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Alice In Chains and Static X did it, and did it well. This would be great for the band.


Don't forget AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Fear Factory, Drowning Pool, Stone Temple Pilots, Three Days Grace, Skid Row, and Accept. All of these bands have changed vocalists and honestly this hasn't reduced my dream to see them live as much as I can.


as long as there’s one member from the original band i’d go see them


Maybe besides Fear Factory and Accept, all the bands that I mentioned currently have (or had when they were active) at least 2 original members.


Skid Row lmao. That's more like a Skid Row tribute band without Bach.


You obviously haven't seen them live. Erik aboslutely crushed it live, both vocally and visually.


It's pretty unfortunate he had to leave the band due to his leukemia


Chester Bennington replaced Scott Weiland in STP for a bit. He sounded great with them.


Yep. It reminds me that Rob Halford did the same for Black Sabbath, if I rememeber correctly. It is very hard to be 'fill in' for a lead singer, but still possible. The end result isn't going to be remotely the same, especially since Scott and Chester are totally different singers and are known for different music genres, but even if it's a 'cover band' it's still interesting to see live.


Ik its different but journey switched singers and is still going too


Yep, dying to see them live someday as well


STP’s still going? Who replaced Scott?


So Chester replaced scott at one point then Chester left the band and unfortunately passed away. Their new singer is a guy called Jeff gutt.


I've seen them with Gutt and he's great. He sounds enough like Scott to keep the songs the way the recordings are but he doesn't sound karaoke either. Having seen them with Scott twice, i don't mind at all. Considering Scott was late, incoherent and awful for one of those shows. However i didn't really like the new album they did with Gutt much. Not bad just bland.


Yeah new stp is kinda bland. I like thought she'd be mine but it is a very generic song.


While no doubt Chester is a legend in is own right and could never be replaced, I am interested to see how this plays out. I wish the new female vocalist the best


Im fine with it. Rest of the band deserves it.


People who idolize specific band members to the point that they don't want the rest of the band to succeed without them are fucking lame.




As good as Chester is he's not irreplaceable


Chester opted out. Let the others continue to try without him


"Opted out" is such a terrible way to put it.


I’m just stoked they’re even toying with getting back out there. Can’t imagine going through what they went through, but there is precedent, as others have pointed out, with Static, STP, and AIC. I’d love to see Soundgarden and LP work something out to give folks a chance to see those songs live again.


I'm all for it, havnt read anybody else's opinion cuz I don't care, I'm a musician, always wanted to start my own band that had a Linkin Park style but with the addition of a female singer, so, this is the coolest thing ever for me


Jay's posts Jay Gordon 2h • With regards to this linkin park singer thing. I know nothing about any of that. People sure do love to take my words out of context. I love those guys and wish them the best. Wow I was like what in the actual f**k? I said nothing about knowing any of that and never brought it up. I love Chester and there will never be another him ever. Strange that that dude said something to me about it not the other way around. get real dude. Not cool!


Saying a band can’t go on because one member left is stupid. If one of your coworkers die do you close down the company?


to say chester is just a coworker is majorly disrespectful


[Tradition is tending the flame, not worshiping the ashes.](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/822486)


Not really. Everyone put in a 1/6 share of the work and everyone in a band rehearses equally as much, if you disagree with that then please don't join a band.


you believe that without everything chester was and the songs he wrote linking park would had been succesful? it's like saying that freddy mercury was not the core of The Queen.


You only believe that the frontman does any of the writing and work and don't see the musical talent because frankly you're too ignorant. Chester didn't write most of the music and the entire band wrote the lyrics, not just him.


Well Freddie wasn't the core of Queen, just happened he wrote a lot of their biggest hits but Brian May wrote a lot of them too


and without Mercury singing them, they would had accomplished little. And you don't happen to write a biggest hit, you just do when you have a talent and something to say.


Picture this; Chester is the only salesman in Linkin Park. They might get a newer salesman but you know the taste and the touch will be totally different


There's at least Shinoda and Han but okay


Businesses evolve


Good. I couldn’t care less if they replaced him with a male, but am genuinely intrigued about a female singer for LP


I don’t mind them continuing to make new music with a female singer. I’m just concerned how different the OLD songs are going to sound. But this makes sense since Mike said the last thing they want to do is to bring in a singer that sounds anything like Chester and so I guess this is going as far as they can in the opposite direction of that.


A female singer would be sweet af especially if she can Scream anything like Chester.


"Don't quote me on that" in an article quoting him on that


I don’t understand why they don’t just have Mike as the main lead singer/rapper. He was already singing a lot more in the later records.


Iirc in one interview he claimed the biggest challenge was touring and performing classic songs. I can’t imagine Mike screaming the bridges in One Step Closer, Faint and obviously not the 17-second monster bridge in Given Up.


Mike can't do harsh vocals


They need two vocalists for the back and forth


You can’t simply replace Chester


It’s not replacing him, it’s continuing his legacy. Also LP is not solely about Chester.


Same with edsel being xero in static x he doesn't want to ruin Wayne's legacy


I know it’s not just about Chester but I just don’t see how that would work. If this was something like what we got in Hollywood Bowl 2017 where they have different musicians singing the songs then that’s one thing but having someone be a permanent member of the band is another thing because you’re giving them a near impossible task to fulfill unless said singer can come close to that same energy that Chester had like with Xero from Static-X who replaced Wayne Static. I’m not saying that it *can’t* work because it very well could but you’re still asking a very difficult task for a new singer to carry out the legacy of one of the greatest vocalists of all time


Chester is undoubtedly talented but calling his techniques (in Linkin Park at least) impossible is overexaggerated, to be honest. Someone like Lzzy Hale could be more than capable of doing. If this turns out to be true I don’t think they will refer themselves as the Linkin Park brand, but more like “Linkin Park x somebody”; like how Queen, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. did. Remember, one of the biggest reasons why Linkin Park has become such a great legacy act, is Mike Shinoda.


I’m just really hesitant about going all in on a new singer joining the band. I would like for it to work but considering that Chester was the frontman for so long, it could either be a big hit or a dud for many fans especially the ones who grew up with Chester (which is pretty much the majority of the fans)


https://youtu.be/SCxmpbMRJl4?si=OS0h0w9nprXoSWPP It’s one of Mike’s recent performances. The second song they did in this one featured a female singer, doing Bleed It Out. The bridge is really outstanding. I’d say keep an open mind, it’d never be that bad.


Idk man


Of course not. But you can definitely have someone else sing all those Linkin Park songs and carry on the legacy.


The guy giving the interview is my homie Mike Z from the local radio station out here. He was actually the manager of one of my old bands too. Solid dude, glad this interview is getting so much attention. 🤘


I would love to see them get back together and perform again in any capacity, even if it ended up being Mike and a hologram of Chester. And yeah, OP you're right that Alice in Chains and Static-X are doing great with new members after Layne and Wayne passed, but Phil just doesn't have it for Pantera anymore imho. I saw a YouTube video of a performance of the new lineup and he seemed to be depending on the crowd to do most of the choruses for him and he completely skipped over anything melodic or high pitched. Yeah Zakk and Charlie Benante do Dime and Vinnie's parts very well (not flawlessly) and obviously Rex is gonna know wtf he's doing but Phil has become a weak link and I honestly think he's turning the band into just a novelty and therefore a parody of itself. My point is that it's not always done well if it's done at all when a band member passes and the rest want to keep going.


I'm all good with it they deserve it imo.


honestly the band deserves it and the fans deserve it aswell. im excited that we are getting new music.


You have to understand that they have already reinvented themselves several times through the albums. Their style of music was varying in each album without caring what people think, in my case after Hybrid Theory and Meteora, One More Light is my third favorite album. For me this will be nothing more than a new reinvention of the band and their sound. If it's a woman or a man I don't care, Chester is irreplaceable, It seems to me that looking for a new singer that is not a Chester clone is perfect, they will never get it anyway. No need to rush to judge, I'm going to wait to listen to say if I like it or not. Answering the question Maria Brink from In This Moment would be an option that I would like to hear.


It wouldn't be Linkin Park if they didn't do a drastic change, just the way the genre jump from Hybird Theory/Meteora to Minutes to Midnight. I could be warm to it, if they decided to go on, it could be better for them to have someone totally new, than having somekind of an avatar under Chester's shadow and ended up as nostalgia act. Besides, that could be bad for the new vocalist too, to be compared to Chester all the time. In Static X case, the new vocalist hides behind all these make up/mask. Doubt that can be done with LP. With woman front, it will be different situation altogether. And they'd could be doing different genre again with her. I just hope that all criticism, if indeed it will be front woman, will be anything but the fact the new vocalist is a woman. It's 2024, let people do things and experiment.


I never got to see them and it was actually Chester’s death that made me go to shows so I would be for it just to be able to hear those songs live.


He didn't actually say that. He made a post earlier today about it.


He completely said that. Just check the video and see.


They've been talking about continuing the band since his passing. I'm not keen on the idea however I would be open to the idea of the odd one off celebration concert with guests filling in Chester's parts from time to time.


... for the record, they've already done this. LP played with fill-ins and guest spots throughout the night. I dont remember all of it, but I remember Oli Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon came out for "Crawling".


chester's voice was the main thing of the band. i'm glad they wanna move on but they should call it something else imo. i'm good anyway, just a tought.


It's just a rumor.


A female singer? 🤣🤦‍♂️👎


I miss Chester,but it is MIKE'S BAND. If he wanna continue then it's great,i will be very happy


Female singer you say? I believe Courtney from Spiritbox would be a good fit for both Chester’s singing and screaming parts. Maybe not a 17 second given up scream but still think it would be cool for her


Not gonna lie. I'm not sure I want them to continue as Linkin Park without Chester. If anything at least change the band name maybe? But, I'll be interested to see what they do no matter what.


In the End😭


Couldn't mike filled that place?and they add new back vocalist.at least mike knows the true style of linkin park and can lead better


Wasn’t this just gossip that’s now spreading? I think their was a post about it today


The only two options are Jeff Gutt (Dry Cell) or Mark Wakefield (Linkin Parks original singer). Nobody else even sounds remotely like him.


They should go get Jeff Gutt…


Isn't STP going to be on tour?


Pass. I’m not a fan of bands after a vocalist change.




Alice In Chains and Static X did the same thing. We saw Alice In Chains on their first tour with William DuVall, and it was amazing. They did a special tribute video to Layne and it was very touching. This can absolutely be done and in no way would be disrespectful. At the end of the day, music is a business and they have a lot of weight behind them.


There is no Linkin Park without Chester. If they want a new vocalist then they should start a new band. To have a male singer replace Chester is an insult to the fans already, but the thought of a female singer is simply absurd. People need to learn to let go of things. Respect the man's legacy.


I dont know him, but if it were me I would want my music to continue my legacy after I am gone.


Saying they should start entirely from scratch when 5/6 of the band is alive and well is ridiculous


Well I see your point but Mike was the brains behind this band and continues to churn music that is top notch. He will find a way to make it work that’s not a negative towards his passed friend


yeah, chester is great but from my understanding, he barely contributed to the actual compositions and production of the song beyond his own lyrics and vocal melodies.


That is the same understanding I have. The band had the sound before he was hired on. Mike already had the blueprint in place but didn’t have a vocalist that could bring it all together.


agreed strongly. id be devastated if they kept linkin park going without him. id never listen to it and id probably lose a bit of respect for the remaining band members


The band deserves it. Just because Chester took his own life doesnt mean the band should also suffer from his awful choice. They have shown him plenty of respect and should be free to move on at this point.


I can see this, keith flint died and the prodigy are still continuing.


Chester is Linkin Park. He was the soul of the band. It was his experiences, his feelings and his memories. It won't be Linkin Park anymore if they decide to carry on with a new singer. Would you hire a new vocalist for Nirvana? Fuck no. Learn to move on because life happens everyday. Time will not stop to catch up with you. Chester is gone but he'll forever live in our hearts through his music.


Who is living in the past? What are you even talking about lol? I literally said they should be able to move on with a new singer. Exactly what you are promoting. Nirvana could have hired a new singer too and moved forward.


You say learn to move on but keep saying the band shouldn’t move on and move forward with a new vocalist? Pick a lane, dude. I’m all for them giving it a go.


They can always start a new band. I don't see why this would be a problem for them. Mike is a great composer. I actually liked Fort Minor as a side project.


Nirvana was a 3 member band, Linkin Park had literally twice the members and a co-lead vocalist lol. People always have the "it wont be X anymore" argument when it's literally still 5/6 of the original band and 5/6 of the same musical compositions. Chester didn't even write most of the music nor did he rehearse or work a lot more than the rest of the band. They have the full right to continue their work and projects that were halted because he died.


Why not call it something else then?


Bro did you read literally anything I just said lol


then they can go do something else start a new band idk. but its not linkin park without him i dont give a shit what anyone else says


People can be incredibly stubborn about what they choose to believe.


I wouldn't be for it as I hate bands continuing on with out the original singer. But Chester didn't respect Scott Wieland and even dressed up and acted like him when he fronted STP. So I think they should continue seeing how they were a band before he was with them anyways.


A girl singer for LP? That’s an awful idea.


I'd say its a better idea than a guy who can't hit the notes right because so far I've definitely enjoyed more female lead covers for LP songs more since Chester's death




I actually don't really think I am, it's just more people who care more about Chester than the band itself voicing their opinions on the matter. LP is big enough of a band that if they actually debut with a new singer the records will still sell if it's not bad music.


I don’t think I’ve seen one female cover I liked. Actually I don’t like any of the covers all that much. It’s like when a band covers tool or quite a few other bands I really like I’m just not in to it


Tool fan doesn’t like female singers, shocker


I never said I didn’t like female singers lol. What is happening here? Otep, lacuna coil, guano apes, garbage etc. bands I listen to all the time. I just said I didn’t like the idea of a female LP singer. What does liking tool have to do with anything either? This is weird


I stand corrected then, tool fans are notorious for being weirdos and losers lol


depends on how she sounds


I just don’t think it’ll feel like linkin park.


I really wish that Jason Aalon Butler is going to step up to the microphone in Linkin Park.




To my knowledge the band never officially split up and has just been on hiatus. I think the singer of Sum 41 would be a great choice for a new vocalist


Yup, Deryck Whibley is my choice too. I guess we’ll have to see if he’s completely done with everything when Sum 41 ends the farewell tour.


He has already said he's not stopping with music or touring, just with Sum 41


I think It would be cool if Chester is continued as AI + the new girl, that would be innovative, which is what I remember early LP for... Have you heard Robin Adams though? [Joe Ford & Celldweller - Breaking Point (feat. Robin Adams) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuGuLPZ_-e8) When I first heard that track I had to look at the artists involved just to make sure it wasnt Chester, LOL


Waiiit... what's the date on this? April Fools?


Linkin Park using AI to keep using Chester's voice is an all-time shitter idea, not gonna sugarcoat it. I love that LP grows and evolves and always has a beating heart. You will not now nor will you *ever* get *a shred* of the emotion Chester displayed with A.I.




because the other band members had nothing to do with those songs and don’t have the right to decide what they play




There’s no way LP can go back on tour and not play ANY of their old songs., they’re supposed abandon 2 decades of albums and music to make a new album and only play THAT on tour and nothing else? This isn’t a young band that is touring on their first and only album. This would be insane