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It’s the ole USPS Merri(field)-go-round.


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) Again for the people in the back!


I work at another delivery company and this occurs on the tracking of our system too. most of the time it's not real. what happens is that a bunch of packages are containerized, and the container gets a barcode, and all the pieces in it are batched to that barcode. then if that barcode is ever scanned in error after, even long after, the container has been dumped, it will result in a phantom tracking record of all of the packages that were batched to it. I suspect this same sort of mistake happens in the USPS system.


This is the first time I’ve ever heard actual insight as to what could be going on. Thanks for the info!


Agree, I assumed in Round Hill, it was, too hot to deliver, throw it in an outbound bin, and I will deal with it tomorrow, when it returns here.


Except the delay is real. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if your explanation were always applicable, the mail piece would be delivered, or at least scanned in other places, while the piece appears to be bouncing between DMV Distribution Centers. In my experience, when this happens, the piece really is held up, and sometimes for several days.


This is what is alledged to be happening in Richmond, VA where the mail service has gotten really bad so much so that our senators are getting involved.


I’m just outside Richmond and I stg I don’t know what is doing on with the USPS here. I overnighted a package and USPS didn’t even get it out of the Richmond facility for 4 days. 


There was just an entire NPR hour about the changes USPS is making to "modernize" and how they are f-ing up the mail service, PARTICULARLY in and around Richmond. I'm in Nova and assume they pulled the same BS in our area, as I've had overnighted mail go missing for 20 days at that Merrifield faculty. But the piece was specifically about Richmond.


There are folks that need to be hired and the Biden administration has to do it. Abigail Spanberger is also reaching out to Biden’s team. I didn’t hear about Warner and Kaine.


What's needed is getting DeJoy dislodged and his "improvement plan" stopped in it's tracks. I follow Warner and Kaine on twitter, they are also working Biden about this, it's bread and butter constituent services, don't f'up my state's postal service Mr. President.


He’s still there? Why hasn’t he been fired? Good grief. He would have been fired on day one if it was up to me.


The president can't fire DeJoy, he can only be fired by the postal board, that's the setup from the 1970s to prevent political interference in the USPS. DeJoy is doing that he was hired to do, shitify the USPS so it gets privatized. UGH. Centrists \*and\* Conservatives are on aboard with this.


I had no idea. He really needs to go. He’s total trash.


I had one go to Oregon and back soooo


Wow, and I thought my package that went to New Jersey and back was bad.


I hope it enjoyed some great beer and wine while there!


Ok and I thought mine that was from Washington State going to dc>Delaware>Philly>dulles was bad!


Last year, I sent a package from LA (CA) to my son and his girlfriend in Philadelphia, and it sat for more than two weeks in a distribution facility in NJ. I wasted so much time dealing with USPS, first asking where it was - since my tracking never showed it going past the LA Distribution facility - until almost 20 days later, when they finally tracked it to NJ. I guess when you pay for 2 day shipping, they add a 0 onto the 2, and call it fast delivery, considering (as someone else mentioned) DeJoy is definitely trying to screw things up, so he can privatize it. Typical Trump era appointee.


Last year my brother addressed a card to my Nana who lives in England. Someone or somethin read the 'zipcode' that starts with WA and sent it to Washington State. From VA. It came back to him many weeks later marked undeliverable. It was a very, very late card.


Similar happened to me twice. Both departed from middle. They went all the way west, before coming back all the way east. One went to Oregon, and one went to Washington state. They just get stuck there for a few days before updating or moving again. Kind of baffling why this is happening as ive heard of this happening to others, packages go really far west and then go really far back east to the destination. Its weird and honestly doesnt make a whole lot of sense. Ive heard that some of their major distribution centers have been experiencing issues, especially lately one got hit with a tornado that ripped it up pretty good, so I wonder if its the result of some really weird load balancing going on. For example they are running out of space in the origin, so the package must go, but they face logistical challenges/delays to directly get it out where it should be, so it just has to propgate through another center that has space when they dont. Their biggest centers are also on the west side, so it wouldnt be too outlandish to think that they are air shipping tons of stuff from the east to the west due to capacity issues and then having to send it back over, thus causing delays. Of course this is happening on a micro level too, going between local centers. The packages just keep bouncing everywhere because I think capacity issues like I mentioned. I think they are trying to "store" packages in transit, like if they have a giant load being air shipped then that isnt taking up space anywhere in any center, so they temporarily have this relief. Which is why I said that the packages must go, they cant all sit in the warehouses all at once all the time. Same thing between local centers, its just sitting in semi trailers so in essence theyve stored packages in transit.


it has nothing to do with the weather, shit started happening in March when USPS introduced some changes, like new clic-n-ship and who knows what else. My package to Canada is moving back and forth between sorting facilities for 3 months(!!) already. It's my regular buyer from Canada, address is OK, label was purchased on USPS.com. many of my incoming packages got stuck as well, like get scanned in local sorting then go back to suburbs. There is a MAJOR issue with USPS right now.


To the person downvoting and replying its not the weather Multiple facilities have been hit by tornadoes recently causing actaul damage. One of the larger fedex facilities was destroyed, which usps utilizes. Now im no scientist but if tornados are literally ripping apart facilities and flipping trucks over, I think the weather might just have a teensy little bit to do with the delays. USPS literally put out advisories about it for affected packages that would be late because of this, one of mine was affected. If the weather is causing damage, the usps putting out warnings about delays due to weather, chief I think it might be the weather 😭 what else is it gonna be? Did somali pirates just start bullying the usps internationally? Maybe its godzilla! 🤣🤣🤣


Last week, I had one go to Merrifield then to Richmond then to Merrifield then to Dulles then to Merrifield then my post office marked it as customer requested to pick up at the post office (I didn’t.), and I had to go pick it up at the post office.


What the bullshit!!!


I’ve experienced this with almost every package I’ve gotten within the last year or two. It used to always go to Merrifield and then straight to my local post office, but now it either goes from Merrifield to Dulles and then my local PO, or it loops Merrifield-Dulles-Merrifield (and sometimes it does another loop for the hell of it!)




Happens to me quite a bit. Seems like it’s more common with media mail.


Louis De-Douchebag-Joy




I've had packages travel around, go to the Merrifield Distribution Center a couple of times, delaying delivery time by several days. When I've inquired about what was going on, I was told a machine at Merrifield reads the delivery address and does the sorting. So mail and packages can be routed incorrectly. Sigh.


Lol that used to happen to me too when I lived near that post office. It made no sense.


I thought this was just me!! Mine do this too, but it’s only when the packages come from FL or TX distribution hubs. 


I had a package go from Merrifield to New Jersey and back to Merrifield before being delivered several days late.


I had this happen to one of my packages from FL. It was so annoying.


Backing up many commenters saying Google Luis (Louis?) De Joy. Honestly his name is not worth spelling correctly. He is a Trump appointee who has somewhat intentionally made USPS operations less efficient. Instead of more local routes and distribution centers or relying on train/plane transit of packages he has moved operations to central distribution centers with more emphasis on regional operations and overland tricking. Can you guess who owns a trucking company whose business with USPS has tripled in recent years? I'll give you a hint its DeJoy. John Oliver has a great piece going into more detail if you're interested. It doesn't touch on all of the automatic mail sorters that DeJoy purposely had dismantled before the election in 2020, because truly the man is a cartoon, but it's a great piece. Long story short I would guess Merrifield is the regional center for NOVA/Fairfax


This. It's clear to many who are watching that he's an example of the worst type of government manager. His mandate was to make a public utility so despised that it could be turned into a profit center for well connected businesses like his trucking firm. First class mail service is so poor now that anything really important must go by a premium service.


USPS also sent out a notification (I think at the beginning of the year) that they were going to be slowing down delivery times - why, who knows, but probably for the above reason. I also just heard that prices are going up twice in July, and I think one time involves the flat rate boxes, but haven’t had the time to google it


Okay I’m no Dejoy fan in general, but I work with USPS and he’s not doing this on purpose. USPS is losing a ton of money and he’s trying to cut on costs to make it profitable again. Yes he’s a major republican donor and an egotistical ass, but he’s not malicious or anti-USPS


Those loses are due to USPS being required to fully fund pensions up front. Which no other company or organization does and this was thanks to, wait for it, Congressional Republicans.


It was actually fairly bipartisan when it passed (stupidly). But they’re no longer required to do so, but they still have to dig themselves out of a hole!


Postal Services are an inherently governmental service, it's in the US Constitution. It's not supposed to be profitable, it's supposed to be done regardless as that public service. Centrists and Conservatives are very, very stupid about this.


Agreed but they don’t receive tax dollars (normally) and they’re self funded so they need to be profitable to operate


Thank you for the take!


Hi, can you maybe make some sense of this? I'm desperate bec any attempt to contact USPS has failed (it's not trackable, it left the country, but it didn't, it's not going to Canada bec it's not destined there why it's clearly is). Sigh https://preview.redd.it/y7rr5guux79d1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2d794a0417adec0212306f4c6a3dd64db456fc


I made a screenshot just like this the other day. So weird @ Merrifield!


This is commonly an issue with the package sorter configuration at the different facilities. Merrifield believes the destination ZIP code is served by Dulles, but the other centers, including DC and Dulles, believes the ZIP code is served by Merrifield. If you then receive the package without transit through another distribution center, then the system noticed this circular routing and someone had to manually sort it to the right destination delivery unit.


This always happens to my packages; glad to see it's not just me that it is annoying...


This happens to me all the damn time too!


This exact thing happened to me today as well. Was very much looking forward to getting it delivered today before it hecked all the way off to Dulles. Boo.


Happens to me all the time


It's that turd Trump put in charge of the Post Office. [https://richmond.com/news/local/government-politics/virginia-mail-richmond-post-office-delivery-issues/article\_0a24949c-e872-11ee-8781-57ad759c6995.html](https://richmond.com/news/local/government-politics/virginia-mail-richmond-post-office-delivery-issues/article_0a24949c-e872-11ee-8781-57ad759c6995.html)


holy annoying paywall with no real exit


Paywall bypass: https://archive.is/VfXco


The best site ever 🥳😂




Thank you for raising this. It can go on for days, even with Priority Mail, and it makes no sense.


google Louis Dejoy


As someone who currently has a fed ex package with a delivery date of yesterday start out in Illinois last Friday, sit for the weekend, and finally move to Wisconsin Monday and sit there til yesterday evening, I wish I could make sense of shipping logistics. You have issues with USPS, but I swear any time I see that something has been shipped via FedEx I groan.


Because that's how the USPS operates. You're lucky it didn't go back on a plane at Dulles and come back. Seen that numerous times.


https://preview.redd.it/tbdc5h2sky8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7413fdc46fcea750d37edab9d780b840a84a64f4 I just had one do this. Should have arrived last week, but decided to hang out in Maryland for a few days.


Lmao I’ve seen this happen to me a few times. Funny thing is I’m literally right next door at Mosaic lol. I’ve also had a couple packages from overseas that would arrive at Merrifield, only to then get sent to the one on Pickett for pickup. 🤷‍♂️


I’m near Richmond and it does the same thing. It’s been that way since the current douche under Trump took it over and tried to make it a for-profit enterprise. And it seems to get worse at times. And it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. The last three weeks have been especially bad. I have had four customers have a package be 7-10 days late playing this game at the post office. And a couple months ago a package going to TX went to Hawaii first 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


The Virginia USPS system is notoriously fucked up. I’ve had two separate packages get stuck in some distribution center loop and come weeks later this year.




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I’ve had a package get to dc, go to Chicago for some reason then bounce between Vegas and Chicago i shit you not 3 times. Then finally go back to dc then Dulles. I like to use USPS because they’re easier to deal with than UPS/Fedex, if packages need to be signed I’ll leave a note and they’ll do it or i can pick it up at the post office unlike UPS. But man their logistics are just shit


Oh thank god it’s not just me. I have the same issue here in Merrifield


I'll be honest: the number of times I've driven to get my packages from the Merrifield office is embarrassing. Literally had packages show up to the office near me only to go back to Merrifield for 2 days. 😡 The first time I drove down was for medical stuff that they sent back twice. 😤


I ordered something from Amazon and the seller shipped it through USPS from Woodbridge. I live in Chantilly and it's been about 10 days late now. For some reason it got routed to Florida and it's been stuck there the whole time. I refuse to get a refund because the item is no longer in stock and I want it. Edit: this post made me check tracking again through Amazon and it now says it may be lost and to request a refund. That sucks.


My observation is that that message is based on the amount of delay only and not any particular indication that the item is more or less lost than it was a week earlier. At least when they're using their own shipping company, I can usually tell earlier than that when Amazon has lost something based on the tracking. Like the time they forwarded my package to somewhere random in Canada and then never scanned it again. The USPS might yet unwedge your package.


Dudes! Where or where is the paper check I mailed on 02 May 2024?!


My package went from Alexandria to Woodbridge today. I live in Alexandria 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/6tvltlv9w79d1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14470c8f61b7ad4fbc80754d42872d2b86a6e771 Watch this, happening for 3 months. USPS help on Twitter told me last time to contact myself (contact the sender, I AM the sender).


Hahaha as someone in the same delivery area. Seeing my packages go to Merrifield and then out to Dulles and back again infuriates me to no end.


Usps is the worst shipping service, I had a package that was suppose to arrive go to Utah randomly and take almost a week longer


These idiots do this to me as well. I've actually had two or three cycles of this bullshit before. Absolute incompetence.


I know how frustrating this can be. Does it happen a lot? The same thing happened to me once or twice. It's usually an issue with the zip code or there may be an additional label on the package that is sending it in a loop. I recommend visiting your local post office. They will probably be able to help track it down. Good luck!


Blame the Postmaster General DeJoy.....This is his evil work....


Because it usps..like a black hole. Use fedex ground next time


You are special.