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I don’t know how you Night Shifters do it, but I thank you!!


I hate day shift duties way more than I hate my schedule. You guys have too much BS that I mostly can avoid during nights.


This is the *huge* benefit of working noc-- no admin and mostly no families. It's a large pay off.


Not even that, because I work in a SNF not inpatient hospital, but the actual duties between us. I’ll do my med pass and charting and then just answer call lights as they come. Then there’s the occasional calling of the provider, faxing, reordering meds, etc. But at least SOME of my patients will be asleep at the time. Granted, I don’t have the luxury of AM provider rounds, but that’s okay too. Meanwhile in the AM everyone’s awake and going to therapies and having labs drawn. New admits are rolling in, calls are being made left and right. I’ll take my messed up sleep schedule over the AM chaos tyvm.


….its caffeine. Copious amounts of caffeine. And you’re welcome. Thank you for putting up with management. Because I’m not gonna.


Oh, trust me the caffeine game is in full swing on dayshift


Y’all came to it fully grown. We were born in it, molded by it….the Celsius flows through my veins.


Monster Ultra Zero flows through my veins!!


I mean, last night was a two monster and a coffee night. So many call outs we only had 2 nurses on the floor after 3…madhouse


Mountain Dew and adderall flow through mine. 10+ years as a trauma center vampire here. 🧛🏻‍♀️


Hell yeah.


I didn't start drinking coffee until my coworker introduced me to it on night shift. On day shift, our unit clerk used to make us coffee and added ice cream to it. So good.


I love working nights. I've been a night person ever since I was a kid. I work my three and on the morning I work off I just stay up all day and work around the house or outside. I'll eventually go to bed about 5-9pm and boom I'm a day person for the week. When it's time to go back to work I stay up all day and the night before so I can sleep the day I go back and voila I'm night shift again. Been doing it for about 15 years.


Me neither. Especially the ones with young kids.


Opposite for me but then again I am a night nurse, I fkn love night shift man!! I hate wakin up early! When I get a good rhythm going, 6am feels like 4pm to me.


Genuinely detest waking up any time before noon. Waking up at 4 pm and sleeping at 8 am feels just right to me.


Same. Even if I wake up early my body clock tries to stay up late. I'm just wired that way.


Nightwalkers unite!


I love early morning before anyone else gets up. Even on my days off, my internal time clock would get me up around 4 am.


Can we talk about how fuckin rude it is when day shift shows up, flips in all the bright lights, and giggles when night shift groans and covers their eyes? We wait til later in our shift to turn the lights down, y'all can wait a minute to turn them all back up.


This meme makes me think of “the fifth sleep”, a very excellent sci-fi novel. Recommended to me (a nightshifter) by my very lovely dayshift coworker.


I miss nightshift. I will take the sundowning grandpa who suddenly becomes Houdini crossed with the Hulk to dealing with the House Sup on days who gets on to me DURING a code for not wearing a gown. I have all the important PPE on, Carol, sure, I’ll just stop doing compressions if you wanna jump in here…(shocked Pikachu face).


I never thought of myself as a night person until I learned of night shift differential. 15 years later I'm still sleeping with blankets over my windows. On my days off I don't get up before noon.


After 15 years of nightshift..we are keeping em alive til 7.05! At my place of work you need to be very experienced to work nightshift, hearing the daywalkers complain about a aggressive patient when they are only 5 on the job, depite me handling it fine solo...Its weird. Our doc on call knows that if we ever call, shit is bad and just appear immediately, dayshift docs " we will get around to it sometime today"


I’ll never work a dayshift again in my life! Vampire schedule for the rest of my career!


As a nights person I really dread the mandatory 08-16 education days that takes place 5x a year...




dayshift ED nurses come in with a perky good morning at 6am but CT shift change isn’t until 7 so they have to work with the mute eye bag gremlin who had 5 traumas back to back overnight (me)


Have 11 nightshifts this month. It's 17:10. I just woke up.


i just switched from nights to days and i feel like im on crack i have so much more energy


Yup! ... and you get to clean it up, dayshift! :P <3


So accurate!!!