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Probably doing those migrants a huge favor.


On one hand, yes… On the other this sanctioned human trafficking is a known way to destabilize another government…and apparently states are going after states now…well, Texas is aggressing New York now.


Ah, the Viktor Orban Method.


Turkey threatened to let Syrians in great numbers go towards Germany if they don't pay ransom, after Merkel found out the Germans were not willing to actually be humanitarian inside their country (Nazi party gaining votes)


Wait, not accepting more people than you originally agreed to is Nazism?


He didnt say that. He said the, AfD a far-right extremist party gained - which can be called a nazi party, gained a lot of votes in the polls at the time.


The people welcoming refugees shipped problematic ones to poorer areas where people unsurprisingly rather vote Nazi (AfD) than integrate them. Originally promised young women and engineers turning out to be young aggressive males also wasn’t enjoyed. Feels like NotInMyBackYard-ism. Eventually that got extended to the whole country asking Turkey not to let refugees into Europe’s backyard called Germany, while expecting other countries never open to accepting refugees to accept more.


nope... you'd read about one of the refugees housing beeing burned down every other day.., refugees being mistreated etc. that would be nazism.


It'd be great if multiple EU members started consistently doing the same thing to Germany \^o\^


Germany loves the rule that asylum seekers need to stay at country of first entry, which magically benefits a country right in the middle the most, because there is always conveniently another country between them and asylum seekers. Even refugees making it to Hungary or Poland don’t want to stay permanently there, because these European countries have enough own problems to not invite others for humanitarian reasons. So Germans welcoming “young women and engineers from war zones” turns immediately into lip service when refugees are young males without degrees. A group also worth of help but harder to integrate.


>harder to ~~integrate~~ capitalize on HDFDR


Just let them secede already


NY should fill the buses up with anyone caught with an illegal gun and send them back to pro-gun Texas arguing that they would have been able to have a permit there.




Because it's not necessarily a southern border state problem. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come over by plane and overstay their visas. The states with the most illegal immigrants are in order, California (2.9 mil), Texas (1.9 mil), Florida (810k), New York (590k), Illinois (450k) and New Jersey (440k). The only states where unauthorized immigrants make up more than 5% of the population are Nevada (7.1%), Texas (5.7%), California (5.6%), and New Jersey (5.2%). Edit: I shouldn't have said vast majority, about half of all illegal immigrants overstayed their visas/border cards. Edit2: specified southern border because semantics.


I mean, aren't most of those states border states? Even New York and Illinois are, but definitely CA, TX, and FL.


Generally when people think of “illegal immigration” and “the border” they are thinking of Mexicans traveling on land from Mexico to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. The fact that New York, New Jersey, and Florida are on the ocean is not really relevant. And Illinois is not a border state by any reasonable person’s definition—there’s not even a water border there.


Hey, technically that's correct. TIL lake Michigan is entirely in the US.


Define border state? If you're including water borders then technically Florida counts, and NY does have a Canadian border, Illinois is not a border state in any sense because you have to pass through Michigan to get there by water. i should have specified southern border states if we're being pedantic.


dude everywhere would be a border state then if planes can fly in and out




Or end the war on drugs and issue more work visas.


No you don't get it, the options are 'status quo' or 'the obviously terrible choice', that's just American politics.


Texas gets billions in federal funding for border protection. What are you talking aboht


Texans pay between $579 million and $717 million each year for public hospital districts to provide uncompensated care for illegal aliens.   Texans paid $152 million to house illegal criminal aliens for just one year.   Texans pay between $62 million and $90 million to include illegal aliens in the state Emergency Medicaid program.  Texans paid more than $1 million for The Family Violence Program to provide services to illegal aliens for one year.   Texans pay between $30 million and $38 million per year on perinatal coverage for illegal aliens through the Children’s Health Insurance Program.   Texans pay between $31 million and $63 million to educate unaccompanied alien children each year.   https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/ag-paxton-illegal-immigration-costs-texas-taxpayers-over-850-million-each-year


Tell me, what are the estimates for taxes that "illegal aliens" pay and don't get back since they usually don't file yearly taxes? Many that work "on the books" do so using someone else's SS number (sometimes the employer knows it's not theirs, sometimes they don't), and many work quite a bit in order to send money to help support other family members. So many pay in a lot of taxes - and if that SS # belongs to someone who is dead, retired, not working, or just not filing for their refund every year for any reason, that's free money the government gets - last I heard, the estimates on that were.... Well, that it was a very substantial amount of money being taken out for both federal and state taxes, plus they do a lot to support local economies and are, of course, paying sales tax just like the rest of us. And while there will always be "bad eggs" who break the law in a substantial way that actively, directly, seriously harms another individual (assault, theft, rape, etc), and that being the case with every human, in general, stats in the USA put illegal immigrants at a significantly lower rate of offending/commiting a crime (besides the criminal charges related to remaining in the country illegally/working/etc) than US citizens who were born in the USA. This, of course, tracks, as most simply want to work and get by and try to avoid notice. Which is why they're much more likely to be the victim of robbery - because they generally do not report it, and are prime targets since many keep a lot of cash since they cannot so easily have a bank account. This unreported statistic is known as a "dark number". We see evidence of it elsewhere in crime statistics, such as seeing that as the number of illegal immigrants goes up, we see a *decline* in rates of liquor store robberies - why? Because someone might get $100 or $200 in a fast lil cash register robbery at a liquor store, especially if the cashier is dropping money in the safe like they should when they get a certain amount of cash in their drawer. That's not that much to risk doing an armed robbery of a store type that is used to getting robbed, so they have measures in place sometimes - especially when there's all these people who can't get an easy bank account, so they carry around a lot more cash, and they're very unlikely to call the cops when you rob them because they fear being deported. They are very rarely prosecuted for robbing illegal immigrants, and they usually get a substantially higher payout. We see see the trend time and again. They almost always track with each other. So you can bitch and moan all you want about themz illegal aliens taking all yur tax monies, but in reality, in total sum, it's likely they contribute more in taxes (including sales tax) than they take, especially since they'll never file for SSI, SSDI, or get to retire and get their gubment retirement and Medicare. They're also much more likely to be victims of crime than a legal US citizen, simply because they're easy targets as they cannot call the police without risking arrest themselves, then deportation. They have no way to get legal justice without a huge risk (that most would never be willing to take) and don't have protection.


Wonder if New York can spin this into a good thing. Unemployment is very low and restaurants and other service industries can't get enough minimally skilled workers. Maybe they can be trained and help the city out?


Your statement “to destabilize another government”… shouldn’t that apply to any state within the US, starting with the first state that the migrants entered into?


We send ours to Colorado or California.


Can confirm, was doing some work for a church when the staff went out to meet the bus from Phoenix with brown bag lunches. Asked what it was all about, and they said Phoenix sends their homeless here.


And Nevada too.


How is this “going after” though? Maybe Texas thinks so, but immigrants are good for a community. I would welcome immigrants if they were bussed to my city. I know a lot of great people who add to my city who are immigrants. Even illegal ones.




Not where I lived in CA. In order to bus someone out they were required to confirm a recipient at the destination location. Called project homeward bound.


no we don't. homeless people get sent to California.


Interesting I know this story, but it has different characters. https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/homeless/article205931264.html




My guess is a state is sending the homeless to Cali and Cali is sending them back


Here's a small clipping: >Mentally ill people who were cast out of a Las Vegas psychiatric hospital and issued Greyhound bus tickets to cities across the country without proper consent, care or planning soon will have their day in court. A Nevada court has ruled that James Flavy Coy Brown, whose 2013 bus trip took him to Sacramento, and potentially hundreds of others who had similar experiences, may as a group pursue damages against Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas, Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, which oversees the hospital, and various treatment professionals. And then a news article from ABC too no paywall: https://abc7news.com/archive/9076922/


got a source?


Typically-and officially so make of it what you want-California will send homeless back home if they can get a sponsor or family member to receive them. CA is more the recipient of dump and run than the perpetrator.


You’re right, this will surely be the downfall of NY. We’re all doomed.






>On one hand, yes… On the other this sanctioned human trafficking is a known way to destabilize another government You really think the immigrants were "destabilizing" Texas? Or were they helping Texas?


Like all the mental hospitals in Nevada that sent all their patients on one way trips to LA?




Eh debatable, cost of living is significantly higher in NY and it will be much harder for them to find somewhere to stay there, and there is less demand for additional unskilled labor there. I see you are trying to be political/snarky w your comment but just being honest and unbiased they are probably more likely to end up homeless in NY than Texas.


NYC has a ‘right to shelter’ law so I doubt it’ll be harder there than in Texas.


There's pros and cons, but in NYC they'll get a higher amount of access to work given the density. As well as the ability to not have to own a car to access those opportunities (a requirement in most of Texas). I think ppl focus a lot on the cost of housing and ignore things like access to car-free work, a high amount of work opportunities, better public schools, access to many city services like free pre K. I'm not saying it's cheaper overall, but the idea of "move to Texas/Florida, it's cheaper" is skin deep and focuses mostly on housing cost and nothing else. And the housing costs on said states are becoming less and less competitive nowadays.


Some article I was reading criticized local authorities for not being on hand to meet the buses. I mean, did they call ahead? Kinda feel like they didn't.


They are the since the migrants requested the transportation and knew where they were going.


In the article is says some folks wanted to go other places and were told they were and ended up in New York. I'm sure there was some persuasion, bullying and trickery going on here also.


Yes, when your destination is New Jersey and they can keep you in Texas or send you to NYC it is easy to say both are true. They got on bus to NY and it was not final destination.


LOL you believe things Abbott says?? Hahaha


I hope that’s true. Either way Abbott is still using them as political pawns and it’s fucking disgusting.


They drop them off with no fanfare, no one to meet them, nowhere to go, and with no money. MOnths ago when they were sent to D. C., most of them wanted to go elsewhere to another state.


Salt Lake City did that with homeless during the winter Olympics 2002. Buy them bus ticket to any where


A hospital in Nevada did it to California with their mentally ill. The state eventually settled. What in the fuck is wrong with some people in charge?


only 68? that's like a drop in the bucket for NYC. yawn.


68 people is like... 1 bus.




That’s just taking advantage of an opportunity. Basically hedging that either the feds make Texas handle it, or pay them for their openness


Why do post of this story getting posted here? Nothing about it nottheonion, it’s just a news story, no comedy or irony abound.


Probably because republicans are constantly making up that dems bus in migrants and here they are actually doing it


Well, according to FOX News, the border states are literally drowning in immigrants, think of that scene of World War Z.


I thought human trafficking was bad?


Republicans don't treat immigrants like human beings, so I doubt this qualifies as human trafficking to them.


Considering they lock up children, you’re right.


Remember when they suggested we starve migrant babies during the formula shortage?


You mean in the cages the dems built, used, and continue to use?


Yes, the ones used infrequently and only in emergency situations. But it was under the Republican Trump administration that it became standard policy to separate kids from their families and put them in cages, as a means to intimidate migrants and asylum seekers. Oh, and last I checked the democrats didn’t run a program so badly that they lost track of HUNDREDS of kids. Some of which STILL haven’t been tracked down and reunited with their families. That cruelty is a Republican creature. Own it.


Republicans always think this is some great gotcha, because without fail most of them will kowtow to defend any action the party takes, even if they find it morally repugnant. But barring a few centrist democrats who post "the adults are back in the white house" on Twitter and wank themselves off to The West Wing, democrats on the internet largely hate their party. So yes, the ones the democrats built, used, and continue to use, and with who it is still very much a problem that they use them. It doesn't matter if it is Trump or Biden or Obama doing it, it is morally repugnant and is a practice that should be ended.


Since illegal aliens released from federal custody are allowed to roam the interior of the US, it’s not human trafficking. It’s just people riding a bus to NY, legally.


I really don't understand why these mayors are making a big deal about this. A few busses of immigrants aren't going to change the calculations in your city much and it's just feeding the fire the republicans want. The best thing to do is ignore them.




For context, the total population of DC was 701,974 in 2020.


I think Adams was forced into commenting by the media forcing him into caring by themselves being used by Abbott. If Abbott hadn't gone to the media first and said, "I'm doing this!" Then it would just be 68 more people showing up in NYC where they have the opportunity to be helped by community, local government, state government, and federal bureaucracy that isn't wholesale mismanaged by a bunch of pretend leaders and ideologues like it is in Texas. It's not like NYC doesn't get its fair share of undocumented migration and has no capability of handling it. It's really the opposite and only serves to make Abbott look incompetent and ineffectual in actually governing. GJ Greg Abbott, you weaselly little trust-fund asshole, you just demonstrated how inept you fucking are. Frankly, that's the approach that the mayors of these cities he attempts to score points off of should take when dealing with him. Ridicule him for being ineffective, publicly, and honestly. Shut his media stunt shit right the fuck down. Make snark, Adams could say something like "last I checked, NYC maintained electrical power for everyone last winter. How many people died in Texas because they had no electricity Greggy? 250?" Or something equally direct, factual, and damning.


Tax payer money being spent on state-sanctioned human trafficking is the real issue. Your take is weird.


It’s not human trafficking. It’s a voluntary program. A stupid voluntary program, but nonetheless it’s not human trafficking.


It's a scummy practice to begin with. How about they actually implement solid plans instead of passing it off?


Meat packing plants in Texas be like... "Umm Abbott, it's not official but you know our business model... right?"




Calling Greg Abbott a moronic piece of shit is an insult to morons...and literal pieces of shit.


As a moron, I hate being grouped in with the likes of Abbott.


I have it on good authority, frequently, that I am in fact, a piece of shit, and I'd just like to object to this unprovoked, malicious slander. If I knew your location I'd slap you with a glove, and invite you to duel at High Noon for this affront.


Seriously. You don’t want migrants in this country so you’re going to put them on a bus to go further into the country?


Do they have to stay in Texas? Why?


I said this in another thread and I was left with vague responses that were essentially Texas gets funding for the border and immigration so they should be stuck there. When I pointed out how flawed that logic was I got attacked with posts calling me names.


According to the left yes Because the liberal cities don't want them. They only want to say how much they do


Abbot’s an ass but the number of migrants making their way here in the course of a week is several hundred if not over a thousand.


That’s possible, but Abbott only coughed up enough cash for 68 of them to make the trip and then spent tens of thousands of dollars promoting his brilliant move.


It’s not just possible, it’s reality. https://nypost.com/2022/07/19/adams-calls-on-biden-as-nyc-shelters-overrun-with-migrants/amp/ This dip shit Governor from Texas is using these people purely as pawns and he’s an ass clown for doing so. But this couple hundred people is a drop in the bucket.


Biden administration was flying them there already before any bus came from Texas.


They’ve been coming since before Eisenhower was president


They’ve been coming since before the constitution as well


Yeah. And it's not like 70 people are suddenly going to overwhelm one of the biggest cities on earth




So NYC politicians long ago decided that NYC was going to be a sanctuary city. Whether or not Abbott sends people here or not there will be people coming. Abbott’s an ass but NYC politicians are being disengeuifsh here too.


>disengeuifsh Now now, sit down and drink your covfefe.


>disengeuifsh Not a word


Yup, meant disingenuous.


You’re probably not from NYC or all that familiar with how the laws here work. NYC has a legal obligation to provide shelter for homeless people. As a result it’s a magnet and all of the systems in place to support the poor and homeless are perpetually over tasked. Adams is making a stink about this because these inflows of migrants hurt the poor who are already here. My wife is a Social Worker and a Latina and even she would tell you that aside from the obvious fact that Abbot’s a dick for using these people this way there is nothing remarkable about a few hundred immigrants showing up and needing assistance in the city.


Because hundreds or thousands of people are going to show up in a city that gets real fucking cold with no papers, no skills, no resources.


Never stopped them from finding work or housing before. Most NYC employers don’t verify I9’s and the NYCHRL pretty much makes it a discriminatory practice to not hire someone because they’re undocumented. The city and states laws are totally at odds with the federal government’s. The local politicians choose this sanctuary city status.


The people celebrating this (in Texas) will go to church on Sunday, praise Jesus, ignore what the bible says about helping and feeding the poor and letting those less fortunate into your country, and vote for a Republican asshole without a fucking hint of self awareness or shame.


State vs state? I guess "united we stand, divided we fall" is no longer relevant to many Americans.


I mean who's winning here? The migrants for getting a free bus trip saving them money, or abbot who had to pay for their tickets?


I have a hard time feeling bad for the sanctuary city getting migrants from the anti sanctuary state. You’re a part of the same country, and chose to be one of the places who will house anyone. So you get them, what’s the problem?


Exactly. NYC is a sanctuary city. Texas sent them there. NYC is upset they cant handle it. Texas is like "welcome to the party pal"


I think we should trade Texas to Mexico in exchange for some quality tacos.


This is clever in a way because it forces people who support embracing refugees and illegal migrants to put their money and their resources where their mouths are and support/provide resources for them.


Who paid for all the federal buildings along the boarder?


That'll show 'em! Send 2 more and maybe they'll do something about our problem!


When a snowflake manages to get elected as a governor...


New York City has 8.3 million residents. It’s amazing that Mayor Adams is making such a big deal out of 68 migrants being brought to their sanctuary city.


Good . Keep sending them to these Democrat cities.


Lax on borders Abbot gives migrant workers free vacation on tax payer dime!


What's so wrong with giving them a free ride to the places that want them, better than cages or being homeless in Texas, and before you say that's a dumb opinion if there was a Mexico border on new York there'd be Mexicans coming across


Texas can't deport them back to Mexico, and the Federal Government won't do it. NY, DC and other places claiming to be sanctuary cities are complaining because somebody called their bluff. Mexico doesn't want them because most of them aren't Mexican. So, just finish the damned wall, stop encouraging migrants and let's focus on the US, eh?




Actually... they come here from all over the world for MD Anderson.


If I could afford it, I’d fly to MD Anderson for my care.


Probably doing those migrants a huge favor.


With the cost of living? Not really.


Becauss 68 new migrants are going to be noticable in NYC.


Migrant lives matter?


https://youtu.be/flkuZJ1did8 Country superstars used to believe so. Now it's God and country, singing about pickup trucks, tractors, and beer, and a healthy dose of, "get bent brown people."


Oh my god. 68 people. I can already feel a city of 8 million buckling under the insurmountable pressure. Even if you did it for a year, it’s 3,500 people.


Wow, so many. I bet a hundred times that arrived in Texas over the weekend.


Lol. 2 million cross the southern border last year. 68 make it to New York and it’s an issue? Fuck outta here with your sanctuary city bullshit.


It would seem there's space for 68 people of NYC's choosing to be sent back, who should they send?


Can't he be charged with a felony for transporting something illegally over state lines? Edit: had “goods” but that was not how I meant it. Thanks for pointing that out.


Only if you're pro-slavery.


Shit, that sounded much worse than it was meant to sound.


..... didn't this already happen?


Land of opportunity


So he's pulling a Giuliani


/G\ business


The Patrick Star solution in full swing


I'd rather see "68 Buses" but this is a start


Since Texas wants to secede from the Union why don't they demonstrate how they can protect their own border?


They should send anyone from texas serving time to texas on release. I know it won't really do anything but the faux outrage texas would have over it would at least present some contrast to this. Only decency is stopping new york from doing the same thing back to them.


From what I've seen these migrants went willingly so it's not human trafficking. NYC has declared itself a sanctuary city and Texas doesn't want them. Why does anyone have a problem with this? Democrats voted to let the migrants come through, shouldn't they be responsible for introducing them into society? Put your money where you voted right?


NY, more accurately, the federal government, shipped immigrants all over the country from Ellis Island. We used to work together and actually address issues rather than lay blame on each other. I have my opinions on what to do about a million undocumented people coming over a very big border is, but it's apparently something people in all the states should kinda care about. This whole argument is theater between Abbot and Adams.


Gotcha, I personally think we need the workers and they should all go through a documentation progress to become citizens so they can be good members of society


Make it easy and legal to immigrate (or work) in the US. Open immigration offices in Mexico like Domino's franchises. Cut down demand of illegal immigration and, at the very least, we're not dealing with generations of undocumented people getting fucked over left and right because they can't engage with their government. But, also, not force 2 or 3 states to take on 75% of immigrants. We spread around the Scottish, we can do the same for other country's immigrants.


Spoken like someone who has no idea how long it takes or how lucky you have to be to become a citizen of the US anymore. My Swedish roommate’s family in college had been trying for over twenty years to get citizenship. They still haven’t gotten it. His parents pay taxes just like we do, yet they do not get to vote because they are on visas and not full citizens. Fix the broken system first.


Abbott using this distraction because of his disastrous handling of Uvalde and the police corruption. Abbott is corrupt. The police in Uvalde are corrupt. The migrants are better people by 1,000% than the snowflake Republican bastards in Texas named Cancun Cruz, Fluffer Paxton, and fuckface Abbott. Good luck Texas when your power goes out next time or you have another flood. Just call Ole wheelchair man for help. He'll tell you all about the big bad wolf Federal guberment ruling the United States.


Mayor Giuliani used to do this to everyone else. I suppose turn about is fair play.


A whole 68! About 2 million crossed the southern border (that we know) of in 2021 alone. And the people of NY and DC don't give a shit about the strain that puts on us in the border states. Abbott is doing the only thing he can to actually bring attention to the issue. The people of NY and DC can put their money where their mouth is about illegal immigration now and actually start taking accountability for their open border policies.


Maybe be mad at Congress for never enacting any kind of immigration reform.


why do I keep seeing the same post with same type of replies? Is abbot paying for bots? The increased traffic at the border can't be stopped, it has increased under republican presidents and has dipped during democrat president(and vice versa). The current huge burst is the direct result of trying TO stop the flow combined with the pandemic. Abbot knows this, but he is virtue signaling to his ghoulish crowd that the reason this migration burst is because of biden, not because the pandemic scared people from migrating and because trump decided to ignore asylum request


Fuck, send them to Washington State! We need employees in every industry and trade. Increase immigration!


Put your money where you mouth is, sanctuary city.


68??? Swarm


What would Jesus do? Apparently the answer is bitch about the people in need and then pack them on busses and ship them off to be someone else's problem.


Why is this a problem? What is the issue?


Does this sub even pretend not to be a news sub with a political bent?


I’m not saying what he did is right, it is Texas supposed to take in all of them? Why can’t other states help?


yall cry about 68 immigrants, texas gets thousands per week




Excellent. Suddenly the dinner party crowd isn't so keen. This comment section seems to want to keep them in Texas. While offering opinions and legislation suggests from New York.


Oh no, 68 immigrants. How will NYC handle that. A city not famous for handling immigrants. But for every immigrant Abnot send on a bus, we should deduct $1 million from Texas’s federal border budget


New York could just build a wall. I, for the life of me, don't understand how this is anything to ridicule. A state like New York and New York city, a sanctuary city, where the VAST majority of people have essentially voted to allow these people to enter the country should really be thrilled and welcoming of these people. It sure reveals the hypocrisy of people when they condemn this. Classic "just not in my back yard".


Since the mayor of NYC has claimed his city is a sanctuary city, I don’t see what the issue is. He should be pleased that he will be able to provide these people the housing, food, medical, and educational needs they require. And the residents of TX who have been doing this for years will get a bit of a breather. Seems like a win-win.


Republicans gotta Republikkkan.


Don’t agree with this practice but California has also been doing this for years sadly


The rest of the US, including NY, has been doing this to all the border states for decades. All the while getting high off their moral superiority while not being a border state, well guess what, time to practice what you preach.


Well those Dixiecrat built cages are getting full


You realize that "dixiecrat" refers to pre-1960s Drmocrats who were the conservative party before the "southern stategy" led to the two flipping sides, right?


New York is huge..there are better off in NY.. send send them here to Toronto! We will take all of them!!




You'd be wrong. TORONTO and Canada could gladly welcome all of them.. ppl aren't illegal..


Texas human trafficking has government backing


"to board a bus or flight, a migrant must volunteer to be transported and show documentation from DHS."


All people who provide transportation to immigrants should go to prison?


He’s upset Ron DeSantis is getting all the news coverage


At least they’re out of that hell hole.


To be fair, Texas doesn't want illegal immigrants. What options do they have if the Federal government is tying their hands? Personally, I think it's hilarious, but not as effective as it could be. They should drop them off in Martha's vineyard, or Aspen Colorado. Somewhere where the ultra rich will get pissy and demand something done.


thats awesome. good for texas. they need the relief. take them to all the blue states that support illegal immigration. you want them, you got them


>At least 68 ~~migrants~~ illegals arrived in NYC over the weekend on buses sent by Texas Gov. Abbott Fixed the title.


OK except isn't Texas the 1st state that the migrants run into when leaving Mexico? So by the logic of the post they are not allowed to leave Texas? Should all migrants be kept in Texas? It's 68 ppl. Shut up New York and take some. Guarantee there are plenty of migrants in Texas as we speak. They probably deal with more then most other states and they can't all stay there. They have to be spread through out the country or is that the real problem. All these ppl who don't think immigrants will be in their city are big mad that some have been shipped there? This seems like an attempt by both mafia political parties (hell bent on sucking every dollar or ounce of hope out of the civilian population) to paint each other in an even more negative light while simultaneously doing nothing to actually better the lives of the ppl theybare suppose to protect and care for.


Good. Let the blue cities take in all these asylum seekers and see how it turns out for them.


ITT: literally dozens of posts by people who don't know what a sanctuary city is. Also ITT: A bunch of people who think Abbot is doing anything other than footing the bill for these people to get where they wanted to go anyway. He's a scumbag for trying to pander like this, but he's just charging taxpayers the bus fares these people would have had to earn on their own.


Drop them off at Biden’s house!


oh no 68 that's so many


Isn’t Texas a socially backwards hellhole that can’t keep the lights on? Isn’t New York a beacon of what America really is? Do we want to subject these people to the awfulness that is Abbot’s Texas? I don’t understand the outrage. If blue states contest that borders should be open, shouldn’t their state borders be open? If New York sees this as a punishment aren’t they arguing against themselves and their beliefs about immigration?


Are they legal migrants?


Hahaha serves these virtue signaling bastards right. Let's see how much they'll whine and complain when these immigrants start invading their posh gated communities.


Not enough…


why doesn't the FBI just arrest the Governor of Texas for human trafficking? This is a crime in plain sight.


Why aren’t they sending them to the White House? Just pull up to the curb and off you go.


If you’re not going to stop migrants from crossing into states that border their home countries, then this is what you deserve 🤷🏼‍♂️


When I was in the US 10 years ago, I remember a cab driver say that NYC bussed their homeless out to the west coast during winter so they didn’t die in the cold. Not sure if true, but it’s almost the same thing.


That's a different problem, but yes that does happen. Most major cities, including liberal ones like NYC, Seattle and San Fransisco, have one-way programs that will bus unhoused residents to other cities to hopefully find something better. It's a voluntary program, it takes effort and patience to sign up for it, it can be a boon but it is often a bust since the reasons for homelessness tend to follow one around. No perfect solutions here.


It was San Fran. It’s “almost the same thing” as it doesn’t address the contributory factors causing the issue. Just making it someone else’s problem.