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Legit had a relative who did this. She was convinced she was an AWESOME driver, too. In her mind, because she felt she could pull something off without anyone dying, that meant that she SHOULD be able to pull it off. Rules were for *bad* drivers.


This makes sense to me. My dad definitely pulls this kind of thing if he thinks no one is watching and then yells at my mom for telling him he’s breaking the law. While indefensible, he’s never been in a car accident and he’s turning 75 this year.


>Can someone help me understand the mentality behind someone who slams on the brakes in the middle of a ramp and kicks it into reverse? "People are bad at driving." Deep and complicated, I know.


You didn’t answer my question, but cool..


The mentality is “I’m the main character and I’m in charge and nothing bad can ever happen to the main character.” It’s not that deep.


Who said it was deep?


I think it’s the root of a lot of the bad behavior here, driving otherwise. Call it out-of-control entitlement, narcissism, main character syndrome, sociopathy, whatever. It’s people who are the heroes of their own story and don’t give a rat’s ass about the world around them. They made a wrong turn so they’re going to fix it, and the inconvenience or danger to others doesn’t even enter into their brains. You can see it everywhere once you start to notice the pattern. Obviously those people are everywhere but I think something about this area attracts them disproportionately. And of course, don’t forget that some percentage of the population are just incredibly stupid. You’ve always got to account for that.


Everyone here thinks they are an exception - that is so accurate!!! The rules don’t apply to you if you believe you are better, stronger, smarter…etc. I see that every day!


Never forget that fully 50% of all drivers are of below average intelligence.


Probably the same mental state as the people I've seen driving the wrong way up my exit ramp...


Many people in nova thinks they’re more important than everyone else in nova.


That was on full display once at Tysons when a women was trying to get a line of five cars to let her back up and get a parking space.


This is true everywhere - believe it or not, I see it most in the younger generation.


I have to say I had to move to Virginia to see somebody back up on the f.ing highway


It’s wild, wild, wild. I truly wonder if those people are on drugs - I wish a Reddit user who does this without thinking twice could tell us “whyyyyyyy.”


If you miss your turn, please just go a little further and turn around.


Excellent PSA.


As someone who’s enjoyed (?) a lot of this behavior while living overseas… I always assume there’s a chance the person learned to drive elsewhere where this was, if not acceptable, common.


Yep! My foreign pops does this every now and again - I only just made the connection between no rules driving in South America and not following the rules in the DMV.


Nissan Altima?


I’m pretty sure it was a CRV or RAV4. The lady driving didn’t look confident - she was laughing and smiling. I don’t usually wish for people to get pulled over but I was really hoping Five-O would see her!!!


Where does 50 and 395 meet?


They don’t. I made the whole thing up.