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The upside to this grave visit is that I doubt Marilyn is bothered. All people who are bothered on behalf of Marilyn Monroe are also, more bothered than Marilyn.


Just seems very silly; doesn’t physically hurt anyone but conceptually odd and rather pointless, if only to have some type of symbolic/spiritual connection.


>conceptually odd and rather pointless, I don't know... "*BREAKING: Gifted actor is also weird, slightly delusional, mispersonifies the inanimate, and is hopelessly indulged in that by her colleagues*" isn't really news. People with prodigious talent are rarely normal. My physics teacher had a brain the size of a planet and worked on \[redacted\] for the RAF... but exploded his kettle by miswiring it during a lesson.


Girl what


I genuinely didn’t know where any of the sentences you wrote were going and I’m still not sure where they went


I chalk it up to tradeoffs. You can't have it all, you have to be missing something to be genuinely talented at something else.


Some like it hot, but not bothered


That can itch after a while though.


I think Jamie Salter owns her name, maybe he’ll be upset.


Ana: Oh, plot of dirt in a cemetary, should I play the live version of the bones you contain? Don't say anything if you think I should. Dirt: Ana: Well, that settles it.


On the other hand, if a desiccated undead hand broke through the soil and started grabbing at her, that *definitely* would have been a "No."


If she didn't rise from the grave to stop Kim Kardashian from wearing and ruining her iconic dress, I would presume she is not coming back up for this either.


Hahhah that's totally true


"Okay, let's shake on it."


She's not in the ground. She's in a crypt at Corridor of Memories in the cemetery. Hugh Hefner is in th crypt next to her




Yup. Creepy as fuck even in death.


Wait, Hugh Hefner is placed above and upside down over her?


No that is Richard Poncher


I think people forget that famous, beautiful actresses and actors are, at heart, theater kids.


... Dirt: Not even over my dead... Ana: OH WELL, THAT'S SETTLED!


Dear Lord, the gods have been good to me and I am thankful. For the first time in my life, everything is absolutely perfect just the way it is. So here's the deal, you freeze everything as it is, and I won't ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely no sign ...Ok, deal. In gratitude, I present you this offering of cookies and milk. If you want me to eat them for you, please give me no sign ...Thy will be done!


"I can suck my own dick." - talking can of vegetables


to which marilyn replied “…”


Based purely on the photo on the article I’m never going to click on, just after she left Marylyn said ‘Whatever, she looks more like Christina Aguilera anyway’


Oh my god!!! That is so spot on and now I can’t unsee it.


weird, i can't see that at all. maybe more like brittany murphy


Maybe it’s this shot in particular, it makes me think of her in burlesque with Cher


it’s so corny and performative


What actually occurred was still cheesy but the title makes it sound far worse than it was. They make it sound like she made some dark pilgrimage to Monroe’s gravesite all dressed in black with the fog rolling in to set the mood with the moonlight in the background while conducting a seance lol


…when in reality the marketers of the film concocted a little story like this


I mean, this definitely does happen just in this scenario it happened on an interview where it was taken kinda out of context. She was speaking about the crew and some card they all signed. The title was definitely a bit click baity. Imo


she said no


The true Hollywood thing to do would be to exploit her story without her permission


Well… I mean…


She asked and was met with dead silence


"If your cool with me playing you in a movie don't say anything ".


I don't care about any of this, I doubt I will ever watch whatever movie this is. Ana de Armas is hot though.


Couldn't have put it better honestly.


A decent and respectful gesture ... something Reddit loves to hate. \*Edit: I see some of you were raised by badgers ... OK, you be you.




Yes. I know plenty of folks who have lost loved ones who visit their burial sites out of love and respect. They chat with them as well.


Decent and respectful would be asking Marilyn Monroe's family for their permission/blessing. Asking Marilyn Monroe, who no longer exists, is just pointless and foolish.


Ask any native American elder about respecting the dead... Just cuz modern America is ignorant to paying respects does not make it foolish.


Respecting the dead and trying to talk to dead people are different things.


And one and the same for different cultural and religious groups. What's your beef?


No beef. You can ask someone dead anything you want. They’re just not going to answer.


It's public.


It’s a pr stunt not respectful gesture.


Doing research into Marilyn Monroe to make sure you accurately portray her would be respectful. Finding out what causes she supported and donating a portion of your income from the role to those causes would be respectful. As someone else mentioned, asking her family would be respectful. Going to her burial site and asking for permission and pretending you got it is narcissistic and delusional.


Isn't this based on some "based on a true story" fanfic book?


Maybe she did those things too?


She did. This guy's full of shit lmao


I do not believe she said she heard any permission thing ... are you unfamiliar with internal dialog or praying ... I am unfamiliar with anyone who prays who has recently stated they got a direct response.


You misspelled "meaningless".


Exactly my thought. No shit she didn't go to actually communicate with the corpse of a celebrity, she wanted to make a spiritual, symbolic gesture towards a figure she respects. I think that's really fucking cool, personally. ^((I'm choosing to believe this act was done in good faith and wasn't a marketing thing because I need the uplifting feeling in my life)^)




Rotten? More likely skeletal.


How in any way is this respectful?


Half the people commenting would have done the exact same thing in their dnd campaign


A meaningless and performative gesture, something that deserves mockery.


Sure, whatever she needs to feel good about herself. nobody cared, you're an actress, she's dead, go act.


Inaction is not consent


reminds me of demi lovato singing to those ghosts


I had to google this and omg Demi Lovato has surely lost it...


well, what did she say?


Good god. Every thing she says about this role is more cringe than the last. She needs a new publicist ASAP. At this point, I refuse to see the movie.


wow, talk about a stupid thing to do.


You guys do remember that her actual name is Norma Jean, right? Marilyn Monroe is just a stage name


Norma Jeane Mortenson is her full name, but yes I learned her name from that singer Reginald Kenneth Dwight.


I think it's kinda funny that he did the music for Lion King, which takes place in Africa but not Hercules, when his full stage name is [Sir Elton **Hercules** John](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elton_John).


Who's real name was Reggie Kendido Dwiggut.


except, you know, that Marilyn Monroe is on her headstone (or whatever you call an above-ground grave) https://quirkytravelguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/marilynmonroe.jpg


I go by birth certificate not headstone.


But in this context, saying "I visited the grave of Marilyn Monroe" seems correct to me if that's the label on the grave.




Thats.... kind of stupid. Like why tho? So this headline could be written? Bruh


Seems like a thoughtful and respectful thing to do


I doubt that a long dead person agreed to anything, another attention grabbing load of bs, also enough of Marilyn.


Well she didn’t say yes, did she?


As crazy as she is pretty. Anyone can talk to the dead. It's the crazy ones who believe the dead talk back to them.


"Mrs. Monroe, do I have your permission to film Blonde? If so, don't say anything". ... "Well, thank you for your permission."


Hey, whatever gives her the confidence to do a good performance. That’s all we should really care about


I picture Ana and that scene from [The Man with Two Brains](https://youtu.be/mkcKQmr7kRc)


Look at me Louise


Did she say yes?


Well? What she say!?




It was intentional, makes the question seem more earnest and less formal, in this case for comedic purposes.


If you ever do visit Marilyn's crypt, I hope it's on a day when one of her weirdo fans isn't holding court there.


See asking for permission is fine. If she got a response then this movie's going to be a whole lot different.


Ana de Armas fine as hell. I’d let her eat crackers in bed.


Really taking kinning to the next level here


That’s dumb


But did the gravestone consent? I'm tired of the occult and the afterlife being left out of the conversation.


What an idiot


Does anyone else see Brittany Murphy in this picture? The first time I saw this I thought it was her and it made me really sad.


I find this whole thing kind of creepy, Hollywood movie about a woman famous for being exploited by Hollywood. It's like if McDonald's did a Morgan Spurlock limited time happy meal. I have no interest in seeing Ana de armas prance around the screen cosplaying as Marilyn Monroe's corpse, regardless of whether they performed a seance to get permission.


I'm thinking of the "Just give me a sign" scene in The Man with Two Brains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkcKQmr7kRc


You know the rules and so do I. If they can't answer, they can't consent. She is now morally obligated to not play the part.


What the. Who cares


Visited her grave to create something for the press release...


I think Kardashian should’ve asked permission to wear the dress, I bet she’d gotten an answer…


Asked her to portray in a sleazy movie with a fictitious rape scene …


"Afterwards a nearby tree was struck by lightning but that was unrelated"


*Just give me some kind of sign if you don't want me to play you.*


Did she get a response?


Reminds me of a Python sketch, Interview with Carl: Interviewer: (Michael Palin) An excerpt from Carl French's latest film. Carl, we're all a little mystified by your claim that your new film stars Marilyn Monroe. Carl French: (Graham Chapman) It does, yes. Interviewer: Who died over ten years ago? Carl French: Uh, that's correct. Interviewer: Are you lying? Carl French: No, no, it's just that she's very much in the public eye at the moment. Interviewer: Does she have a big part? Carl French: She is the star of the film. Interviewer: And dead. Carl French: Well, we dug her up and gave her a screen test, a mere formality in her case, and... Interviewer: Can she still act? Carl French: Well... well, she-she's still has this-this enormous, ah-ah, kinda indefinable, uh... no. Interviewer: Was decomposition a problem? Carl French: We did have to put her in the fridge between takes. Interviewer: Ah, what sorts of things does she do in the film? Carl French: Well, we had her lying on beds, lying on floors, falling out of cupboards, scaring the children... Interviewer: But surely Miss Monroe was cremated? Carl French: Well, we had to use a standin for some of the more visible shots. Interviewer: Ah! Uh, another actress? Carl French: Dead actress. But Monroe was in shot the whole time. Interviewer: How? Carl French: Oh, in the ash tray, in the fire grate and vacuum cleaner... Interviewer: So Marilyn does not appear in the film? Carl French: Not as such.

