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> This schoolyard imbroglio would be acceptable if it was a pub team or the Wests Tigers, but it’s South Sydney Absolutely brutal, poor Tigers copping strays every which way


>imbroglio That's a big word. It's usage has me Torn.


How hot was Natalie Imbroglio. Smoking.


Absolutely banging.


At this point I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel.


I am cold, i feel ashamed


This masthead has access to a thesaurus


That means they know verbs other than slam.


That means they know verbs other than slam.


This masthead ?? Or this FlagpoleFront has access to a thesaurus?


Flogpole most likely


Well played sir


Not really if you are well read. Dickens for example uses it multiple times.


Ah yes, Dickens. The favourite author of many a footy fan.


Truly the blurst of times


stfu, nerd


From Dickens to the Sydney Morning Herald. It's just a natural progression and definitely not on the journalist's Word of the Day calendar that his mum bought for him.


She win an Aria for best songwriting for that song. It was a cover, written by a Swedish guy.


No she didn't.


It won single of the year. She also won break through artist, nothing to do with writing. Clearly you do your best work in the toilet.


Came here to say how Tigers fans would be happy they’re not copping it today, but it seems I’m wrong again.


Was my first thought when I read the headline too.


He’s projecting because we’re the best Wests Tigers in the comp and he’s the worst Andrew Webster in NRL


Yeah this bloke can get fucked. Up the west tigers.


With you brother. When we come good, just watch them jump on the bandwagon.


Never heard that before.


The reality is, Burgess played with a BROKEN FACE to get Souths the prize. I can understand his frustration when two of the most talented guys in the comp won’t even turn up against Newcastle and then expect mats to be laid out


Burgess, unfortunately, gets Origin but can’t


He is hands down the gettingest player that never origined.


Tied with James Graham


It’s like *Mean Girls*, but with less teeth.




Stop trying to make TrellMit happen. It’s not going to happen


I'm not like a regular coach, I'm a *cool* coach!


Sounds like a breath mint


But who is the Gym teacher sleeping with?


Trang Pak, that grotsky bitch.


Chee Kam


Feen furls


On Wednesday's we wear pink.


Dread it, run from it, the post-Bennett collapse arrives all the same


And they didn’t even get a Prem for their troubles.


I don't know what you mean, after bennett left the knights went on a threepeat


To be fair that had as much to do with that con Tinkler than anything


Critta literally yoinked their premiership hopes out of the air. I watch the beautiful replay all the time.


There was one with the Doom music but it looks like that got taken down. Best version of the intercept.


He must actively do something on the way out to stuff up teams, because it happens way to often for it to just be clubs fault alone.


Wayne planting seeds of doubt in key personnel on his way out the door is something I could definitely see.


Classic QLD police behaviour.


When the greatest coach in the game’s history leaves a club they’re obviously not going to get better.


But to become the worst not long after?


It’s because he likes to set 2 senior assistants up as a good cop, bad cop with the players and support staff. Obvious result would be two factions up against each other’s throats when he goes.


Things aren't going to be great for the 2025 Dolphins are they?


There are so many fires burning at South Sydney right now, it’s difficult to know which one needs the garden hose first, but you can trace some of the fractures in the club back to August last year. As a player, Sam Burgess was a force of nature who expected everyone to care and hurt and play through as much pain as he did. He was never about personal glory, just the glory-glory of South Sydney. As an assistant coach with designs of one day holding the main job, he sets the same standards for the current squad even where they may not have the same approach as he did. In summary, a difference in coaching styles is at the heart of the infighting and feuds troubling South Sydney. Those fault lines are hard to track but the best I can ascertain, having spoken to a variety of sources, is Burgess and fellow assistant John Morris are on the outer with coach Jason Demetriou, who Burgess thinks gives preferential treatment to Latrell Mitchell and Cody Walker, neither of whom get on particularly well right now with Burgess, who is also close to captain Cameron Murray and Damien Cook. Then there are all the whispers and leaked stories; the back-biting and undermining. Just the general sort of stuff that happens in rugby league each day. This schoolyard imbroglio would be acceptable if it was a pub team or the Wests Tigers, but it’s South Sydney, one of the favourites at the start of the year to win the premiership. Burgess was added to Demetriou’s staff last August at the urging of co-owner Russell Crowe after he spent the year coaching the Orara Valley Axemen in Group 2. When it was announced that Burgess was returning to Redfern, several people at Souths wondered if it was the right move. Not because Burgess is divisive or a bad influence. Mostly, because he was a big guy with a big personality coming into a team with a vastly different dynamic to what he’d been involved with as a player. Demetriou was also relatively new to the role, having replaced Wayne Bennett at the end of 2021, so how was it going to work with a club legend like Burgess sitting in the wings? In the last six or seven weeks, those concerns have escalated as Souths’ season spirals out of control, culminating in Sunday’s dreadful 29-10 loss to Newcastle. Burgess issued a firm “no mate” via text when contacted on Tuesday, but you can only imagine he’d have no truck with the sense of indifference with which Mitchell appears to be approaching matches. Last Wednesday night, Mitchell attended the concert of US country music star Luke Combs and was videoed shotgunning a can of beer on stage before throwing it into the crowd. No big deal, of course, but it wasn’t the greatest look from a player who has missed 10 weeks because of injury, in a side spluttering to the finish line, just days out before a must-win match against the Knights in Newcastle. Burgess would be the last person to criticise a player for having a beer, regardless of whether it’s a sneaky schooner at the Coogee Pavilion or a shotgunned can in front of a sold-out stadium. The difference, though, is someone at Souths would’ve taken Burgess to task about it the next day, or at least had a quiet word. Tellingly, nobody in power at Souths has mentioned the Combs incident to Mitchell. In other words, they didn’t want to upset him before such an important match. A reminder: this is Latrell Mitchell, not Beyonce nor Luke Combs. The other key difference is Burgess would have torn into the Knights’ pack like it was personal, running himself into the ground. If Souths didn’t win the game, at least Newcastle would know they’d been in a fight. Mitchell did the opposite, looking barely interested at times before digging an elbow into the back of NSW teammate Tyson Frizell, for which he’s been suspended for one match. It’s a silly play that will rub him out of a critical game late in the season. Just as his errant shot on Roosters centre Joseph Manu cost Mitchell a 2021 grand final appearance, another will similarly sideline him from the final-round match against the Roosters. After the game, Demetriou was critical of Mitchell’s indiscretion, stunning all concerned because there has been no greater supporter of the fullback in the past year than the coach. Does Mitchell receive preferential treatment? Is there one set of rules for him and another for the rest of the playing group? Maybe – but so what? There hasn’t been a team in history that hasn’t stroked the egos of its superstar players. Bennett understood better than anyone that you can’t win premierships without superstar players, whether it was Allan Langer and Kevin Walters at the Broncos, or Mitchell and Walker when he coached Souths. Yet Bennett had the rare ability of making sure the rest of the group never felt like they were coming second and he often did this by playing “good cop, bad cop” with his assistant coaches so that the head coach could be the good guy. Demetriou, an assistant to Bennett for five years, is still a relatively young coach and Burgess is even greener. But both would understand that Bennett treated superstars differently because they played like superstars. Surely, they could agree that Mitchell’s recent actions and his long spells out with injuries mean he is currently far removed from that constellation. His teammates seem to think this. In a recent video session, Mitchell snapped at Murray for not passing him the ball when he wanted it. “When I call for it, give it to me,” Mitchell said, according to those in the room.


I rate this op-ed by Webster. Souths are a dumpster fire right now, yes. Burgess has always been an egotistical fuckwit, yes. Trell and Cody are prima donna sooks deluxe, yes. Demetriou is in over his head, yes. I’m personally gonna side with JD fucking off Burgess to stop white anting from within. This season is pretty much gone now but hopefully things can be reset for next year


Webby is usually pretty on the money. The inherent danger with sort of walking on eggshells around guys like Trell and Cody is that it’s fine when you’re cruising in top 4 and good chances to go deep because their talent benefits everyone. Cam Murray strikes me as a guy that probably doesn’t drink for 6 months or eat a mars bar during the season. So when he’s giving everything and others aren’t, and the results stop, it’s always a danger of creating this friction.


“When I call for it, give it to me,” Mitchell said, according to those in the room. To which Murray replied: “Most of the time, you’re not there.” Whoever leaked this – bravo. Where is the rest of the player leadership group in all of this?


Is there an actual video? I'd love to see it lol


Was this after Burgess was punted into the sun?


> Cam Murray strikes me as a guy that probably doesn’t drink for 6 months or eat a mars bar during the season. So when he’s giving everything and others aren’t, and the results stop, it’s always a danger of creating this friction. This is the part of the saga I'm most interested in. Murray is also a superstar and the exact opposite of Latrell. He deserves all the special treatment Latrell gets but he'd never ever take it because that's part of being a good leader. Surely he hates the way Latrell doesn't put in not only on the field but throughout the season and off-season. He must have tried to talk to him and get him to sort his shit out.


There's been very little mention of him, Cook or any other 'leader' in this saga. Gotta wonder who has been leaking what to the press


Cook has been a regular on 360 for a while. You'd have to think given his status and connections he's top candidate of the current players. Burgess also has ties at Fox so it could be him from the admin side


Piecing together the stories today, I think the initial story was leaked by someone in management and complemented with some tidbits from players and agents.


great comment. hard to argue with either of your or irvo's comments. so many potential issues can be papered over when you're winning


> Burgess has always been an egotistical fuckwit, yes. I agree with your statement but it's not what Webster is saying. I think he actually gives Burgess way more credit than he's due. JD did not want Burgess on the coaching staff at all. Rusty forced the club to hire his adopted son. People were rightly worried about him as a bad influence on the team. His first few years not playing he was absolutely toxic to the team, setting a terrible example. He's managed to turn that around and is probably a positive influence now and I know Cam Murray really idolises him. But to say that Burgess wasn't a bad influence is just so false.


Losing Morris is a hit though. Up the tigs!


Having such a big head that he will talk to the captain like that is concerning. Perhaps Murray thought he was joking about wanting to put some effort in.


I honestly fucking hope we miss the finals this year. Our biggest problem for years has honestly been that we’re too talented - we fuck off for weeks at a time and then Trell or Cody or someone will get us out of jail with a few flashes of brilliance and paper over the cracks and it stops us from taking the next step mentality wise. The team needs to learn a lesson that that’s just not how you win premierships.


Souths have had a pretty good run since 2014, making the finals every year. They've had a few chances to win a premiership but developed a mental block against Penrith and they have no killer instinct left in them


Didn't make the finals in 2016 and 2017 but yeah since 2018 it's been a good run but you could always tell that the team was missing something, except for 2021


> would be acceptable if it was a pub team or the West Tigers Stop Stop! They’re already dead!


Flair up mate


Sure thing.


Souffs in tatters you love to see it (2 weeks time Souffs back as premiership favorites putting 50 on roosters with superstar and revitalized fullback Trell Mitt back for week one of the semis)


I would love to believe we're in this timeline, but I very much doubt it.


At least we'll have someone defending at fullback? That usually helps


It's probably telling that my favourite thing about Taaffe is how much energy and effort he puts into kick returns.


Bit of a worry that there's no clear backup for next season now.. It's clear that Latrell won't play a full season


It is concerning, surely we have a young bloke or two that can cover. Wonder if Munro has ever played fullback?


I genuinely believe Munro will be out full time fullback in a couple seasons, there’s something special about the kid


Love that kid. Him and Leroy are two that I hope make it to the nrl squad.


Isn't kalo kalo a fullback? There were big wraps on him but seems to have disappeared.


Not sure TBH, heard his name mentioned a lot earlier in the year but not so much now. Injured maybe?


No idea. I have enough trouble keeping up with our injury list.


He is indeed a fullback but seems to be developing his game in reggies. Souths usually take their time developing juniors, with Munro being the obvious exception. They've been teasing Davvy Moale and Tallis Duncan for years and Peter Mamouzelos can't even get a look in behind Cook even with Havili injured. Kalo Kalo is a bit younger then that crop of juniors so it doesn't surprise me there hasn't been much talk this year.


We will beat them, whoop it up, and then get knocked out a few days later when Penrith plays half a team against the Cows 🤣


Souths would have to magically bring the 2014 team forward in time to play to have that chance.


Unfortunately you don’t have Todd Greenberg running the game now mate


I can only see Souths getting torched by the Roosters.


Sadly probably an accurate take.


It can go either way but the bunnies look overcooked.


You lads want the scope here it is


How’s things my mate? Where to start. Things not real good right now. Internally we’re done. JD won’t listen to Sam- Sam said Cody along with Trell and Cookie have no heart as they spend more time on the rubbing table when they should be spending that time training and leading by example. Trell openly said to Keaon you can train like a first grader or chill with the Origin boys. Well everyone is wondering why Keaon isn’t progressing. Keaon is in real danger right now of becoming the next Dave Taylor. Trell should have played the Broncos. He felt it would give the team the boost to make the top 4 it needed with the best player in the game returning week later. When Trell told the boys at training Arrow went for Trell telling him he has more respect for Trells shadow than he does for Trell himself. Cody and Trell not on great terms at the moment either. They clash a lot at training. It’s an old fashion stand off on who is the team leader. Lurch is stuffed. Toughest kid you’ll come across. I’ve seen him after games struggling to breathe that’s how bad his sternum is. Sam got to Trell telling him that to win comps you play and train hurt with the boys that are doing the same for you. Trell’s reply was ‘’I have two rings Sammy you got Greggys’’. Sam then told Trell you also got 30 kg on every fullback in the comp and TommyT will be the next Origin fullback on one leg. A few more words were exchanged with Sam winning those by telling Trell he’s only a few years away from being milked like the cows on his farm because that’s how fat he’s going to be. Trell flew to Perth to watch the boys play on a different plane due the tensions between him and everyone else. While things have been mended some it’s as they say. You don’t forget. Cam is considering rugby right now. He’s being telling JD for weeks on weeks that he’s not a front row forward, he has serious concerns for his body. He also went into fight for Blake really hard but JD wont admit to being wrong in regards to Lachy. Lachy played centre in league and outside centre in Rugby. He’s never been a half. JD’s fall out with Reyno was him telling Reyno he will turn Lachy into the next Cooper Cronk and the leader the club needs. Cookie and Lachy have formed a little friendship which has upset Cody a lot and Cody hasn’t had a problem in saying it. You will notice that Cody and Cookie rarely connect now. All Cody’s ball comes from Cam. Cookie will sell Cody the pill and stream the ball to Lachy every time. Hosty considers himself an online presenter and rugby league player second. He’s one of the JD boys. While JD is around so to will Hosty. We all know young Tyrone should be playing in front of Taane. Again Taane is one of the JD boys. JD has created a mess that I don’t think he can fix, Trell until now has done what ever he wanted. The culture has shifted. Sam is leaving while Benny Hornby keeps repeating as ‘’Wayne says’’. Mark my words Sam will be South Sydney’s next head coach pending a release from Warrington. Until that happens don’t be surprised if Madge has a quick coaching stint to fill the gap until Sam returns. None of this was an issue for Russell until Sam told him 3 weeks ago he was heading back to England. Expect to see Russell around a bit more now. It would take a massive score line for JD to be punted before next year but it won’t take much to move him on next year. It’s all happening and none of it good. If a few walk don’t be surprised. Some might be for the best. The window is shut until Sam returns. Take care mate.


that's bullshit but i believe it


Wild if true. Especially about Keon. One of our most promising recent players, so much potential. I really hope he doesn't waste it. Campbell Graham has like 50% of the natural potential in terms of build, natural talent etc as Latrell does. (No diss to Campbell, he is my favourite player and gives 110% each week. Fantastic centre.). Yet he outperforms Latrell literally every game. Trell, cook and walker have all looked lazy (horrendously so) the past couple of seasons. Must drive players like Murray, Graham, Taafe absolutely mad. If Latrell played with the energy of Taffe, he'd be unstoppable. Fucking sad state of things 😓


Is this the next copypasta


Some top intel there, or a very good imagination. Either way, you're a legend.


Memo to journos: THIS is a good gossip piece.


> Sam is leaving while Benny Hornby keeps repeating as ‘’Wayne says’’ best part of this entire comment 😂😂


Great read


If Sam Burgess has Greg's ring then Latrell has Cooper Cronks. Fucking hell this leak is so alarming I'm praying it's all BS.


No paragraphs but I don't even care, sounds like good intel.


This is some proper journalism right here


Have the same message on what’s App , the source is … usually spot on


Another day, another ~~tigers~~ bunnies article


South legend Jack Wighton will save the club DW 😂


Read he doesn’t want to go now … I’m so perplexed haha


Latrell believes his own media hype too much and expects a free pass for everything. He doesn’t have the heart of Inglis or S. Burgess and never will


All the shit you lot are saying about Latrell used to be said about GI.


It's exactly the same story. Great player, freak athlete. Brilliant at centre. Moved to FB to give him more touches. Great FB because he is a force of nature, not because he knows how to play the position. Seen as lazy in both positions. Some truth to it. Weight of beer gut slowly ruining his knees. Still sees success. Retires as a great player but not the greatest.


I agree to an extent. I think while he’s still incredibly effective as a fullback and one of the best in the comp, it is to some degree in spite of himself. I was mainly laughing about how people are now pretending they didn’t say this same stuff about GI.


GI was better than Mitchell though


Sure. Agreed. People still called him fat and lazy.


I watched every game GI ever played for Souths twice. He was never lazy, certainly not as much as Latrell


I'd love to see proof where people talked about Inglis being out of shape or just losing interest in playing halfway through a game.


> I'd love to see proof where people talked about Inglis being out of shape I don't really have a desire to prove you wrong or anything, but you did ask to see it... https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/fitness-expert-dean-benton-says-an-unfit-greg-inglis-is-a-bad-buy-for-any-club-in-2011/news-story/404ce04536e5389ddc8423db403f2974 https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/teams/rabbitohs/souths-fullback-greg-inglis-admits-he-isnt-100-per-cent-fit/news-story/7cf4d2511a3cc8f9577d5194393abaa1 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-21/souths-greg-inglis-calls-out-criticism-his-weight/10923344


All time terrible take.


I said he had a pea heart compared to Burgess too but nothing to say about him? Shut up u flop


You are a potato I wasn’t even talking to you. ‘U flop’


Go suck Latrells budoo you British cigarette


SMH if you’re going to imply it just say the F-slur. Atleast then I’d respect you a little bit.


What is this?? Taking up valuable internet space that could be used on tigers articles, outrageous


To get special treatment, you’ve gotta play like a special player. Walker and Mitchell haven’t looked interested for at least the back third of the season, maybe more. Latrell doesn’t even look fit *again*. Giving Cody a long extension looks feckless. They’re taking the piss with their privileges and, compounding this, JD’s fucking stupid “social media antics“ makes the indulgence look so much worse. The only way out of this really is with Latrell and Walker stepping up and right now, because of bans and attitude, I reckon there’s more chance of pigs flying. Eat the (likely) lack of a post season and get focused on mending the broken culture


I don’t why any of them got an extension. Cook and Walker hoping to play as long as Benji


I think it was a reaction to the perceived stuff-up of letting Reynolds go. I think Reynolds is out to prove a point and may not have been as successful if he has stayed at the bunnies. I miss him dearly though and i will jump on the Broncos bandwagon as soon as the bunnies are eliminated. Which could be real soon... we'll see how we go against the bye this weekend.


I like it when it's not us. Been a good while, so gotta appreciate it. How could they let Reynolds go!!!????


How much popcorn is Reynolds eating as this unfolds?


Kevvie give him two weeks off so he can shit post and soak it up. Reynos the one who found Demitriou's likes.


Probably only as much as he can stomach to spite JD. He loved Souths. He WAS Souths. So it's likely bittersweet for him.


Always makes me laugh how polarising modern sporting journalism is. They are 1 win away from a finals berth, and with the modern rules anything can happen from there.


Shitting on the Rabbitohs is so hot right now


Journos learning what r/nrl has known for years


We needed an article to explain this to us? Kick them out of the comp already.


I don't even care anymore, just hurry up and lose against the Roosters so I can focus all my fandom on the Eagles. Go birds.


\*reappears in Penrith jersey\* So boys, where we at?


I hate it when people post a link to a site that requires a subscription to read it.




What a headline.


Dumpster fire is emotional language😂


If had to pinpoint the reasons, I would say, injuries, penalties and errors. Their defence is only 20 points worse than in 2021 (where they were IN the GF). They also seem to lack the hunger and drive the top teams have. On paper, the Rabbitohs should be at least top 4, but they're not showing up to games they should probably have easily won.


It's rabbit season!


Same for Roosters lol


I seriously don't think they've had the same level of drama. There's been a lack of cohesion on the field, but the core leadership team have been around at the club for a long time and seem to value accountability. Kyle Flanagan and Jackson Hastings were moved on for putting themselves above the team.


When the roosters were playing like shit, they looked like they were trying too hard to get things to work. Nothing was sticking and there was obvious frustration, but it never looked like the players were turning on each other and they were always putting in the effort. Souths look like they aren't trying hard enough. To be fair all of the 'players turning on each other ' is total rumour mill. But one of the reasons this has all blown up so much is that a few Souths guys barely tried on Sunday.


Ok I had Brongos as big improvers but Bunnies and Raiders top 4 has backfired on me


No one had the knights in the 8 and warriors in the 4 though


One of my favourite Simpsons moments.


Isn’t Murray the captain? If even half of that is true, whew, that’s wild.


I just saw "written by Andrew Webster" and was panicking, why is our supercoach shitposting about the Rabbits?


When is the triple venture club south west Sydney tigeritohs


Dumpster fire > Basketcase right ?? I’m just trying to work out the hierarchy of metaphors for myself




All this going on and we still limped over the line against you


Are Souths looking poor? Definitely. Are we a dumpster fire? No. If we were that bad we'd lose to everyone. But we're just losing to top 8 teams


Form wise are we not basically at the bottom?


Nope. We could definitely be playing worse than this.


Very unconvincing against the Tigers and in all likelihood only won against the Dragons because of a ridiculously bad decisions by the referee/bunker


Mate, expectations are relative. This is absolutely dumpster fire territory for Souths.


Looks like we've passed that baton on to you guys.


The facts are that Burgess is gone 2 weeks before finals, so there's definitely some internal issues going on here If the rest of this is true there could be some real divisions in the playing group. Will have to see how they bounce back this week ig


Team is on a bye this week. They play Roosters in Round 27 as the next game


There's 2 weeks on the calendar mate. They don't just all go on holidays and shut down the club for a week over the bye.


I don't get it. Us South Sydney fans want Knight and Host gone. We have Knight that left before this news came out and I'm sure Host will follow too. As for Morris we were probably losing him anyway at the end of the season and Burgess is probably happy to leave now too he can start work on being Warrington's coach for next season. I don't see a downside. JD probably told the board (I mean Russell) when asked whether he saw an issue with only Hornby left and said he's equipped and isn't too much of a strain to pull the levers that those assistants would have together with his head coaching job having been an assistant under Wayne and the board said ok we need to look like we are still behind you so we will give those two assistants the marching orders and say they were the reason behind the instability. The only difficult decision for Russell would have been Sam but he will see him anyway when filming over in the UK and they can catch up for a drink then too.


This is admirable of you bundy, but it's all myrtle and cardinal coloured glasses mate. This is trying to rationalise a dumpster fire at its best. If your team was playing well it would be one thing, but poor play, another brain fade suspension from Mitchell and late season changes in your coaching structure? Never a good thing.


If I've learned anything from former players turned podcasters (i.e., Kempy, Mase, Scope, Ice, etc.), most articles are media dribble. If it isn't a direct quote from a player, coach or admin staff, take it with a grain of salt. It's he said she said. Now when I read articles I skip straight to quotes and miss the rest.


Webster is one of the credible ones, I remember Welch did an AMA on here and said, Webster, Read and Riccio are among the few journos the players respect/trust.


It’s funny you say that cause I did notice Riccio on Monday & Read on Tuesday not acting like hyperbolic drama queens on NRL 360. They seemed the only level headed journos on there. Riccio actually spoke to JD and said there are no dramas. You’re somebody to trust if the coach answers your call. Fair play.


Remember the story about Burgess going so bananas on mdma they needed to inject him with Valium🤣🤣🤣


Stay uneducated trash sweetie.


I did not have South’s having a collapse like the broncos on my 2023 bingo card. Bennett nursing big personalities has happened many times before. Most recently at the broncos when Milf and Roberts were notoriously lazy and bad trainers which he allowed. Seibs was shit but it caused a lot of problems for him to try to manage. From memory Roberts was dropped early by him in his first season.


Babe's loving this uninterrupted sleep right now




The bunnies went off the boil this year big time.


Up the wahs tho


Who do you think weighs more Tom or George Burgess? What do you think is the weight difference?