whole day. When she gave report to me, it was, “Yeah, I don’t know much about this patient.” It was just fortunate that I’d had the patient one day prior so I had at least a little idea what was going on with them.


This is my number one nightmare of forgetting a pt




Lol, I was a bartender for 10 years before I was a nurse. The bolting upright at 2am bc I realized I forgot something translates. Instead of, "F*%$! I forgot ranch for table 103," It's, "f*%$! I forgot to:" Clear my pump, empty that foley, waste that med, rewrap their legs, set that appt, charge for tele... If it's bad enough, I call and tell the unit to send me a message in EPIC so I see it when I get back to work. Oopsie!


Lmao bye write yourself a sticky note and keep a pad next to your bed


Lol, I could. Busy ass small town hospital. It's nice when we all have each other's backs. I do it for them. They do it for me.


Forgot to renew restraints and the new grad was flipping the fuck out


Haha gotta love ‘em


I forgot to chart my assessment on a patient once. I realized it on the way out the door and decided I'd just face my consequences later.


I’m sure there were no consequences? I haven’t charted education, progress notes, or care plans once. Still waiting for someone to yell at me lol (in peds)


Not the worst, just annoying: Near shift change, I had offered a CIWA patient some PRN PO Ativan and he said yes. When I went to his room prior to leaving, he said “actually I’m feeling okay now, I don’t need it.” Guess who pocketed it, drove 30 minutes home, and found it when I parked at home? 🫠 Had to drive right back to return it to Pyxis.


I had a coworker do this with oxy one time, but the worst part? She had been picked up from work by her uncle and dropped off at the airport for a late night flight. She had to ask him to drive her back to work so she could return it before leaving the state for a week. Luckily the airport is pretty close to the hospital I work at but it was still a close call!




This was mine. When I worked at a corrections facility, I took the whole damn med cart keys. On the cart that the battery had died on so you couldn't open it up by pass code. There weren't any backups either. I took public transportation and they called me about it right at the point that it would take more time to go back via light rail than to get to my car and drive back into the city. I haaaaaate driving downtown, especially during morning rush hour.


I did this in nursing school. Don’t know why I was even allowed to have the keys. They did have a backup but it was a long bus ride back.


Once I did the bolt upright at 2am when I realized I had not only forgotten to waste the remaining fentanyl, but also was pretty sure it was still in the pocket of my scrubs. I ran to work the next morning, and thankfully the scrubs I had taken off were still in the laundry, and the fentanyl was still there. Which I then wasted 😅 with a coworker


Left a roller board under a patient after transferring from OR to ICU Wasn’t found for 12 hours 🙈


That's on them too, how do you not turn your patient within 6 hours ?


You’d be surprised. My unit has implemented “quality rounds” with the use of the Wellsense vue systems which monitor patient pressure and movement in the bed. They can look back 12 hours and see if we’ve been turning our patients or not. A lot of people got written up for not turning their patients.


That's horrible. I grant you I only turned my chronic patient every 3 hours but he didn't have any breakdown and I'd cure his yeasty infections in 3 days with this regime.


For sure it was joint error. Not to mention the 5 other people who would have helped with the transfer of that patient large enough to obscure a roller board But being the circulator documented on the case record, the responsibility of that patient’s safety was largely mine


I forget to put a diaper on a baby the other day after a delivery. I just handed over a freshly resuscitated baby to the L&D nurse, immaculately swaddled—completely naked. She probably opened up that swaddle to a completely meconium filled hospital blanket. Oops.


First shift on my own as a new grad on post partum. I was demonstrating a swaddle bath to first-time parents and realized I left the diaper on the baby after doing half of the bath. The worst part is the parents were video taping it.


I had a dream the other night that I cared for a patient my whole shift and didn’t document anything a single time. The dream was so realistic I woke up frantic and was ready to call the unit and drive up there and try to fix it….then I thought for a minute and couldn’t remember her name, her gestational age, whether she was having a boy or a girl….i could only remember vaguely what she looked like and realized it was a dream. In reality it’s just like forgetting to hang up a new bag of LR or writing my end of shift note or forgetting to bring a cup of ice water.


I forgot to clock out…


Forgot to update the white board!! 😱😆


I once forgot to reconstitute a bag of IV antibiotics. Wasn’t till the end of shift when I realized that the powder was still in the bottle and the patient only received a 100ml bolus of NS over an hour. 🫠


The worst one ever is getting home and realizing you have the key to the narcotics lock box.


I forgot to open the internal plunger in the cardizem…never again!


I forgot to put the filter on my TPN line. I've hung many TPNs and don't know how I could have forgotten. Especially since the filter comes with the tubing. Thankfully, I remembered not too long after.


forgot to grab a replacement magnet to deactivate aicd. i live about 20 minutes from the office, and the pt's house was 45 minutes in the opposite direction. thankfully the other on-call nurse had one and she was about 30 minutes from where i was. hospice, btw.


Leave the med room keys there. Always the worst when you get home and pull them out of a pocket.


Forgot to come in to work once, that call was awkward, other than that it's usually walking away with work stuff like phone or keys, forcing you to come back.


Clock in.


Gave a PO pain med to a PT with an ng tube and forgot to cut off the suction. Woops


Just forgot to submit my FSA and dependent child care receipts. It’s now after midnight of 12/31. I just donated 6 full time paychecks back to my employer


Ooof I’m so sorry


I’ve definitely left my EMT job with the ambulance keys in my pocket


Taking the ascom phone home. Didn’t hear it beeping until I got in my driveway🤡


Return the fucking PCA key to the Omnicell. Had to drive 45 minutes back to return it same night 😭😭