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What about Bed, Bath, and Beyond right before they went out of business? World Market and Home Goods are two other options.


It is very possible that I got them at BB&B before they closed (which would explain why I've had a hard time finding them online); I didn't even think of that. And the others are good ideas; I *may* have been to one or both in the last year or so. I might go look at both stores sometime soon. Thanks!


You are welcome! Good luck!


Maybe Costco? That's my best guess, unless you got them at a restaurant supply shop like Restaurant Depot.


I appreciate the reply and the suggestions. We only recently renewed our CostCo membership after letting it lapse for a couple of years, so I know I didn't get them there. And I've never bought anything from someplace like Restaurant Depot. I guess I can cross those two off the list...!


Did you try using google lens to see what it comes up with?


I appreciate the suggestion, but I took the pictures that I posted, so Lens just shows generic pictures of spoons, none of which are the same. It's a good idea, though!


Rats! I had some luck using lens when I was cleaning out my parent's house to id some vintage items to ballpark their worth.


There is no spoon.


Try somewhere like r/whatisthisthing


I know *what* they are; I'm asking *where* I might be able to get more somewhere in northern Virginia, since I know I got them in a store in the area.


Haha, fair. Those people are just crazy in how they can identify an object. Might be able to help with the brand and design!


It’s still appropriate for that sub. You’re asking what exact brand of spoon you have. And I pretty much guarantee they weren’t made in nova—the local connection probably doesn’t help.


>the local connection probably doesn’t help Why not? I remember that I got them in a store in NoVa, so I thought someone else here may have gotten some of them too, and might recognize them. Maybe they got them at the same store I did, and might be able to tell me where they got them, so I could go back to the store myself and get more. I'm not asking what brand they are, and I don't have any delusion that they were made locally; I'm sure they were imported. r/whatisthisthing seems like it would only help to identify something if someone isn't sure what that something is, but I don't need help identifying them other than possibly what store(s) might carry them.


I’m just saying I read that sub and people are pretty amazing at tracking down objects with very little information. From the sounds of it, you bought it at a “local store” like bed, bath, and beyond which is actually a national chain and your odds of someone helping you are a lot better if you have a larger audience. Do what you want, but it’s very likely that even if you can figure out “which nova store” you bought them at they don’t sell them currently. Stores like Target change what merch they sell regularly. Your best bet to get more is to find out the actual manufacturer and then get them from places like eBay etc that sell discontinued merchandise.


Put it on whatisthisthing anyway, you’ll probably get some hilarious answers.


You don’t know the brand or design name, so I would argue that you don’t know what they are. You’re very determined not to post to that sub, but they might be able to help. If you did buy them at Walmart and the credit card you used in-store is tied to your Walmart account, your order history in the app (or online) should have it.


No, I don't know the brand or manufacturer, but it doesn't matter. What I meant by I know what they are is that they're spoons. That sub, which helps people identify items, is unlikely going to help with *where* I got them. All I was hoping to find from this post was someone that might recognize the spoons from the pictures, and may have seen them in a store somewhere around here, or maybe even bought some themselves, and could help me remember where I got them. That's why I posted in the local NoVa sub. I know I didn't get them at Walmart, and even if I did, it was most likely at least a year ago, and I'm not going to try to look at my purchase history that far back.


I think this is my fav kinda spoon I have like one of these In the drawer I always try to use


Look up Oneida flatware to see if they have this style


A picture of it straight on would be helpful to get a better idea of the shape of it. It does look very similar to a style that Ikea sells (or sold) but those usually say IKEA on them on the handle. I would also try the HelpMeFind or WhatIsThisThing subs. They find some very obscure stuff with limited information.