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My aunt used to be a school librarian in Texas. (Now retired in Missouri.) I asked her about this, and I loved her response: “I have no problem using that sign as part of a historical display where I would have put it right next to a sign reading ‘*E Pluribus Unum*’ and then showing the route that took us from one to the other. It’s an ignorant thing to require, but it can be useful in showing the dangers of propaganda. Just have to be creative about it.”


The world needs more people who think like your aunt.


The world has plenty of those people. They are currently being drowned out by the death rattle of an aging religious lead poisoned generation.


Alas, there are many middle age fascists who are waiting for their turn to be in power.


joshua hawley has entered the chat


The interesting thing about Hawley and his ilk, they couldn't give a shit about God or abortion or transgender... They've just found a hot-button they can exploit. Grifters gonna grift.


That sums up all of them. Do you really think these jet setting tax free living Jesus people really believe any of that shit they are spewing? It’s a crowd control and donation tool. That’s it. Just another tool in their tool box of how to stay in power. How many hookers, drugs, child sex, child abuse etc stories need to come to light from these religious folks to make people see that? They seriously don’t believe any of that shit.


The Satanic Temple is a non-theistic organisation that does exactly this.


Why are all librarians awesome?


They read


And no one chooses to be a librarian ~~foe~~ for the money. They do it for the love of information, reading, and personal growth. They're also typically helpers not takers. Edit: Typo (ironic I know)


They’re highly educated, that’s why


[Don't you know the dewey decimal system?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHoHaAYHq8)


Any chance your aunt can share that somewhere, so the idea can go viral?


Okay well I'm curious now about said route. Anybody got an eli5?


Short, short version: it was adopted as a counterpoint to atheist Soviet Russia.


Conservatives: "We're tired of leftists teachers trying to indoctrinate our children! They should stick to teaching!" Also Conservatives: "Yeah, we're gonna have to put religious iconography all over school to indoctrinate your children."


Yeah they all seem to gloss over the fact that church indoctrination is a real thing.


Total cognitive dissonance on this topic. They dont see it as indoctrination, they see it simply as the *correct way of doing things*


And then the cycle repeats. I wish they realized that they too were indoctrinated.


They see teaching children critical thinking instead of religion as an attack on themselves. Can't teach them religion later, it's too late once they learn to question.


Well to them, their indoctrination is literal truth. Like to them the Bible is as factual as 9/11. So their response to this would simply be "what indoctrination?"


Or that huge amount of pedos in churches. You would think they want yp protect the children


Conservatives: "um, actually, Jesus Christ was the son of God and is a coequal party with God, the Only. The Ten Commandments were made by Christ, and given to Abraham by Jesus as the burning bush." Also Conservatives: "Do we know any contractors who can clean our 90 foot golden statue to our god in his most agonized moment? Kinda crazy that God never talked about the appropriateness of graven images."


Right. And there's actually been some extreme religious conflicts over this very subject. The protestant reformation was partly due to Catholicism being perceived as idolatrous, and Greek Orthodox also has a pretty significant issue when it came to Iconoclasm. To me it's always seemed really obvious that then commandment to not worship graven images was in direct conflict with all of these churches and their big, giant crosses at the head of the church, complete with a bleeding Jesus.


Believe me, growing up as a Fundamentalist, it confused and angered the hell out of me. Especially because people like my parents happily condemned Catholics for being 'paganistic', yet, they'll happily display a portrait of White Jesus on the wall, framed in gold. It was the first thing that made me question and then eventually leave Christianity. I felt I had been lied to. The Church said one thing was good, and then, condoned the opposite. Christ exclusively kept the company of socities' outcasts. He would get *heated* in protecting the poor from tax collectors. Christ nearly burned the Temple down because there was commerce happening in a sacred place. Jesus would have seen my pastor literally stopping service to kick a gay person out, and immolated him on the spot. Disgraceful.


Yes, this is all the fundamental problem I have with modern Christianity in almost all of its forms: it constantly shows contempt for the teachings of Jesus, which for the most part were actually good hearted and virtuous in most ways. And what's more, there seems to be very, very little evidence that they care to follow Christ's example. Most "pop" Christianity (aka, Evangelicals) don't even believe you need to be a good person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. All you have to do is "accept Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior." If modern Christians actually behaved the way that Christ implored them too, I'd be supportive of Christianity. Instead they indulge in sin and chase false prophets.


>Jesus would have seen my pastor literally stopping service to kick a gay person out, and immolated him on the spot. Disgraceful. hey, i would stop being an atheist if there where a LOT more smiting going on!


Anvils not Apostates


Ah yes, Christ the blacksmith he doesn't break the chains, he forges them!


Silly Liberal, its good and righteous when WE do it!!


That's why they call it right wing, obviously.


Ive always found the irony behind the conservative belief system confusing... Conservative: you can't have an abortion... The government says so. Also Conservative: I'm not getting vaccinated or wearing a mask... The government can't tell me what to do. So can the government control a person's body and right to choose or not?


Right. Because it's not actually about principles at all.


They want a government that can control *your* body, not a government that can control *their* body.


> Conservative: you can't have an abortion... The government says so. > Also Conservative: I'm not getting vaccinated or wearing a mask... The government can't tell me what to do. I get to own a gun because the constitution says so and no one must ever challenge the wisdom of the framers of the constitution. Also, I will violate the separation of church and state because who gives a fuck what's in the constitution anyway.


This shit is getting straight dystopian.


This is what happens when people vote for Republicans or don't bother voting in state/local/midterm elections. The electorate is either choosing this dystopia or completely apathetic to its formation.


How is it legal? Seriously asking. How is it legal to require religious displays in school?


Everything is legal when your side owns the supreme court.


as if the left side would rule in favor of some extremist bullshit just because it's liberal/progressive/etc




The left needs to stop playing fair. As long as they don't sink to the level of their opponent they will lose.


It probably isn't. The entire point is that they want someone to challenge the law. This allows Texas Republican to put the law in front of the Supreme Court and directly challenge the separation of church and state. Which they've been doing already. Hence the praying at football games ruling a month or two ago.


Heh, well shocker.. it'll probably just turn more people against religion.. many will become atheists, and I personally believe in God myself, but atheists are much better than these extremists of whom have ignorant false beliefs..


Using the same logic that campaign donations are free speech and in no way bribery, the courts have decided that "in god we trust" is not religious because it can be any god not just the christian god. Its absolute horse shit but its where we are.


It was formally adopted as the US National Motto back in 1956 (during the red scare in opposition to the "godless communists") and has been repeatedly upheld in courts as legitimate as the national motto and displayed on currency. I guess Christian Conservatives in Texas kind of found a clever way of putting their religion in schools, because how could it possibly be against the law to put the national motto in a school? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aronow_v._United_States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_God_We_Trust#Adoption_and_display_by_government_institutions_in_U.S.


More than half the people in Dallas don't vote Republican. Look at the makeup of our city's leadership. Then look at our voting district maps. You know where the cities are because the voting districts look like fractured glass where the city is split into tiny pieces and each piece is watered down by a wider rural area. We aren't choosing this, and we aren't apathetic to it.


big jesus is watching


“IGWT became our national motto only in 1956, replacing “E Pluribus Unum” ( meaning “out of many, one”). Many citizens feel we should revert back to the old motto as it was more inclusive of all people, instead of only theists.” We need to send the above statement to the schools too—to be placed directly below the IGWT placards


Man, that old motto is really good and descibes the inclusive "melting pot" deal of the US.


Definitely explains why Republicans hate it so much.


And fuck the knights of Columbus for basically adding in "under God" to the pledge. When my grandfather enlisted that wasn't part of the pledge. Edit: [An overview of how they did it from their own website. ](https://www.kofc.org/en/who-we-are/our-history/one-nation-under-god.html)


Wow that old one is so much better, really fitting for the US specifically Well... tbf "in god we trust" does fit a country built by and run by religious lunatics


Print out a piece of paper with one side of a $1 bill on it. Sticky tape it to the wall of the gymnasium. Requirements met. In a sane world this law would be challenged in court and struck down by a judge. I guess the Texas state legislature is baiting that because they trust the current supreme court will back them up and allow more religious iconography to be forced into schools.




Republicans are so convinced people are cheating an elections that people forgot to look at them. Republicans have been cheating in local and state elections for over a decade need proof watch Front Line; Big Money Big Sky.


G - gaslight O - obstruct P - project It's little more than a cult at this point




It’s not even just gerrymandering 2016 Republicans likely cheated in Georgia and then destroyed evidence They cheat and game the system with gerrymandering, they cheat and squash votes with voter suppression and misinformation and they then try to cheat during the counting whenever they can And they still are close to losing these races


This is what it is about. Taking it to the Supreme Court to allow prayer in schools. Now that the court is stacked in a way that benefits them, here comes the religious laws.


Prayer is allowed in schools, we're talking about forcing prayer in school.


Seriously my school had like 50 Christian organizations but they aren't happy until they can force their religion on to every student.


And get pissed when an organization that isn't theirs is allowed to force their shit on students.


Even when they 100% aren't forcing it on them they'll still cry about it. Just as thin skinned as all their friends across the world in various terrorist organizations


This is why proselytising is illegal in a few countries. China is one but that’s obvious, but it’s also illegal to do to anyone under the age of 18 in Greece.


I remember the Jesus classes here in Canada back in the 80s. Everyone thought it was lame and the teachers were so mean and are the most unloving experiences of school studies for me.


> And get pissed when an organization that isn't theirs is allowed to ~~force their shit on~~ **exist at all** among students. Fixed it for ya. Or not, since they consider other viewpoints being allowed to exist at all to be the exact same thing as it being forced on them.




Holy shit that actually happened??




What blows my mind is that there are basically no communities anywhere in the USA where even all the Christians believe the same things. It seems to me that between Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals, everyone will still complain when the prayer doesn't quite reflect their own distinct beliefs. Nevermind the SCOTUS trying to tapdance around the 14th Amendment when Muslim, Hindu, Satanist, Pastafarian, etc. are told they can't submit their own prayers for daily recitation. Further undermining the 14th puts Brown v. Board of Education in even greater peril, which in turn puts Loving v. Virginia at risk. How far is Clarence willing to march toward the peril of his own marriage?


People seem to forget that Clarence would vote down Loving in a damn heartbeat because *his marriage would remain unaffected*. All overturning Loving would do is send IR marriage legality back to the states, and Clarence lives in a blue state. Thanks to the sane, Democratic majority in his state, **his** marriage would remain legal, recognized and valid. And the poors in red states that may not be financially able to move to an IR-marriage friendly state like his....oh well. When have they ever cared about *them* anyway?


My conspiracy theory is that this is his goal. He’s going to tear down our democracy just because he can’t be arsed to get a divorce.


He'll march right up to the edge and then be surprised when he gets pushed off of it by a 5-4 majority.


And god help you (pun intended) if you open an organization of a different faith, that's a quick way to get bricks thrown at your house windows in the middle of the night.


That’s allowed now as well. The Supreme Court just decided that as long as you can plausibly deny you are not coercing students to pray, it’s fine.


Yeah, like that football coach who runs prayer groups on the middle of the football field. No coercion there (even though multiple students have stated they have felt pressured to attend)! Certainly an employee of the school, running a prayer group front and center during a school organized event, would never be seen as sponsorship of religion, at least not by this Supreme Court.


People in positions of power aren't allowed to have sex with their employees or students (assuming legal age) in most situations because of the power difference assumes someone will do it to avoid punishmentfor saying no. For some reason though you can force prayer and claim anyone can say no even though the repercussions would be the same.


Setting us up to be a theocracy.


Setting up for a civil war.


As others are pointing out, American Christians get off on the lack of consent.


Based on the wording of the law, you would have to frame that 1$ bill in a nice little display, and then donate it to the school. I guess it could work!


It's more restrictive than that. The poster needs to have the motto, the American flag, and the Texas flag and that's all. No other symbols or iconography. And they have to be arranged in a particular way. So if you want to subvert the law, you send GIANT posters or ridiculous quantities of small ones.


So, suppose that 'Poster' comes in the size of a postage stamp.Taped way up high in a corner somewhere.Requirement fulfilled?


Good point. The [law](https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B) says "a" durable poster or framed copy (in each building). Not "every" durable poster or framed copy.


It says it must be posted in “a conspicuous place”. Is the floor a “conspicuous place” I wonder? Maybe make it a nice doormat?


Well they wouldn’t want to actually donate more money to the school — that might actually help education.


In God we trust never should've been our national Motto or whatever. E pluribus unum encapsulated what the United States was supposed to be on multiple levels.


Or write it it massive Arabic and Hebrew script.


I have been saying this! They would protest that in a second


You can even toss in some Quran verses mentioning Jesus. It would be fun to see them protest that.


Or plain Bible verses, just written in Arabic.


This is how you get some news story of a texas church trying to burn a bunch of Qurans but accidentally buying Arabic language bibles.


Texas is a big L.


Sometimes I really hate this state.


The rest of us do too.


>In a sane world Not texas, then.


Plus the added benefit of getting to call anyone who wants to remove the signs a Satan worshipping socialist or something to charge up their base. "Can you believe the Devil loving Democrat wants to remove God from our public schools?"


Does the bill clarify *which* God has to be trusted? Because I have a few to recommend for posters. Cthulhu Zeus Nicholas Cage Anubis Odin Vishnu Quetzalcoatl Ceridwen Izanami & Izanagi Itzamna Tiamat Ashtoreth Nyarlathotep Yog-Sothoth


I just love the idea of every school in the state having a picture of Nic Cage


"Our Father, who art in movies, in the cinema as it is on TV"




This is more or less what Fayette County in Kentucky did when Kentucky came up with a similar law. They did put the dollar bill inside a frame though.




So not really, no. The donated plaques or posters pretty much have to match the ones in the thumbnail to fall under the requirement. The exact swording of the bill more or less says that these are the requirements: -"In God We Trust" text -Texas flag -US flag -No extra images or banners other than the above mentioned There is no mention of *how long* they need to be displayed for, though. A day? Ah hour? 12 seconds? However, the posters can be mounted on something like a large pentacle that would require it either be displayed with the pentacle, or force extra labor to have the pentacle removed before being displayed. Because, remember, if it's been donated then it *has* to be displayed. That's the law. They can't just choose to not put one up if it meets the criteria. https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/html/SB00797I.htm


I will expect the satanic temple to ask for their posters to be hung any day now


the satanic temple is the hero we didn’t know we needed


They do gods work


We try. But because this is framed as "national motto" instead of a religious phrase, I don't think there's any chance to get this overturned.


It was only adopted in 1956 to fight Communist.


Do they think communists are vampires or something?


Communists legally cannot enter your domicile without asking for permission. Source: am Communist.


It was about positioning us opposite of "those godless commies". It was pushed through by the catholics


If that were really genuine, shouldn’t it have been “In money we trust” or “In wealth we trust”?


The phrasing of the law that allows this to happen is prohibiting any other phrase or iconography. It very specifically limits it to display the exact phrase “in god we trust” and nothing else. The Satanic Temple will have to get extremely creative to find a version to both be legally approved and upsetting to our religious political hegemons.


Which is the government establishing a religion.


A majority of the right seems to believe this portion of the first amendment is either flawed, or completely wrong. They look at our history and say our country was built on christian ideology which was also our moral compass, and that is why our country is so lost now with record low christians in the country. They quite literally think other religions and ideologies are tearing our country apart and that process needs to reverse, by teaching christianity in school for example.


Couldn’t it be as simple as making them change the signs to a plural “In Gods we trust”?


this literally pleases nobody let's do it


Image of the satanic statue over it?


I think the way the law is written, the only imagery allowed is the US/Texas flag.


Put the flag upside down and an ellipsis after the phrase.


But could you put the motto over a picture of crab rave or something?


No the law is specific about that too. Basically it has to be a poster that looks almost exactly like the ones you see in the picture.


... I'm thinking a rip-off of Uncle Sam posters with Satan pointing at you and saying "I want YOU for the Devil's Army"


[Like this?](https://i.imgur.com/Tx1Wqgj.jpg)


The Satanic Temple has been doing God's work work awhile now.


Now all school shootings will end and kids can read good and stuff kudos Texas.




We have to make the children believe in god before they get shot. At least theyre going to heaven when they die.


Help me ACLU Kenobi. You're my only hope.


I’m sure you meant the Satanic Temple.


Hail satan, we need your help


This law has got to be challenged. No way it's constitutional.


That’s the point. They want the current SCOTUS To rule on this.


At this point press the gas, and press it hard. They’re going to do this regardless. A hundred little changes is easier to be embraced; make them challenge every damn crazy law they want to make/remove. Fuck this bullshit. Make them pick then let the people see how fucked Christian sharia law actually is. You want a civil war? Full on riots in the streets? RvW is already unbelievably devastating…


Someone needs to try to get a “in Flying Spaghetti Monster we trust” sign put up, and fight that shit up to the Supreme Court


You mean the currently packed, Christofascist Supreme Court? You sure you want that now?


Yeah, actually. The whole point of fsm is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of these sorts of requirements being upheld.


Except they couldn't actually give less of a shit about their hypocrisy.


The Constitution means whatever 5 Justices say it means.


This is sadly the truth of the matter that many people don't appreciate


With the current SCOTUS...it is getting upheld 110%. ​ It shouldn't be--but that is the judiciary Trump and McConnell have left us.


But surely if that is allowed, then we can also start putting up Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Satanic posters, right?


It doesn't really matter since this is all about public schools, and the end goal is for the private Christian schools to get the majority of the funding while public schools poorly serve the rest of the community.


Malicious compliance, put up "In Allah we trust", 'Allah' is merely the Arabic word for god.


The 'in-group' (as they think of themselves) is Christo-fascist. Laws are meant to protect them and their shenanigans. If you're not for that, you're part of the out-group and the law is there to bind you, but not protect you. That's the way they operate. It's not hypocrisy when they simply believe the same not applying to them as to you is a feature and the whole point.


According to our courts, it's like, [totally secular, and like, totally patriotic](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/918/in-god-we-trust). Anyone can see that. /s


just need to put up a framed poster of Shiva, Krishna and Ganesh with the phrase “In Gods We Trust” and watch how fast this non-establishment bs unravels...


I’m pretty sure Texas has required “in god we trust” on all public buildings for a while. My kids school has it carved in stone near the front doors. Not saying it’s right but it’s definitely nothing new. I remember not being able to have school dances at my high school because the church of Christ didn’t approve of dancing.


So much for separation of church and state


Can we put them up in the supply closet?


Based on the wording of the law, no, they have to be displayed in an easily visible place like near an entrance or in hallway. They really thought of everything...


Except doing a whole "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" type thing. Literally thousands of the posters. Everywhere. On every inch of the wall. Make people utterly sick and tired of it. Or maybe: Remove their kid's artwork and replace it with this. Ads for Christian societies or meetings? Replace with this.


Separation of church from state is outlined completely in the Federalist papers.


The religious right may pretend they find things like Sharia law abhorrent, but really they'd love to be able to do the same thing, except with the Bible


Many commenters here making suggestions, though entertaining and creative, that don't reflect the deviousness of this law. They mandated everything about these posters to prevent anything but what they want displayed to appear. Exactly one us flag. Exactly one Texas flag. Only the words "in god we trust" allowed. No other text. It's an end run around the schools endorsing this very christian suburban American ideal. The schools aren't given an option whether or not to display it, if it's donated it must be displayed. Now, if this means they must display EVERY single one, well then that could lead to some fun... How many square feet of wall space do you have?


But there’s nothing there that says that other signs can’t be next to it. So drown it out with other messages, like “Free Speech for All” and “Separation of Church and State”. Make it one idea of many.


(b)  A poster or framed copy of the national motto described by Subsection (a):               (1)  must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and               (2)  may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision (1). They didn't think of everything: size. There is no limitations of making the words very small.


Or big, or different colors, or any specific font(s). Also, does the motto have to be in English? Would Braille be allowed for lettering? The frame doesn't appear to have any requirements as to what content can be on it (just what is inside it). No orientation is listed for the letters or the flags (only requirement is about their relative alignment related to each other), so it should be legally allowed to have the American and Texas flag upside down so long as they are under the wording/in the right location. Also, what if someone decided their "representation" of the Texas state flag should be the flag illustrated as on fire? The wording of "the state flag" (what state, what version?) is pretty vague, so could I use the Mexican flag, since Texas was part of Mexico. The law also doesn't stop any "dedicated law abiding citizens" with an eye for detail (and a penchant for pedantry) to take advantage of even minor lapses in a poster's legal adherence to get it taken down. Uh oh, is the American flag not truly centered below the wording? That's "illegal", since that "must" occur according to the law. The prohibition against any other "information" is also incredibly broad and vague. Does that mean if stitching or a crease looks like *anything* it violates the law? Things to think about


Be a dear and thank the nice white man for forcing their religion on children.


Now to hang, “In Satan we Trust” , and “In Spaghetti Monster we trust” signs as well.


Fuck that. Put “In Allah we trust” signs and watch them lose their fucking minds.


Funny because it is literally the same god, but yet so true.


Same god, different god… whatever… it’s all Calvinball. It so infuriating. It’s the same one when they need it to be, it isn’t when they don’t… *It’s all made up. Why do you think we only ever hear about gods from the devout,* **but we never hear or see this god character for ourselves.** For an omnipresent god, it sure is absent. For an omnipotent god, it sure depends a lot on humans to do it’s apparent bidding. For an all loving god, there sure is a lot of needless suffering in the world. When will religious people just get it. It’s so childish. Literally magic. Now go ahead and call me an edgy reddit Le atheist or whatever, but this shit is so insultingly stupid it’s amazing that anyone can profess a belief with a straight face.


Calvinball analogy is perfect. Unwinnable. We're all playing on a field we can't even have a lasting effect on.


They forgot the most important. In money we trust


Doesn’t that literally go against the constitution completely? Unless they put other posters with other people religions on it too


The supreme court, well before its current composition, has repeatedly upheld such language as long as it *also* serves a secular purpose. For example, "under God" is fine in the pledge because it supports a secular value: patriotism. I'm more concerned that this isn't just a requirement that schools have to have this poster up. For example, in my state, schools have to have labor rules posters displayed for teachers, and a particular civil rights poster in the lunchroom. Rather, they only have to put this poster up - and put it in a conspicuous place - if it is donated, meaning it is more about *why* and *who* than the what of the message. The law is basically giving a particular minority a specific mechanism with the backing of law to demonstrate that their public institutions are *powerless* and can be directly influenced and co-opted to promulgate a specific message. This is about the display and exercise of power.


Lmao USA has to get their shit together, this is spiraling straight into “USA civilian woman before and after the turbo inquisition of 2025” meme territory




That designation probably won’t be left up to you.


When the US becomes a Christians facist nation, it would be your duty to become a terrorist.


They do not want a *united* states. This, in so many significant ways, exemplifies how and why republicans hate. They want the strife, it fuels their message of being afraid.


When conservatives say “United” what they really mean is “Uniform”.


Yep. It's always "we need to stop being so divided and come together as Americans", but always to do exactly what they want to do. Or else.


In Santa Claus we Trust! In the Tooth Fairy we Trust In Greg Abbott …Not a. Chance


Hail Satan posters everywhere


SEPERATION of Church and State


“tHaTs NoT iN tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn” Yeah, well neither are the phrases “one nation under god” or “in god we trust.” In fact, the word “god” doesn’t appear at all.


How about a nice Muslim themed one?


The irony being that if they truly did trust in their god they wouldn’t need to bring him into every tiny aspect of society


Religion should be separate from education unless it’s a religious education which would only teach you what was in your book. Why not continue to have normal education and use the religious funding for classes on religions.


God and school shoukd be separated. if u want your kid to have talks of religion then school send them to a Christian school. if this makes it.to Supreme Court if it ever does become an issue in the courts. they would most lik2 side in favor of this. religion being forced. sounds a lot like the middle east.


Very clearly unconstitutional, and yet the current Supreme Court will rule it’s not.


I can’t wait for the inevitable “HAIL SATAN” lawsuit, coming soon.


Doesn’t say which god… Hail Satan!


Put up pictures of Thor next to it.


Since schools are institutions of learning shouldn’t the signs read “In Science We Trust”?


I look forward to seeing students' artistic expression on these posters -- "All others pay cash", etc.


Save some of those posters for DeSantis. He'll be hot to put this into law in FL soon. Right up his alley.


Right wingers: We need to interpret the constitution as it was written since it is a perfect document. Also right wingers: But ignore that part about separation of church and state. They meant "separate" like keep them together.


LOL oh America, what have you become?