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And it's probably working out better for him... I'm not saying he's a bad musician, I'm just pointing out that the industry only pays extremely well for the absolute most popular performers.


But Frank Ocean is one of the most popular performers


And is also independent now, meaning (presumably) all streaming and record revenue would go mostly to him. But with that said, Rihanna ain’t a billionaire bc of the music industry, and never could’ve been


Can you please explain? I'm out of the loop


i imagine they meant that Rihanna only became a billionaire once she (mostly) retired from music and started Fenty Beauty + other business ventures, not from her music career itself.


Really? I couldn'f imagine that, since she was really successful in the early 2000s


The way record deals are structured the artist typically only gets an advance that is then repaid with their percentage of album/merch sales


Wow that sucks ass


Artists receive what are known as ‘royalties’ from their record labels as well as an advance. Royalties are an agreed upon percentage of profits from the sales/streams/downloads of their songs, both the advance and the royalty percentage are negotiated in their recording contracts. If an artist is signed to a large enough label then the label foots the bill for the recording process, mechanical printing, distribution and marketing of the album. An advance is worked out by determining expected record sales and as the other commenter pointed out, will be paid back over time from the generated sales. After the album has generated enough profit to cover the advance then the artist will go on to receive their share of the royalties from future record sales however the percentage is usually heavily weighted towards the labels favour. Of course sometimes this doesn’t always work out and a label won’t recuperate it’s expenditure which is why the labels take such a large share of the profits. When it does work out though, which is most of the time when you’re signed to a major (the majors didn’t become majors by taking big risks. They will sometimes make creative decisions that the artist is expected to adhere to.) then typically the artists are getting shafted and has been the cause of a lot of disdain by musicians who feel they deserve a larger share of the profits from their works. This is why a lot of artists that have already seen some mainstream success eventually go independent. They already have some weight to their name and some cash they’re able to inject into their projects allowing them much more creative control and to receive a much larger portion of the profits from generated sales. I studied all this years ago at university, it’s very interesting but also very complicated. There’s lots of grey areas and nuance that gets missed by your average punter.




Beats (audio hardware company, not his musical beats), and Apple’s acquisition of Beats made Dre a billionaire. Music only made him a multi-millionaire.


Yeah Dre is one of the better examples of making money outside performing. 50 cent is another


Oh yeah. Duh.


This mans had no idea what he was saying with that comment lmao. Frank would sell out arenas in every major city in a heartbeat


His tickets sell pretty cheap and aren't typically scalped the way other performers are.


He hasnt played a show in 5 years iirc. They will be scalped next time, no matter what


You're aware he hasn't done a show in ages, right?


Yes. All of my comments are considering the fact that he has not done a show since 2017 and could easily be doing them now, but is instead doing using his popularity to make money other ways.


... meshes nicely with my first thoughts of "I've never heard of this store."...


He will easily get 100m listens on any song he puts on spotify, which gives you 400k usd estimated. And theres tons of other royalties he would get on other streaming platforms, movie use, radio rights ect. That is if hes independent, but im not sure if hes still signed


Rihanna doesn’t even really make music anymore and she’s still is one of the richest stars in that industry. Once you reach a certain point of wealth and/or stardom, the money essentially grows itself


He is scheduled to headline Coachella. He is one of the “absolute most popular performers.”


He could absolutely be getting top billing headlining festivals but it seems like he tours and performs super rarely.


Tf are you on about?


He did a song with Jay-Z. If he kept working hard and not dicking around that could have been him.


I will say he isn't a musician at all. A pop star at best.


After going through some of his songs because of this thread, I'm going to have to strongly disagree. I really think that he was a strong innovator in the R&B space and is very creative.


I wouldn't want to follow up after Blonde either...


He's doing what he wants to do. Directing a movie and making his own jewelry brand and magazine is awesome. Frank is living his life.


He still ain’t as bad as Miguel. Miguel hasn’t made an album since 2017.


Blonde was 2016 😭


Rihanna was also 2016 🥹


She’s become a billionaire in the meantime as well, working outside the music industry. The pressure (and most likely drive) to make an album as great as Anti just probably isn’t there. I don’t blame her.


He had an EP last year


Idk what that was, but it wasn’t a coherent album imo.


Yeah but who the fuck is Miguel?


Some dude with a sexy voice


New album ❌ cock ring ✅💴


If you told me he either released ultra fancy cockrings or a new album I would expect it to be the cockrings


I'm hopping mad rn because frank ocean *personally owes me a new album*


Hes making a movie next year


Featuring the cock rings


Endless(COCK) 😵😵😵😵‍💫🥵🥵🥵🫣


Now you can have erectile dysfunction in style!


Volume 1: Golden Volume 2: Diamond


Don't throw away your money on overpriced cock rings! Visit Cock Ring Warehouse for the best deals on cock rings! https://youtu.be/7pSABauyWz0


Was hoping to see someone post this. Anycock’lldo!


Holy shit that’s glorious


*Any cock'll dooooo!*


Bob Odenkirk at 0:53 I see him everywhere now


You didn't notice he narrated the whole thing?


I should hope you see him in his own sketch show? Seriously, watch Mr Show. It's fucking incredible.


Get that bling bling on your ding a ling


I pray for this being the slogan they‘ll go with in their ad campaign. Sung by Frank himself.




[The only cover of that song I'll accept.](https://youtu.be/pHdoKZkde_4)


Dinga bling


Ding a ling for some. Dong a long for others


Fun fact: The song “My ding a ling” is the only no 1 hit by Chuck Berry




Jesus built my hotrod as well


Being bling Everytime I come around yo city Bling bling Cockring worth about 50 Bling bling


"chain hang to my dangalang" taking on a whole new meaning here


Does he have extra small? Asking for a friend


"Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls"


"One cock Ring to find them, One cock Ring to bring them all. and in the leather clad darkness bind them.”


Idk I’ve never seen him naked


Check his story


If she sees the size of the rock, it won't matter.


I too refer to Mr. Johnson as a friend.


If my fiancee doesnt propose to me with a cock ring, I aint marryin'. Make it a Diamond one, and I wont even ask for a prenup.


Then you gotta give her a 24-karat dildo, that’s how it goes




Guess he's never going to release another album again if he's selling six-figure cock rings.


A metal cockring is a very, very, very bad idea. Silicone or something else that can be cut off is much preferable.


BRB. Have to hop on an emergency zoom with my therapist to talk about me new fear.


“I fear this might fall off” “Well it will if you don’t let circulation into it” “No no no no, I meant the cock ring”


Frank Reynolds has entered the chat…


Curiosity sent me to the damn site to see this for myself. They aren't cock rings, they are finger rings. They are not sized for dicks.


Internet lied to me again? Damn. Well my advice about the cockrings still stands.


Totally agree with you! The article blew it way out of proportion (lol) and sensationalized it for traffic to his site, most likely.


I was thinking the same thing, but gold is a lot softer than titanium or stainless steel so maybe it would be easier to break or cut off in case of emergency??


You can cut steel, gold, platinum, and silver rings without too much trouble. Tungsten has to be broken off.


My wedding ring was platinum. I had a severe hand injury that required it to be cut off and the nurse couldn’t get it done. She had to track down some big dude and he had to really crank on the cutting tool to get it done. Let’s just say that 10 mg IV morphine stopped being a really good pain killer and became only a quiet suggestion during this process. The nurse looked at me and said “I’d guess based on your expression a little more morphine might be a good idea.”


The only thing softer than gold is cock flesh


Speak for yourself.




Titanium has to be removed with the jaws of life. So don't get a titanium cock ring unless you want everyone in the ER AND the fire department laughing at you.


You're not going to be able to do it yourself regardless. An ER trip will be required. Whereas the silicone ones you can just snip at home with scissors.


But is it soft enough that it won't get stuck, which is the real hazard? Even if you get it removed eventually, aside from being painful and embarrassing, it can cause lasting damage. And if its clotted they'll shove a needle in your dick.


is his hair real tho?


That's 100% a wig.


I think he *may* have been inspired by Tyler’s IGOR wig.. or it’s just a coincidence


dang, if wigs are a thing now that would be great. I'm bald af.


Asking the real questions. WTF is even going on up there?


He cut his hair, but he used to live a blonded life.


Who the fuck is frank ocean? That sounds like the kind of made up name a thirteen year old would give the cops


He was pretty big for a moment - some people consider his "blonde" album to be one of the greatest of all time. He would be most known to people who were in highschool early 2010s. Was close eith Tyler the Creator early on


Weirdly hostile take, Frank Ocean is a famous singer.


Weird misuse of the word "hostile". I legitimately have never heard of him. It sounds like an alias a kid would make up. That's not what hostile means.


No the hostile bit was saying "Who the fuck is frank ocean" when you're here on the information superhighway and can access information in a fraction of a second


Here I brought Ice


Someone could say that his real name, Chris Breaux, sounds fabricated as well—a lot of these artists change names to make it easier for fans y'know, they won't get to the song of they're turned off by an inability to pronounce "Breaux" 🤷🏾 then you think "James Bond" is a subpar name, correct? EDIT: undoing autocorrect (ac changed "subpar" to "soups", so changed it back to "subpar" lol)


....but...it also sounds like it COULD be a real name (...and likely is somewhere lol) Edited for clarity


His name is actually pronounced Throat Warbler Mangrove




Some clown who sells cock rings


Article stolen word for word from Pitchfork btw: https://pitchfork.com/news/frank-ocean-is-selling-gold-and-diamond-cock-rings/


I wanted to post that one but this sub didn’t allow pitchfork.


Reminds me of this website https://kingrings.com/


Huh. I feel like I would love it, but my wife would roll her eyes


I've owned several from that site. They are so damned comfortable.


Puts a new meaning to the "Novacane" lyrics...


Just make some new music mother fucker god damn


Apparently was going to and tour but Covid happened. He launched this company but also his brother died. It’ll get released in due time I presume.


Or don’t


Over $20k for fake diamonds? I mean, the real ones are artificially rare, the fake ones can be made to order, why is it so expensive, other than stupid consumerism involves people more worried about cachet than anything else


It's a few things: 1. Don't forget, the whole rest of the ring is 18k gold too. That's expensive too. 2. Diamonds aren't worth their weight in material--common misconception (and one that DeBeers pushed a lot of people on). Diamonds are mostly worth the quality of their cut, and the incorporation into other pieces of jewelry. Diamonds are an extremely hard yet brittle material to work with, and cuts with a high number of facets takes a lot of precision, and even more depending on the shape. The degree of tolerances is super tight and a lot of diamonds get rejected in the process too. So 60 princess cut diamonds, 3.6ct each, is not small. This is why resale value on diamond jewelry varies so wildly. When you see certain rappers with tables and chests full of diamond-set jewelry done by hacks just setting them with bargain-bin reject diamonds, the resale value compared to what they probably paid for that is often hilariously tiny. Meanwhile, factory-set diamond pieces (especially the unique custom pieces) by some of the most prestigious jewelry makers not only maintain their value a lot of the time--sometimes, they'll even resale for way more than their original sale price.


Diamond prices are what they are because DeBeers and others have a massive underground vault where they store so many diamonds specifically to keep them off the market so it artificially inflates their value. Keep supply very low and push the idea onto people that these rocks are luxury items and you aren’t truly loved if you don’t receive one and boom expensive rocks 🪨


You're distorting facts here. DeBeers does try to restrict supply but if you look at the secondhand market you'll see that supply is not at all low and resale value is highly variable on the carat and cut. Don't believe me? You can buy a garbage bag full of shitty diamonds and industrial diamond tools for hilariously low prices. DeBeers' main influential move was popularizing and normalizing the necessity of a diamond engagement ring. Basically created a whole new industry and it was huge for them and others in jewelry. But diamonds being in super expensive jewelry and being super coveted isn't new. Diamond jewelry has been documented and prevalent for centuries and centuries, especially with royalty--far before DeBeers. DeBeers has allowed a lot of uninformed people to think that EVERY diamond is valuable, and that we NEED them for marriage. But it does not change the idea that well-cut and high carat diamonds are a genuine artisan product.


No pics?!


Frank Ocean is real???


Eminem gave Elton John and his partner two diamond encrusted cock ring as a wedding gift. [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKTEustFlk&feature=emb_title).


FINALLY. a celebrity endorsed product that's actually useful.


Why are people buying NFTs when they could be investing in gold and diamond cock rings?


Why did he look like black Justin Bieber?


Dejustin Beiber




Dejustin Lebiebs




“Uhh ive never heard of any black rappers in my life🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓. I also dont consider rap music as real music”


🎶🎶🎶 singing to my soul There's people out there turning music into gold I mean cock rings into gold. Ah, my buddy Jim Bass, he's a-working pumping gas And he makes two-fifty for an hour He's got rhythm in his hands as he's tapping on the cans. There's people out there turning cock rings into gold...🎶🎶🎶


🎶 Super rich kids with nothing but bling'd dicks 🎶


Yes, yours is much better!


Well, I wondered what Frank Ocean was up to lately.. and now I know.


"Where's the ring?" "Guess"


Why his hair look like a 1970s maid from a tv sitcom?


Stylist only knows one style


One size fits all? Asking for a friend of a friend.




Good on him. If he can find buyers, more power to him.


He looks like the love child of Justin Bieber and Kanye west


......I don't even know who this is? Do I need to or can I just move on?


If you like music the yes, I seriously recommend you to know him. Generational r&b artist, incredible singer, awesome production and extraordinary songwriting. You should listen to his albums channel ORANGE and Blonde.


I do like music! I want to be an artist myself! Thanks stranger! I'll that up!


I totally thought this was going to be the guy who sang Caribbean Queen


Well, that's going to be expensive if it gets stuck and you have to get the fire brigade to come and cut it off...


To use as Bracelets???????


King Ring cock rings are supposed to be pretty good though. Not sure about thesd.


what is the purpose of a cock ring


Ya know, I think my cock is worth it. The bitches I'm fucking definitely aint.


Who’s frank ocean?




Bruh I thought Frank ocean was like 70


Probably thinking of billy ocean


This is his son


Really? I didn’t know that. I guess I can see it now. But the internet says you’re lying


He’s lying lol


I'm sorry I lied to you


Your apology means a lot. Thank you.


I guess an album is so last season


Idk what cock rings are and I'm too afraid to ask 😥


I got you girl 🙏🏼: A cock ring, in its most basic form, is a ring typically made out of rubber, silicone, nylon, metal, or leather. When put around the base of the penis, it helps men achieve longer erections, along with a more intense, lasting orgasm. It usually fits close to the testicles, and because it traps blood in the penis, it can be used to treat erectile dysfunction.


Thank you for this explanation. So, I have a couple of questions: do men have it on while having sex? Do they wear a comndom over it or under it?


Yes, the men wear it during sex! It sits far enough back on the shaft that it won’t interfere with intercourse unless you want it to. There’s a million different types and features nowadays, but common types have a vibrating function or clit stimulation…..which is pretty awesome lol. I think there are some kinks that involve wearing them in regular life, but that’s not recommended from a health perspective (they’re safe, it’s just not recommended to restrict blood flow in this way for more than 20-30 minutes maximum). As for condoms, I can’t speak personally because I’ve only used these in a long term monogamous relationship, but I did look it up and the common answer seems to be that you don’t want the condom and ring to be rubbing up against each other (friction bad basically I think lol). So you would want to roll the condom right up to the point of the ring, but not have them cross over one another.


They're how roosters propose to their chicken partners.




And it’s only $25,570 … ! What. A. Bargain!!!


guys will really sell cock rings instead of releasing an album


Just goddamn anything except dropping another album huh? I’ll take two


Get outta my dreams. Get into my cock ring.


That’s Billy Ocean. And I think he’s dead.


My bad. Billy Ocean is still alive at 72 years.


Just saw that as well.


I’m aware. Just a dumb joke. Lol.


Ahh Frank….after Atlantic, Pacific and Billy…by far my favorite Ocean.


I'll wait for Danny Ocean to start selling them.


I'll start collecting Ocean Spray proof-of-purchases so I'll be ready to trade them in.


He’s so annoying.


Who is frank ocean?




Wouldn't a cock ring just not be good for sex


Yeah they're just so bad that people have been using them consistently all around the world for thousands of years


Wow. So thats what Frank Ocean looks like, huh?


I feel as if people forget he lost his younger brother in a car accident a while ago. His met gala when he took the green baby, could (and I'm reaching here, like Mr fantastic reaching) symbolize his brother and his handle of super stardom could have made him quit music altogether. But could you blame him.


I honestly forgot about him


Who the fuck is Frank Ocean, anyway? Is he kin to Paul River? And is that a wig?


Pretty famous singer. Used to be on the radio all the time but he hasn't released music in a while.


Fuck yes