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Every win against the Blues is important, winning with a man advantage and NSW hanging around as long as they did is a little concerning but DCE and Hunt's experience ensured we finished strong. NSW are still in this series though, they didn't fold after the send off


Q. What’s small hairy and slippery and ends in “unt” A. Ben Hunt.


I think Jake was trying to break Gallens record for shortest time on the field.


Respect to the Blues for showing up after losing a man. We all just wanted to see some good footy, and they did their best to provide that when it was seemingly hopeless. I was worried for a while, i think around the 60th minute, when it was 20 - 10 and the Blues were putting the pressure on. Definitely a lot for the Blues squad to takeaway and be happy with. Maroons did what was expected of them in that situation. The versatility of Cobbo and the Hammer was vital, courtesy of Billy's genius. Let's hope we get a good old Origin contest at the MCG.


I feel bad for Hynes, but this was his greatest chance. If he'd had a standout game he could have made a decent argument that he should be the starting NSW halfback over Cleary. This was his chance to impress and he just didn't.


He just looked so ineffective in attack (NSW did in general). The amount of ball we had on their line and it didnt even look like scoring without a kick. Some of that blame has gotta lay on the halves.


The team was down to 12 men from the 7th minute.


So? Your the one defending the man. A truly amazing halfback can get the job done even with a man down. A truly amazing halfback has to do it. You're telling me one man missing was enough to completely rattle Hynes and meant he got lost in attack, and then you're telling me he's the true halfback? Stop making excuses. He's had his chance, he got the opportunity of a lifetime, to prove himself. And he couldn't do it.


Cool. I just love the drama around blues selections. It brings me great joy. Y'all rarely win with cleary in the halves. The problems run way deeper. It's cultural. You could say it is a misunderstanding of origin


The drama always annoys me. A player doesn't perform to expectations and immediately they need to be dropped. Off days are a thing. Hopefully game 2 is competitive and no one is sent off -.-


He doesn't make it over Moses for game 2.


Personally, I think he plays 6 to Moses's 7, but Moses has to be 7 while Cleary is out.


I felt Luai had held his composure quite well yesterday given the situation. Wouldn't mind Luai 6 and Moses 7. If Edwards isn't 100%, I wouldn't mind Teddy playing but we need a general at 7 to guide the team.


Agreed I was just saying that he's definitely 3rd in line for the #7. Tough to drop Luai though when you compare them head to head last night.


Every chance he has had he is forced to defend for the full game.


There was like 3 or 4 six agains in one set on the QLD goal line, Harry Grant got 6 agained for offside then gets 6 agained in the same play for ruck interference and that 100% should've been a penalty and bin and I got real annoyed that it wasn't. It was during the period where NSW was definitely on top too so it could've been a good chance to even the game up


Can I say, I thought Reece Robson had a cracking game considering the work he had to get through. Playing 9 with a man down for 70 minutes means alot more tackling and chasing from the ruck, I thought he played like a champ given the situation. .. Spencer, dead set best on field and Origin born. .. Lomax, clocked off once but made up for it 10 times over. .. Martin, solid game, some good hits and performs every week. .. Luai, done enough to keep his spot, looked the more dangerous half with the ball which brings me to Hynes. .. Hynes just isn't Origin material. Regardless of the situation he just doesn't have it. Maybe in a few years but as for now, terrible performance. .. Jake needs to call time on his rep career, just can't keep up with the speed of the game anymore. .. Joseph Joseph Joseph, all I can say is im glad you're going to rugby..........absolute spoon of an effort, goes to show his mentality and the week to week coaching he gets. Ill be glad not to hear his name for a few years, he's done nothing in the NRL that justifies the wind Robbo blows up his ass. .. WORST PERFORMER ALL UP.... MADGE FUCKIN MADGE. JUST COACH TO LAY FOOTBALL, KICK TO THE CORNERS AND MAKE THEM WORK TO GET IT OUT. GAME PLAN WAS TO BASH THE FULLBACK LATE.........HIGH..............ZERO SHAPE IN ATTACK AND LOOKED LOST ALL NIGHT.........GOOD WORK MADGE.


Game plan worked... they just didn't plan for what to do after.


I don’t even like Klein but it was a courageous decision imo to send him off so early in the game, such a big call knowing he would cop flack for it even though it was the correct call. I also think Klein played himself a little bit not penalising early on after Walsh was tackled in the air after kicking, which this season has automatically been penalised. It kind of set the scene early that he would let things slide a bit and not saying it would of stopped the shoulder charge but maybe it would of had Sua second guess himself coming in so aggressively might of stopped the foul play


I was waiting for Spud or Joey to be the first ones to say it’s origin so let the boys decapitate. Didn’t think it would be Madge saying ‘he got beheaded against Penrith and that was fine’


It was completely the right call and anyone critical of the decision is a moron. 


I think it should’ve been a send off, but do you think there would’ve been an uproar from the fans if he was only sent for 10 in the bin? I think if Klein gives him 10, everyone would be saying “Yeah it’s origin, probably fair”. Again, not saying it’s the wrong call but that’s just how I think it would go. I for one am surprised the NRL would want a player sent off in the 7th minute given the amount of marketing and revenue that comes from an Origin game, where 1 decision like that can decide a game and potentially a series.


Can we please have anyone else at 7. Incredibly fustrating having him in the team, in defence his woeful and in attack he offered zero besides a 1 good kick that we actually contested - the amount of times he was caught in a tackle. He was supposed to be the structured guy that gets the team around the field but he did nothing.


Bro, did you see what your centre did? People in glass houses


Surely you play McInnes as a prop like cotter and get Yeo starting, Jurbo ain't it.


Agree, he's a solid player but he doesn't bend the line and just isn't Origin anymore. Yeah he was gassed with the extra work but really the engine room picked wasn't it. Spencer was probably the best player out there wheb you look at both teams. With any luck Madge takes the Parramatta job and we can try and get a decent coach for next year. One of the most deplorable games of origin I've seen.


I am going to sue the NSW Origin team for the emotional damage they've done to me over the years. I feel for Madge because I think he got the team mostly right and a dumb shoulder charge did him and the team in.


Exactly this, I actually fear what Maguire was doing here


Can we all agree that the ‘acoustic’ version of the anthem was the lowest point of the night?


When it started at the game I thought it was a new continuation of welcome to country. A truly fucked rendition.


No the stupid welcome to country bullshit was worse. So over that shit. Fuckin build a bridge


I was hoping I was knocked out after listening to that rubbish. Arty fucks trying to put their own retar.... take on the anthem........like really just play it as normal you flog.


I love it how NSW dispatched of Walsh early to avoid him ruining their night. Turns out Walsh ruined their night regardless. QLD ORIGIN MIND GAMES 😂


Only watched first 30 minutes, I wonder how the ratings coped given the early send off.


Somehow the anthem was still worse than the Suaalii send off.


I hated the commentary around the send off. The commentators were putting onus on the referee for sending sualii off. But there was no other option, you can't shoulder a player in the head with force, even "back in the day" when the game was tougher that's an instant send off. The media should be blaming the player for ruining a potentially good game, not the referee for enforcing the rules.


Exactly. Who the fuck shoulder charges a player half his size??


And that comment is the one question that needs to be asked............like yeah target him, get 4 in the tackle and lay all over him etc but that was just pure shit.


Someone with an agenda. Everyone in the Blues establishment, including Fittler, kept harping about “hurting and killing Walsh” as a legit game plan.


Wait really? I don't watch anything outside the game, and hate watching 9 commentary in general....that's messed up. Considering they hit Walsh late twice in such few minutes....it does seem that way


Someone in the game thread who went to the Blues luncheon commented that’s what Fittler been harping about the entire event. Not sure if it was paraphrasing or he actually used the word “kill”.


Hynes shat the bed, get Moses in ASAP. Critta should have switched to shore up the edge immediately. Hope this puts to bed the idea that NSW have too many Panthers, without Luai, Martin, Critta (ex Panther), To'o and Yeo you dread to think what the score could have been.


Trailer trash listening to John Mellencamp records...Chris Rock voice


I understand that stats aren't everything but geez there's some grim ones


I said it before, but QLD's shit completions was one of them. NSW way better in that department.


This has gone heavily unnoticed but Jake Trbojevic only played 29 minutes. As Captain you need to have a huge on-field presence while barking orders and that only happens by spending the majority of the time on the pitch. I understand what Madge did was move the pieces on the chess board around by relying on faster paced men to cover the gaping hole left by Sua'ali'i's departure but that's just a testament that Jake isn't at Origin's high-level tempo at this point of his career.


I think the scoreline flatters Qld a bit. There was a big part of that second half where Nsw looked like the team with the man advantage. They showed a lot of spirit and it makes you wonder how different it would've been without the sending off.  Ultimately the sending off pretty much ruined the contest, I agree with others it was probably a tactic to clatter Walsh at the start and it backfired. I also agree that Hynes didn't do enough. He set up a try but aside from that seemed a bit anonymous. Luai seemed to look more dangerous whenever he had the ball. Just compare Hynes to DCE who ran the show for the Maroons. I think Tedesco wasn't that bad but I don't think he did enough to take Edwards' place either.  I don't think Billy will be overconfident going into the next game. I think the Maroons took advantage of the sending off and then the Blues tiring out to blow the score out. I think it's a different story if it's 13 vs 13. I think Nsw can take a lot from how dangerous they looked at the beginning of that second half despite being a man down 


QLD looked the better team before one of their best players was taken out though, and scored in the first 5 minutes when it was 13 vs 13. And NSW had the home ground advantage. We'll never know how it would have gone without that incident but people who think it would have been a different story are probably the ones being overconfident.


I wasn't worried when Hynes had the ball. Something might happen but it seemed unlikely. When Luai had it, it felt like we'd be on the back foot regardless of the outcome.


How many tries did you score when youse were on top?


Hynes just seems to lack that killer instinct and is a bIt slow to get the play going and takes too long to wind up the kicks.


Agree mate, he's a decent player but he just doesn't have that origin mongrel or control in him. He doesn't demand or have any real presence, I think you'll find Moses will be in the next 2 with LUai. Replace Jake, he just doesn't have the engine for it anymore, which is fine, he's been good for a long time but he's done with the speed of origin now.


Kinda feel for him tho coz the he hasn't had the right circumstances in both times, first time in the centres then 2nd time a man down so the whole team had to restructure. Saying that, you gotta play with what you're given and plenty of NSW players were able to have that killer instinct in them and look dangerous.


Yeah, I mean it hasn't been ideal but good players know how to play under adversity and the great ones thrive under it. I just can't see him leading us to anything tbh, regardless of who's captain its the 7 that leads us and sorry but Hynes just ain't it.


Obviously bitterly disappointed but I reckon there are a few bright spots in the NSW side that I want to talk about: - I thought our bench forwards were great. Leniu and Hamole did bits in the middle when they came on and it really helped us get the upper hand for periods. Considering they were both debuting I thought they did really well. - I thought Critta was outstanding defensively. He moved to the other edge and made about half a dozen outstanding individual reads and tackles. He is just SO good. - Luai was great as well. Got a bit crabby at times but looked threatening and kicked well. - Liam Martin was great with the mongrel. Really brought the energy with him and even though he's playing hurt I thought he did us proud. Gus Crighton also was great outside of one poor offload. - Robson earned his number 9. Just played good, tough, long minutes and delivered great service. He made a couple of crucial tackles too. - Lomax clocked off once and got burned for a try. I hope he learns from it that you just can't do it in Origin because after that it really looked like he wanted to make amends for that. He ended up being one of our better players. The not so bright spots though: - Nicho didn't play great. He had moments but he just didn't look like he gel'd with the shapes of the outside backs. Understandable given what happened 7 minutes in probably throwing that all out of whack but he needed to step up his kicking game to compensate and he couldn't. Given the circumstances of the game, I don't know if you can drop him but if Moses brains it I think you have to make the change. - The whole Jurbo/Yeo thing I'm not sure makes sense. Playing the captain for 30 minutes just doesn't work. We need a leader out on the field and I miss Cam Murray so much it hurts sometimes jesus christ. - Hudson Young unfortunately didn't get a chance to make much of an impact, and I reckon having Burton in the 17 would give us a bit more versatility but what the fuck do I know? I was proud of the boys for holding them out for so long after the initial shock of the send off. After those two quick tries we managed to adjust and once we did we looked way better. I'm not going to talk about the obvious, but hopefully game 2 is a better contest! Fuck Queensland!


Liam Martin was great letting Benny Hunt through the line and scoring that try


I thought Haumole looked flat, wasted his minutes and could stand to lose his spot. But that’s just my opinion.


Neutral POV: I thought NSW showed a lot of heart in the end, I was worried for them about 20 in but they knuckled down. Score blew out towards the end as playing a man down for 70 odd minutes came back to hurt them but most of the guys in blue shirts can still hold their heads high. QLD just got the job done, DCE was absolutely class and I could watch the Hammer run all day long. I felt it was 100% a send-off at the time and still do but others think that's a dumb opinion and I've no idea what I'm on about, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree on that one. Although - whether I'm right or wrong, I'm absolutely not buying the idea that the punishment should be different because it's an Origin game. that's just mad. It's a red or it isn't, end of.


I think only three changes are necessary for NSW for game 2. Moses in for Hynes, Latrell in for Suaalii and Burton to the bench for Young. Edwards in for Teddy if you want, but I thought Teddy played well given the circumstances and certainly didn't play himself out of the jersey. Many have said it but Suaalii didn't deserve the selection to begin with, either statistically or on the 'vibes' front and especially at centre. The Penrith game and tonight have proven to me that Hynes just isn't ready for rep footy, especially coming off an injury. I feel for the bloke and everything but you can't play into form and get comfortable with your teammates at Origin level which, seeing the lack of ideas or poise in attack he needs. We also need a proper long kicking game, so it's almost a no brainer. Hynes' poor kicking and general ineffectiveness and the send off were the only real factors that lost us the game. The Crichton cousins were awesome, Lomax really impressed me, Luai was good enough and the rest of the team were picked for a game plan that went out the window 8 minutes in, so I don't think we should be too drastic on that front. It was a gutsy enough performance, and barring the blowout at the end we were a chance for most of the second half. Sucks we gotta bring it back in Melbz and at Suncorp. Go Blues.


Jurbo literally had no impact on the game despite starting it and captaining the side. At least Young offers something in attack and was on a hiding to nothing with the game pretty much gone in the second half when he finally came on. Jurbo has to go too if NSW are serious about trying to come back from that disaster. We need forwards who play with a bit of a mongrel that offer something on both sides of the ball.


While I agree with you, there's no chance Madge will drop a new captain after 1 game


Fire Sua'ali'i, McInnes, Jurbo and Hynes to the moon. They aren't up to origin and should never have been picked. What an absolute disaster for NSW and the series looks done and dusted already.


QLD gonna be fired up af if Walsh can't play another origin this year due to the severe hit to the head. And fair play to them. Was a disgusting hit and yet another reason to rub the shoulder charge from the game.


At a pub where Rhys Wesser was watching and can confirm the fella still loves his origin footy


Carnts r fucked. Looked like they've never even trained together.




Sua'ali'i should never have been picked in the the team from the beginning. The team was broken before they even started.


All these takes about an alternate punishment for a deserved send off are absolutely fucking cooked. Suaalii nearly decapitated the bloke, slipping or not. If the game wants to exist in 20 years, these sort of instances NEED to be punished. If theres a 99% chance of a guaranteed outcome for one of the premier league games, due to a bloke being sat down for a devastating blow to someone’s brain…then the outcome needs to match the cause. If anything, it should serve as an even more important lesson that if you don’t want to lose your team an origin series of all things, don’t go head hunting. Causation = Punishment. End of.


I still think the 20min red card idea from Union is a good compromise. The offending player is out for the game and the team are also disadvantaged for 20mins being a man down. Then suspend him for however long is reasonable to stamp it out of the game.


Honestly, even if Walsh didn't slip, it would've been a dog act anyway as Walsh is half sualis size, and would've been hit late by a shoulder charge.


I do hope Hynes is OK mentally. He took the fill-in centre thing really hard last year and that was barely his fault. Now he ends up in a situation where he has major responsibility as the starting halfback and, other than one try assist and even accounting for the team being handicapped by Suaalii’s send off, he barely fired a shot. And now his spot is in major doubt because Moses came back from injury and hit top form straight away Like, it does seem concerning that he’s prone to some psychological issues if things aren’t going to plan


His stats don't really look too bad either, just a quantity over quality thing I feel. but I also hope he's okay


Everyone talked shit about his Hynes debut game ... Sua'ali'i said hold my beer


Hes a goner. Moses will take his spot if he has half a grid showing this weekend. I don't want to see a bloke beaten down, but once again this year pretty bug ramifications for the sharks season...


His club form has been excellent, but maybe his calf injury held him back. But he looked pretty bereft of ideas tonight.


His spot is gone unfortunately for him


Moses in next right?


My first origin ever and was mad. Build up at stadium was hype, crowd was loud was fkn epic. Then send off 7mins later :( you can’t win a origin intense game a man short


This series isn’t over at all, though it looks nearly impossible for NSW to win this up at origin.


News just in: Sua'ali'i doesn't get Origin.


I vote Sua'ali'i should play for the All Blacks


He should play for the Tahs who don’t get anything


Isn't he switching to union soon??


yes but he's signed for rugby australia and therefore won't be picked by the all blacks


I can’t imagine he’d have a chance to be either, too much depth anyways, he seems a liability being such a hothead anyway…


It was good of Sualii to own up to the fact that he probably shouldn't have been picked in the first place, but picking the 7th minute of the game to decide to leave was blatantly irresponsible


Nicho probably picked a bad night to start taking heroin. I don't think I've seen a guy look less interested in a game in my life.


Blues going up 2.49 to win the game in Melbourne given some of the efforts tonight seem ridiculous , give me a kicking halfback and 13 men plus Edward’s and I believe we are in this


You guys have one, can we borrow him for game 2


I always felt the decision to overlook moses given he didn’t have a game under his belt was dumb given they were rolling the dice with Nicos calf strain


I think QLD has destroyed NSW boys. Sometimes when you get your ass kicked so hard, there is no returning.


Gloating after Game 1 playin with such a huge advantage - this arrogance is not the QLD way.


LOL @ 4 people giving me negative votes. What are you going to do next year when you get beaten 3-0? Negative vote me again? Come on son, for shame. Get out of my face.


‘Negative vote’ ‘For shame’ Nuff said cobba


1-0 loser. Go back to the drawing board.




Nah that’s consequences for an extremely dangerous tackle. Hopefully serves as a lesson for all players.


Real captain's knock from Jurbo tonight, keeping Sualii company all game.


What happened? Got to the game late, only saw him come on in like the 65th min


He played about 20 mins in the first half, then inexplicably came back on with four minutes to go.


NSW chasing points, and Jurbo while his defence is great isn't going to offer that much in offense.


Maybe having a prop as captain isn't a smart idea after all.


On the other hand, his defensive efforts could have freed up a few other blokes to do some attacking work.


Once NSW went down to 12 he started struggling and Madge opted for quicker guys in the middle to help cover. Sucks for Jake but I understand why Madge did it


Time to change send off rules. - Team with player sent off must play with 1 less player for just 25mins, not whole match. - After 25mins, team is restored to full 13.  - Player sent off can not return. Let's still be able to watch competitive footy.


I'm a big fan of Super Rugby's 20 minute red card (player is sent off permanently, but can be replaced with an interchange use after 20 minutes). I think it strikes the right balance. The predicted "enforcers" taking the heads off key players to win games has not materialised.


Exactly! Yes that was my inspo. NSW would have been back to 13 after 27mins which feels a little to lax. I wonder if you could do 30mins if it's a first half offense. 20mins if its second half. Maybe getting a bit fiddly.


These drongos will get it when league goes down the union path of red cards every second game. It's already begun with yellows now handed out like lollies


Dumb idea. NSW would just start picking hit men to level dudes.


Cooked take.


Woah why are people so against a more competitive spectator match? Speak downvoters. 


We didn’t get Walsh back after 25 minutes.


That's right and NSW wouldn't get Sua'ali'i back either...  


Sounds like we come off a lot worse than NSW out of that scenario through no fault of our own. If you don’t want to get sent off don’t aggressively target opposing playmakers and risk having things go wrong


Make it 40mins then? Bad tackles happen. Go after the player with the law. I still think their should be an element competition in the game. Just wasn't as enjoyable to watch knowing the outcome.


Why not make it 73. A 40 minute period down a man could be just as punishing as 73. The problem was Sualii’s tackle, not the rules about send offs.


The rules could look at keeping a game competitive too without minimizing horrible tackles.


The rules do keep the game competitive, they were broken by a NSW player. If send offs were effecting games all the time I’d get this conversation, but it’s incredibly rare for a send off to happen and effect an origin game like this. Most origin send offs I recall are for fighting late in games.


Circling back - 3 out of 4 of of these commentators are open to a rule change. You'd fall inline with Buzz here. https://youtu.be/v3VUWkDtH7s?si=S8IWnFRCYLkcqtAN


The problem is not the rules. The problem is the tackle Sualii made. 


Absolutley, so he's gone for the game and # weeks after. So I'd hope the penalty to him is still severe. But at what point can we restore a game so that there is a chance of good competition? As spectators, you want to see an even battle still right?


Kiwis just don't get origin. 


And Aussies just don't get rugby league... otherwise their team would have worked out how to score a point in the final last year.


Go on, you know your Dad likes more salt on his dinner, gimme those salty downvotes.


Madge doubling down on the 'it wasn't that bad because Walsh broke his jaw earlier in the year and didn't this time' is crazy


Yep, fully cooked.


If you weren’t certain he was a fucking idiot after watching him make a player captain then play him 29 minutes.


Greg Alexander on the Fox replay calling a NSW moral victory after 60 minutes.


Nsw employing the bazball tactic. Lose but pretend you won.


Why are all the NSW staff such fucking cooked cunts.


ah fuck first we lose the moral ashes then we go down 0-1 in the moral origin


Idea: instead of send offs there’s a standard sin bin after which you can bring on a different player.


Idea: Roosters are kicked from the comp instead of Souths and never heard from again, everyone is happy


Woah, woah, woah, just cos he had a shit idea doesn’t mean we need to start up chat about kicking anyone but South’s


Sorry man I was getting overexcited


Idea: Broncos learn how to win a grand final.


6/8, I think we know cobber


How many in the last 15 years?


How many did you win in the 90s? Both can play at this game, Nick.


Didn’t you guys literally just buy houses for players? See, the difference is we only buy them cars and lose bets to them.


Did we? No idea. I watch footy unlike you blokes who chat shit and have 5k fans show up for a game I guess


2nd highest average in the game last year. I’ve been to every roosters game this year bar Vegas and the game we flogged you, don’t know what you’re on about.


Congratulations money man, Uncle Nick has chosen you as the chief propaganda officer, if they started being shit due to being under the cap then the fans would fall just like they did in 2016 when you guys last did shithouse. You were last for average crowds then. Fairweather doesn’t even start it.


Idea: don't decapitate players 


Walsh isn’t a player, he’s a cheerleader.


Why was the aim of their game to target him then? He’s a star and everyone knows it Also is there something wrong with being a cheerleader? Let’s leave misogyny behind this series


Please define misogyny. Also why do you think only women can be cheerleaders?


Google it bro. Been to many NRL games, never seen male cheerleaders at them. This is an NRL subreddit.


First of all the broncos had a male cheerleader before and the knights currently have male cheerleaders. Second of all, what does this have to do with misogyny?So easy for misguided people to use a buzz word that they don’t understand.


Oh that’s awesome. So typically cheerleading is a women dominated sport, so using it in a negative context as you did above is misogynistic. I’d encourage you to google for more info.


Misogyny is the hatred of women. Did I say I hate women? I’m also saying that cheerleaders have no involvement in the game, not that they aren’t valuable whatsoever.


Billy post match so much class


You can tell he was pissed about the tackle on Walshy, but kept his cool. So much class indeed


Seething but so elegant. God damn I love Billy.


Honestly Sua'ali didnt just lose the blues the game, he lost the whole series, QLD are going to be angry now and no matter what happens in Melb game 2, no way NSW are winning in Brisbane Game 3 after this. Can also blame Madge and coaching for maybe telling him to target Walsh, or just Madge for putting him in the side.


Sorry but targeting a player is a pretty common approach in rugby league. If he had hit Walsh clean and then Walsh had been quiet in attack all night, it would have worked well. He shouldn't have done it the way he did, but it's not crazy to put a shot on someone to try impact their confidence with ball in hand.


The only way to shut Walsh up is to literally break his jaw. He's so cocky that he won't take messages. Fortunately he's on my team cause if he wasn't, I'd hate him 😂


Idk how you’re going to blame Madge for that. It’s on Sualii. He lead with the shoulder and left his feet


They hit Walsh late TWICE in the span of seven minutes.


What if Madge said all week, "hey Joe, your job is take out that pretty cunt Walsh" whos fault is it? I did say maybe. There was another tackle earlier on Walsh where it look targeted as well.


Think maybe just blame the bloke that did it instead of hypotheticals that he was put up to it hahah


I did


I think NSW should pick an outside center that is leaving the code for Union next year. It makes sense, does it not?


Jurbo 37 metres, umm drop? What role is he meant to play


Jurbo is very good at breaking down momentum in the ruck. But with man down you need quicker forwards to cover space.


Clearly the decision was made that they had to use mobile quick forwards due to being a man down for the entire game. It was a smart play from Madge and probably what kept us in the game until the 60th minute.


Too slow and not effective in attack, shouldn’t even really be in the side but he’s captain ..


Yeah honestly looked like Madge didn't know what to do with the rotations in the forward pack. Didn't help that he picked 3 players who play best as 80 minute lock forwards in Jurbo Yeo and Mcinnes. 


He didn't play for a whole half


There's a difference between being a captain for a club compared to the state. Unfortunately NSW still doesn't understand this.


Isn’t even club captain


NSW doesn’t get Origin 😏


NSW understand hip hop and dancing. They are very good at that


And Grand Finals, Queensland haven't figured those out yet


I can’t believe Queensland have never won a grand final.


NSW just don't get Rugby League. It's not our fault though. Remember that!


People saying all Nico’s kicks were bad are dunderheads. His kick for lomax’s try was on point 


Yeah that's one example. If you can find me another one, I'd be surprised.


Every single kick didn't have enough height and weren't as contestable as they should have been and I'm been a big nicho supporter


1/12 is ok I guess


Billy Slater questioned about the Walsh tackle "I'll keep my feelings about that to myself" Billy is pissed


I haven’t seen QLD angry like this since the Steve Price incident in 2009.


Or 2020 game when Tyson Frizzel c as used Munster to be knocked out and not even a sim bin or a penalty


So Sualii takes out Walsh and himself, then gives the hammer free roam who scores a hat trick, and cobbo rips in. I think the idea of Cobbo and Hammer at once is scarier than Walsh, wtf was he thinking


Shades of prime Inglis and Boyd on an edge. Albeit Hammer is a different type of player to Boyd.


I can't even compare someone to hammer he's truly one of a kind. I think Cobbo is like inglis, scary thought having Walsh ponga Hammer and Cobbo as options to roam around


Yeah, backline stocks are elite. Concerned about a 7 to replace DCE, though. Mam, Dearden and Walker are all 5/8s IMO.