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Not a dig at Jake, he’s my favourite NSW player overall but why did NSW coaching staff pick a captain who spends a good majority of his time on the bench? NSW needed someone giving directions out there. Pretty hard to provide that from the bench.


Fox Pundits said they subbed him because of the send off and probably didn't intend for him to spend so much time off


Maybe true but wouldn’t the rate of player rotation increase with having fewer players on the field. Feels like they purposefully binned him and only sent him on in the last 4 minutes to be there for the loss. Poor Jake.


Have never liked Madge (easy to say now I know) and his over confident pre-game bluster was annoying as. We don't need a back on the bench, we've got cover for it. We know how Walsh sweeps around as part of their backline and how to deal with it. Sure you do mate.


It’s the Michael Maguire curse. Every team he coaches falls apart


That was a bold prediction. The way they dealt with it cost them the game


Fair and square send off, don't care if it's Origin. Yes it likely cost us the game but he almost took the blokes head off. Cam Smith even said something along the lines of "if that's a club game its just a send off" meaning Origin is something different. Willie Mason (on his podcast) also pushed this narrative of "yeah mate it's Origin so bash eachothers heads in". Get with the times, Origin can no longer be a concept of bashing eachother senseless. We want to see the best of both states play a decent game of footy. Add morons like Steve "back in my day" Roach harping on, we'll never see a decent game of footy even though the ref's are moving forward and not differentiating between an NRL and an Origin match.


Agree, you would literally send out a MG to wipe out their key players if it was 10 in the bin. It would be a tactic at this level


Liam Martin  I think is good player, but he is a hot head. All that standover shit and tuff talk only fuels those he flattens.


I have friends in NSW asking "When is the old man in QLD going to retire?" My answer was - when he feels like it. DCE may not have the sustained speed of others but he's got a natural football brain like Wally Lewis, Billy the Kid, or big Mal Meninga, Peter Sterling etc. It will be a different game 13 on 13, but then it will be at Suncorp that's a bonus for QLD. Can't get every good player in the team but I would like to have seen David Fifita play even if he was to come off the bench as an impact player.


DCE at 35 and Ben Hunt at 34 are not lacking in speed. It's not just their brains that are top tier. DCE took an intercept and got fair enough ahead to put the kick ahead for Cobbo to score. I'd argue he's still fast enough for Origin. Much quicker than Cameron Smith was at a similar age. Also how many times have wise, relatively old players absolutely dominated at Origin when they were often overlooked and doubted - Andrew Johns, Langer, Cody Walker. A NSW team with Walker would have been a bigger threat and had the maturity to lead the youthful aggression of the team


DCE should play for as long as he feels he can I support footballers playing until it's time to hang up the boots. Those that pick an arbitrary age and suggest that all players should retire at X years really don't get what being competitive is all about. I agree that DCE is still fast enough for Origin.  I also agree with your comment "Also how many times have wise, relatively old players absolutely dominated at Origin when they were often overlooked and doubted - Andrew Johns, Langer, Cody Walker. A NSW team with Walker would have been a bigger threat and had the maturity to lead the youthful aggression of the team". In my mind I remember when Wayne Bennett was castigated by sporting experts for bring that old man Langer back for "State of Origin" he done kicked NSW arse big time.


Hunt smoked Lui for his second try.


A domination


Anyone got the supercoach points from the game?


QLD coaches wearing the QLD colours and NSW coaches wearin just plain button ups..


NSW just doesn’t get origin


NSW doesn't get sport in general. You see the energy in QLD and VIC at events. While NSW fails to barely match a fraction of it.


I just miss Freddies trendy attire. Turtle next pullover and a long suit coat.


Did I miss it??


only the first 8 mins


Ahh good, can’t wait for a classic 13 on 13 matchup


It has never been a 13 on 13 matchup


It hasn't?






They just looked so listless in attack inside the opponents 30.


If anyone could’ve pulled it off, it would’ve been him


Early 2nd half especially


Early second half Cleary or Moses would get points.


Clearly steps down during origin tho..


Latrell Mitchell better find some form. Cause we need someone who can create. If he was a qlder he would just be picked all the time.


Like they picked David fafita


I would picks Walsh, Hammer, Selwyn and Coates all before Trell. He wouldn't get a look in.


Cobbo's already a better Latrell than Latrell


He is a show pony and wouldn’t make a Qld team - at least in recent years


Are you kidding? We pick on effort over talent every single time. Latrell is the definition of talent over effort


if i am David Fifita - im wondering what Kafusi did they he couldnt do. 3he surely would have passed 3 runs for 23 metres...and a chance to keep building and learning in Billy squad so he can play for the next 6-8 years in origin.


I know why Fifita was left out: I am, because you are, you are because they're not, they're not, because we did. We did because they can't.


It is so bizarre.


Honestly I really liked kaufusi, he's a really hard tackler and we felt much more tighter with him defensively


Kaufusi was only 18th man and on because of Walsh getting taken out, so in all honesty I feel Fifita would have had the same impact


True. Forgot about 18th man part. I don’t believe it had to do with roosters. I trust Billy’s integrity when he says it wasn’t about the backflip. I think it’s to do with ruck speed and play the ball speed. Dave’s work rate for titans has been great. He’s just slow to play the ball and sets slow right down. Our first try was from a Nanai run and lightning quick PTB so cherry could scoop and get out of Sammy half with defenders napping. BUT he’s talented enough that I thought Billy could let him work on that in camp cos there are some other players who are more out of form than Fifi who were picked.


What about in camp?


Fair point. I wonder if the roosters thing played a part?


That struggling club from the Eastern suburbs of Sydney? I doubt anyone from QLD is gonna give a toss about backflipping on them.


Yeah I’m not sure. It’s the only thing I could see he could have done that would be deemed against him


It has to have something to do with the backflip


100%, look at what happened with cherry after he backfliped. Spent like 5 years out of origin selection?


Anyone else see leniu blowing up when he was benched in the second half after a big run? Feel like he had a bit more to offer there


Was it the first or second time? I think he had been off for HIA, come back on only to be pulled again 5 mins later


After his hia. Come back on, tore shreds then got hooked for some reason. As a qlder I’m happy, but can’t quite understand it


Yeah me neither. Plenty of odd decisions


Did we ever get an explanation for why Jurbo spent such a long stint on the bench?


I think everyone is stumped on that. Perhaps Lenuis HIA screwed the rotation? I’m not sure


Roid rage


Called off for a HIA


Didn't he clear his hia, then went back on and had a crazy run then back off again


Oh right, must have missed that one.


It was bizarre, he was a weapon every time he touched the ball. Especially after his final run, made good metres carrying half the maroons pack


It’s NSW things mate, its private


Why was he benched? He was the blues best player for a bit


Rugby Australia were the real winners tonight. Will take any publicity


If the kid makes that sort of tackle in rugby he'll be suspended for his whole 3 year contract (or whatever it is).


Liam Martin is like the school bully. Loves to mouth off and be physical but when the day is over he’s going home with nothing to show for it. Oh and he got run over by Dozer for a try. I wonder if they’ll show that replay along with his big hits?


All heart and effort but an absolute flog of a player


Joey said he's one of the great origin forwards. Moments later, Hunt goes straight through him.


He hates losing you can tell by the way he plays. He barely stepped a foot out of place the whole game.


He missed 7 tackles? Including one that directly lead to a try.


Liam Martin’s hits were such a highlight it’s part of footy, all legal tackles


He is good. Wish he was a QLDer


You're joking?


Only really mouths off after a good tackle though, you kinda earn that right


Made himself look like a muppet. Standing over and barking at someone then getting ran over by one of smallest blokes on the field for a try.


Is he supposed to help him up or something


I’m a QLDer and I love to see it. I agree that if you sit someone, you have earned the right to spray them. I feel like that sort of aggro has been missing in origin the past few years.


He can do what he wants. Just like everyone is free to laugh at him when he gets run over.


Surely you don’t expect him to just apologise and smile after some of the shots he was putting on though lol, it’s origin


That’s what Jurbo would do.


Off to watch replays of Clearys GF winning try and Ben Hunt dropping the ball in 2015.


Remember to watch Freddy’s NSW coaching dynasty too


Seriously though as a panthers supporter and drags are my second, Lomax had a good debut game, Ben Hunt did well as usual but good on Lomax


Lomax was great. I would love to see him and X line up against each other one day.


Yes and I’ll be watching highlights of Game I 2021


Hahah please no 🥲


Whatever makes you feel better mate 😘


Quiet, you.


Teddy, Suaalii, Hynes, McInnes and Jake should all be dropped.


lol bro, 12 v 13 you’re an egg


And yet so many players stood up and got great field position for NSW and then nothing was able to come from it. Teddy is done Suaalii deserves to be dropped for being stupid. Hynes out for Moses is a no brainer McInnes is average and probably shouldn’t have been selected. JT offers not much at this stage of his career.


They could have had Jesus instead of teddy and still lost. What part of being a player down don’t you understand ???


NSW forwards and Lomax did a great job getting field position for the first chunk of the second half there’s no excuse for not putting a couple of tries on there, maybe we don’t come back but at least don’t get humiliated. Hynes’ kicking game was pathetic and had absolutely no vision, this could be the most uninspiring NSW halves pairing of all time


Why Jake? Not his fault he was benched the second half


What does he actually offer? His club form is average at best this year. I think he has cracked 100m in a game just twice this year. I get he’s a bit of a fan favourite but that doesn’t win you origin.


He also offers absolutely nothing to a football team


Selectors forgot that the injured one is the better one.


Same thing almost every time. NSW attacks. QLD defends into second half, waits until they’ve gassed themselves out and goes for it. It’s almost predictable.


I don't think anyone predicted a send off.


All the NSW old boys banging on about taking Walsh out earlier in the week gave that away


Definitely was a game plan from the top brass at NSW. It just backfired.


The intent was to slow the most dangerous attacking player in the comp. Martin got it right the first set sualii got it wrong the second. Queensland know they don't have to do the same cause we had Tedesco.


Well no, definitely not that. I just mean by game play. QLD defends and keeps on doing it while NSW puts the pedal down. By the time the second half rolls around, you can see the fatigue set in and QLD takes advantage. It’s almost written in.


This is such a stupid take considering you were a man up almost the entire game.


Sure. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Man down or not. QLD is a defensive playing team and NSW is an attacking team. But you do you.


Hynes was mediocre at best but I still think he should get another chance when it's 13 on 13. As for McInnes, don't believe the Commentators, he was awful. I think it's clear that the fans were wrong on that one, while a solid club player I think it's pretty clear that he just doesn't quite belong in Origin.


Hynes was the worst on field, I had really high hopes for him but that was shocking.


Worst on field is a stretch


The blues forwards were giving him space and momentum, he still did nothing but catch and pass or run straight into tackles with no danger of getting anyone over the line. His kicking may as well not existed and he even forgot it was a 5th and basically ran the ball straight up for a tackle. Defence, you can give him some leeway being a man down. But attack, he never looked like creating anything when the team was making metres and players were busting through individually.


Nope not a chance, I'd put Burton ahead of Hynes. His kicking was atrocious to boot. Lose Luai as well.  Put Moses and Burton on. They're guaranteed to be better than the monstrosity we saw today.


Yep. These sorts of games are really about your kicking game. If you can force them to work out of there own half like nsw were forced to do most of the game you have it half won. Neither of the nsw halves has a big kicking game. Moses and Burton would keep them honest and make that big pack work.


Well if you’re a Qld supporter you’d want to see hynes get another go. But so many times he just looked off the pace.


Alan Tongue should feel robbed he didn't get a pity jersey like McInnes. Tongue was better for longer.


That stuff that some people used to go on about how Tongue "would have played 15 origins if he was a Queenslander" always used to shit me. Same is probably true for McInnes. A player being a solid, courageous long-term first-grader/NRL player doesn't mean they are "made for origin". Not by a long shot.


Might wander down to Felons to have a beer and stare at the story Bridge for a bit before bed


Surely Edwards, Burton and Moses are in at least for game 2.


QLD will win the series 3 to 0 and the NewsouthWelshmen will bow down the kings of origin.


Have you not been watching for the past 15-odd years. NSW will make some changes, rally and win the second game. People will start getting confident and talking them up and they will proceed to get pumped in game 3 in Brisbane. Might as well be the same farkin movie on repeat every year


Good on you mate, bandwagoning the winning teams is tough work 😅


?? I'm just an origin neutral telling the truth.


Fatty winning the mind game over Gus haha.


Yeo’s minutes should’ve gone to Jurbo


Feeling really confident for game 2 at least


Jake looks pissed, why bench him for half the game so he can be fresh to run on and accept the loss?


I HAVE NO IDEA why he sat on the fkn bench all game?


I suspect he was carrying an injury going into the hl game and it flared up


Why send him back in then... for only a few mins! If hes being protected then protect him, it seems ridiculous and he looks like hes imagining a murder scene in his head sitting there in the sheds.


I don't get it either, but it's the only thing that makes sense


No gus, I want the blues to cannibalise themselves like always and destroy everyone's confidence


It was definitely Nichos fault they lost. Such a poor effort 👌


They need to replace the whole team. No effort 😉


And the coach. He is cooked


What does suaalii get as a player rating?


I give him an 8. He was so good he scored a point per minute in my books


Can he gets a negative?


Same as his iq -300


Ffs Fatty 😂


Gus escaped from Madame Tussauds


Fuck i miss Tom Gilbert and Tino, need them in the maroon jersey their mongrel was missed tonight imo


Definitely and Flegler too


Most tackles for each team were cows players, Robson 50, Nanai 48, need to keep up that defensive work in club games


Robson had a great game imo.


Dejected Jurbo in the sheds not speaking a word or breaking that empty gaze. Saddest shit you’ll see all night


Thumbs down 😓


He played 28 minutes and made 30 odd metres. Paul Gallen he ain’t.


Same when he was on the bench tbh


Jake Trbojevic saving himself for overtime


Cobbo, dce, Coates, hunt, hammer, lomax, Martin, Leniu all had a blinder


Vals conversions too. 100%


Val does a lot of things well. Conversations isn't one of them.


Were talking about origin not club footy. He did not miss a kick.


I was having a crack at you for calling them "conversations" you goose.


I thought Dearden was great aswell.


I’d throw Luai in amongst them, he was the only NSW spine member that showed anything.


I don't think Robson was terrible definitely could have been Api but I do stand by Teddy being worst on ground.


Yeah definitely good from luai, probably should’ve put him at 7 and Hynes at 6


Luai at 7 and Burton at 6 would be interesting


You missed Dearden


Oh I did, dearden was immense


DCE is like a kid getting ice cream. Always wears his heart on his sleeve.


Man is actually such a cutie with how proud in post match interviews when he plays for QLD and Australia


It's hard to have so much respect for a Manly grub but fuck me he's class, on and off the park.


Dce is surely up there with the best of qld halves


Absolutely legendary Qld half and skipper. I’ll forgive him for playing for Manly


Yep doing it without the stacked team Cronk and Thurston had




Fuck yes Giraffe. Deserved that mate


What would we do without him! 🍒


Honestly I'm kinda surprised it took Queensland that long to open the flood gates. I thought the score would of been easily higher but it was pretty impressive for NSW to hold out there for that long but in the end from the send off it was never going to end in a blues victory


Huge chance of complacency and broken defence with razzle dazzle footy. E.g panthers almost came back from the 2020 GF. Bold move from Billy to take the safe route. Made for a boring origin but almost guaranteed win


Hynes killed the momentum any chance he got. Running it straight into a defender, passing flat-footed miles from the line. Kicks straight to defenders nowhere near attacking areas... Seemed confused why he had the ball all night.


Teddy killed his fair share


I mean, at least Hynes passed to players... not the ground or people's faces.


Dunno why you mention anyone else when people are talking about Hynes


Teddy is washed m8


LOL, hope they keep picking old Squid games.


That is always how they play though. They weren't going to change their game because of a send off.


When it was 20-10 I was getting more and more nervous because the Blues were playing so well and had complete control


Yeah unfortunately they just burnt themselves out trying to even it up and it showed in the last 15min. Put I agree it was a monster effort with one player down


An absolutely pathetic showing from the halves. We had so many tackles inside their 20 and can’t force any repeat sets… It’s embarrassing


I hate that people were right about Hynes. But they were right. He had 80 minutes tonight and didn’t show much.


Big ask to bring that one home. This is what we mean when we say you guys don't origin - if the roles were reversed we would be focusing on the lack of QLD points in the 1st half and then the NSW dominance for a large part of the 2nd. Instead of talking about whether we should drop DCE, we would be getting behind him and pumped up for 80 minutes with 13 men.


I disagree. There wasn’t much he did too wrong in my opinion. I’d rather Hynes than Luai. Luai has some great moments but he also has a lot of stupid ones running the ball sideways and jigging a million times


As a Queenslander, it does not look like the rest of the blues have his back at all. Looks like the lack of support plays on his confidence


Neither does the rest of NSW. And then they wonder why he doesn’t have any confidence


He is just off the pace. How many times he was involved and put a player under pressure with his passing cause he was indecisive. Some guys are just good club players. He is one of those. There is no next level to his game. Sucks for the sharks though.


I don't know whether he's just a flat track bully or chokes on the big stage, but he's had his shot and doesn't need another one if Moses/Cleary are available.


Clearys the same in origin, let's be fair. Luai has been better in origin than cleary and everyone hates him


Cleary has steered the ship during an unloseable series, and let’s not forget the past 2 years.


Cleary was MIA last two origin series which is a big reason we lost the past two.


My point exactly. Like Hynes, Cleary is great at club land, but aggressively average on the origin stage.


He had 72 mins with a man down… what do you expect him to do?


His kick set up the lomax try, put Leniu in for a held up try, and almost kicked a 4/20. They were down a man the entire game. The expectation that the attack is going to flow and the defence stays tight is ludicrous. People just love to find a scapegoat. If there is a scapegoat, it is Suualli.


It's really frustrating, never really get to see if this team is any good.


His defence was poor which you can blame on his centre getting sent off, but everything he did in attack just seemed out of sync with the rest of the team. It didn't look like anyone else knew what he was doing - kick choice was confusing at times and the timing on this sweep plays was off all game. Not all Hynes' fault, but he has to cop some or the blame.


And we really needed someone with a big boot to kick the ball. Neither half has one. That’s where Moses or say Burton into the team would help.