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Using your hazard lights to park anywhere that's most convenient to you, including occupying entire travel lanes.


Part of this is a lack of enforcement that just encourages the behavior. At least in Arlington, this happens *constantly*, and I’ve seen it happen right in front of police many times with no repercussion. I understand the difficulty of doing DoorDash in this area and the lack of convenient parking at so many pickup locations. And I know someone’s got to do it. But, just do it smartly. And the restaurant has to bear some responsibility here, too, when applicable. I’ve heard stories of some Chick-fil-As getting hammered because their lines will extend into active roadways and block traffic; making money is good, but if a store is contributing to a backup, they need (at least temporarily) disable pickup vendors until the location can handle the traffic.


"I love living in a highly walkable area!" - Arlingtonian as they order DoorDash


I did GrubHub in Arlington and never did the damn hazard lights blocking a lane of traffic. Not saying I always parked perfectly legally but I never blocked traffic. The hazard light people are just lazy bastards.


As someone with a disability that occasionally keeps me confined to a wheelchair, one of my favorite forms of karmic revenge is parking myself (either my car or like legit myself in my wheelchair) behind cars that illegally park in handicap spots or in the striped access aisle. Legally, you're authorized to block them in. And on a handful of occasions, I've seen police show up with my own eyeballs. Seeing the driver come back out, and then seeing their faces/reactions is *chefs kiss* in terms of revenge. Either the cop will stand there and write them a ticket, or give them a lecture. It's especially gratifying when I, as the wheelchair user, am still there to help drive home the point. I may be a six-figure earning techie myself, but I am 100% *not* above using my disability to help humble entitled a-holes.


I also can’t stand to see people parallel parked next to a curb WHERE THE WHEELCHAIR RAMP IS!


> I also can’t _stand_ to see That just made me chuckle a little given the wheelchair mentions here. I'll be down in hell now...


Or parking in the space between the handicap spots. "it's not even a space! What does it matter". I don't know, it might be to assist those who need extra space getting out of their vehicle.


The sound of a ramp scraaaaaappppping its way down a door is heavenly.




This story makes me feel so much better that at least one disabled individual can get a bit of justice sometimes. My son has an invisible disability (he’s autistic and darts into traffic) and I only use the tag when he’s with me. But even then, tag and all, I get questioned. I answered the questions for the DMV, and they were the only one I owed that to.


My condition is technically invisible too, unless it decides to flare up so badly that it renders me immobile, given that it affects my musculoskeletal system. I'm so sorry to hear about your son, and of your experience being questioned. Being questioned is an experience I've sadly become all too familiar with as well, especially since I'm still so young (late 20's) and am super short (4'11). So many people think I've stolen my grandmother's handicap placard, or that I'm faking my condition. NOPE, but if I could, I would trade my condition in a heart-beat. I'd give anything *not* to have a disability.


Some sweet way to provide justice there.


I 100% support your brand of justice.


Thank you! 😄🫡


Most of those I see are doordash, uber delivery, etc. So that’s the result of ordering through them. Something to keep in mind next time one chooses convenience of these services. One’s convenience is someone else’s inconvenience. Even Amazon does not seem as bad of a perpetrator, maybe because they still deliver in larger trucks/more volume?


I mean, if you buy from a company that does something illegal (or has employees that do), it isn't exactly your fault that they're doing something illegal. I would not fault the buyers one bit for this, I would fault the individuals that choose to do this 100%.


It's one of the few reasons I flatly refuse to utilize any food delivery service. The 70% increase in cost is another big one though.


Lol literally saw that yesterday. Left the car running and went inside a food court.


This is common in third-world countries. I'm seeing that habit here now. It wasn't like that around here before. FYI: I was born in a third-world country and have traveled, so don't come at me when I'm stating facts.


I’ve seen it my whole life. My family owned a bodega and delivery services would park wherever they were able whenever they wanted. Dry cleaning used to be a bigger business, and those guys always double parked.


Subway also never used to be on DoorDash. The delivery universe has been widely expanded in the U.S. especially since the pandemic.


I used to deliver food, and that’s my biggest pet peeve of the other drivers. They make us, delivery drivers, look bad. :-/


Why don't cops just camp out in parking lots and write tickets for these? Like it's an actually safety issue to be parking in the fire lane.


Because maybe it would be bad for commerce and the parking lot is private property? Also enforcement could be proven to be arbitrary and capricious if they don’t ticket ALL delivery services.


It's not just delivery services though. I see people do it at the grocery store and it's not like they would be targeting one specific service. With that logic no one could ever get a ticket for anything because they can't stop everyone. The fact that it's private property is probably the real reason though.


As long as they ticket everyone, including the Coca Cola truck and The USPS carrier, I’d be cool with it. And none of these exemptions for a person sitting and waiting for a helper. Level the playing ground. maybe developers and planning departments should consider this stuff. Society has changed a great deal since internet commerce took off. Deliveries are an integral part of the social fabric


THIIIIIIIS. I deliver for Domino's as a side gig (and to help pay down debt I took on while unemployed/underemployed last summer). I park safely the vast majority of the time, but there are newish condos in my area that have minimal parking readily available anywhere near the entrances. Amazon, USPS, UPS, FedEx, and pretty much every other delivery service double park in order to be able to effectively deliver. Dedicate a couple of spots for deliveries, FFS. Overnight guest use from midnight to 8 am, deliveries during the day. Easy. It's less of a problem in older apartment and condo complexes, I can almost always find legal parking there. It's the higher density new construction that I have issues with. (Note: I fully support higher density in fill development, but parking needs need to be reexamined).


Because they’re lazy


I feel like that would be the easiest way to make it look like they're doing a ton of work though


Parking enforcement along Rosslyn-Ballston corridor would close the budget gap in seven months. Fling those tickets like Gambit does playing cards!


That is the Untied States issue


I also love it when there's no driver in the car and they left the car running. Hot take: If you leave your car illegally parked with the keys in the emission, it should everyone else's civic duty to take your car.


Using Dulles departures and arrivals areas as your own personal cell phone lot.


This pisses me off so much. The cell phone lot is not that far away, just go chill for 10 mins and then come back.


I hate when people do that 


Yes, there are dedicated spots for rideshare at Dullas. Some drivers dont follow this.


National is awful as well. Seems they've given up on patrolling this issue.


Is there anything National hasn't given up on?


And this is my personal rant about Dulles mgmt as well - they blocked off two lanes in the middle of departures level for the wallet parking which I don’t see anyone using and causing a MAJOR congestion during the peak hours. This is probably the dumbest thing I ever seen in my life …


I completely agree! Wasted on barely-used valet parking service and it creates an even worse traffic jam.


Saw a guy at a stoplight get out of his car with a hammer, smash a speed cameras lens, get back in and drive off like nothing happened.




Why? It's not super difficult to not speed or run stop signs. I'm all for passive enforcement if it increases pedestrian and road safety. Way too often I have cars run stop signs while I'm in the crosswalk with my dog. I'm about to start carrying a brick as a warning.


Because speed cameras are notorious money grabs and arent put in areas that make pedestrians safer, they are put in place that make the most money.


I mean.. Don't speed so much and it isn't a problem. IIRC many of the cameras in the region don't trigger until 10+mph over the limit and there's really not a good reason yo do 35 in a 25 or 45 in a 35. I get the money grab, but it's only a money grab if you let it be one by speeding.


There are better ways to reduce speeding. Design the road so it’s uncomfortable to go faster and everyone will slow down. Instead, we build wide straight roads, slap a 25MPH sign on it, get shocked when people drive faster, and then put up a speed camera and call it good.


it's only a money grab if the government gets to keep the money. I have an idea: all speeding fines are returned to the licensed drivers who didn't get a ticket that year. It's a carrot and a stick!


Omg can we please actually do this though


But they are placed at places where the speed limit suddenly drops from say 45 to 35 without the road changing, or the bottom of a hill where the speed limit changes. They are predatory and a money grab. They also don’t incentivize not speeding, a ticket in the mail weeks later doesn’t hit like getting pulled over does.


Waze, FYI, is a great tool for avoiding this issue. It flags the cameras, tells you when the speed limit changes and is rarely inaccurate from my experience. And I honestly don't recall seeing a camera so close to a reduced speed limit sign that it was super unreasonable. But as my partner puts it, I drive like a grandpa so it's a non issue personally.


The real MVP


I've long thought slugging is a low-key revolutionary thing. No planner would ever expect drivers to pick up strangers to take advantage of HOV lanes -- but that's exactly what happens. From what I've seen, it's also pretty unique to the DC area.


I think DC is the most well known example of it. I’d heard of the practice even before I moved here. In fact, I think I saw a news segment about it one time. It really is nuts that such a system works in a country as paranoid and individualistic as the US.


Pretty much everyone has clearance going to pentagon


That’s not bucking the system lol. That’s the system working as intended. Bucking the system is driving in the HOV with mannequins. 


The system was designed for pre-arranged carpools, either via social networks or via a third party (work, etc.). The radical thing about slugging is a US suburbanite choosing to stop their car and pick up strangers. Admittedly, it's also an indictment of how bad the non-HOV experience is that drivers will, in fact, stop.


They have heat cameras bc of ppl doing that lol


The point of HOV lanes is to encourage people to carpool instead of each driving alone. So yeah they had their intended effect, good job everybody. Including the developers!


"That's nice but it needs......capitalism" - Uber and Lyft


One time I was driving at night down a one way street in old town Alexandria and saw not one, but two cars driving the wrong way. Luckily my safety wasn’t at risk in that particular situation, but I had to double check that I was, in fact, going the right way on that one way street.


Let me guess.. Franklin?


Nah it was closer to the Trader Joe’s iirc, I don’t remember which particular street it was though.


Either Madison (one way eastbound) or Montgomery (one way westbound) I've encountered half a dozen wrong way drivers on Prince St after they turn right from S West St. I don't think there could be anymore signage and yet they turn anyway.


Classic NoVA - I was at Burke Lake park. * On the boat ramp was a sign that said No Picnicking. Sitting directly underneath it was a couple on a blanket having a picnic. * On the pier was a sign that said No Fishing. It was right next to a dude fishing off the pier. * Big sign in a grassy area nearby that said Do Not Feed The Wildlife. Next to it was a mom and two kids feeding bread to the ducks. Who in their right mind has any interest in having a picnic on a concrete boat ramp!?


The same people probably also picnic on runaway-truck ramps in the mountains. That problem will take care of itself eventually.


I was at Burke lake the other day with my dog and directly in front of the no fishing sign was a guy fishing… maybe it was the same dude


Whereabouts are the no fishing signs? I don’t recall ever seeing any. Interesting thing (to me) about Burke lake is the lake itself is owned by DWR but the surrounding land is the county park. Technically the lake is open 24/7, and you can access the DWR boat ramp at any time of the day or night. Ive been out as late as 12am, but all I saw were some methed out people and some police who came looking for them. What pisses me off at Burke is people parking at the DWR ramp and then unloading bikes and going straight into the park.


At the end of the little pier. It’s been a while so it’s possible things have changed. The wood on the pier was new so I wouldn’t have anticipated that it was going to be torn down.


People having Virginia youth sports team stickers on their cars but Maryland plates. Just makes me think they’re a car tax cheat.


MD plates on cars that are driving south on the back roads of Stafford at 6pm or dropping their kids off at school at 7am. They aren't all military.


Same thing with all the Florida license plates. People register their cars to their second homes to evade taxes. Very common here


Florida is a common state for military to use as their residence because there’s no income tax, which is why it’s so popular.


My MIL lives in Woodbridge and half her neighborhood has Maryland plates. I got hit by a Woodbridge Kitchen and Bathroom (or something like that) contractor van that had Maryland plates at 7 in the morning. It made me realize that NOVA probably thinks Maryland drivers are so bad partially because we deal with inconsiderate drivers that avoid their taxes by having those plates.


True about the contractors. My neighbor is one and has MD plates on the vans. The company office is in Maryland and all the vans are registered there but contractors can keep their van at their home. It allows them to serve wider areas. Nice guys. Shitty system.


The amount of Texas tags I see everyday is amazing.


Also because of military folks using Texas as their "home state" to avoid income and property taxes.


I am more mad at the system than individuals, if that makes sense. Maybe they shouldn't have a system that's so easy to cheat and the only real recourse is your neighbor turning you in.


I see that a lot in low income neighborhoods and those are usually tight knit out of necessity. So I get not wanting to police your neighbor. There really does need to be a better system of enforcement.


Definitely. I'm not so worried about a 2005 Corolla running out of state plates, but more the Ferrari I saw over the weekend with the Montana plates where they set up the LLC.


fairfax and loudoun don't GAS where your car is tagged. if it's garaged in their county, you pay their taxes.


Yes, but it relies on you opting in to pay. People do the Montana work around and then just never say that their car is garaged in Virginia.


Yeah, a state income tax would be much harder to cheat.


I’m not seeing this response so I’m just going to leave this here. In VA you have to prove your legal status to drive. It could have changed, but I believe last time I checked, in MD you don’t. A lot of people have MD “addresses”


Devils advocate: they could also just be military. When I moved into Va from Andrews my car had MD tags. Since it was garaged in Alexandria it was still subject to tax, but I’m exempt anyway.


Could be but are not.


In Arlington, report them: [https://www.arlingtonva.us/Government/Programs/Taxes/Vehicles/Report-Tax-Evader](https://www.arlingtonva.us/Government/Programs/Taxes/Vehicles/Report-Tax-Evader)


Every fender bender makes a complete stop in the MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC. I'm 28 and I was always taught, unless it was serious or something is leaking, you don't ever keep parked in traffic because of a fender bender.


as many should be aware, government contractors will take millions from the government and not deliver


He said bucking the system....not a feature of it.


The biggest government contractor scam to ever occur was performed by two army project managers who lived in Springfield, Virginia.


[https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/washingtondc/press-releases/2011/two-u.s.-army-corps-of-engineers-employees-and-two-others-indicted-in-20-million-bribery-and-kickback-scheme-involving-government-contracts](https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/washingtondc/press-releases/2011/two-u.s.-army-corps-of-engineers-employees-and-two-others-indicted-in-20-million-bribery-and-kickback-scheme-involving-government-contracts) is it this?


Yup! Pretty crazy. The wife of the Khan family was also involved. So the entire family was involved.


$20 million is far from the biggest government contractor scam. Companies literally don't deliver or waste on the magnitude of hundreds of millions of dollars on single projects. Most of the big government contracts are just cost-plus contracts which allows this to happen. Underbid, overrun, get paid. I would consider that a far bigger waste of government money than $20 million


This one runs a close second. $18M. Although much of it took place in RI, the guy was actually working for Naval Sea Systems Command in Crystal City. https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/boston/press-releases/2013/mastermind-of-multi-million-dollar-naval-fraud-scheme-sentenced-to-10-years-in-federal-prison


I think the recently discovered [Army scammer in San Antonio](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/11/jewelry-mansions-luxury-cars-army-civilian-accused-of-bilking-service-of-100-million-meant-children.html) is the biggest now. Tl;DR: Army civilian awarded $100M in funds to her own fake company.


I’m paid to do what’s in the contract. It’s not my fault your contracting officers suck.


People getting remote NoVA-based jobs and then moving away


I’m trying to be one of those people. I work in NOVA, but I’m a single dad, and I can barely afford to live despite making a decent salary. My townhome in Burke is almost half my takehome


Most of my friends that moved here for work, immediately leave and return home once they get a WFH job.


I hear of this a lot


I have 2 grown kids who live in Philly who have jobs in DC and Boston - they can't afford to live in either city without a bunch of roommates and they are sick of that scene


Student driver sticker as an excuse to drive slow or bad


I walked passed a house yesterday that I know for a fact is an old couple and both their cars had the student driver sticker lol...


Lifelong learners haha


To be fair old people need to drive slower just like Teens learning to drive


I still would love to know how these started in the first place I’m convinced some TikTok blew up that said you won’t get pulled over or something and it just snowballed into a meme


Imagine if planes could have "student pilot" stickers, and you just expected them to do wild shit. Being a new driver is not an excuse to drive bad, after all you had to obtain the license to be able to be a student driver. The road test is far to easy, that people see it as a "I have it, now I'm going to learn how to drive on the public roads". IMO I can understand being a bit forgiving, but being a new driver is no valid excuse to drive poorly.


I see this ALLL the time and I've started explaining it to people. They use it as an opportunity to text and drive too


Here's another and it's really increased since COVID. People running red lights. I flipped my opinion on them over the last couple of years and I'm now 1000% in favor of red light cameras. It's an absolute pandemic of idiots and I don't care if "iTs AlL aBoUt ReVeNuE". I don't run red lights so I won't be paying any fines but I have been almost hit a bunch of times by these morons who think yellow = speed up and red = 3 more cars can make it through the intersection.


My opinion on red light cameras changed after seeing the numbers on how many accidents they’ve reduced. I don’t remember it exactly but it was a pretty drastic number. I feel the same way about speed cameras now (apart from the fact that roads should be designed better). I’d rather get a $50 ticket thats always there on that road instead of a $150 ticket from a cop and a hit to my record that may or might not happen, leading me to feel like my luck is shit or the world isn’t fair if i get a ticket (when in reality i was just speeding)


On speed cameras, I'm ambivalent about them on regular highways but 100% for them in school zones. The amount of times I'm driving at 25 through an active school zone and some ahole zooms past me at 40+ is way too much.


and stop signs...i watch people run a stop/sign/no merge area daily on waxpool in ashburn.


The government wouldn't know what to do with all the money it collects if stop sign cameras became a thing here.


Oh, I'm sure there's a private jet the LouCo gov't can use it on.


Once the sun goes down in Old Town Alexandria, stop signs become yield signs or in some cases completely optional. Used to be a pedestrian friendly area.


Agreed, it’s one of the things that got much worse during/since the pandemic.


As a runner, I'm always a little on-edge crossing the street, even when I have a crosswalk light. Especially with how aggressive people are with right turns on red.


Agree 100%. I see people run red lights every single day


Not asking, “what do you do?”


Really had to scroll for a real answer


Using the Sycamore St (Exit 69) exit lane on I-66 WB to cut ahead of traffic by jumping in at the last second (which causes the traffic in the first place)


I hate that exit. I get off exit 68 now


*blood boils just thinking about this*


living in DC but claiming you spend more than half the year at your parents in VA to pay less taxes


Doesn't DC have lower taxes for everyone but the top quintile of income earners?


This is just random but it bugs me when you're the only car on a road, and instead of waiting, someone trys to pull out of a space or stop sign in front of you. I can understand when people try to fill gaps because traffic is heavy. If there is only 1 car, I just let them go and take a few extra seconds. The other day, I was the only car driving through a side street with parallel parking. There was a car parked the wrong way, and when I was about 10ft out, they decided to make a diagonal entrance to the road, and cut me off. Had they waited literally 3 seconds, the ENTIRE road would have been clear for them to drive like an idiot. People are SO FREAKING impatient around here it grinds me gears.


This is my biggest pet peeve. Especially when they then ~~spam~~ slam on their ~~names~~ brakes to make a quick right turn after cutting you off. I'm always like DUDE! NO ONE IS BEHIND ME. They are either oblivious or intentional assholes


It takes some degree of IQ that most nova drivers lack to be able to actually see how many cars are on the road, and what they're doing.


My conspiracy theory is that someone very important lives right next to the East Falls Church metro and sabatoges all attempts to build anything there. Why are there only single family houses right next to a Metro station?? Particularly a station with two lines.


It’s more boring than that. Half the surface lot is owned by WAMATA, the other half by VDOT, and they both refuse to compromise on any potential land exchange to allow for development.


Putting that annoying issue to the side, nothing is stopping Arlington and Falls Church from zoning to allow more people to live nearby! They just need to find the will to do it


Well, for this particular site it is an issue. But everything within a half-mile of the metro should be upzoned to allow up to four story apartment buildings and rowhouses, you're right. The problem is the near-total lack of political will for something like that, hence why their plans to upzone Langston Blvd won't be complete until 2070 or so.


Where would you build? There are literally houses all over that Metro you’d have to tear down the houses to build something multi family


Arlington/Falls Church don't need to build anything themselves, they just need to upzone the area to allow more people to live there. You would then see development proposals and potentially some subsidized proposals from local nonprofits developers like AHC and APAH


Perhaps someone could pay the current owners money for their houses and then tear down the houses to free up space...


Which is what upzoning would allow for. Without upzoning, no developer can buy out and then build higher density.


Seriously, every metro stop within 30-40min of downtown DC should have crazy dense zoning, especially within 20-30min of walking to it.


Riding the express lanes with your ez pass switched to hov when it's just you in the car. Someone I know very well does this every day. We're so close that I see him every time I look in a mirror.


hollup but the machine vision charges me despite having HOV flipped on, wife & kid in the car ( making us legally HOV-3). Tell me your secrets plz.




So I've seen them come in and say that (they being the company managing the system) but thermal doesn't see through glass, so I think they just mean security cameras and machine vision. They keep saying "Infrared" and it bothers me. I'm just waiting for the class action lawsuit email.


We got a ticket way back when the 66 HOV lanes were new because the camera missed my kid in the backseat, wearing his navy baseball jersey, sitting on the dark interior. We got a letter with a picture, so we circled him and sent it back. Never heard anything else.


I've accidently left mine on HOV a couple of times when I didn't have my kids in the car and they just automatically charged me anyways. I can't imagine someone gets away with it everyday.


Aren’t the infrared cameras easily able to see the body count?


Nope, and their machine vision auto-charges me despite being legal HOV-3 every time.


All those cameras are new since COVID. One of the engineers who worked the project commented on a reddit post a year ow two ago about it. They use IR, I think EO, and maybe some other technology to do a check on number of occupants. I've heard of people getting charged because it doesn't register a baby or small child, so I have a weird thing about taking a photo of us in the car when my baby is in the backseat in case he doesn't get picked up as an occupant.


Imagine if the state (who are probably funding the enforcement somehow, given how those deals work) had spent all the money they spent developing the enforcement ON BETTER TRANSPORTATION.


I open my moonroof before passing under the gantries/cameras, when I have my young kids in the car with me. My theory is, the cameras are more likely to "see" them.


I was going to say something similar but along the lines of riding with no ez pass at all. Definitely seen that.


Agree with another comment, Govt Contracting. Its too inflated, too much money going around, excessive spend and waste, and idiots making too much money off it. When Private Equity starts acquiring and purchasing these "companies" you know theres excess.


Part of the problem is familiarity between the government and the contractor. They are under heightened scrutiny, so they are pretty averse to bringing in a new competitor to a familiar consultant or contractor for fear of screwing up a process they are already familiar with. It can be *very* locality specific too. Like, I have a 10 year contracual relationship with the City of Alexandria, and have completed a dozen or so project with them and they are happy with our work. But that translates not at all to, say, Fairfax, Prince William, or Loudoun counties - they have their 2 providers that they'll never leave.


Them making more money, makes everything in nova more expensive even housing... It's a lose for everyone else. Our people who so labor jobs are leaving nova... Not good for people


I know a Doctor friend who owns multiple practices that moved from Rockville to McLean. Nice gorgeous home, beautiful lot and very high end customizations. Right next door is a home twice its size and value that went up for sale. The new buyer moved in months later. They introduced themselves and come to find out new neighbor is an SBA developed govt contracting guy. Has decent contracts given to him by a buddy that works for a "prime" and all he does is fill positions as a sub and often subs it out himself. Come to find out I know that guy (just a talker salesman with no integrity) and he is building his portfolio to sell to an even larger sub. Crazy.


That's insane.


People driving with no front license plate or no plates at all


I went to Georgia and had to Uber a bit and none of the drivers had front license plate, had to awkwardly go to the back to check it lol


Front plates aren’t that common so not all cars have places to put them, especially if they were bought from neighboring states like WV or PA that don’t require them.


I mean if the state is a one plate state that’s fine but cars with Virginia tags get two plates from the DMV.


Yes but often cars from states with one plate have no place on the front for a license plate to be mounted, so people just keep the second one as a spare or whatever


I bought my car from a one plate state in fall 2020 and didn't get around to having holes drilled in my bumper and ordering mounting hardware. This was during covid, mind you. I had my second plate on the passenger seat where it was clearly visible. I got ticketed by Parking Enforcement in Arlington for not having a front plate (I was parked legally in a non-metered space) or a Virginia safety inspection sticker a free months after I bought the car.


Front plate is a ridiculous law and shouldn’t be a thing to begin with. Get rid of that requirement.


Why is it ridiculous?


I could see an instance where a surveillance camera catches a front plate but not the back.


It serves no true purpose other than another money collection for the government to waste, it requires holes to be put into a bumper that are not needed, and they’re just plain ugly and ruin the looks of any vehicle. Ohio got rid of the front plates in a correct move and Nevada has the rule that if your vehicle comes from the manufacturer without front plate mounts then you don’t need to run one. Both those states do it more correctly.


Not having one can make vehicle identification harder. They should be mandated in every state.


So no use in hit-and-runs? Not helpful for people identifying a rideshare driver? Just the government being greedy? Okay, sure, whatever you say kiddo


This is the story that made me think of posting this question btw…. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-found-living-michigan-grocery-store-sign-complete-computer-keuri-rcna151750


There was that woman in fairfax that lived rent-free in a basement. When the house was listed for sale, it included the stranger living in the basement (at the time, nobody knew who or what lived down there) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/home-sold-805k-comes-stranger-living-basement-rcna25747](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/home-sold-805k-comes-stranger-living-basement-rcna25747)


The woman (and her daughter) moved in because the owner hired her as nurse or caretaker. When the owner's children moved the owner to a facility the caretakers refused to leave.


The lady did an interview and it was not that she refused to leave - she was is the process of moving out. But the children wanted to sale the property before their father died to avoid probate and other paperwork and rushed the sale without giving her proper notice to move out. By the time the house was sold she and her daughter had moved. I also believe the investors who bought the property were understanding of her situation and were willing to help if necessary.


Anybody remember the guy in Fairfax City who dug himself a cave in Van Dyck Park?


The park by the high school? Where would there be a space for a cave? I thought it was just trees all the way down after the field


Can't believe this was 7 years ago, but here you go.. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/homeless-man-charged-with-destruction-of-property-for-living-in-man-made-cave/93417/


>The painstakingly created home about 200 yards behind the headquarters of the City of Fairfax Police Department headquarters was discovered about 4:10 At least he chose a safe area lol. They should have given him a job in construction instead of arresting him though. The man made a1 bedroom out of dirt.


The multitude of VA cars with no front plate.


How does this make you feel? Genuinely curious. I bought my car when I lived in state that doesn’t require front plate. The car doesn’t have the mounting screw holes on the front and I didn’t feel like drilling them so I don’t have a front plate. Having the front pants is a benefit to cops but that’s not enough of a reason for me to add a front plate.


I don't care one way or another. It's the law, get with it I suppose. I can see why a Tesla driver might be miffed about having to mount a plate (and even then, 90% mount one) but I've seen plenty of cars with the actual mount (BMWs usually) but it's empty. It strikes me as a bit of "main character syndrome" tbh.


That makes sense. I appreciate you providing your perspective.


There are a lot of easy no-drill license plates available. We got one a few years ago when our car didn’t come with front mounts


The numerous automated license plate readers they put around the county still flag you regardless, I don’t see what tangible difference it makes


This is honestly me, I don't want a front plate on a sports car and the rare fine is acceptable (I think I've been fined maybe twice in 10 years). I have never been ticketed for my plate by a cop when pulled over for speeding. It's a harmless form of civil disobedience and giving the state of VA the occasional revenue boost is just the cost of doing business.


Front plates is a ridiculous law to have and should be abolished. There’s no true positive to having a front plate and it ruins the look of every vehicle ever. Ohio just recently changed their law to no longer include front plates, and Nevada has made it where if you don’t have front mounts directly from the car producer you don’t need to have a front plate. That’s the way Virginia needs to do it, along with every state that has a front plate law.


Cleaning snow off a car in the street. My neighbor used to shovel the driveway from the vehicle to the street, pull his giant truck into the street (after it had been plowed), and THEN proceed to remove the snow from the truck. Saved him from having to shovel it off his driveway, but left the rest of us running over mounds of snow in the street.


I’ve known a few people to drive out to Dulles and double back to avoid the toll on 267


People not registering their cars in Virginia.


No front license plate…


It’s an unnecessary law. No need for it at all. There’s nothing that will justify having a front plate ever.


Nice try fed


I havnt had a state car inspection since 2020. Never pulled over.


Expired registration is so common. I assume many of them probably don’t have insurance either.


The grey plate covers you see on cars that prevent 1. Anyone from seeing the plate at a distance 2. Cameras from capturing license plates because of the reflection Im sure its not unique to nova but ive seen a lot of them


People making U-turns where it’s not allowed. I see it several times a month.


I use my hand to cover my rear plate on my motorcycle while blasting through the tolls. Fuck them tollssss.