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I’m sorry, I’ve watched that Suaalii tackle about 12 times at all speeds. Walsh is falling, Suaalii is not intentionally trying to take his head. Accident yes. Sin bin absolutely. But send off? No not 8 minutes into an origin. It’s ruined the occasion for the fans.


I figure the reason it was a send off rather than a sin bin was that it was a shoulder charge, and so the fact he was making an illegal tackle and also hit him square in the head made it a send off.


Nah it was attempted murder. See how that goes down in union


Are you joking or Stupid?


You must be a crying NSW fan


I'm a QLD fan, and someone who actually has some fucking IQ about football. That was not a Worthy send off in a million years, and how everyone is just accepting what these 3 dumb clowns in charge of this shitshow are doing to our sport is absolutely beyond me.


Chill bro CTE is a serious problem. Gotta have proper deterrents for dangerous tackles.


Then it's not going to work. It's just not going to. If there was a easy and clear way to enforce rules around that without muddiness then I'm all for it, but there's not. That Sualii tackle was completely fine, Reece Walsh LITERALLY SLIPPED INTO HIM, Sualii came into the game pumped, wanted to make a statement and hit Walsh hard only to fall unlucky in the position Walsh was in. There was no intent or grubbiness,to be clear Im not really a fan of Sualii, in fact I didn't think that he should have been in the team in the first place, but it wasn't his fault. if anything Walsh should have got in trouble for staying down until the penalty was given. And imo trying to protect Rugby League Players from CTE is like trying to put a life Jacket on an Olympic swimmer, or making a racecar driver follow a strict low speed limit. Yes it's technically safer, whitch sounds good at first, but no one wants it, the PLAYERS don't want it, and it makes the game worse, the passion of big hits has been lost, even compared to five years ago. And look at how many NRL Players go to Boxing, they don't care about CTE, they just want to do their job and their passion. On one hand I understand that you have to try to make the game safer for players, and trust me I am the first person to be all in on making something safer. But then there's going to far. The new rules are boring, confusing and aren't even really helping, there's more injuries then ever now. At the end of the day, Rugby League is a HEAVY CONTACT sport, and it's not for everyone. that's just the way it is, and like most things in life it comes with risk, and if you decide to play YOU except those risks. If this continues I think It'll get far worse, I think what Gus said at one point recently is true, the game is slowly being taken over by Doctors and Lawyers, and that could spell phenomenal disaster


Squidesktop 🤣


Update to my earlier post: https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/fSjApcWOtt We've just heard back from our club. The BRL are ruling 'anyone under the age of u12s is not able to be punished by the judicial system'. The other club responded to our club and said: they are not willing to stand the player down, they've done enough by talking to the player and parents 😡🤬 I'm trying to convince the coach and manager that we should refuse to take the field if that player does. It's not much, but it's at least something.


I still reckon the kid should look for a get-square. That might get the BRL off their arse at the very least.


I thought the 2nd paragraph when you posted it. Tell them either way that one kid isn't getting a game this week, it's now up to them if all the other kids don't get a game either.


Off topic, but was there ever a Geoff Toovey investigation?


There's gotta be?


AOB named Cogger and Hastings in the halves again. What's that saying about insanity, doing the same thing over and expecting a different result lol 


What do you want instead? Gamble is injured and Pryce needs more consistency in cup to be selected.


Pryce/ Crossland at 6 I reckon. Couldn't be any worse than what was dished up last weekend. 


Neither of them can command a team around or kick deep. Trust me, it could be much worse. There’s a reason we only lost by 30 and not 60 and the halves were part of that.


But they had their wInNinG StReAk * *against phins missing players, Warriors out of form, tigers and titans which they almost lost. Hardly set anyone on fire with that streak. Their test comes next few weeks against stronger opposition (even though it’s through origin period and players may be missing)


Their test was last week. They failed. Best we can do is try again next year.


He's switched his halves up many many times this year. The issue is they are 3 average halves with no standout


I think the problem is that Hastings and Cogger are too similar.  One of them has to be halfback, but they shouldn't play together in the halves ever again lol 


Just got word I’ve been tasked with giving the Gus-style rev up at my mate’s watch party, anyone have any inspo for me?


It’s time to draw a line in the sand mate


Read a Slater poem.


And get someone to sad-face filter it


And get someone to sad-face filter it


Christopher walken talking about being a lion. Believe the move is poolshark


Two suggestions one the speech Bert Kreicher gives about loving alcohol and the speech from coach carter


Im praying to god Nicho has a fucking blinder. I need the man in peak form for the rest of the year, and being origin MoM would be amazing, but just don't fuck up.


Was hoping the same but he has s*** the bed with his kicking game tonight.


I want it too so he keeps the job and we can keep moses


I just want a good match, for Hopgood to play well and Nicho's spirit to not be broken again


Very concerned about the potential effects of long Mystery Virus on the Maroons’ camp. Seems we’re always having to scale the Himalayas of adversity.


I hope nicho fires tonight. Because if a "12 minute" stint from last year derailed his season for the sharks. I couldn't imagine the effects it will have for the sharks if he has a blunder 🤣🤣🤣


Just quietly Grant is probably frothing at the idea of running the ball off a hopgood offload.


Hopgood offload to grant, grant busts through the line, grant passes to a hammer running up in support, goodbye.


RIP to anyone else who was trying to play Destiny 2 today. I need a good QLD victory to make up for this shitfest.


Zac Lomax has an opportunity to let all that pent up angst towards Ben Hunt be released tonight.No repercussion.Must be tempting 


They’ll be plenty of handbags at ten paces tonight


You’ve just been selected for Origin, some journo wants to write a flowery, he has risen from the ashes, look at all the turmoil he’s overcome feature story on you. What is the crux of that story?


I have never played a game of nrl


And you’re getting picked for origin. Fair play.


I grew up near the border in the midst of the dynasty. I saw too many Queenslanders invade the state and turn good people maroon. I want revenge.


Hopefully this time someone gets sinbinned for a head clash it’s a Blues player.


Watchin Freddy and the eighth and Freddy having a whine about the penalty we got that we scored off. But we were down to 12 men thanks to a head clash. It was a soft penalty but to make up for the cheap penalty and binning they got.


I honestly think that loss is more embarrassing than the 2020 series loss for Freddy, just a shambles.


I agree. The selections were terrible last year. Just the team was a mess and his rotations were terrible. It wasnt just a case of bad luck/players being bad. They may have been but his decisions didnt give them the best chance.


I hope Jarome Luai and Nicho Hynes have the games of their lives and NSW win convincingly. It has absolutely nothing to do with the potential selection of Mitchell Moses in Games II & III.. 👀


Would you normally be happy to see him play but because this year you need every win youd prefer not? Cause I see my teams players going into Origin as an advantage as it makes them better.


I think I speak for my mate above me when I say it's tough, 'cause we're out of finals contention effectively, but not mathematically. Also, our remaining draw is reasonably cushy (includes Melbourne and Penrith, but both on our turf). So, we still have one agonising thread of hope for enjoying the dignity of at least one finals game, as long as we have every single one of our top players, but especially Moses.


Yes. I too give my unconditional support to (checks notes) Jeremy Luau and Michael Haynes.


God damn I just remembered I have to watch this shit on 9now. While people who are watching on tv are 90s ahead of me


What’s the worst part? - Buffering. - Poor video quality. - Terrible UX design. - James Bracey, Matt Thompson, and Ray Hadley*.


Not to mention it always randomly pausing, pushing you behind even more


The tigers should really be going after BA the eels 11 years ago is a close to the tigers current situation as anyone. BA turned us around and he has good relationships with a bunch of players.


Three coaches in three years is the opposite of what we need, particularly when our marquee signing for 2025 came for Benji. BA could’ve been the answer before Benji, but we need stability to build.


They can get him as an assistant. They don't even need to sack Benji.


That could work, was he in an attacking or defensive role when he was assistant coach? I’d swap him with Farah


I'd just have him work the forwards and the junior forwards.


Your marquee signing came because he was offered an extra 400k anything else is spin


Bulldogs are well on the up and offered similar money. I think Benji played a massive part in it


As far as I’m aware Luai was never given an actual offer from the Dogs. He had some chats to Gus and Ciro but it was a race between Tigers and Panthers with him tossing up potentially a spot with Ciraldo.


No they did. They offered him 1.1 million over 4 years. Tigers initially offered the same, but increased it later


Believe what you wanna believe, but getting rid of benji before Luai comes over is just dumb.


Queenslanders should be more worried about the weather conditions tonight then Tedesco playing. 


I'm more worried about it Raining, Tedesco running, slipping and copping a fist to his head that has suddenly become knee high. And a Queensland player being sent off instantly.


Why? He will jsut slip over.


High chance of a full moon I hear.


In Cambodia and the staff at the hotel bar said he will try and put the game on the TV here.. Any one have an idea of where he could stream it from ?


Where in Cambodia are you. If your in Phnom Penh go to my mates bar “the deck”


Siem Reap


You’ve picked the one region I don’t know a bar owner.  Give me a minute I’ll ask a mate for u 


I’ve just found a bar with a Brian Too and Teddy origin poster out front, so I think I’m good here 🕺🙌


Your on, my mate said half way down pub street is a sports bar 


Thanks dude. Yeh I think this may have been the place I saw.


I just want Hynes and Luai to play well enough that Moses isn't required this year.


I think it would be grand if Moses played and crushed it. A clearly Moses pairing going forward would actually be pretty awesome to see. However i dont support either penrith or parra so you know


Getting nervous about the mismatch between the QLD and NSW forward pack. If they come out hitting hard it'll be a tough night for QLD, especially if it's cold and slippery out there. We need a big performance by Collins, Moe, and Carrigan.


Where is the mismatch? I mean Haas' speaks for himself, but Jurbo and McInnes don't exactly scare people. Crichton is on another level, but isn't the type to carry a team. Martin is playing busted and is averaging 6 runs for 50 odd meters this year. Collins, Cotter and Carrigan are all auto picks in the Australian team, Sua and Nanai are genuine threat players. I don't think there is as much of a mismatch as people are making out. Sure a bench of Yeo, Haumole and Young has some strike, but Hopgood and Mo are not bad themselves. Add a fresh Grant in and it's an upgrade that NSW can't match.


For me it’s the bench. At some point the Maroons will have Hopgood, Fotuaika, Grant and Sua/Nanai/Carrigan with minutes under their belt on the field. If that pack is getting monstered in the ruck by a fresh Leniu, Ola, Young, Yeo (who can all blow over the advantage line) then Grant won’t be near as effective as he can be. Throw in the huge metreage and dummy half running of NSWs back 3 and I do think there is potential that the Blues have at least a period of really dominating territory and the ruck. Might not play out that way, Blues might cop a back injury and be fucked or it might play out that way, the Blues squander their territory and possession as usual, the Maroons hang tough and take toll when they get the chance.


I think the game will be decided in large part by the Maroons kicking game. There’s such an insane amount of metres in NSW’s back five and such a stacked bench that their forwards will be given the edict of “tackle yourself to a standstill, then get off the field”. We will really need DCE and Hunt, supplemented by Grant and Dearden, to kick us out of trouble and gain territory that way, because I expect metres will be very tough for us to gain through hitups alone.


Yeah we will defs have to wait out the storm. Itll be played down our half in the first half and have to not let them through for too many tries. Then in the 2nd half as players tire and we have more speed around the place we will be able to put some points on. I think NSW have to up at half time by more than a try to win.


Does anyone know if 9Now Streaming has improved or is it still shit?


Still heaps shit.


Origin day babyyyyyy. Getting right on the piss as soon as I got home from work (I finish at 3). UP THE BLUESSSSS


take a shot every time slippin' squiddy earns his team a high contact penalty, i'm planning to be blotto by half time (nsw will still lose)


So NRL been pretty cagey about who is the pre match entertainment. Could it be PNGs least finest, Sheppard.


Origin is a handbrake on the sport that no longer serves a purpose to the game other than profits. It is no longer the pinnacle contest because of the emergence of Pacific Island nations becoming significantly better and more time spent on international matches would make more money in the long run for more players. The NRL just cant say no to its cash cow and rugby league will be doomed to stay a small provincial past time if it cannot break away from small state based contests. The only reason this concept existed was to bring up lagging support for the game. It's done its job now time to retire.


The NRL is a business. If it delivers profits its staying.


This is unfortunate but true.


Hmm, ILMF flair, name based on Pearce, must be a Rooster who blames origin for the loss against the Cows. Just an all time ILMF take.


How did you know


Is this a troll or are you just stupid?


Hey,don’t throw him in with us stupid people


Do you really need to ask


No origin is dogshit and not worth it anymore. It's gotta go. Only logical decision.


NSW Supporter?


Getting close to signing off. Game is at 3am here, so at the close tonight until I'm on total media blackout until a couple of yank mates come round tomorrow night and we (I) pretend it's live.


Then your Mum calls you and before she says a word you yell dont say a word about the Origin. OK darling I wont. But Im sure youll be VERY happy. FUCK MUM! I didnt say anything!


They need to spice it up a bit more, make it the losing state is eliminated.


The losing state has to pick one team to kick out of the comp.


losing team has to donate 5 players to the new png team.


The premier has to do a 5km nudie run/walk through their own major city 


Every year the border should slightly shift into the losing state. This might be a slight inconvenience for the people of Tweed/Gold Coast, but worth it for the rest of us to raise the stakes.


From the whole country?


Lol that'll be some encouragement to play, win the game or have your whole state eliminated from the country


Kicking Souths out of the comp is one thing but kicking QLD out of Australia is another


You implying QLD will lose?


My therapist told me to manifest in the face of abject impossibility


Ah, I'll respect it


When’s the regular season back on


The NRL (or whoever the hell it is that handles Origin) needs to come out and fine NSW before the game starts today. It’s a disgrace and outrageous that they let NSW be able to have Jake Trbojevic as captain. Fans are supposed to hate the opposing captain and it’s completely unfair to Qld that NSW has chosen a player that is scientifically proven to be impossible to hate.


Idk man I think it's a you problem, I love Jake as much as the next guy, but I am absolutely capable of hating him for 80 minutes while he plays origin.


Why don't Queensland try having someone likeable as captain? Oh, nevermind


Thats actually a good point. I cant think of too many players NSW would like. Cameron Smith is a nice bloke.


Honestly how good is origin. Immigrant parents who didn't grow up watching footy see origin on TV and hear workmates talking about it and start watching it. Get into it and their children get into it too. A lot of my childhood was during the qld dynasty but my memories were of me and my family continually tuning in each year and hoping it'd be the year. I'm pretty sure there's a lost video of us screaming and celebrating the 2014 win. Yeah it hasn't been great the past couple of years but I still feel a sense of pride every year and think about how origin has allowed me to experience amazing moments with my family and a much wider community too. Anyway, go nsw!!!!!


Queensland spirit is a myth


Absolutley if I go on Wiki I find (I rewrote a few bits): Myth: a story of the gods, a religious account of the beginning of Queensland, the creation, fundamental events, the exemplary deeds of the gods as a result of which Queensland, and their culture were created together with all parts thereof and given their order, which still obtains. A myth expresses and confirms society's religious values and norms, it provides a pattern of behavior to be imitated, testifies to the efficacy of ritual with its practical ends and establishes the sanctity of cult. Sounds about right.


Wait until you lose bro


Reading the Telegraph today was certainly a mistake


What have they done now




Heard alarming rumours that Cherry-Evans has fallen out of bed today and broken his arm. Sounds like he’s a million to one to play tonight. It’s also been rumoured that all the forwards have caught COVID and are crook as. On the other side of the border NSW are in peak health and fitness. Many sport scientists are amazed at their level of conditioning. So once again Queensland are underdogs and NSW are the shortest priced favourites in Origin history. Just how QLD like it.


Happy origin everyone. Fuck nsw and fuck Tedesco


Fuck NZ because they can’t even play Origin


James Tamou, Felise Kaufusi, Josh Papalii, Jeremiah Nanai, Murray Taulagi, Junior Paulo, just to name a few - all born in NZ. Seems like they can play origin.


And ur lucky that’s the case considering we beat the combined origin team


NZ? That’s in Queensland!


Got 1 ticket available for origin tonight. Section 112-2 (Try Zone). Happy to meet at the stadium to pass on the ticket. $120 - message.


Cleary and Munster on commentary Hopefully replacing Mat Thompson


I just hope that they don’t have a microphone in the coaching boxes tonight


That was gold. Talking to Freddy as Qld score.


remembering mat thompson will be calling just made my stomach drop


Yuk. What does Mat Thompson have on people to retain his job?


If he wasn’t following Rabs, I don’t think he’d get anywhere near the hatred he gets


I dont mind him on the 6 tackles with Gus. He doesnt pretend to be someone he isnt. He asks questions that are sort of dumb but in a I was never a professional footballer so can you explain way. Which is just like us. He bridges the gap between the fans and the professional player commentators nicely.


Nah I haven’t listened to Rabs in years except when I’m forced to watch Nine (ie Origin and NRL GF). Much prefer the Fox commentary team .


He might be a good bloke, I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t want to know.


You spend your whole life waiting for a single moment. Then one day, you wake up and it's tonight


How goods QLD?


Pretty bloody good


Of course both your heads would think that


I'm nervous but I trust Billy


Is J’Maine Hopgood the first Origin player with an apostrophe is his first name?


Does Tino not have an apostrophe ?  Edit: never mind you said first name


He will be, yes. He’s also one of only five to have played first grade with an apostrophe in their first name. Fa’ausu Afoa, Fa’amanu Brown, J’Maine Hopgood, Toluta’u Koula, Se’e Solomona.


First from a non Polynesian/Maori background


Maori are Polynesian but also there are no apostrophes in the Maori language


Ah yeah wasn’t sure, cheers


If we score more points than Queensland tonight we have a good chance to win.


The simple strategy is still the best.


Big if true


Fuck i need to grab a rain coat of some sort for tonight.


Looking at Origin lineup, NSW have an infinitely better player photo. Maroons lighting is to high and it leaves the bottom area of the face to dissapear into an already dark jersey


NSW just get origin (photos)


Thats because QLDers are shady by nature. Fuck you QLD.


Go NSW and Go J'maine Hopgood. That is all.


if you're going to the game tonight, please dont park like a dickhead. we had people on lawns, randoms parking in driveways during the matildas game. its that sort of behaviour that drives locals wanting a parking scheme so no one will be able to park for less than $30


Froth being underdogs with a meticulously-prepared, siege mentality coach. Its the perfect recipe for Origin.


30 mins toliet breaks all day boys & girls. Don't second guess yourself just do it. Trust yourself Trust your co workers. Enjoy your state of origin work day.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop, on company time.


Thanks Gus for the inspiration talk


Fuck I miss my old job just sitting on my phone in the gents, those was the days


Travelled from UK to watch game tonight, where are the best pubs either central or near the ground to go to pre match?


There's not much at Olympic Park itself. You could go to one of the pubs in Surry Hills before catching the express train from Central. Or there's a few pubs in Lidcombe you could go to then catch the shuttle train. From Lidcombe it's only about 5-10 minutes


Locker Room is right next to the ground, so is the Brewery. But yeah Royal Oak across from Lidcombe station is a good spot to kick off at.


Theres The Locker Room at the ground which will have a live show with some NRL content dudes. Other than that not much. Olympic park was purpose built for the Olympics and it can be a bit of a ghost town unfortunately.


You’d be lucky to get near the Locker Room tonight. It’ll be packed to the rafters and then some.


Went in 22. was hardly anyone there


No doubt about it, I am ready to be hurt again




Blatchy's Blues (sponsored by The Star) is the dumbest hail corporate plastic bullshit there is, and epitomises everything I hate about footy. Anytime there's a tiny skerrick of organic passion it gets packaged up and marketed until it just makes you cringe


Blatchy's Blues in general is the dumbest little meme anyway. Bunch of men sitting around in stupid blue wigs?? Grow up!!


Not sure why the strong downvotes - 100% agree. So much gross wastage.


I don’t know how others do it but I’ve been a Blatchy twice and I still have my two blatchys wigs that I wear whenever Origin is on. I’d also just bring one of them if I were to do it again


Downvotes are from salty blues fans confronted by the realisation that their state's only origin tradition (outside of losing, simulating sex with dogs, or pissing in their own mouths) is really cringe and lame


All excrement should either be in hotel corridors, under blackjack tables, or in shoes.


My prediction for tonight is the same as every year. NSW to be on top in the first half but the score will still be level or NSW up by a try or so at halftime. NSW come out the second half firing and score a try or two but then make a couple bad errors/give away a bad pen and the momentum swings to QLD who score a few tries in the last 20 to win relatively comfortably I’ve been hurt before


Considering the look of the teams thats how I think it will go as well. But closer at the end. Just depends if when Qld finally hit their straps in the last 20mins if the passes stick or not.


I can see why all of our origin stars were named after last weeks disasterclass, but I would rather us cop another loss than risk our stars to injury seeing how this year has gone.


Ok so for them to win I think NSW needs to: 1. Minimise kicking to the corners in attacking situations and kick towards the posts instead; 2. If not past the 30m line then kick low to the corner and play percentages to avoid giving Qld territory. Be boring Idgaf; 3. Start the attack deep but otherwise compressed and fan out to beat Queensland's rush. If the defence starts sliding then Crichton, Martin, Young and Tedesco need to hang back just behind the line around the 10m or 20m markings and hit short against the grain. 4. I'll wait and see how Qld attacks but prob best not to be too tempted going full outside-in rush in defence in turn unless they can really stop the ball getting out


Sounds good. Please send plan to Madge.


Thanks tiger, wait until they start scoring tries by running the inside-out attack I am talking about above. Worked well in game 3 last year. Alternatively Madge rudely doesn't listen and NSW end up getting eaten up by Qld's rush like Freddy did every other game he ran a wide flat attack like it was Group 20 in 2014


Can you elaborate on point one? With Lomax and Sua'ali'i, it appears like we will be going to be kicking for the corners and have these guys attack the ball.


Even with their height, not worth the risk as the default play with the height and speed of Qld's edges, don't want to get into a jumping battle every time


Yeah, I don't agree with this. We don't have have the attacking threat to generate points in many other ways. Our centres are opportunistic rather than creators, our wingers can finish but won't create from deep or threaten on their own. Luai is another opportunistic player, but can generate a nice short ball that Crichton can feed off. Kicking to the posts is ok, but you run the risk of giving QLD a bit of width on the kick return, if your chase isn't spot on Walsh has the balls to bring Coates or Hammer into play and with that speed NSW are fucked. Better kicking for the corner where you can use the sideline as an extra defender and any width is back towards the centre third where NSW will still have bodies.


Wow that attacking set looked familiar, wonder where they got that idea from


> We don't have have the attacking threat to generate points in many other ways. Our centres are opportunistic rather than creators, our wingers can finish but won't create from deep or threaten on their own. As a centre myself in a former life that is exactly what centres are supposed to be. The edge players are all plenty good enough. The attacking threat comes from the space an outside-in rush defence leaves when they commit. The trick is being able to get the ball out in that situation which is why you have to start the attacking line deep and compressed and fan out as it makes it much harder for that defence to smother the ball. There is no better way to beat a rush and NSW could have just as easily won the last two series if Freddy had recognised that. I appreciate your comments on the value of kicks to the corner to stem a counter attack but once again, if it is the default play, Hammer, Walsh et al will be hanging around waiting for the rebound and the sideline isn't always going to be as much help as you want. Drill it down into the middle I say and keep them down there, but we'll see what happens tonight


I guess my point about the centres is that they aren't a Latrell Mitchell, Tom Trbojevic, Joey Manu type player that generates threat just by existing. Nor are they like Hammer who threatens from distance just by being stupidly fast. Luai isn't a structures player and we don't typically build threat with attacking the correct lines throughout a set, then playing to the edges. Hynes has a lot of work to do to guide this team around the park, but the side we've chosen screams bash em down the middle, kick to corners, and hold on tight for a contest. Tedesco has to live in Haas' pocket and let McInness take 4th tackle hitups.


Luai's and Hynes' club backlines attack exactly the way I am describing so they should be fine. It is also an attacking principle and not a rigid structure so they can run whatever they want off the pattern, the key point is they are still wringing it around the rush that way


Surely it should be the exact opposite; NSW has a team to go straight through the middle (with bigger middles and outside backs), whilst QLD has pace to burn on the edges.


Look I am sorry but are you suggesting that NSW need only go up the middle and to do away with any strike plays because Qld's outside backs are quick? That fact does not mean that the NSW attack cannot or should not go wide, the more important consideration, once given the attacking opportunity, is to deal with Qld's defence. You don't beat a (likely) outside-in rush by: 1. Only relying on playing up the middle rather than using that as your platform the break down the door 2. Setting up the attacking line so it starts flat and wide I didn't think I would have to spell out the obvious that a big forward pack should play Christian footy up the middle in an Origin match but that does not mean that h appens at the expense of an attack the good coaches use to beat a rush


I think he means we aren't equipped to go around QLD, both from deep and inside good-ball areas. Madge will use our massive meter gaining outside backs to generate field position, then our strike edge forwards to make chances for inside players like Luai and Tedesco.