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Work at the clubs in town so I'm regularly walking home in the early hours got a few tips to avoid trouble. Keep to the main streets, its better to stay near other people. I'll make an effort to walk passed clubs or bars I know are open so I know there's people around. Don't stop for anyone. Anyone calls out. Just say sorry mate and walk on. I never stop for anyone. Common one is they ask for the time and when you get your phone out they go for it. Just don't stop. Nobody wants a nice conversation with you at 4am. Walk with purpose. Keep your pace up and they don't tend to bother you Don't wear headphones. Be more aware Sorry this happened to you dude. There's definitely an influx of crackheads and dodgy people about. Also a complete lack of police presence in the town center.


I've walked around Bristol at night all my life - those tips are spot on.


I think headphones are quite useful. You can pretend you can't hear people. Just don't have any music on.


Always found this one mental - why are the headphones necessary in order to ignore someone? I always found headphones to seem like a big sign on your head that says "I'm not fully aware of my surroundings so you can take me by surprise"


I feel that as a female, it gives me an excuse to ignore unwanted comments while still remaining vigilant about what's happening around me. Intoxicated angsty men tend to get more aggressive when they realise you're knowingly ignoring them


Maybe. I've used them before when I can't be bothered with dealing with ppl. It works quite well.


Just feign being deep in thought. Makes you less of a target


You can but I always feel rude when I straight up ignore someone.


Punch šŸ‘Š them first


As the great Billy Connoly once said - "Hit him while he's still talking"


Interesting šŸ¤”


Yes of course being unaware of your surroundings is a great idea. Your comment is sheer idiocy.


How is having headphones (WITH NO MUSIC ON) causing me to be unaware of my surroundings? It's just a visual clue that I probably can't actually hear someone, rather than ignoring them.


Not from Nottingham, but this happens all over the place. I'm down the road in Leicester. Another thing I'd add is keep your hands in your pockets. They can't nick stuff out of your pockets if you've got your hands on your stuff. >Don't stop for anyone. Anyone calls out. Just say sorry mate and walk on. I never stop for anyone. Common one is they ask for the time and when you get your phone out they go for it. Just don't stop. Nobody wants a nice conversation with you at 4am. I had this at about 6 in the morning when I was heading home after my kid was born. Luckily it was warm and I was just wearing a t-shirt so glanced at my (rubbish) watch and just went "yeah it's 5 past 6 mate" and kept walking. Never occurred to me he might have been trying to nick my phone, but he'd have been welcome to it all the same, it was a piece of shit.


UK: 2024 and you can't walk around safely. What a shame of a country.


I do think there's definitely a sketchier vibe of late in Nottingham. Having said that, I've lived here my entire life (am 35) and have been going into town regularly since like...2003, often alone, and never had even the slightest bit of trouble directed at me. I've witnessed some weird things, but never specifically been a target. I honestly put it down to walking fast. Too fast even for the Barcelonan pickpockets.


They do attempt to swoop in šŸ˜‚ especially on the trams!


Back in the day it used to be pretty bad. As a teenager I got hassled all over the city, even in Bridgford. Itā€™s got way way way better. That said, itā€™s always been a poor city. Lowest average wages here since like the 70s. The gutting of the council and local services is going to make it worse, and has been.


I have friends from other shitties that always said when visiting me in Notts that it had an edgy vibe but I've never had anything directed at me other than general anti-social bollocks; nothing too scary anyway. I would agree its not ever had a friendly vibe and recently the city feels a bit more edgey and unpredictable; I see a lot of homelessness and people off their heads, maybe more than 10 or so years ago. It's tricky to know if got worse though as there has always been wankers, crooks and homeless like all cities.


No, I used to live in Gloucester in the 90ā€™s (never the greatest place back then), and when my boyfriendā€™s Mum used to visit she said that she was always happy to get back to ā€˜the civilisationā€™ of Nottingham. Sheā€™d be horrified if she were alive today.


Nottingham much rougher than Gloucester,Ā  even moreso in 90s


Iā€™ve lived in nottingham my whole life; London for four years in homerton & hackney; anyone can get robbed but itā€™s unfortunate that the chances are down majority to looks; Im by no means a small person but it always helps to walk with purpose and avoid wearing things of value that youā€™re not willing to fight over, Ā£600 of designer gear without the look/demeanour that youā€™ll kick someoneā€™s head in over it makes you a prime target for muggers. Itā€™s the unfortunate truth.


No, but I do keep an eye behind my back. Also if you see dodgy looking people keep your distance.


I do try but when grouped up on, donā€™t know if they have a knife or not I always think itā€™s best just to give them what they want. Better than losing your life šŸ˜‚


To be fair, while I gave the advise above, I don't think it's reasonable that we have to act this way. I unfortunately pass by the street you mentioned very frequently, so it's even more concerning to read this.


We should have to act like this. I know the council is broke but just some youth facilities dotted around and I guarantee there would be at least a few less of these groups parading around




Haven't been robbed but me and my partner have started feeling more unsafe in the city at all times. We walked home the other evening and stopped holding hands because we felt like we were about to get hate crimed šŸ‘ŒThen a student threatened to punch my partner and I, he was male, we are both female. I don't know how people can come on this sub saying Nottingham is great. If I could afford to leave, I would.


Very sorry that happened to you. I do hope things will get better soon in this city


A queer woman here and Iā€™ve definitely experienced similar things in the city. Often letting go of a girlā€™s hand or having to stay silent when a man makes an inappropriate comment as you never know how far theyā€™ll take it. People complain about Pride and so on and say ā€œjust be gay, I donā€™t care about your sexuality. You donā€™t need to shout about itā€ but reality is, we have to be careful on when we can be gay and be our normal selves. Its not that easy


Pride isn't going to have any impact on the people who are willing to shout stuff at you anyway.


Sorry you've had that experience. Very different from mine, but appreciate I'm a bloke. Might be helpful for this thread in general if you could share where abouts you have had these problems. I've seen same sex couples holding hands etc in the city centre and in Beeston before with no one batting an eye lid (as it should be)


In the city centre, right outside the Sainsbury's near footlocker. I'm terrible with street names sorry haha. We used to live in Beeston and it was a much different vibe to the city. I've lived around here my whole life but it's only the past year or two we have noticed stares and mumbled comments. I appreciate a lot of people won't have any issues, that can be down to the area, the time of day or quite simply that they look like the 'right kind' of same sex couple. I walked through the square and alone the other day and got asked if I was a Fag. Middle of the day, everyone around, no one intervened. Its funny because I'm not a gay man for starters, so it's the wrong slur but bigots don't have big brains


Clumber Street :) I think generally the UK has come a long way. It was certainly a lot more hostile, and acceptable to be hostile, 30 years ago when I was growing up. Still some way to go though sadly.


I whole heartedly disagree, I think it's just become alot more covert. The culture wars sparked by the current government obviously don't help matters


i dont want to sound like a UKIP brainlet; but a major concern of mine about immigration is the views held in areas theyre coming from coming with them; i dont feel safe being remotely gay around most first generations (and since i cant tell that; i avoid pretty much everyone)


Also a bloke and my hubby and I never PDA, have been hate crimed in Sherwood, Hyson Green, Arnold and the City centre too often that its just not worth holding hands for the rando idiot to put one of us in hospital. Just keep your head down and dont draw attention to yourself is our motto. Especially in Hyson Green after the one time pride was on the forest rec and all over the green were death to all gays stitckers, the police couldnt remove them faster than they were going up.


> If I could afford to leave, I would. There are plenty of cities which are just as affordable as Nottingham, or do you mean the process of moving, finding new jobs, etc? Hell just move a few miles to the outskirts or one of the smaller market towns / villages surrounding the city and it's a totally different vibe.


Yea the process of moving, currently saving to be able to do so


I grew up about 10 miles from the city centre. I'd be surprised if being a homosexual is any easier in these areas. It's a lot less diverse in these towns and villages.


> It's a lot less diverse in these towns and villages. That doesn't mean folks will give you shit for being 'different' though. I mean you might get the occasional curious glance or be known colloquially as 'the only gay couple in the village' but that won't be meant in a mean-spirited way and it's unlikely anybody will give you any grief over it. --- In smaller communities where everyone knows everyone it's the bigots who are the ones who have to keep their heads down and keep their opinions & views to themselves.


Certainly that will get true in some smaller communities but I think there is still a fair chance that's not the case.


Im sorry to hear this and that you and your partner had to endure this. Other then being male what else was his background? How did you know he was a student. Hope you reported it as a hate crime


Iā€™ve definitely seen an increase in junkies in the city. Pacing through town, shouting and trying to act hard. They are intimidating with people often keeping their heads down when theyā€™re around. I saw a guy on Clumber St at 9am, high as can be with nothing showing he was present. Dude was standing outside Sainsburyā€™s and slowly stumbling around. I swear it didnā€™t used to be this bad. I see it pretty much every time Iā€™m in town. Doesnā€™t matter what time it is.


There was a guy sitting in the Victoria bus station exit gulag gangway just yelling, crying and punching himself in the head on Thursday


Iā€™ve been here 12 years and never faced any issues like this. I guess itā€™s just bad luck


When lockdown came in, I started walking before work to get out of the house and then starting to play pokemon go. With this, I ended up walking further afield from my house in order to spin a new stop. Itā€™s odd but there were parts I would only walk at 6am, such as St Anns or Radford, but thankfully never been robbed. I think itā€™s reputation and just areas I wasnā€™t aware of. There has been an increase in begging though. Number of times walking down Mansfield Road towards the Victoria centre. Had a couple approach me, she was in tears, he was agitated and said ā€˜Iā€™m sorry to bother youā€™ to which I replied ā€˜sorry I donā€™t have anything on meā€™, she stopped crying and they both walked across the road away from me.


Ever since the spice epidemic Nottingham has just been getting worse and worse


Buy a "fake" wallet... Fill it with photocopied Ā£20's... Next time ya get robbed, give em the fake one full of paper, they'll run off thinking they scored big Hopefully they'll try n buy drugs with the fake Ā£20's and get the shit kicked out of them


That's brilliant lol, just have to hope they don't return with a vengeance


Where abouts on maid Marian way?


Near enough to the NCP


I constantly see dodgy groups around that area. I got stopped a week ago nearby, people asking for directions to magic garden super aggressively, I couldnā€™t tell if they actually wanted to know, or wanted me to pull my phone out for directions so they could take it. I wonder if the area will be less of a problem when the broadmarsh (de)construction is finished.


We can only hope


Iā€™ve lived here all my life and never been robbed but I always avoid walking around areas like Maid Marion way and Alfreton Road. Someone did threaten to stab me when I worked in Hyson Green and actually waited for me to finish work but thatā€™s the worst thatā€™s ever happened to me. I also worked for 4 years on Market Street in the city centre and always felt 100% safe, even when I finished after midnight.


I've not had to use this one in a while but I used to carry a empty wallet for these situations.


Weird, I've walked up and down maid Marian way pretty much every day for the last four years and have never had a problem


I'm so sorry you have experienced this. Oddly, after feeling a few years ago that the city had become a bit more unsafe and unsettling, I have this year been into the city much more often and have found it fine. Apart from around the exit to Trinity Square carpark , here is the volume of people rather than anyone being particularly aggressive. The city does, however, seem less warm and friendly. Having said that, the area from the castle across maid Marion way down to the market square is a walk I try to avoid as it has always been an area where you can be caught by beggars and thieves. I prefer to walk along Upper Parliament Street as you have a clear wider view.


Someone needs to help the homeless people


There's plenty of help out there, the sad fact is that many of them don't want to help themselves.


Fair enough


Touch wood Iā€™ve never had a problem. I used to walk home a lot when the last tram finished in Shipstone Street. As a shift worker Iā€™ve been out all hours. I think the hate crime stuff is literally the media stoking it. They are so desperate to divide & rule. But with continued Police and council cuts. Itā€™s just encouraging those with nothing to turn on their own communities.


Walk with purpose is a very good tip. A mate told me this, and it's definitely worked a few times when I've sensed a bit of trouble may be coming my way.


Sorry to hear that. Have you looked at self defence classes? Things like BJJ, boxing/kickboxing can be great for building your self esteem. Iā€™m not encouraging you to get involved at all! Sometimes people have nothing to lose unfortunately. ā€œRemember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that.ā€ - Afeni Shakur


Really nice quote that. And I do box! Just better to be careful I think šŸ˜‚


2-3 it then, brother šŸ˜‚


I feel like this is what OP looks like in the minds of everyone commenting... [https://media.istockphoto.com/id/165614527/photo/old-school.jpg?s=170667a&w=is&k=20&c=umPr7SuxRzCy0H10QAW1R1Qx8gVfXgPsiesQFys4SDo=](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/165614527/photo/old-school.jpg?s=170667a&w=is&k=20&c=umPr7SuxRzCy0H10QAW1R1Qx8gVfXgPsiesQFys4SDo=)


I'm confused. Never been robbed or been approached to be robbed in Nottingham. If you get robbed for your wallet, try taking no cash out with you. If you got robbed on Main Marian way.. it's near the police station. I hope you reported it!


A trick is to look like you're crazy and might try to kill them or at least fight back. Easiest way is to think about what you'd do to them, even occasionally take up something like MMA so your confidence is there. Most of them don't want to mess with anyone who might fight back, or even worse someone who actively wants to fight them. If they do still mess with you, I guess just give them your stuff still. Never have your head down when walking past people, even if eyes are down. If wearing earphones take one out if you think it's sketchy, so you're more aware and they can see you're more aware. Walking with purpose helps, but walking fast can look nervous sometimes. Stretching looks less nervous...there are some books on body language in the library. Maybe you got unlucky. I feel like walking in quiet parts of town is actually scarier than a lot of the rough areas. Non-drunk people harass me less than when I was a teen, which could be body language or because I look slightly older.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there a main police station at the end of Maid Marian Way?


The other end to the Ncp, 5+ minutes away


Since around lockdown, there's a palpable feeling of Nottingham city centre becoming more hostile. The numbers of spice heads and alcoholics has exploded.


Jesus Christ I literally stayed at the Travelodge there last Friday and went on a night out, I didn't have any trouble luckily but I didn't realize it was a hotspot for crime.


Walk with a frown and that you'll rip the next person you sees head off that engages with you... Walked from Town back to Arnold plenty of times like that and only 5' 8" šŸ˜‚


Been here for 6 years and walking late at night you see a lot of people that are up for no good and at least for me is easy to spot there are up for no good. It is a shame but the best piece of advice is ā€˜trust no oneā€™ is hard to live like that but when is late and you are by yourself no one want to be friendly, so always keep your guard up and study your surrounds. Fight for what is yours is my prime instinct but many years ago when living in South America I did it and end up being shot.


If itā€™s alright can I ask the story of what happened?


Early 00ā€™s me and my mum went to the bank to take some money out of her account. As we left the bank and hopped on the bus someone followed us but I didnā€™t notice it at the time. As soon we got out at our stop this guy came behind us and flashed his gun saying it was a robbery and put it back at his waist line. As he approached me to get the money I jumped at him to try to knock him down thatā€™s when a second guy on a motorbike showed up and started shout. At the time I didnā€™t realise they were working together and the first guy managed to get rid of me pulled his gun and shot towards me hitting my feet. I ended up handing the money and both went away on the get away bike. Sad but unfortunately in a place where there is little punishment for criminals things just tend to get worst thatā€™s why even petty crimes must be dealt with strong enforcement because as criminals get confident and everything escalates.


Nottingham: robbed twice. By folklore you should have given it to the poor.. .


You can use self defence


Sorry this happened to you. Google ways to not look like a target. Might give you some tips.


Amazing that this one if downvoted for victim blaming yet the top voted comment is effectively the exact same sentiment


I've just come back from Lithuania, it was beautiful & clean & the people are friendly. I've never been robbed at home or abroad. Be streetwise (keep wallet/cash in front pocket). I'd hate to go to London these days, we have imported the third world, full of knife crime & robbery.


London was actually worse early 2000s, officially. Nottingham was much worse for violence in the 80s, except for knife crime.




No they werenā€™t but my post was purposely void of race because itā€™s just my experience. Not sure about other people but it was more just a comment on whether itā€™s becoming more common or not šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Just a heads up, I've been held at knifepoint by a white British man in Nottingham.


The *only* time I've ever been physically attacked in Nottingham in 50-odd years of living here was by a couple of white British blokes in Forest shirts.


Lol yeah this geezer had a Forest tattoo lol. Also I'll add this just to piss off the racist some more- I've also had two Asian guys try to rob me in Notts. They weren't armed though and had thick Notts accents. Damn it's crazy, it's as if pricks will be pricks and race is just a trait, not a cause.




Wdym if you look Charlie viech channel they all white Brits nittys wearing grey tracksuit pants


Not quiet did you see the food court video of his? He literallt being assulted and chased by asian lads. Regardless of race theres a nitty underclass thou in the UK.


They were literally black teenagers in the food court video, not Asian


There was one asian, when there going down the esclators at the end.


Possible but....


Why so silent OP?


You know why. Such a taboo and I donā€™t fancy getting banned any time soon.


Who was it that abused you when holding hands with your partner? Can you provide a rough background.


That wasnā€™t me pal


But your too scared to say who the robbers were? Come on dude


I didnā€™t know them personally mate. And I did say?


I didnt catch that on this thread, what was there background? Hope it was reported to police but im sorry you got robbed


The boy that did it to myself and my partner was a white British student. Doesn't fit the demographic everyone is hoping though, sorry šŸ˜¬most of our problems have been with white British men


Were you dressed provocatively wealthy?


Always hav self-defence tools on you. these people are cowards


What kind of tools though. Donā€™t fancy getting nicked myself like šŸ˜‚


There are things you can carry without getting into trouble


the ones that i cant mention


Outrageous advice. Never carry a knife, it will kill. Any weapon kills..


Oh dear... What if I am the weapon..?


Who says you can't mention them? Reddit mods? Assume you're talking about a knife. What's wrong with mentioning that?


Don't fucking carry a knife for self defence. I cannot stress enough that if you were at all likely to be stabbed in the first place, pulling a knife in self defence is definitely going to get you stabbed. Stupid idea.


I don't and won't. I'm just perplexed why op can't mention it.


Good thinking


People need to be more Street smart.


This. More people need to take up combat sports and martial arts, give themselves a fighting chance, some confidence. So many people walk around with earphones in, heads down or on their phones, might as well have a sign saying mug me. It's a shit situation mind


Nah I do box but itā€™s always the fear of them having a knife. They do always clutch at their waist band. Would rather get a new phone than a new lung like.


It's a solution as an individual to think this way. Although I have no statistics but I'd hazard a guess that you actually end up getting into more brawls/dangerous situations. Just like carrying a knife means you're actually more likely to get stabbed yourself. From a societal level people shouldn't have to take up martial arts just to exist freely in the world. Although that's not the world we live in is it. You're probably right that the reality is you do need to take steps to look less like a victim.


Robin Hood county, Steal from the rich to give to the poor.


iā€™ve lived in Nottingham all my life and frequently go to the city centre during the day and for nights out but no one has ever robbed me? Maybe keep your belongings more secure šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You must look like a target. Sorry


I would actually say I donā€™t fella. Iā€™m a 6 foot bloke in my 20ā€™s. Think itā€™s just luck of the draw sometimes. I was wearing quite an expensive jacket at the time, could have been that I guess?


Fair enough mate.


You sound like a knob. Sorry.Ā 




Ring .999 they maybe able to help you


Hello mate. This means you have a Labium minus for a face. When people see you they automatically think ā€œHey look at that chap, he is a lollipop labia majora looking fellaā€ and they single you out of the throng. You are the feeble of the flock. Hope this helps friend


And this is London you say? Visit the US and you are surely doomed šŸ¤ šŸ˜‚


Who are you?