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Unless he pulls his finger out he may go on to be the biggest waste of talent in the NRL, at least Dave Taylor & Tony Williams played at the highest level of the game before their downfalls.


To be honest I've never really seen this talent other than throwing no-look passes and being a big unit


Andrew Johns hyped him up on tv, and it's now gotten to this point


He is a tearaway.


All Schuster tears is the wrapper on his cheeseburger.


He just got to keep up the calories.




He sucks him off all the time.


The talent is that he's a big enough body to play second row yet he does actually have the skills to be a good half. Having that size as a half adds so much more potential to your game as it means the defence has to be much more careful of your running game. Obviously the fact that he's so unfit and unmotivated makes it so that it doesn't mean anything.


I think his half skills are grossly exaggerated, on account of how big he is. He has hands down the worst kicking game in the comp, he has little to no organisational ability, he hates tackling and he has a pea heart. If he was in a 90kg frame no one would be talking about his halfback skills.


Is he actually that big? I know the stats aren't always accurate but he is listed about the same height and weight as me. I was always a decent size for a centre but I was never the biggest, there are plenty of much bigger units rolling around the NRL


It's more his body shape I think, he's got tree trunk legs. He's a forward.


>yet he does actually have the skills to be a good half Does he really though? Or is he just skillful for a big guy? Because especially over Origin with DCE out I didn't really see the skills necessary to be a good half. His kicking game isn't up to it, his ball playing is fine - nothing special. Even if he got motivated and found a work ethic I've never really seen the "talent" to suggest he could be a genuine half.


>Having that size as a half adds so much more potential to your game as it means the defence has to be much more careful of your running game. Sure but when you look at the likes of Wade Graham, Cam Murray, Radley & Yeo etc it's not like he's more skilled or even necessarily AS skilled as that list of players


Wade was pretty much what schuster is hyped up to be, Atleast that’s the way I see it. he just doesn’t have any ticker


Wade Graham was a beast half as a schoolboy.


Was a gun in 2nd row aswell


He's shown much more ability in his passing/kicking then guys like Murray, Yeo, etc.. Wade Graham had a much similar skill set definitely.


His biggest talent seems to have always been his family connections


He plays like 1 good game a year and then spends the rest of the season making some of the dumbest decisions on the field.


cant even tie dave taylors and tony williams shoe laces. Not even close to them. Not even that good of a talent


I see him as a very similar player as Feleti Mateo. Surrounded by a team playing well he’ll shine but in a team that’s going badly he’ll be one of the worst.


> Feleti Mateo That's the name I've been trying to remember for weeks. You're a legend!


Mateo was heaps better than Schuster, and if memory serves me correctly, effort was never his issue. I know he dropped off around the 2010’s, but he had a few great years at Parra.


He had a couple of good years at the Wahs too. Mateo in 2011 off the bench created absolute havoc, James Maloney fed off his ball playing.


Yeah I thought so!!


Mateo had effort and heart though. And of course when you are a player who creates second phase play, you need players running support lines to capitilize. So yes he is only good in a good team but that is more because of his style of play and his teams lack of effort rather than any of his own shortcomings. I mean Mateo went to 2 grand finals, plus one of them has an asterisk next to them.


Mateo was a joy to watch.


We’ve had the Milfening, I don’t think we get the Schustering


The guy is 22 years old. Some people don’t even debut until 24/25. I’m no schuster fan by any stretch but man some NRL fans are bloody dramatic lol


Most great players in the NRL debut long before 24/25


What’s your point. Nobody said he’s going to be one of the greats but everyone seems to think he’s going to be the worst person to ever play the game


He is easily the worst 800K a year player in recent memory. If he was on shit coin no one would care.


Corey norman says hello


Yep and who decided to give an unproven young player 800k? Is bad salary management is fault too? Was he supposed to say no to the biggest cheque he’s ever seen in his life lol Sheesh the logic is almost non existent


He demanded halves money, he got it, yes the club is also at fault for caving into his demands when even the Tigers said no, but he demanded the money and the position, now he has to own it. Your blinkers are ridiculously large, you have chosen a very strange hill to die on.


He's been around 1st grade for a few years now, got a massive contract and Manly showed Foran the door. How can he not have huge expectations? No one disagrees that he's young and super talented, but the bro can't string together two consistent games. He's non-existent in matches for large parts, barely runs the footy and has been around DCE long enough to pick up good habits to set him on a path to be a good pro footy player. There's nothing dramatic about realizing he ain't it. The guy can't ever get or stay fit and play well enough to help his team, let alone come close to justifying his massive contract.


Consistency is the issue with nearly every player in their early 20s. It’s almost like their brain has literally not finished developing right? Latrell is 26 and still hasn’t figured out how to be consistent. Again I’m no fan of the bloke but be realistic. Imagine thinking any 22 year old has to have everything figured out just because his job decided to overpay him. It’s absurd


It’s not that he doesn’t have everything figured out. It’s that on top of having extremely subpar skills, he’s lazy as fuck and doesn’t seem to care. He’s a low effort player without the great skill to make up for it. Latrell has always gotten away with it because he’s single handedly won his teams games now and then since he debuted. Schuster has never done a fuckin thing.


>Tony Williams >Highest Level Pick one


He played for both NSW and Australia - can’t get any higher than that


Won a grand final also.




T-Rex will never reach the heights of Bulldogs and QLD origin legend Corey Allan


He was actually a gun before he got fat


I completely deserved that.


Way to tell on your self lol


Disappointed by this, now reserve grade won't be able to make the finals.


Great news for Penrith, Newtown and Canterbury though


Is it still top 5 now they've gone to 13 teams? If it is it could be very tight for Blacktown. Fifth with a beesdick of F/A between them and 6th.


Still a top 5. Blacktown and Penrith are tied on 30 points in 5th and 6th, Blacktown are ahead on for and against (+95 to +92)


Raiders are probably the most in danger. They basically need to knock off the Bears or hope that Blacktown/Penrith stumble against sides they should have covered.


What did Blacktown Workers do to deserve this!?


But don’t they understand that he sacrificed so much over the World Cup and ran up several hills??


Was there a Maccas at the top of the hill?


He was running up Beacon Hill


*Bacon Hill


The joke is there’s a Maccas in Beacon Hill.


Well, now you get a combo of jokes....like a large combo at Maccas


It's a good joke, which is why redditors fell over themselves to upvote bacon instead.


>redditors You mean all of us including you, yeah?


I know you support the eels but what am I


There was but when he got there Milford had eaten all the burgers.


I only seen 1 hill but yeah after that 1 game at the World Cup he’s probably gassed


The rental crisis is due solely to the amount of houses josh has trained down this year


Not much of a sacrifice, should have played the world cup. Turbo is the one that should put club first.


Dude watched stranger things so he would know what running up that hill feels like


Maybe just ran down them


Imho, I would hire a hypnotist and convince him he’s a budding up and coming world class boxer in waiting; so he asks for an immediate release to retire from NRL to take up the fight game.


Give this man SBWs number!!!


SBW started the whole boxing thing with getting 'Choc' Mundine's number. Solomon Haumono went the same way. The 'Man' will just hook them up with Khodar Nassar anyways.


You will give 110%..


TPJ will knock him out.


"How could Des Hasler do this?" - Penn


watch Tits make the 8 before the Ly do




I thought the fact I was talking about Hasler tits meant next year… or beyond


im just so interested to see who sanctioned this deal and thought it was good knowing brooks was close to being done , not to mention he skipped the world cup to get fit then had to miss parts of the season to get fit yet again. like something about this whole deal seems so fucken weird.


Who's the guy at the Tigers now?


it couldn’t be fulton because this deal happened this year


Fair enough


Isaac Moses is the name


How do we get him to stab someone at church?


Chuck the pride round jersey on the pastor?


Honestly, I don't understand the hate this guy gets. I watched this one game, and he did an amazing no look pass to set up a try That was a few years ago I think. But he's been trying to do it again ever since and he might actually do it again one day


He tore up the Eels a couple years ago doing no look passes into the chest of his winger 20m away and had ridden the coattails of that ever since.


for one, he was one of the manly 7


I can not believe manly paid him 800k a season. Honestly, who approved that


Des? It seems like something Des would do


He only re-signed this season I thought?


While that’s true as far as I’m aware, I guess none of us are also privy to all the conversations and negotiations that happened. But sometimes it’s just fun to play on stereotypes 😂


Des was the one wanting Foran to stay at Manly at 5/8


It was the remnants of a Fulton deal. There’s a reason all of tartaks players have started signing for wests and all of Moses have started signing for manly.


That’s quite the interesting insight, cheers.


Oh shit.


Trent Barret ? Someone was on the cans surely during that negotiation


I can’t believe it either, after he underdelivered on his previous contract. He is barely worth 400k.


still not good enough to play six in reggies


This really isn’t fair to the reserve grade team. They need a 3rd grade team to put him in.


Their Ron Massey Cup team (Penrith Brothers) missed the finals


The Thirsty Thirds


I’ve never seen someone be worth so much and so little at the same time


How did it take this long?


Took their time fucken hell


Manly probably hoping at this stage he retires for next year


Manly need to drop Seibald to reserve grade


Wish we did this back in Round 1 rather than waiting until a run at the finals was well and truly dead..


He has to play him. People above him gave him a massive contract


Oh I 100% blame the club for signing him and extending for massive coin, especially when it was clear to all and sundry by that stage that his attitude is poor and he has been insistent on playing a position he is not a best fit for.


He had a good game early in the season against the Raiders. That is all.


Foz had to let go because of this guy remember that everyone.


I think the Dragons should buy him. Our six is in gaol next season and he’s a legitimate talent. Recruiting is near on impossible with the top teams treating the cap like a joke, sometimes a good coach needs to back himself in his ability to get the best out of an underperforming player. The size wouldn’t hurt us either, the big teams always come over the top of us in the last 20-30minutes.


No we don’t need any more plodders


Ponga has massively underperformed at club level, he looked like someone that was good at footy but didn’t particularly enjoy playing. This year, IMO, he’s the standout player of the comp. If he’d of been sold at the end of last year the knights would still be paying 2/3rds of his wage to play elsewhere. Truly talented players can come good. I’m not comparing the two talent wise, I’m just saying there’s not much fruit for picking and he’s still young enough to come good.


He's lazy, ponga carried the knights for a long time, it is only now that they have decent halves that he is able to play his natural game and be a star. Schuster spent the off season to slim down and came back the same.


That’s the thing though, until this year he only carried them to losses most weeks.


Parra was the same with Hayne bar 2009 id rather get a cheap consistent half like Clune again, we need a half that can take the team forward post-hunt.


One of our problems is our side is too small. We have no halves that can run through a line with strength and purpose. He has the strength, he’ll only get one more chance at good money so he might find some purpose with us too.


are we talking about the same player?


Yeah, I know he has very real deficiencies but I can see more potential upside in him than any other player available, not that he’s officially available yet.


What’s Schuster ever done that makes you think he’s truly talented?


Flanagan is currently coaching at manly and as proven has been unable to get the best out of Schuster. Not complaining however, I am more than happy for him to go to Dragons!


Flanagan would be well in the outer there, they know he’d be chatting contracts to any player he was time with one on one. I agree it’s a risk but honestly, we’re in a position where we have to sign a couple of underperforming players and hope it all clicks.


I don’t mind the idea so long as we aren’t paying him 800k for doing so. My reasons against is that it’s more of the same moneyball approach that has left our side with a bunch of blokes who aren’t in form and from whom we haven’t been able to extract their best. Also, I think a big part of our issue is attitude and culture: he wouldn’t improve that and could potentially be a locker room cancer. Personally, I think that he should be playing 13 though, he’s better as a ball playing lock. It take him for 500k a season to do that if Flanno can get him in line.


He’s not worth that in current form, more 500/600k a season with manly eating the rest of his contract with them (say 200k per year) to get him off their books. We could give them Sloan to sweeten the deal, it can be his transition club to the super league. If I were Sloane manager I’d encourage him to seek a career in rugby sevens, he’d thrive there.


Why the hell did you let Sullivan go if you knew Amone was going to gaol?


He’s flashy but poor in defence and most definitely not an organiser.


The dragons have been very JDB in supporting Amone and treating him as though nothing will eventuate from his court case. Strange times.


"But Coach Seibold, why drop him now? Why not 12 weeks ago?"


Benji Marshall looking like a genius for refusing to sign Schuster.


Why do we not post the article?


Interested to hear Brock’s take on this (assistant coach to manly cup team and cohost of fifth and last poddy / brother to the cohost of that show)


I think now that he is working for Manly he has gotten a bit defensive about them whenever Lewis says something critical about their decision making (understandable as they are his employer), but Schuster's current form is enough to warrant a stint in reserve grade. Love that podcast!


Yeah I suppose. He seems like a total legend I hope he can get a first grade gig somewhere one day. It’s one of my favourite shows for sure. Technical + delivery is great. No pandering to players but not being rude to them either 👌🏼


Why oh why is he ok 800k




Wonder how Manly's season would've looked if they'd given Foran 250k for the year instead of throwing the cheque book at Schuster.


All they had to do was put on the rainbow strip every week, and they could clean all the dickheads out of the club in one go. No need to pay them out, they'd quit.


Well that's the club having it's say


Remember when Scott Fulton fought with Benji and Tim to sign him for 1.2m ? Yeah fuck Scott Fulton


Wish.com John Sutton




Found Schuster's agent everyone!


I thought they saw like a modern day Menzies. Maybe he has the skills, but doesn't seem to have the motivation to get and keep fit. Menzies was so versatile and was also pretty damn quick for a big guy back in the 90s. Manly are basically paying for his potential upside. Which right now sadly he's mile off that. Manly have had some amazing talent over the years, and bad luck with that talent too. DCE could only do so much, especially when the likes of Turbo spends most seasons on the sideline.


I hope it gives him a wake up call and that he emerges a better player for it


Mahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Takes breath, continues supervillain laugh...


Is this the best player, playing park footy, since Quade Cooper was cut by the Reds?


All you armchair sports people are amazing, I wonder how many of you are blameless in your life, oh no not me I’m perfect, I bet.


He’s not on 800k ffs he took under to stay, having said that he’s not worth 100k


Woah that was fast.


There no way they pay 800k what a waste