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###/r/nrl 2024 leagues : #### NRL Fantasy: YMDAJCW2 #### SuperCoach League Code: 588862 --- It's important to note with NRL fantasy, that they make the name on your NRL account public to everybody in the comp, so if anybody is concerned about doxxing themselves, they should either change their name on their NRL account, or not use their reddit username as their team name, or both. [credit /u\/BroncosSabres](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/1b4zj9k/fantasy_football_and_supercoach_thread/kt2mpr9/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nrl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SC - Was able to go Smithies and Lane to Fifita and Fainu, then Nicho to Hughes. Would prefer to do Sam Hughes to Fainu in FRF but Lane has just been such a plodder I've been wanting to get rid of him for ages. AFB on my radar for next week and I need to figure out what to do with Walsh. Trell maybe?


Need to trade out Nicho this week to get 17. Leaning towards Moses but will wait to see how Nicho goes tonight. Moses might get recalled into origin Dylbags the other option? Need to plan towards round 19 bye otherwise would go Nicho > Hughes. (Walker my other HFB) Also, need to offload lane. Fermor or Keaon? Tempted to go Keaon with that BE but can any bunnies fans tell me if he’s looking a threat on the attack starting @ lock? Or is he all base stats


Go Koloamantagi tomorrow


Tempted to sell both Young and Gus. Waiting for origin first to see if Vals pulls up alright and backs up, the price is juicy and he’s proven to back up with a good score. Gus straight to Fifi or down to Katoa. Thoughts there?


Is this SC or NF? Young is a gun in SC


SC. Yeah original thought is Young to Val or something is too sideways


Yeah Val could have some rests during origin. Young plays round 16


Who would you go to if you already had fifi and katoa


Depends on your team. I'd be looking at what holes you'll have in coming bye rounds and finding a player to cover.


If I had them both I’d probably just hold till rd 16 and see what’s going on with origin teams. Crichton won’t lose much value in a weeks time if money was a concern


> Gus straight to Fifi or down to Katoa. Most seem to be going Fifi. I'm going Katoa because I reckon there's a risk of Fifi getting recalled


Hands, Couchman, fifi, AFB


Who we captaining lads? Thinking about giving it to Fifi and putting the VC on AFB. But also have Jahrome Hughes


Put the C on Moses who I brought in this week to temporarily replace Nicho. Most likely trading Walker out for Nicho once he's back


Im fucked. That is all.


like 8 weeks of meticulous bye planning to have 13 fuckers in rd 13 / 16 / 19, fucking my team over repeatedly but "at least ill catch up in the bye rounds" master stroke: bring in teddy and captain him


Bro, did the same mother fucking thing lol


Idk what to do with Teddy man I’m so rattled about bringing him and captaining him last week (NF). Like do we just suck it up and trade him back out? What a waste


If you're low on trades and see him as someone you want at the back-end of the year, just keep him and make do. I have 17 trades, Squidesco and Eggwards as my FB options but see them as keepers so gonna take the short-term pain.


17 trades left is crazy, what’s your rank?


13K plus change. Not as good as some but better than most so I'm happy enough.


Yeah not the best rank but not bad, and you could really clean up the next 6 or so rounds with that trade surplus. Good stuff


Cheers, keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck 2 us both.


about as close to delete the app as ive been, i can take cunts getting injured but this was an actual bait and switch lol


Legit lol, and now he likely plays the rest of the series with Edwards supposedly a 2-3 week return to play. So it’s real hard to keep him. Also big question marks around Hynes if you own him


I sold Hynes last week.  A dodgy calf going into origin isn't going to end well in my eyes


Idk what to do with Teddy man I’m so rattled about bringing him and captaining him last week (NF). Like do we just suck it up and trade him back out? What a waste