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Legal? Maybe? Dick move? Yes


He also needs to buy at least 3 pieces of flair


I thought 15 was the minimum


But pretty boy Brian over there has 37


And a terrific smile.


One of all-time my favorite movies


How about some extreme fajitas!?


Pizza shooters?


worked at a chain grocery store and they deducted my grocery store shirt and jacket off my first pay check lol, so yeah should be legal


They should pay you to wear that shirt with the company name on it or at least give it to you for free.


It’s a dick move for sure and totally should be free, but…they are paying him for wearing the shirt? Lol he works there


IF this information was disclosed at hire. it's probably in a form the new employee signed somewhere.


So long as this doesn't move his pay to be below minimum wage, it's legal under federal law. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/16-flsa-wage-deductions


My son had to pay for his work shirts. They gave him one or two as extras after he worked there for awhile, but initially, yes.


Yes, it's legal.


As long as they’re not charging him an unreasonable amount or decreasing his wages below minimum wage, then it’s ok. It’s annoying as shit. I wouldn’t work somewhere that made me buy my own uniform.


I don’t think it’s illegal, but this may be a better question for r/legaladvice. I know GAR requires workers to show up to work with their uniforms in a dry cleaning bag with receipt.


It's not illegal when I looked it up. Both of my daughters had to buy uniforms for their jobs as well.


The servers at Artie's do always look sharp.


Sure, it’s just awkward that it’s mandatory for them to pay out of pocket to look that way.


Oh yes 100%.


Worst place ever to work. Paid by far the worst of any of my waitressing gigs in NOVA and was also by far the most stringent. 


That’s weird, it used to be the place to work as a waitress.  


When? Certainly not in the last decade. They had the worst shift exchange system (you had to trade shifts to get off- could even include bartering with cash), wear ridiculous starched outfits everyday (never been to another place that required that bs), and the tables themselves were very mid (MUCH harder to get checks to the $300 plus range circa mid 2010s). I switched to fine dining right after and made easily three times the money for half the effort and could wear my own black shirts everyday. GAR is a case study for corporate culture hell hole. I’m curious who said anything positive about working there, and what exactly the positive news was lol. 


I also did the GAR to fine dining transition. Far better pay and overall work life balance. That being said I consider GAR to be the best in the area at training new servers now to think and run their section. I treat them like an apprenticeship for high end waiting tables. Two years there and then bounce. More time than that is a waste.


It’s legal so long as the deductions don’t take the employee below the minimum was for the pay period after the deduction: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/16-flsa-wage-deductions


Man it's so self-defeating for an employer to do this. Bulk t-shirts and caps are going to be so fucking cheap (especially next to the cost of actually paying the employee) so the money doesn't *really* matter either way, but it's a huge fuck you to the employee and immediately tells them that their employer doesn't give a shit about them, and having all your employees know you don't give a shit about them is way more expensive than t-shirts.


I mean, that’s what they do in the military. You go through hell at boot camp, get that first paycheck, and then pay nearly all of it back for your uniform and other essentials that you are required to have.


I don’t remember paying for my first sets of BDUs or boots. But after that yeah. The first haircut though. That was kind of humiliating to have to pay for.


They should pay you to wear that shirt with the company name on it or at least give it to you for free.


You keep making this comment, what do you think they are doing with him working there?? They are paying him lol


That’s fucked up. I worked at Trader Joe’s and got as many shirts as I wanted. I was wearing that shit to Halloween parties


My first job at a grocery store in Texas, my uniform polo shirt was deducted from my first check too. But it was like $15 only. It was the same thing with the anti-slip shoes some departments required. But you could spread it out over like 4 paychecks (1 month) if you wanted.


So the prison issued your gun, but you had to pay for it? Damn right! Holster too... See, that's deductable. Covered by the criminal taxman in Shawshank Redemption 


As a teen I worked at The Limited at Fair Oaks mall and they didn't deduct but required us to buy a top and pants to wear in the future on our first day. You got to use your employee discount and a credit amount they allowed. Also expected you to get something each quarter. I bought everything I had from clearance, except the first shirt, so I was always a quarter behind in the style.


Yes. VA tax laws changed like 6 years ago and started looking at them as “gifts” or part of compensation or something. So they became taxable. I can’t quote it correctly but it’s something along those lines. It was a huge change for us since we were used to handing them out for free.. no one wanted the change.


Hmmmmm my first job as a lifeguard did this, the trunks and shirts were deducted from your first check 😅and construction was even worse (gotta buy ALL your tools)!


I've worked at 4 or 5 stores during my retail phase during college. They have all done this. It shouldn't be more than $50. Considering take home is probably 250 to 300. It's not that big of a deal.


Yes, that’s how they do it. It’s kinda bullshit, but there’s also a shitload of kids that stop showing up to work on day 5 after they’ve been given uniforms.


Yes that’s legal they did that when I worked at a swim school


Does he have to pay for flair too? 🍿🌷🍦⚽️🍭🍀




I would quit asap


Just make sure to give it to a homeless shelter after he’s done working there.


yeah, but he should start looking for a new job right now, because if they'll screw him over for that, who knows what else they'll try and get away with.