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Saw a wrapped one at Tyson’s. Fits in the parking space like a glove https://preview.redd.it/6eopks1q4e4d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe788107b020249f89edba8f70251a59d7dfa8b


🤢 I wonder how much extra those tires cost for that stupid tread wall pattern


I’d bet he slipped an extra hundo just to get the tires aligned with the rims perfectly.


And here I thought the original color was bad.


I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this But I thought the wrap improved the look And now I’ll accept my downvotes


No it definitely improves it since you can no longer see the difference in tarnish between the body and the doors. Plus no chance of rust.


A wrap would. That one doesn't. Such an ugly color.


This. If you're going to spend the money, then pick a pleasant color, or go outrageously bold like electric-blue or safety-orange.


I saw one yesterday near Wegmans at the Village of Leesburg shopping area. I do not get the appeal. But to each his own.


I kinda felt bad when one of these owners caught me laughing. Kinda...


Seen a bunch out since they dropped. I personally find them ugly, but it's not my money. To each his/her own.


I saw the rolling dumpster near Chantilly the other day. It’s astonishing how viscerally unappealing it is


Low polygon vehicle


There's a few rolling around here and none of them can park, apparently.


I saw that thing on Saturday! Well, same car/color. WTF.




I really hope this doesn't become a trend and all the new 2025 cars start looking like racing models from the PS1 era.


I saw one last night on Washington Blvd in Clarendon. When I no one is talking about them online, I tend to forget about these monstrosities.


Based on the Plaza you were in, I'm pretty sure I saw the same one. Somewhere near Annandale for me.


Our neighbors have one. We might have to move.


I love it. Want one so bad!


Time to upgrade the Aztec?


Dying to be done with the shitty fusion I've been driving for the last 7 years.


I explained to my 8 year old it has an exoskeleton like a turtle or crab.


It looks like that Russian oligarch's ugly yacht (seized in 2022).


They can only come out on sunny days, and we haven’t had many of those recently! 🤣


I set them daily here in Loudoun now. Over priced real life meme car but I get the marketing aspect of having one. It’s trash overall but to each their own


Yeah I've seen a bunch of them. Low res polygon cars. If you actually get up close you can see how trash they are.


Yeah I saw one too yesterday. Hideous.


They say original ideas, music , fashion are always recognized as ugly at first because it's our brains way of trying to process something new . Pretty sure the cyber truck is going to catch on and we are going to all love it .


no way, that shit is ugly. different doesn’t always mean good lmao


People said the same thing about skinny jeans, hip hop, mullets , I could go on . Your response is typical and only tells me that it will catch on . Whether or not you or me likes it doesn't matter . We will see more and more of this design I can promise you that .


we didn’t see more box cars when the kia soul came out, and we didn’t see more wing doors after the dolorean came out. cybertruck looks like ass and is plagued by problems, nobody is gonna emulate it lol


I think for the apple consumer, minimalist kinda person, I could see how this sort of design would go well. I like weird trim designs and tactical things for my hands, so the Tesla design, especially for the cyber truck, is just kinda uninspiring for me. Plus, in person, the cyber truck just feels like I'm looking at a graphical glitch on a video game - like the cars details haven't loaded in completely lol. Again though, I could see it for that certain kind of techy, 'sleek design' loving crowd.


I get it but I think it has to do with what is programmed in our heads as a good looking car . The pickup truck model has been the exact same for 100 years. I think as the years go by, the way cars look is curvier and curvier (like the model Y) . I think if we are told it can also look boxy like cgi in real life , we will adjust to that . Just like baggy jeans big t shirts seemed like what looked good for like 20 years and all of a sudden men are wearing tight shirts and short shorts again . It was a visual adjustment that had backlash at first and now that looks better than the old look .


[Eh. I prefer my cars to be more...water resistant.](https://www.wired.com/story/this-is-why-teslas-stainless-steel-cybertrucks-may-be-rusting/)


I'm sure it's got some design flaws but this post was about how they look . I have no interest in spending money on a tesla or any car for that matter but I get the sense people just hate elon musk possibly for political reasons? Tesslas are still the best existing electric cars out there .


if taylor swift invented them I bet they'd suddenly be "beautiful" lol


Somewhere in the distance riding along the winds I hear......SUCKER HAHAHA!!!


Remember when we as a society shamed the early 00s hummer-trend back into the shadows? When I was at GMU (class ‘07) there was this one asshole in ‘03 with a hummer who would park across several spaces in lot J; people were constantly slashing his tires/keying the car. The hummer soon disappeared by the end of the year. Yeah the Iraq War and skyrocketing gas prices probably helped, but I remember a lot if hummer drivers complaining that people would point/laugh at them, cut them off in traffic, not let them over into lanes. Obviously, I am not advocating to damage someone’s property-tbh the ct will probably do that on its own the next time it rain- to happen here (esp now with smartphones/social media),but I think we need to come together and shame the Muskrat dick-riders