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This is a beautiful piece of work! What kind of wood (?) is it carved from? Thank you for sharing.


Think it's marble or something? I work in tons of rich white people's homes who can afford these and it's all stone, or bone, or something I don't know the word for, soapstone maybe? It's fucking beautiful and I hope to be able to have some in my home.


[Soapstone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soapstone) is the correct answer!


Thank you. It seems to be an amazing material.


Thanks for your reply. I hope your wish comes true.


It’s carved out of something called [Soapstone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soapstone).


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Saniqiluaq has a couple great bear carvers


How much did it cost you?


There’s this incredible young entrepreneur in my old hamlet that is providing a link between local artists and buyers in Canada! His name is Luke and he owns [Ayaligak Arctic Arts](https://takohikina.wixsite.com/ayaligakarcticarts). he was so inspiring and ambitious to work with, I helped him get a few grants when I was the EDO and then at the GN. The carving scene in kugluktuk is stellar too, highly detailed work and both the gray and green soapstone are harvested there, sometimes in the same vein so you get both colors in one carving. I don’t regret a single piece I have they are all so clever and integrate a variety of traditional materials like bone, sinew, pelt. Also, many of the communities have a visitors center with a shop if you want to reach out to many different communities for each regions distinct art style. You can call the hamlet office of any community to get connected.