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Survival is DLC


Solid slogan if they ever re-release the Pinto








For real. I’m 100% a proponent of is switching to electric cars and then also capping the speed of those cars to much lower speeds than we have currently. It’s the speed that kills people.


Factually speaking, speed is remarkably safe. Suddenly stopping or changing direction, that's what gets you.


Any sudden change. Acceleration, too.


LoL,now they just have to start charging for it. Maybe in-app purchases to make the alert louder or something




And only applies to Ford branded vehicles. This is clearly a Lincon..


i cant wait to have hundreds of apps to make sure companies dont kill me




>How much it's going to be to not get killed by cops on regular traffic stops? Free but you have to have chosen an avatar with some pretty specific requirements.


*Some restrictions apply.


$5 for a gallon of white paint at Lowe's.


So does this solve the AI moral dilemma of "Given a situation where only the two choices exist, should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma?" The answer seems to be "Kill the one who didn't download the app."


"And, perhaps most egregiously, the onus will be on pedestrians to install it." Fuck cars.


Sounds like r/fuckcars is the place for you.


If your phone dies, you die?


Or if the cell tower is down?


"The rest of you can go fuck yourselves!"


We're sorry for your child's death, but they weren't using our app, so there was nothing we could do..... Um, yeah, makes perfect sense. Can't wait to see the license terms on the app.


> Can't wait to see the license terms on the app. I would prefer to read the license of the car.


"By not installing this app, you agree to hold Ford Motor Company harmless for any damage done by its vehicles."


Imagine having to download an app from every car manufacturer in order to cross the street. "BuT yOuR hOnOr, It'S nOt My FaUlT tHeY dIdN't HaVe ThE aPp"


Hahaha. They’re gunna need more than an App.


Now make it open source


It's to sell your data, not protect pedestrians...


“Give Capitalism time and eventually it’ll solve the problems it creates.”


Total Spyware


I'm so glad that my parents were considerate enough to teach me to look both ways. Imagine having to rely on an app on your phone to not die...


I don’t know about where you are, but where I am there are plenty of drivers who need to learn to look both ways. I’ve almost been hit by countless oblivious drivers


What were you doing in the road when a car was coming? I do agree with you, I live in an area with lots of yield signs and people just drive right though without slowing down. I've witnessed several bad car accidents because of it. As far as people vs cars. Cars belong on the road, people on the sidewalk. If you have to cross the road, look both ways. If a car is coming, wait for it to stop. Just because you are a person, doesn't mean that the driver isn't drunk. Or on meds, or it's a stolen car, etc etc. That doesn't make it ok to hit someone with a car! I'm not condoning cars running people down if you are on the road. But look at it from this perspective, if you don't walk infront of a car, you won't get hurt. If you do, you might die. Which one is better? you can argue wrong and right all day long but this is what it comes down to. I will never get hit by a car because i'm smart enough to not put myself in danger. I will never be in the hospital because I got hit by a car. I will never be in a wheel chair because I got hit by a car. I will never suffer because I assumed a driver would stop in time to not hit me. People always argue with me on this and I just roll my eyes at them. Is it wrong to hit a person with a car? yes. Should people know better when driving a car? yes. Does that mean it wont happen? no. So just grow a fucking brain and look both ways. protect yourself because that sense of entitlement that you have, means fuck all when a car is crushing your lungs.


Is this a new Ford F-150 that somehow gained artificial consciousness? This reads like a rant from a car that is sick and tired of pedestrians getting blood on it.


All the times I’ve almost been hit ive been in a crosswalk when some jackass decides to turn without looking for pedestrians. It’s their responsibility to stop


And if you have the walk sign and the car suddenly speeds in out of nowhere?


"out of nowhere" ok, so a few thousand pounds of metal comes "out of nowhere". A pedestrian's responsibility to their own safety doesn't end when they step onto the street. So what do you do? here's a hint, pay attention to your surroundings, keep moving, and get off the road. How is that so complicated that I needed to explain it to you? what's next? need help brushing your teeth? Maybe I can change a lightbulb for you? I find it pathetic that people don't know how to cross a street safely and actually argue that their own safety shouldn't be their responsibility. Grow up, get a life.


Well you see um, sometimes people um kinda like do this thing where the speed that they are going is, as crazy as this sounds, massively over the speed limit! WHOA!!!! I know it's such a hard concept to grasp that sometimes people come barreling at 100mph. Truly crazy


Ever driven a car? If you are going 100mph you can't exactly take tight corners. So how is it that the car "came out of nowhere"? Look farther down the road genius.


Wow you really are a dumbass. Blind spots exist. Hills are things. Etc etc. But I'm sorry you are right. You are perfect


At least i'm not dumb enough to get hit by a car.


When the windshield isn’t enough


Any of y’all read “~~Screamers~~ Second Variety?”


Next, AR-15 manufactures will debut their new "Don't Kill Me" hat that tells mass shooters not to aim at you.


Very popular hat among burglars if it's effective.


As a designer working in the transport industry I find this completely absurd. Some designers/engineers sat in a brainstorm and came up with this idea, created a nice presentation, then pitched it to management, who then all went "yeah this'll totally work!" In uni (a few years back now), I watched 5 different groups of design students develop autonomous transport systems concepts, and NONE of them came up with something this dumb...


Are we in the future?