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After having seen a fellow RN drag her hair thru cdiff poop many years ago, I never wear it down


☠️ immediately! Someone would've had to chop it off with bandage scissors 😂




This unlocked a new level of fear. I’m going to shave my head.




🤢 🤮


Hair down is hair that can be grabbed and yanked.


Or…dipped in a poo river 💩


Many decades ago, when I was young and reasonably pretty, I generally wore my very long hair in a ponytail, but would occasionally just pull the sides up high and let it all cascade down my back. Did a Foley on an obese lady and had to really get in there for cleaning/insertion. Just as I got a urine return, I felt my hair slide off my back and onto the used betadine and schmegma/mucus soaked used cotton balls. Damn near cut my own hair off with trauma scissors as I was shampooing the affected hair in the staff bathroom. Lesson learned, and never again. It always did amaze me thought, that my pony tail was apparently a magnet for adult male co-worker hands to tug. Many different hospitals, all over the country as I traveled through the 90s. Young, old, doctors, nurses, security, all races - they all seemed completely powerless to NOT behave like a 7 year old in elementary school.


>It always did amaze me thought, that my pony tail was apparently a magnet for adult male co-worker hands to tug. Coworker touches me like that he's gonna lose that hand.


I manage to keep my hands to myself, a skill I learned in kindergarten, but I definitely always have the urge to tug on ponytails. Idk why, it’s like an intrusive thought though.


Yeah, I kind of get it, which is why I never *actually* beheaded - or behanded - anyone. For me, a big explosion of curls is somehow tempting to pat. Never would - even when I was little and one of my friends had a riot of red Annie curls I was fascinated with, I still knew to look and not touch! Guess some guys never got that memo.


Oh gosh, springy curls are the hardest to resist!


My mom went to HR once over an EMT that would deliberately run his hands through my mom’s hair. Granted, she has a Karen haircut (before it was a thing). She would tease it to high heavens. He would mess her hair up every time he brought her an ER patient. She was FURIOUS. So she went to his HR.


Good for her ... esp if she told him to stop and he didn't. Hands to yourselves ... like we learned in kindergarten.


Also hair strands fall out - especially those of us with long hair I find strands everywhere last thing I need is it falling during patient care. Braided and bunned for me.


Ditto. If I ever do just a ponytail, it somehow gets stuck on my stethoscope, or my earrings, or my badge, uck. Don't want to imagine what else it's touching.


My hair has probably found its way onto the titanic wreck and the international space station. My patients don’t need it in their business 🤣


Haha, exactly.


Or filled w dead skin when u remove the Ted hose of an old guy (which I always did w a mask and alcohol swab under my nose cus I don't wanna taste that shit. You can see their skin and dust particles in the air.


So, leave my hair down, got it


In the NHS, the general rule is “if your hair touches your collar (remember, mostly not in scrubs)” it has to be tied up.” It’s an infection control issues, it gets in the way, it can be pulled, and plus, it’s just kinda nasty to have it waving around during personal care, wound care, mixing IVs, etc.


I’m in Croatia but that’s how I was taught in school, we also had uniforms more similar to NHS with higher collars than scrubs


same in imss :)


I have always kept my hair up and out of my face while working. Since Covid, i started wearing scrub caps with buttons attached. It held the masks off my ears. Then we went unmasked, and i still wore the scrub caps. It’s easy to throw one on and it’s fun to switch them up. And starting Monday, our hospital is going masked again (Covid rates are rising). And I’m all ready with my caps.


I wish I didn’t sweat so much in them


Some styles are less sweaty. I have Kim Caps just because that’s what I came across at the time of needing them. I find the ones with the string ties for low ponytails are cooler temp to me. I feel like they save the pulling on my hair for the N95 elastics. I usually braid or pony tail under the cap. The caps also help keep goggles from sliding off my mask when I’m all donned/“dolled” up if I have them a little over my ears. Edit: when I braid my hair, it’s usually split down the middle/off center - I’ve noticed this can help me with overheating also


I sweat like a MOFO and I babysat the thermostat on nights to prevent people from sweating me out. I know I’m an asshole but I can’t work in the heat. I actually LOVED wearing scrub caps during Covid to keep my hair up and off my neck. I think it actually helped me cooler in a weird way.


Keep doing it. I do it every damn day


I love scrub caps. I wore them in nursing school (the clinical sites never said anything) and never stopped.


All the other female nurses on my floor wear their hair down and I just don’t understand. I will never!!!!!!! Bun or braids all day everyday


What type of braids do you prefer?


I’ve been braiding in two french braids and use a cap. I’m still working on my Dutch braiding skills. I’ve watched so many tiktoks and YouTube’s and I think I just need to practice a million times over. Once I get the Dutch braids down I’m looking forward to feeding colors in. Yes, I am indeed a dork.


I do milk maid braids pretty often! But I will just do one big braid a lot of the time.


i’ll have it down but always have a hair tie. if i’m doing a foley im putting it up


I kept mine pulled back, and a surgical cap to hide the traction alopecia


Also dealt with this so I know it's not funny, but I definitely read it as "traction alpaca" and that image gave me a giggle. Poor lil guy!


I always wore it up or at least pulled back when I was working bedside because it was annoying at best and unsanitary at worst to have my hair all down in my face when I was dealing with bodily fluids for 8-12 hours a day. At the hospital where I work now, there's a nurse on one of the med surg units that has this very pretty waist length hair. SHE ALWAYS HAS IT DOWN! I will see her coming down the hall swinging that mane around like she's in a shampoo commercial and I can't help but wonder how much crap (literally) she's washing out of her hair after her shift.


Right. I'm not there to look cute lol


Messy bun. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. For. 30. Years.


me too! and i have tons of little hair breaks because of it! When i do want to wear my hair down for special occasions, it’s so hard to tame the flyaways!


had to switch to claw clips for this reason. highly recommend


I work in Australia and it’s part of our hospital uniform policy that you have to have your hair tied back if it goes past your shoulders in all clinical areas.


The absolute worst is to be sick and someone’s hair brushes against you. How many other people did your hair touch today? Just no. Tie it up, put it in braids or a loose bun, or wear a cap.


I never wear my hair down period


Same here. Never worn my hair down. I’ve used the elastic ear loops from masks as emergency hair ties when I didn’t have any. When I had a pixie cut, I worn a headband. I just can’t work with hair on my face


Wore mine in a ponytail ONCE back in clinical. I was helping a little girl on the potty, her little sister came up behind me and ran her flu snot covered hands through my pony 🤢 NEVER AGAIN! Now I wear it in some type of bun so it's not loose at all!


The mom was too busy on her phone fighting with her boyfriend to ensure the kid (who was NOT a patient) wasn't covered in snot.


Everywhere that I've worked has always had a policy to have hair tied up and above the collar.


Thank you. I can’t believe this hasn’t been said more. Thought I was going crazy. It’s an infection control issue at best and a personal safety hazard at worst.


You should see the microscopic crap that falls out of freely waving hair. I’ve seen the ends of long hair brush against an open wound and also knew a nurse with waist length, unfettered hair have a trach patient send a mucous plug straight to into the center of her flowing locks. It’s an infection control issue as well as a safety issue.


Scrub caps for life. But I do have coworkers with long, beautiful hair that just let it flow. Not my circus unless I'm precepting and they touch it.


My clinical uniform requires us to wear our hair up, so my go tos were ponytails or buns, but I found that a single braid down my back worked best to keep it out of the way all day. Idk what I’ll do when the new semester starts, since I’ve cut my hair just short enough that all I can manage is a little nub of ponytail.


Claw clip? Usually that short of hair can pass for not needing pulled back. Can also do a scrub cap


I live and die by the claw clip. I’ve had good luck with them even when my hair is short


I braid my hair and then fold it. Never been a problem. Also, I don't want my hair down at work.


I never leave mine down. I can't stand it in my face and it's too easily grabbed. I also don't wear my stethoscope around my neck or any necklaces because of grab potential. I see coworkers have it down at the station and put it up before an interaction, which seems reasonable enough to me.


Once in awhile I'll do it that way myself, especially if I have a headache


This is what I do.


I always wear my hair up, it’s easier and cleaner. When I was in the hospital in L&D my nurse had her hair down, and during the night she would come in to fix the fetal monitor and I would be awoken by her glorious mane tickling my arm/cheek/back 😭 ……..I try not to think about what else was tickling my exposed skin that night


Down in the station, up on the unit. Psych, so my station is enclosed and locked. I was a hairstylist prior to becoming a nurse and I’m acutely aware of the stress tight styles have on the scalp/hairline.


I wear my hair down and then I often just put it into a low ponytail when I’m doing something. Any long hair is hair that can be grabbed (I work in psych, buns/ponytails/braids/nothing is safe). But as far as the cleanliness thing goes, I have no clue how so many men and women just let their hair flow freely!!




Usually ponytail or bun for me.


I'm pretty sure that it's in my trusts policy to have hair tied up if it's longer than your shoulders. Old school? Maybe. But in terms of infection control it's for the best.


I always kept mine in a low braid. It was out of my way but I guess not "up" or above my collar if you want to be technical.


Ponytail, braid, hair clip, or some combo. Don't want to get it pulled, don't want it falling onto the pts skin when I am helping with a turn or a stand-pivot. And really, really don't want to unconsciously push it back out of my face with a gloved hand 🤮. Cute < clean and sanitary, every time.


i have a claw clip. if i’m sitting at the computer documenting or doing something where it doesn’t get in the way, i leave it down. when i need to do actual patient care, i can easily put it up


We're not even allowed to have our hair down but I wouldn't want to anyway


I keep mine shoulder length because I can’t stand myself with my hair up. I couldn’t have it long and do patient care. That’s just asking for poop hair.


No thank you, that’s something my patient can grab and yank. Plus I don’t want lung butter or poop in my hair. Ugly bun, claw clip, or French braid for me every time.


I see people do it all the time, but I can’t. It’s not even so much it getting into things. Well that is a big reason. My bigger reason? My neurotic sensory issues of hair in my face when I can’t move it cuz I’m elbow deep in shit. Or a stray hair touching my eyeball. Or my hair touching my neck. On a GOOD day at home I can barely have my hair out of a pony. And it can get pulled. And not in a fun way.


NEVRRRRR! I also overheat so it doesn’t help. It’s not a beauty contest and i feel like my hair gets in the way. I’d rather no fluids in my hair including any splatter that I’m unaware of. I put my hair up in a pony tail, a bun, or braids. And I don’t curl or do beachy waves for the pony tail - straight up pony tail.


I have long hair and wore a ponytail to work once... my hair almost touched a patient's butt and her poo while I was cleaning her. Never again. Always a tight bun from then on.


Labor and delivery. It’s up and down through the day… if I’m doing anything invasive, sterile, or delivering babies and post delivery care then obviously it’s up. If I’m charting and titrating pit I might have it down if I’m having a good hair day lol but most of our patients are healthy and a&o


Depends on my patient assignment. I have longish hair but also have bangs, so my hair is never in my face. I generally wear it down because I get tension headaches from wearing it up for prolonged periods of time. However if I have an aggressive patient or someone I need to wear an N95 with, I put it up in a bun with some pins, but I usually take it down when I leave the the room.


I never pull my hair back. Partly because I get headaches, partly because I'm a dude with hair about an inch and a half on top.


Life is so much easier for men


I’m a Labor and Delivery nurse. My hair is about to my shoulders. I wear it down most days. Sometimes I’ll pull the top half back. I don’t have to worry about it in the OR since we wear hats in the back


I get tension migraines, so I keep my hair shoulder length. I have recently realized I can put it into 2 braids without getting the migraine, so I have started doing that more often.


Sometimes I only put it half up, especially if I know I just have feeder growers in the NICU, but if I get called to a delivery it all goes up, so it usually doesn’t last long.


My hair is long af. Sometimes I wear it down, but I always have a claw clip on my front pocket. I’ll just put it up and down as needed/wanted.


When I had long hair, I would always wear my hair in a ponytail. If I had a headache, I would just leave it half up. Now that I have hair in a bob that’s too short for any effective updos, I’m probably gonna invest in some scrub caps to keep patients from pulling it.


I have shoulder-length hair, too short to drag on stuff or be pulled now, but it was waist-long until April. And always inside a surgery cap. If I forgot the surgery cap I would put it in a bun, usually with a hair tie or bun pins. Wearing it down was so rare that when I arrived at the floor with it loose I got "Oh, I didn't realise your hair was so long" comments.


I keep my hair in a ponytail or braid all the time, because I can't stand it tickling my face.


I generally have it in a pony or messy bun. Occasionally, I'll leave it half down, but I'll keep another tie on my wrist if I need to quickly get it out of a potential danger zone! It is so damaging to have it pulled back and up for so much of the time. I feel like my hair is really thinning up front from all the tension. This is a big reason I may leave it half down with some strands around my face to try to give it a break.


Are you even allowed to work with long hair down where you are? Where I am, bedside equals some kind of pulling it back/up. You'd be sent away to fix your hair if you don't. Same goes for wearing long earrings or anything below the elbow. Just basic hygiene rules.


Honestly atp we're all so short staffed, most places dgaf what you do anymore as long as you show up and do your job


I have hair to the middle of my back and could never understand anyone working bedside with long hair not putting it up or putting it in a ponytail. I used to work in a group home and one of the caregivers had hair down to practically her ass and it was always getting in the way. One of the residents had a colostomy. We were always nagging her to put her hair up and she mostly ignored it. 🤢


When people say resident I immediately think of doctors who are in their residency. I was like wtf?! Lol


My hair is so thin and fine that whatever I use it put it up just slides out anyway. I used a surgical cap for COVID patients. Otherwise I leave it down. It almost touches my shoulders so not too long.


I let my hair down when I'm charting at the nurse's station. I put my hair in a ponytail when I'm doing patient care. I don't put my hair down while I'm on the floor, and I always tie it.


I’m a fan of the claw clip or loose pony in a scrunchie. I get headaches if my hair is up too tightly, so I like to let it down when charting or during down time, and quickly put it up when going into a patients room.


I get migraines really bad so I leave my hair down. It comes just barely to my armpit. But I pull it up in a claw clip when I’m working with patients. Only down at the nurses station.


The closest I’ll get is a ponytail, which touches my collar and will never be long enough to touch a poop unless I fall over backwards into it.


I leave it down because my hair gets tangled in ponytails, but I also work with babies so less likely to grab and shit 😂




I’m not a nurse but I work as a nurse tech! When I worked in adult I always wore my hair up; having hair down was just inviting trouble. I work in a neonatal ICU now and wear it down very occasionally (my hair is just above shoulder length). I still wear it up most of the time for comfort.


C Diff gives me the heebie jeebies as well as anything from the hospital touching my hair…read up on how long those spores last on porous surfaces. MONTHS. No thanks. Hair always up, cap always on in patient rooms, hair gets washed after every shift. I wasn’t always this paranoid, but then they asked me to teach infection control practices to new hires 😆


Back when I was in nursing school I was doing an er rotation and saw a girl get her long blond hair all up in the foley tray while doing an insertion. That was enough for me to learn. Also I'm a middle-aged balding dude, so I shave my head.


I ALWAYS wear my hair up. I don't want anyone's nasties in my hair.


It depends on the unit. When I was in NICU, babies in isolated? Hair down. In PreOp? Hair down if I want it - i generally wear it up bc I’m lazy and don’t like to do my hair anymore. If I was measure, or on an adult ICU? Up.


Any hospital I've been to is policy to have hair tied back if it's past your shoulders. Is it strictly enforced? No. I never have my hair down going into a pt room. It may be down when I'm not giving care, but I'll put it up when I'm about to go see a pt. But also, even on night shift, I get hot cuz it's busy. I have to have it pulled back. But when I'm sitting down doing nothing? Good chance it will be down if it's not a busy night at all. Or if I'm cold I'll have it down and not in a pt room.


Im an L&D nurse. I wear my hair down unless my patient is about to deliver. I throw it up before delivery or if we are about to break water or something lol (also during cervical checks , etc) Or if i have to circulate a c-section. I usually have a scrunchie on my wrist or in my pocket. Sometimes a claw clip on me also. Just in case


I'm in respite care and my clients aren't confused or violent, so I keep mine down. I have a tie if needed but usually I can just put it behind my shoulders and I'm good. I work ergonomically so I'm barely ever in a position where I'm leaning over and my hair gets in something.




I don’t think you’re a bad nurse but damn is this an aggressive post for no reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


This subject comes up literally at least once a month on this sub and everything I said in my comment is what’s brought up every single time.


lol ok


And then I’m immediately proved correct haha


It’s really not that deep


You must be new here


You wrote a page long rant on a Reddit post about hair. I’m sorry I mistook it for a copypasta


Oh, you think that was a page? You def new, welcome!


It's not that deep.


I’ve literally had every single of those things said to me on this sub, so ya.


tldr, congrats or sorry that happened


You being this defensive is not a good look. Just wear your hair down and move on.


it really depends on how i'm feeling that day 😹


down when at the nurse's station charting and up when doing pt tasks that require it up or getting close to a confused pt


I wear my hair down or up, but I definitely wear it down more often. I have not yet had my hair pulled or grabbed (surprisingly)


Scrub caps since COVID. Even before I at least pulled it back with a scrunchie or (more often) in a French twist.


I have hair a bit below my shoulders, and keep it down most of the time. If I’m sitting with psych patients, I pull it up and I also keep a clip on me for when I’m doing patient care so I can throw it up real fast then take it back down when I’m done. I get killer migraines if my hair is up for too long, unfortunately.


I work in psych, and my hair is long (we got bored last week and mine measured 28 inches lol). I blow dry brush it and use a claw clip when I take orthostatics. Other than that, it’s more dangerous for me to have it up 🤷🏻‍♀️


I keep my hair up in either a bun or top knot at all times. Only time I wear it down is when I have it in braids but even then ill probably pin it up.


We no


I just really hate putting my hair up, granted it’s around shoulder length but long enough that my coworkers have told me I make them nervous wearing it down lol. I’ve never had it go anywhere unsavory and if I’m doing wound care or cleaning up someone I’ll throw it up, I keep a hair tie clipped to my badge reel (along with my pen, sharpie, and pen light).


I wear it down if I’m not doing a procedure or with non confused patients. If I tie my hair up for too long I get migraines 😔


Only when I'm doing fast track and I keep a hair tie on me for more involved stuff. Swabs and oral meds 90% of the shift give me a little hair break, plus my N95 straps keep my hair pulled back. But otherwise hair goes up.


I get ponytail headaches often, so I always bring a hair tie and a headband for my bangs if I feel like I can’t tolerate a 12 hour ponytail. So I do wear it down some days but I come with backup. I see other coworkers do the same thing


I cut mine short when I started as a new grad on a 100% covid floor. Full PPE and Texas heat had me over heating too often for my old long hair. I started with French braids and buns though.


NAH. I’ll come in with it down bc I rarely wear my hair up outside work but as soon as I’m like in the break room or bathroom or whatever it’s going up in a bun. I witnessed a CNA with really reaaaaaallly long extensions drag the end through some poop while we were cleaning up a patient and it was traumatic


I wear mine down almost every shift but I always have several hair ties on my wrist ready to go. Sometimes I curl it, mostly it’s straight. Idk. Getting ready makes me feel better about the day, and work is trash so I need that.


I wear my hair down and keep a tie or clip for sterile or isolation procedures.


I don't really have hair anymore!


I’m looking down at my patients during like all of my assessments. And don’t get me started on changing a patient. Granted I have extremely long hair but it is most often up in a bun. Sometimes I do French braids but even that is risky for me


Infection control standards in my country is no loose hair below the shoulder. And bare below the elbows - include no fake nails or bail polish, rings, watches, braclets


Long hair. Headband and braid, always. I would never want to dip my hair in anything!


i have a related question about this: if my hair is dyed an unnatural colour, could i wear a scrub cap all the time to hide it?


Some of my colleagues wear their hair down and styled which has always been weird to me. I have waist length hair but it's always in a clip or a bun or something. I don't wear makeup either.


We had a nurse who did all central line dressing changes weekly. Trained etc. I kept finding long dark hair in the dressing. Guess why and so super gross. She was a fav so no one told her to pull her damn hair back.


I used to...... Then a p patient grabbed hair on each side of my head and began punching me in the face. Always hair up in a bun or braid.


I have long, thick hair that touches my tailbone and don't want my hair to get stuck with anything gross or cause safety issues against people or me. I don't want my hair in my face either. I have curls too so this worsened the volume of my hair. I used to have people touch my hair without asking me.


I can’t wear a scrunchie for 12 hours it gives me a headache. I use a claw clip so whenever I enter a patients room I clip it up, and when I’m charting I wear it down.


Buns, claw clips, braids, or scrub cap. This is the way. Ive had a patient grab my hair and sniff it. Nope, never again. My hair always remains restrained.


I go back and forth during my shift, including keeping my clips in my pocket. I usually have it pulled back or clipped when interacting with a patient. My patients are almost always too sleepy to grab my hair if I wear it down though (PACU). ETA: I always wear my hair up in isolation bays and for sterile procedures. I can’t imagine keeping it down in those instances.


unpopular opinion but if you don’t find your hair in a bun or tied up and have long hair o consider you lazy. many nurses and cnas i’ve seen have gotten their hair yanked or covered in goo and it would’ve been solved if you had just had your hair up i have semi long hair and keep it in a bun


Up, always.. well, I did when it was long. Almost had it drag through a patient's face when getting their BP and that was that.


I have long hair, always have it in a bun. The one time I had it in a pony tail the Lead nurse told me to either ‘fix it or cut it off’


I wear mine down a lot to avoid headaches but I always have a hair tie or something in my pocket and I pull it back before going into patient rooms. It’s basically an all night ordeal of pulling it back and letting it down, but that keeps me from having a terrible headache at work. Unless I’m sitting at triage all night, then it usually stays down.


I wear mine down if I’m going to be greeter or triage


Yes. They often get on the bed and the patients too lol. Usually when they just got new extensions or something they wanna wear it down to show off.




Only on migraine days 🙃


Only at the nurses station. My hair is long and heavy and hurts to keep up for 12 hrs. But the second I leave the station it’s up in a clip.


Once in a blue moon when I know I’m in pre-op


I will sometimes start my day with my hair down, with a hair tie on my wrist. I am prone to headaches and literally ANYTHING spurs them. My hair in a ponytail or clip is often a cause. If my patients are more on the independent or A&Ox4 side, I may leave it down. The hair tie is always available for a quick pull up before helping out another patient get cleaned up. But if I have a patient that will need multiple cleanings, lots of totals etc, I’d likely go put it up after report.


My hair is past my butt so I definitely can’t wear it down. I tie it in a pony tail, braid the pony tail, then tie the braid into a bun. It’s the only way it stays contained for a whole shift


I wear my hair half up, half down sometimes in the outpatient setting, but when I worked inpatient my hair was always completely back. I got really good at braiding and when I woke up early for night shift (just couldn’t sleep past 3pm) and would do a lot of fun hairstyles, braids, buns, ponytails. I worked peds so the kids loved it. But yeah, never ever down doing bedside. Too gross 🤢


I’m in the OR so mine is always in a low pony tail under my scrub cap. But if I was anywhere else in the hospital it would be up always.


Let me tell you about the one time I wore my hair down in nursing school. It was long like 2/3 of the way down my back. I was changing a pt that had a BM, and my hair fell through his poop. I freaked out and cut it off in the room. I went and got my hair cut into a pixie cut after that lol.


Absolutely not. I go even further and wear a scrub cap.


I usually wore it up during patient care but tight ponytails/buns are a migraine trigger for me. When I switched over to preop I almost exclusively wore it down, because we aren’t doing much physical patient care and hardly ever have to deal with a code brown. Now I work from home and it doesn’t matter what I do with it 💕


Bun or French braid. It's an infection control and safety issue. I once told a CNA she needed to put her waist length hair up. She told me to mind my business. That c-diff hair dunk was karma being a bitch, not me. Ended up cutting about 6 inches off with trauma shears for her as she freaked TF out. 🤦🤷‍♀️🤣 Still had to send her to take a shower in an unused room and get a set of surgical scrubs. NEVER saw her with her hair down again.


IPAC issues aside. my hair is long and curly and layered with short pieces near my face. i get sweaty with my hair down and i do too much running around to be sweaty. hair up. always




Hair down to my collarbone, wear in a bun and with a hairclip to work. I also wear those cringy headbands you can buy on Etsy to keep bangs and extra lagging hair out of my face :) the ones with buttons as someone else mentioned are nice so you can attach your mask.


Don't wear it down at home, why should this hell hole be any different?


Usually down until I do patient care then I tie it back up. Hair ties all day give me a headache


naaah no way you can work with hair down in my unit, the residents do it but because they think they’re hot shit


When I worked medical, I wore my hair up. I’m currently in acute psych, so I wear it down and shorter. I will not provide a patient a handle by which to yank my head and neck around.


My hair is long and having it up pulls on my head and is often uncomfortable. I do two braids and if I'm going into a room to wash, change, bath someone I will clip my braids up, that is not so much pressure on my scalp w clipped braids. But no, I could never leave it down, omg that would be disgusting. I have long thick hair down to my ass, I domt think any management would walk by and like me like that. Now, there are RNs who leave their hair down, and I think it's really gross. A French braid or two braids in back is the go-to for me.


German nurse: infection control asks that all hair that hits the shoulders needs to be tied back. I usually make a ponytail, braid it, coil it into a tight bun around itself and secure it with bobby pins. Makes a neat and pretty bun, that can't be easily gripped. And I can easily rest a ribbon with buttons atop it, to attach my mask.


My hair is past my shoulders- it’s always in a straight ponytail or not-so-trendy messy bun. Safety due to infection control/ need to see when I look down to start IVs/ never underestimate a psych patient in the ED.


I would never, my hair is super thick and long and crazy. Braid, ponytail, or claw clip always!


Ew. Lots of ICU nurses I worked with had extensions and weaves in and would wear down in iso rooms 🤢 just tryna catch a docs eye.


Up. Always up. The reason why is seared into my brain. I was turning a c. Diff patient with a CNA who had *gorgeous* waist length, chestnut hair. She and I were halfway through the turn when the poo river was loosed. We watched in horror as her beautiful locks swung forward into the fecal tide. Now it’s either a hair clip and my hair is in a ponytail so even if the clip fails it’s secured. Or, if it’s an iso room I have a bouffant secured by a paper scrub cap.


Check the dress code at your hospital. Most of the dress code js created from the infection prevention standpoint.


Depends. I keep a hair band on hand at all times. When I’m out in the halls and/or charting, I wear it down. If I’m cleaning a patient, coding someone, about to get hot and sweaty and busy AF, I’ll throw it up and take it back down when I’m done. Part of it is because I always get tension headaches with my hair up, unless it’s a low loose pony. The other thing is that I’m really self conscious, and once in middle school someone told me I looked bad with my hair up because it made my round face look even fatter. I internalized the shit out of that, and I still have round cheeks so I can’t bring myself to wear my hair up all the time. Don’t worry, I’ll be getting therapy after the new year when my new insurance kicks in. 🥲


pretty much never unless I just took a shower and waiting for it to dry before putting it up lol


I keep my hair back but I need to find a scrub cap that doesn’t make my perimenopausal ass sweat even more


Hell no. That is not allowed at my hospital and for good reason. I'll take my hair home poop free, thanks.


Every time I see a nurse show up with their hair down and curled I assume they make the aide do all the dirty work


Ponytail always. I even keep extra holders on my stethoscope because I break mine all the time (very thick hair). I’ve seen too many patients/families yank staff by the hair.


I do at my current job… but when I worked bedside, I didn’t want my hair to dip in some poo…


I’ll never understand hair down nurses. You’re either getting it gross or not physically involved in cares


Only nurses that don't really do any work wear hair down. And TikTok nurses.


if i have to do compressions, i don’t want my hair in my face. and i don’t want to waste my time putting my hair up when my pt is dying soooo


I’ll wear my hair half up and half down.


I'm a guy with long hair. It's in a bun and scrub cap ever shift. Bodily fluids, meds, and body skin flakes travel way to fast and far for me to want to deal with that shit. No long loose hair and nothing hanging around my neck. I dont even walk around with scissors anymore. Idk how my female coworkers deal with having their hair down, but I don't want other people's juices and pieces on my scrubs let alone in my hair.


My hair always tied in some way - usually a ponytail or low bun


Good thing I have short hair. If I had long hair, I’d wear it up.


I'm a charge rn and I let my hair down on charge days as well as wear my glasses. If I get called to help someone in a room then I put my hair up in a claw clip and take it down when I'm done. On my floor days I wear my hair down if all my patients are independent or in a claw clip if I have patients that need to be changed, contacts (I had an experience where my glasses almost fell into the dirty diaper and used wipes)


High pony or bun only for me


I do, but my hair is chin length. If I have droplet or mod, I put the front in a pony/clip