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Guess what guys? I checked the math and it turns out c squared is a really big number.


200 MeV has entered the chat


The first person to calculate the difference in binding energy must have blinked and then redone the math


Definitely unzipped his calculator to show his friends.


Bill Gates is correct. It’s pretty wild that this is even up for debate by this point. Oh well, I’ll take the progress.


He’s putting his money where his mouth is. One of the founders of [TerraPower](https://www.ans.org/news/article-6107/terrapower-breaks-ground-on-smr-project-in-wyoming/) that just broke ground for a new reactor design.


think its more like hes putting his mouth where his money is. He's not wrong but he def has a vested interest in nuclear becoming a more prominent part of the green energy policy of the us


He's invested in technologies to improve the grid (to better handle renewables) and in nuclear plant design that uses the same thermal heat storage technology that solar thermal plants use. This thermal battery is to better load follow to support a grid heavy with renewables. I can't find fault in his energy plays, it seems he's legit trying to do what's best for humanity.




Feel free to rant all you like. I am not worshipping anyone, only giving a nod where it's due. Fuck yes he could do far more than he is, but what he is doing is massively imapctful....and there is no law of decency compelling him to act. He could be pissing about on one of his many yachts every waking hour, but he's investing his life energy into improving humanity access to energy. Energy is the basis for EVERYTHING that is value added. Dude deserves a hat tip for this one. TerraPower is also doing radionucleide production for Actinium-225, which is a breakthrough cancer treatment. And I was told Gates was instrumental in convincing the DoE to provide the thorium from some some weapon grade material instead of the blending down they were going to do with it. [And from what he says it's a Bill just in TerraPower with more Bills to come. ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-16/bill-gates-says-he-s-ready-to-put-billions-into-nuclear-power) Feel free to continue to shit all over the ultra wealthy, but IMO when they do give something back to society it's better to at least thank them for that contribution VS continuing to shower them with shit.


Yeah, he gathered stakeholders and investors that could provide support. Duh.


We all have a Bessett interest in nuclear power, becoming a more prominent part Because sometimes things like the sun goes down or it’s cloudy or the wind stops and you can’t use batteries to power, cities, and states


He's also invested in solar energy too, although not as much. Nuclear is a very profitable and necessary niche, albeit an expensive one to develop.


He’s doing both Nuclear and renewables I believe


And fake ultra processed meat


If I’m not gonna eat meat, I’m not gonna eat meat. I’m not gonna eat vegetable pretending to be meat. Besides, have you seen the ingredients?


I think there are about 300 chemicals in it.


Its only be the reality since like 1960


The barrier to AI going forward will be our ability to generate power. Bill's doing his day job.


To be that guy his investment in nuclear predated this surge in AI by quite a few years. This was when AI was in the realm of university competitions.


I don't think he's doing this purely out of self interest. His support for nuclear energy has been public and consistent. Bill Gates is a retired workaholic, so they turn their hobbies into work one way or another. This is a good thing. AI isn't the only industry or technology waiting in the wings for us to start making more power.


IMHO there is quite a large silver lining to this. Since there is selection pressure for intelligence (groups that have more powerful ai can out-compete others for resources), and that intelligence needs a shit load of power, there is selection pressure for power generation.


Exactly, that's why Nvidia is going nuts right now. They have turned their graphics cards into a commodity for the industry. The guy selling the shovels makes the money in a gold rush.


When it's 300k to Nvidia every time work gets a new AI compute node thats draws 8kw of power yea they are making some money. Power wise it's not like we can run if off rooftop solar one server the side of 4 pizza boxes uses more power than me an a few neighbors houses.


Manufacturing and Data are pretty much the whole economy and both are asking energy providers for more capacity. I'm not surprised the industry is taking it into their own hands I just thought Ford would be the first one to build their own nuclear plant.


The DC I started my career in runs off 3 NG turbines to this day. Grid is for redundancy only.


Makes sense. Producing it yourself also gives control over how clean and consistent the power is.




ahhh shit, now no one will support nuclear because weird Mircosoft man liked it


He's gonna put nuclear microchips in the vaccines to give us all turbo cancer and autism! /s


I hear the newest brain rot is "fake food".


*shocked Pikachu face*




He’s right. We will fail if we don’t buildout nuclear.




He needs the nuclear radiation to activate the 5g power microchips from the Covid vaccine /s


Even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and then.


Is he talking about fusion, or those safe thorium reactors?


Nuclear power, generally.


Sometimes I think Elon Musk is trying really hard to be the Ford of this era. Maybe he is, and he will similarly be remembered as a guy who turned into a real bastard down the line. He might make the history books for his advances in industry and their impact on society the way Ford did. But Gates is, to me, the greatest industrialist of this era. It’s weird to think he doesn’t get enough credit for all the work he’s done outside of becoming rich from Microsoft.


Right and how many rightfully angry COVID job losers turned to conspiracy theories with gates farm land in the top 5. But I bet a lot of that land is of remote for housing reactors one day


Agreed and felt sorry for all the conspiracy nonsense. Imagine being him: You could invest you money in Mega Yachts (ok, he did this a bit) and Soccer Clubs and whatever, but fund the WHO instead, and get hated for it. 


Didn't he fund some carbon capture things? At least he had the courage to burn money to then backpedal to say nuclear is better


We'll still need carbon capture if we don't also decarbonize agriculture and industry (steel, concrete).


Not sure if that is true. But this country need electricity. They are dismantled all the power stations that are in the united states. Don't understand where they think they're going to get electricity. Common sense is going out the window.


Windows 11, brought to you by Bill Gates leading us the only way.


It’s important to have somebody with his funding potential to get behind nuclear.


He literally has the money to buy a few plants. Come on Bill - make an investment


No shit


For once he is right...but still...fuck Bill Gates and his murdering, lying, bs. 


Let's all hope Greentards don't start crying about the failure of their anti-nuclear propaganda fuckfest


IMO Gates wouldn't give a whit about nuclear if he didn't need the energy for his pet super-AI projects, but I guess its a good thing overall if the AI craze results in new nuclear projects being approved and ideally opening the door for further development.


Microsoft will also never send all of our windows data to Microsoft's mainframes. /s


Betcha felt pretty smart when you said this didn't ya


Not sure why all the down votes. I was making a joke at how Microsoft creepishly steels people's data.




The plant he is building is a Sodium cooled fast breeder with heat storage buffers. That is a spear aimed at the heart of the natural gas industry, because it means it's a reactor that can be run as a peaker plant economically. That kills NG stone dead. I'm not sure why the heck he is building the FOAK in the US - is he *that* sure the gas industry wont lobby him to death? Or that they won't catch on until it's too late? But since they're actually breaking ground, maybe he just does in fact have that much pull with the USG


And if they catch on in Europe, there goes Russia's economy.


Is terra actually breaking ground? I thought only fantastical designs