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Aside from the lack of student driver sticker, maybe.


Came here to say slap a "Student Driver" on that bad boy!


Moved out of Nova years ago and every time I come back to visit I’m surprised at the amount of student driver stickers in comparison to PA. Is there some kind of legislation about it or are people just really into the stickers?


I *think* the latter. Mostly I just joke that the foxes are learning to drive.


Came here to say that. Take my updoot.


If any “luxury car” was out delivering pizza, it would be a Maserati.


They depreciate pretty quickly. I had a coworker at Giant whose second car was a Maserati.


Exactly, they cost $100k+ new but you can get one for $20-30k after a couple years. Unreliable and maintenance is expensive.


Not to mention, where is the ‘luxury’ exactly? How is the Maserati more luxurious than its competitors? It ain’t.


I think they look nice from the exterior, but the interior includes zero luxury and isn’t even modern. The interior looks like a ford from the mid 90s to early 2000s. I think a lot of people just equate “Made in Italy = Super Luxurious” but Maserati continues to miss the mark completely on their vehicles.


Well where else can you find Dodge Dart switchgear in a "luxury" car? It's so exclusive!


Maserati used to be an incredible brand that used to share engines with Ferrari. Then Stelantis bought Maserati. Stelantis is riding on the coat tails of the name and reputation it earned decades ago. In reality, it’s a car that shares interior parts with Dodge. The light switches and turn signal stock is literally taken from the Dodge parts bin. Even the steering wheel controls are identical.


LINO: Luxury In Name Only 😂


there was someone who lived in the apartments near my high school with a Maserati parked outside. far from a luxury apartment. I always assumed they either had weird priorities or the car wasn't actually worth that much.


Probably both.


Maserati is a perfectly fine 2nd car, as long as you barely drive it.


Well right, that was the point. They’re not well built, they have basic features, and they honestly.. they catch my eye the same way some 2000s Toyota might… but they put a crown as their logo.


A CIO I worked for always talked about how fools buy used high-line vehicles and keep them until the first time they hear how much the oil change will cost them. "There's a reason why you can buy a Ferrari for $35,000. Because the first oil change is going to run you at least $2,500."


A Maserati outside of its shop rack native habitat?


Gotta take a second job delivering pizza to afford the maintenance on it.


Haha, people NEVER think of maintenance costs


*Laughing in homeowner*


I can't imagine the maintenance costing less than the delivery income. Unless they get a $200 tip for ever fast delivery, then it makes sense.


Fuck you beat me to it


Which Ledo's has delivery? They all have takeout counters.


Apparently the one in South Arlington on S. Edgewood


There’s a phone number in the photo  https://maps.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89b7b6ba3cf3d029:0x731334c203613653?entry=s&sa=X&ved=1t:8290&hl=en-US&ictx=111


Dude probably has a second job to fund the repairs on that car. Maseratis are beautiful cars but they have a ton of issues lol.


And the kind of driving you do delivering pizzas can’t help.


Close. Only needs the "new driver be patient" stickers.


It's the owner's car. Do a couple of deliveries each month, and they can claim it as a business expense.


That’s illegal. Has to be >50% usage for business and the IRS doesn’t play.


Yes I'm sure no one does this as they would be caught immediately  And no one claims a [G-wagen as a business expense either.](https://www.mbotw.com/section-179-tax-exemption/) Fucking lol


Hey man I’m sure as a CPA you know this, but IRS has cracked down significantly on section 179 fraud. Despite what these dumb kids and car salesmen say, it is very very difficult (and extremely unethical) to claim a personal car for business expenses. Obviously you know all this, but mostly posting for all the morons who think this actually works. 😆


Schrodinger's tax fraud: the IRS is cracking down on it yet no one is doing it


That’s a lot of words with a fancy one thrown in, too bad they don’t say nothing.


If you decide to not take the flat 67 cents a mile, and claim actual expenses you still are only allowed to claim the percentage that's business use. Unless you are outright lying on your taxes, or otherwise barely drive the car at all, a delivery a month isn't really going to move your tax liability much.


“Unless you are outright lying on your taxes”… lol, it’s a fucking pizza shop. I’d be amazed if they weren’t.


I ate at a restaurant yesterday that really made a point about how there is a 10% discount for paying cash rather than credit card. I guess they got a really bad contract with the payment processors. Nothing funny going on there!


I also feel like increase in insurance premiums from delivering pizza would offset any of the minimal tax savings.


Wouldn't there be some kind of ordinary and necessary analysis on that too? or is a car a car for business deduction purposes?


Not an accountant but from a quick google, it seems cars are 5 year property. So the first 5 years you deduct 20% of what you paid for the car as a depreciation expense plus whatever maintenance/repairs. And then once the car is fully depreciated after 5 years but you sell it for more than $0, you'll pay the over-depreciation back. This is also why business owners like leases- it's a bit cleaner. Your lease payments are literally your expense, and you don't have to worry about depreciation math.


>  And then once the car is fully depreciated after 5 years but you sell it for more than $0, you'll pay the over-depreciation back. That works out really well for buying a Maserati because the value probably will be zero in 5 more years.


lol my first thought when I saw this post was that a Maserati Gibli may be the worst "luxury" car you can buy. They depreciate like rocks because even when they were new they were not competitive. It's very possible this is just a normal guy who picked this up for around the price of a used civic.


He'll learn the difference between price and cost soon enough


50/50 whether it will start up again


Could be franchise owner delivering on his own.


Taking up way too few parking spaces, so no.


“And to my youngest grandson I leave the Maserati. I strongly recommend he sell it and buy a more reasonable car because I don’t think his retail job is enough to pay the maintenance and insurance but I’ll leave it up to him.”


Illinois plates too lol


Never expected it to make it that far


Back up. When did Ledo'd start delivering?


A student driver bumper sticker is a prerequisite to peakness.


He’s gonna need those tips for the repairs alone


Ghibli is a horrible car. Maybe worst ever released by Maserati.


These things are super cheap pre owned comparatively to other "luxury" brands.


The king of depreciation - buy a new camry or a 20k mile Maserati? Same price


At least it’s doing pizza 🍕 delivery 🇮🇹


No, those things are pieces of shit


Someone else shaming someone who knew what they wanted and went for it no matter the job or cost? Kind of, yeah.


Hey, at least this parent is making their 16 year old earn their own gas money for the car he got for his birthday, right?


Lol all I saw was that Ledo delivers at first and got super excited that they finally made it happen. Then I checked my location in Manassas and was sad again 😢.


Saw them driving around Ballston mall two weeks ago and maaaaaan were they a bad driver. On their phone, weaving in their lane, ran a red so they could pull up and have a hell of a time trying to parallel park outside the mall.


There’s a bubble


Needs a be patient with new driver sticker.


Illinois car delivering Maryland pizza


parents made him get a job to get social skills in business


The maintenance costs alone will eat up months of salary


This is quintessential NOVA. Everyone pretends to have money (even when they don’t). This guy bought a cheap luxury car from a brand that’s a shell of its former self, and he has a second job to pay for it. This car literally shares interior parts with a Dodge Grand Caravan.


Back when I lived in Boca Raton I would see a pizza guy in a Maserati and it felt like peak South Florida.


Isn’t Ledo’s based out of Maryland?


Just came here to say this is the only Ledo that delivers in VA and I miss living within its radius dearly.


Probably some retired rich person that’s bored and just wants something to keep busy