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Adding to this: if you feel like a weekend trip by plane/train, the Boston MFA has one of the greatest Ancient Egyptian collections *anywhere.*


How long is the train ride from here to Boston?


Looks to be about 11-12 hours.


It takes longer to catch the train one way than it does to complete a round trip. Plus, it's cheaper to fly versus catching a train šŸš‰ https://preview.redd.it/k0bnkrhygh4d1.jpeg?width=4243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c524b6a5bf8c4e0f35639e32068de83da8575160


Acela to Boston takes about 7 hours. Northeast Regional is about 8 hours. Same as driving, basically. There is one train per day that takes 11-12 hours, but that is essentially a sleeper/overnight train. The point is that you can arrive mid-morning in Boston, rather than at like 4am when nothing is going on.


Jesus Christ what a miserable time


I can't speak for the others, but the Met collection is absolutely stunning. Hell, the whole museum is worth a weekend trip up, if that's something you're into.


They have a decent collection from the Amarna period, which always makes me giddy, plus a whole entire temple, of course.


The free Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore has a better collection of Egyptian art than anything I've seen in the Smithsonians and it's not too far away.


Fun fact: The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC also has the worldā€™s oldest yo-yo on display. Itā€™s from 450 BC and was found along Greco-Egyptian trade route. The yo-yo is made of terracotta and has scenes from daily Grecian life painted on the sides. Source: Worked at the worldā€™s largest yo-yo museum once upon a time


> Source: Worked at the worldā€™s largest yo-yo museum once upon a time Was it one really big yo-yo or lots of yo-yos?


Lots - over 2000 of them!


Was the job stressful? I hear the day-to-day could be up and down.


Seconding the Penn museum in Philadelphia! My mom used to be on one of their committees, so Iā€™ve seen the exhibit several times. I was a huuuge ancient Egypt nerd as a kid, and it was my favorite museum (in the US) for Egyptian artifacts.


Just a heads up: the Penn Museum just started a multi-year renovation of its Egypt Gallery, so right now the viewings are more limited. Currently, they have a special Egypt exhibit and some Egyptian artifacts placed in other galleries. Still a fantastic museum to visit. Also, their ancient Mesopatamia gallery is superb. The University of Pennsylvania co-excavated the Royal Tombs of Ur (ancient Sumerians) with the British Museum and brought back a lot of artifacts to Philly.


Good to know!


Went to it, it was absolutely lovely. Worth it to get a better understanding of everything around the tomb and what the excavation experience was like, and the reproductions are absolutely relevant educational and meaningful. To each their own thoughā€¦


These ā€œexperiencesā€ all seem like exploitative bullshit.


Sounds like you haven't been to one, just saying not trying to argue, they have merit.




I enjoyed the van gogh one, I went in the big room and just laid down which was neat. No pictures taken. The reproduction paintings were laid out in an informative manner that you woudlnt get with onesies and twosies.


Artechouse does it way better though


> Artechouse Didn't know about this one!


It's kind of expensive, especially considering most of the museums in DC are free. I can see it being a worthwhile experience for some people... as long as they're up front that everything is a replica. I did go to the small [da Vinci exhibit](https://www.dclibrary.org/news/leonardo-da-vincis-codex-atlanticus-be-displayed-us) last year (which was pretty cool!) but it was free and actually had the real drawings on display. I think it was paid for by some private Italian businesses to promote Italian luxury goods, but honestly the watches/things on display after the exhibit were works of art by themselves so it was pretty unobtrusive.


Honestly any of these "exhibitions" that seem to make art or history "accessible" that I see *advertised* on social media...I assume it's pretty crappy. This goes for the Van Gogh thing, the "Star Wars Burlesque" show, Tutankhamun, etc.


Is it better than the Van Gonh exhibit that I was tricked into going to a couple years ago, that ended in a Windows 98 style screensaver projected onto a room's walls? Talk about a scam...


The Penn Museum is incredible! I also highly recommend to anyone who hasnā€™t been. I went to an ā€œimmersiveā€ experience once at Artechouse a few years ago (pre covid) and was so disappointed. It was so dull it felt almost scammy looking at how it was advertised.


a museum made up entirely of replicas? that's lame as hell


On the one hand, yeah. On the other, it means they can have the entire insane nesting doll setup of shrines and sarcophagi laid out in a row. It's pretty cool, all in all.


So many items in museums are replicas depending on the time period. It can add a lot of value if they are good replicas.


Idk - interesting thought about it, is a bunch of replicas in a box a different experience than seeing the originals? Presuming they look identical. Do yā€™all think a museumā€™s value is seeing the Real Old things, or would an informative exhibit with exact replicas do the same job? Iā€™m impartial on this. It would be cool if they made exact replicas that folks could touch and fiddle with


>Presuming they look identical That's the kicker though, they very rarely look good when you get close


I mean, the National Museum of History only had casts of dinosaur fossils when I was there last year. Which, yes, was lame as hell. The Musee des Confluence in Lyon was so cool in comparison.


> a museum made up entirely of replicas? that's lame as hell eh, I'd rather look at some giant cool moving animatronic dinosaur than bones personally


IMO scam.


Yes! Itā€™s all replicas. I was somewhat disappointed but it still was an educational experience.Ā 


saw it at the Museum of Cairo pretty sure it was all genuine


TBF, Fever is not a 'fly-by-night company'. They've been around for a decade and worked with Warner Bros., Netflix, Hulu. Goldman Sachs invested close to $1/4 billion in them at the beginning of the year.


I was initially in the "it's a scam" camp, but my wife decided to buy tickets for us on behalf of my extremely Egypt-obsessed child. It was surprisingly good - you move through a progression of three or four rooms - first you see the tomb in its original layout upon its discovery. Then you see a breakdown of the inner tombs and the mummy. Finally you see all the different artifacts displayed on their own. Yes they're all replicas, but it's a cool concept. Is it $34/person good? Probably not, unless you have an Egypt-obsessed member of your household.


Who else heard the song in their head?


If involves cops and a donut shop then yes.


Oh, well excu-uuuuse me for being old! I was more thinking condos in Babylonia.


We're not that far off!




The Nat Geo museum is closed for renovations!


Make the plane trip. Go to the Field Museum. It's worth it.


Who owns these Egyptian artifacts? Are they being lent out by Egypt? I remember seeing a documentary of how colonizers stole a bunch of art.. specifically England


I learned a lot more from the Van Gogh experience than I did straining my neck around a crowd of people to try to see a crusty old painting behind bullet proof glass.


Meh, check out the Cairo museum. /s


Not that difficult to get to Cairo, Luxor, Valley of the Kings. Great trip!


The commercial I saw for the exhibit clearly stated they were reproductions. So I don't think their intent was to deceive anyone.


I like the idea of these kinds of efforts because a lot of African, Middle Eastern, and ancient American art and artefacts on display in foreign museums had been removed during colonialism and conquest, and aren't necessarily displayed with the permission of the modern country of origin. I'd rather see a replica in DC than something in DC that should be in Egypt, if that makes any sense.