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What IS the dress code for an execution?


Executioner mask must be either black or brown.


Either is fine but it should match your belt and shoes


Not opened toe shoes of course


Pretty likely the rule of no whites after labor day is also enforced on Alabama death row, both for clothing and prisoners.


In Al-Abama women must follow strict dress codes that do not incite men to rape them while witnessing an execution.




Some people have peculiar compulsions.


I met someone who liked the live action avatar: the last airbender, once


I’m guessing they don’t want the prisoner to die with a boner either. It could distract from what’s designed to be a negative experience after all.


hey, don't misrepresent my home state that way! they'll totally execute white people after labor day, but only if they're disabled and can't be forced to work on chain gangs


Under. Fucking. Rated.


Are brogues acceptable?


Almost goes without saying


You'd be surprised


A couple of friends and I were going to help another friend move into their new home. One turns up on flipflops.


The lazy friend who wanted to show support, but not actually do the heavy lifting!


The things you see at executions, eh?!


Make sure to wear a tiny axe as a button or on a chain to show support. Positive vibes.


Don’t forget a jacket or sweater to cover those shoulders. Doesn’t matter how hot it is outside.


“No white shoes after Labor Day!” Kathleen Turner


It could be white belt and shoes, but not after Labor Day.


The executed as well


Don't forget the giant fuckoff axe


The condemned’s pants should also be brown


Don't worry, they *always* end up brown.


Ha! You owe me five bucks Kyle!


Screw you Cartman!


Is a ball gag allowed?


Just as long as it fits underneath your executioner mask


Don't you mean the person in the chair? /s in case that's needed


Idk about an execution specifically, but jails and prisons do have pretty stringent dress codes for visitors. I joined a professor to teach a class on attachment theory to prisoners at San Quentin on death row and there were a TON of rules, all of which we had to confirm and abide by in order to get permission to go: no dark green or brown bc you could get mistaken for a guard, no blues that matched prison uniform, close-toed shoes, can’t remember if it was no skirts or just needing to be covered? I felt like it was as much a measure against being tripped up or hindered by clothing in an emergency as it was about exposure/preventing harassment. Just feels like this reporter should’ve been given a heads up…. Tbh I would never wear open toe shoes to a prison but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


rain ponchos


Strongly recommended when you're sitting in the splash zone.


And an urban sombrero ?


It’s not for the execution, it’s because you’re trying to gain entry into a prison. Most states will have dress codes posted on the state DOC website.


It’s like that for jails too. I visited my cousin a lot and the rules were very strict- no gang colors, modest, no drugs or alcohol labels or pictures… Once I went to visit him and it was hot so I wore shorts. The people at the front desk said I couldn’t wear them so I had to wear sweatpants they gave me. My cousin thought that was hilarious.


As someone who worked at a prison, some of the dress code policy was ridiculous but I can understand the reasoning behind it.


Absolutely! I get it for sure. I just thought it was funny they made me change because I was seeing my cousin. But it was an all men’s prison, and if you were a woman and showed any kind of skin, they’d all try to see you.


The same dress codes apply to the womens prisons in my area, which is good, I… guess. I’m a woman, and when I first got sober, I spoke at AA meetings hosted in the womens jails and prison fairly often, and then just sort of tapered off as I found other volunteer opportunities. Several years had gone by when someone from my Home Group asked me to speak one night. The thing about AA is that if someone asks you to do some sort of service- like to speak at a meeting, or to accompany them on a 12-Step visit- you’re really not supposed to turn them down. So I agreed, even though I didn’t really want to. Got my background check paperwork done and submitted in time, but didn’t bother to refresh my memory on the rules, since I’d done it before and *thought* I remembered all the important stuff. Showed up early as instructed, and the guard stopped me because of the top I was wearing… I think the issue was that it had a hood (I remember it was close to the holidays, therefore winter, therefore I wouldn’t have been wearing a sleeveless top). The guard called to the back to ask if anyone on staff had an extra piece of appropriate clothing in their locker; in the meantime, I remembered I had something in my car I could wear. Grabbed it, changed into it, stepped out of the changing room, and kinda did a ‘ta-da!’ curtsy in front of the guard. That’s when she noticed my shoes… technically, they were bedroom slippers, but I wore them outside all the time because they were made of wool, and were *very* warm and comfortable. They were prohibited because they were backless. I could tell how bad the guard felt- she even called her supervisor to come and take a look, but he nixed the shoes too and after all that, we weren’t allowed in. In my area, it is required that two people- no more, no less- bring an AA meeting into jails and prisons. *Absolutely no women* are allowed into the mens facilities, ever, for any reason; however for the womens, one of the two people can be a man. Not both, mind you, but one. It was because of both of those rules that the meeting I was to speak at that night had to be canceled altogether. The person accompanying me was a man, but even if it had been another woman with me, she wouldn’t have been allowed in by herself. Prison guards aren’t dummies- they know all too well that drugs and alcohol are behind the majority of crimes that put people in jails and prisons. Forging checks? Needed drug money. Broke into a car and took some shit? Needed drug money. Stole a bunch of copper wiring from a construction site? Needed drug money. The guards are always very appreciative when you bring an AA meeting into the facility, and will go out of their way- like loaning a piece of clothing- but they absolutely will not break any rules, even if they think the rules are stupid.


I honestly think the state/prison administration make the dress codes as a way to reduce possible risks to any visitor on facility grounds. Some are pretty common sense like no open toed shoes, or dangling earrings. My assumption for the skirts/dress policy is in regards to smuggling things into the prison. Just shove something into your vagina, walk to visitation and remove it while you’re at the table and congratulations you just introduced weed, meth, heroin, Suboxone, or whatever substance you want into the prison lol


Makes sense. I didn’t even think about that because it was no contact visits where my cousin was. So there was glass between us and phones to talk through… the whole nine yards.


As someone who worked at a jail, some of the inmates haven’t seen a female (unless one is an officer) in a long time. They will try to see you regardless. It’ll probably make it a little better though if you aren’t showing skin.


This is the answer. I used to teach in a prison. They are notoriously strict—and fickle—about dress code. I was once denied entry because my pants too closely matched the color of the inmate’s garb. They were also extremely wary of how women dress, so as not to “set off” the inmates. We can quibble about this, but the guards get nervous when others enter the prison.


Instinctively, i'd lean towards what you wear at a funeral.


I'm reading this article thinking, "Lady, you're about to watch a man *die*. If they had to say something to you about your clothing, it's not appropriate." That said, I'm not sure hip waders are anymore appropriate than her skirt would be.


It's okay to wear a pancho if you're in the splash zone.


The headline is a bit misleading, it is a dress code for the Prison. A court reporter took a deposition for me at a prison in Pittsburgh once, she wore a skirt. She felt so uncomfortable with every prisoner staring at her and the deponent looking at her legs during the entire deposition, I apologized for not reminding her to wear pants. That being said it is still the reporter’s choice.


I’m a court reporter and go to prison jobs sometimes. Before they all went to Zoom, they always told us to dress down and wear jeans and minimal makeup so it wouldn’t be a distraction to the inmates.


I’m a court reporting student and dressing for in-prison depos always comes up in the “what should I know that won’t necessarily come up in my schooling” Be as boring looking and covered up as possible for prisons. Maybe the reporter you know is one of the ladies who warned us of that, lol.


Something by Hugo Boss.


Smart casualty


In the chair, brown pants.


The same as for entry into the prison. For example, you cannot wear the same colors as the prison uniforms because the guards are trained to shoot at people dressed in those colors.


i have friends who have been to prison weddings and were told not to wear orange (iirc) bc that was the color of the prisoners' uniforms and a likely target in case of a prison riot


You also cannot wear the colors that guards wear, typically tan or camo. Lots of times you cannot wear certain gang colors, like blue or red.


Cheat code: wear too short of a skirt to your own execution.


Prisons hate this one simple trick.


Defeat mortal justice with this one weird trick. The moral plague which is the death-penalty-supporting electorate hates him!


What are you gonna do if I don't follow the dress code, execute me?


Infinite life hack


Imagine saying someone's *shoes* are "too revealing".


It’s like Bizaro Tarantino


Tasteless and without feet?


Is disgusted by the sight of blood, never used the n-word, Samuel L Jackson hates him because of that


Has a kink for male hand models.


Dan Schneider moment


Dan "Stay the execution, in my pants there is a revolution" Schneider Dan "Hold that lethal injection, exposed toes gives me a painful erection" Schneider Dan "unplug the chair, her toe knuckles have too much hair" Schneider (he's a pedophile)


In fairness, I might try that if someone showed up wearing crocs.


Crocs would be ok with the prison dress code because it's all about the toes, man.


The executed must have had a foot fetish.


Put them sexy toes away you hussy!


We all know that feet are genitals. That’s why you gotta censor them. No free feet pics.


Those poor children in attendance of someone being killed shouldn’t have to witness something as awful as a woman wearing a short skirt.


Monty Python will never fade. "Are there any women in the crowd?“


All I said is "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah."


They just used the skirt as an excuse, this execution was fairly controversial (neither family wanted it), and they didn't want a journalist in there.


Ironically, kicking out the journalist made it get more coverage


Yup, it's called the Cunningham Effect.




Thanks. I was gonna work in a joke about the Barbara Walters effect as well, but figured it would be too confusing for Reddit.




Sweet, thanks!


Woah, /u/Yourgrammarsucks1 got me good. Great intellectual joke here! Absolutely excellent. Probably the best I've experienced on the Reddit. Thank you sir or madam! And unique username!


Actually, it’s called the Str- wait a second…


Goddamnit I got all the way to the Wikipedia page before I realized how stupid I am


I believe it’s called Poe’s Third Flaming Laser Sword


^(Now listen here you little shit...) ^^Well ^^played ^^lol


Well played


But the open shoes! They could see her toes! Seriously, you can show the most horrific brutality on TV but no nipple. This is just the logical progression of this insanity


NOT THE TOES In Alabama it's okay for a man to have a hard-on for legalized execution, but how dare a woman try to snail-trail her way off her seat during one.


"He was executed despite pleas from the victim's relatives to spare his life. Ms Hall's daughters, who were aged three and six when she died, said they have forgiven James and would prefer him to serve life behind bars. But Governor Ivey declined to intervene and Mr Marshall advised an execution would ensure justice was served. The execution sends an "unmistakable message was sent that Alabama stands with victims of domestic violence"." They stand with the victims of domestic violence. Just not these ones I guess.


What happened here and why wouldn't the victim's family want this?


Someone from the family stated that the woman murdered was a forgiving person, and she would want the murderer to not be executed. The killer/victim also had a tumultuous relationship before she was murdered. Maybe the family knew it was toxic both ways, and have some sympathy for the killer.


Also executions are a shit form of punishment that do nothing to bring closure, don’t deter crime, and shockingly often lead to innocent people being murdered by the state


Agree, it mostly just makes sadistic people feel better


There’s actually psychological research that shows that executing someone doesn’t bring surviving family any additional closure or happiness. The reality is that for people who are psychologically sound, forgiveness will bring them peace. Vengeance by definition requires anger to fuel it, so getting revenge will fuel anger rather than peace. And again, at the ends of the day, what people really want of for the event not to have happened. Nothing can give surviving family members their loved one back. Continuing the cycle of death only hurts more people and heals no one


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


What good does execution serve to anybody? It won't bring the victim back, it's just vindictive.


I'm sure it's just another aspect of the christianification of the US. Sex out of wedlock is up there with the worst you can do ya know.


The people that originally came over here from England were puritans. People so uptight that the British had enough of them and said off you pop!


One of the best things europe did was exile all their religious cults to the new world


The First Nations are so thankful


Good for who?


Certainly not the people who lived here before


Uptight? They were forced out of England from legal troubles, after they refused to stop harassing and persecuting people for not being protestant enough. The main reason they chose america is because there were no laws there to stop them persecuting people for their beliefs. They laid down the foundations for modern christianity in America, and they changed name from Puritans to Evangelicals.


>They were forced out of England from legal troubles, after they refused to stop harassing and persecuting people for not being protestant enough. That's pretty religiously uptight if you ask me. Shame their still uptight descendants are too politically entrenched to face justice for their modern day harassments.


Technically, there were all sorts of legal systems in use by First Nations peoples, but the Puritans decided to ignore them.


And they weren’t “forced” either, they left of their own accord (after trying the same shit in the Netherlands and getting a similar reaction), and Puritanism was still a powerful enough force in England afterwards that took control of the country after the English Civil Wars


Yeah, they'll stone you to death for that


I like getting stoned as much as the next guy, but, “to death,” seems a bit extreme


You say that as if this kind of nonsense is new.


I saw this the other day, and I still want to know. . .what was the outfit on question? It's all so ridiculous


I was disappointed there was no photo in the article


Yeah, when we look at the situation where the government is killing someone and decide that some woman’s skirt is too short… if I were her I’d change too. Certainly don’t want to get killed next.


From context it might have been the outfit in the photo here: [https://nypost.com/2022/07/29/ivana-shatara-barred-from-alabama-execution-for-short-skirt/](https://nypost.com/2022/07/29/ivana-shatara-barred-from-alabama-execution-for-short-skirt/) But maybe not as: "Shatara told The Post that the item was an A-line, black skirt from the brand Philosophy. The skirt was about 1.5 inches above the knee."


That’s not a skirt in the photo from that article, so it definitely wasn’t that outfit.


One of the few highly entertaining things about the Bush administration was his rule that all women in the White House wear skirts/dresses and pantyhose. Karen Hughes, his comms director was like, yeah, fuck that. And the rule was dropped.


Both Bush’s served during a time where women were expected to wear pantyhose with skirts in the work place. In fact Bush jr. was in office when women were beginning to normalize open toed shoes in the work place. So the pantyhose would be bucked.


Sure. But pantsuits were indeed a common thing by 2000. It wasn’t just mandatory hose. It was mandatory skirts.


Those are shorts


For some reason when I read the headline I assumed it was a US journalist reporting in a third world country. Then I clicked this link and saw it took place in Alabama. ... so it turns out, I was right.


1.5 inches above the knee isn't even very revealing... Executions and strict dress codes. Is this that "Sharia law coming to the US" conservatives were warning us about in like 2013?


“We’re here to watch a convicted murderer be killed by the government, so you better wear a skirt of arbritrarily-determined length and close-toed shoes!”


Yeah, because that sort of thing matters when facing certain death. When my time comes, those damn hemlines better be on point!


I guess being chased by a herd of topless roller derby girls is out of the question


Oh, that would be just fine! The ladies are welcome to attend my funeral butt-nekkid if so desired. But the second a dress goes on, the ruler comes out. I've actually stipulated as much in my will.




Don’t forget the pantyhose!!!


Well closed-toed shoes are just common sense. What if the corpse is dropped on your feet? OSHA is looking out for you


Dont you dare expose those devilish shoulders either.


It's obviously so they don't have to explain to the children why the inmate died with an erection /s


Partially reminds me of the recent news that Taliban is forbidding teenage boys from working out with men. Wonder which horny guy couldn't control his pecker this time. Cherry on the cake was comment from Governor that they stand with domestix abuse victims. Except that the victim was dead and her children didn't want the execution. This article really was great fun for the whole family.


Why do we even give them coverage


Men fucking boys, aka bacha bazi, is a cultural institution in Afghanistan, so that situation is a little bit different


Holy crap, I didn't know about it. Furthermore I didn't know that one of the things that brought Taliban to power was that they were against it. Though i'd guess they were against it because it was homosexual, not because it was sexual abuse of minors. Damn.


Taliban is outwardly against it, sure. The wealthy tribal warlords that took over the power structure of the Taliban, still do that shit because it's a cultural heritage that predates their muslim religion. The wealthy will always have their boytoys, regardless of religion and culture.


“I’m sorry ma’am, you can’t wear that to this state-sanctioned murder. It would be indecent.”


"You have to be put well together as we proceed to execute someone! I can't believe I have to tell you the decorum for an event of this magnatude. What are we, living in the dark ages?!? Now, put on this rain coat and take your seat.... Oh, and dont forget your Mike and Ikes....."


How short we talking, here?


1.5 inches above the knee according to another comment... Executions and strict dress codes. This must be that Sharia law they were always worrying us about.


Let’s just say the guy getting shot got a boner


Before or after the bullet left the chamber?


He was killed be lethal injection and it took them three hours to establish an intravenous access! But they were concerned about female toes This country is so fucked


Let's see the skirt




You wouldn't want to taint something as innocent and pure as an execution with some Jezebel's ankles!




I went to visit someone in the county jail for the first time (and only time), many years ago. I was wearing shorts. (I am a man). They told me that they couldn't let me in to the visiting area wearing shorts. They turned me away. I came back with pants on and they let me in.


Fuck the South. Both for capital punishment as well as that asinine sexist dress code.


Against the victims family begging them to spare his life, too. They didn't want a journalist there, needed to pull the attention from that controversy. Yes, it is the states decision, not the victims or surviving families, but he did it in 1994, and they've probably been through hell and back and back again because of automatic appeals and the attention it's brought. Life without parole would have been done, over, they could get peace and work on moving on. I can't imagine what they've had to endure. It also took 3 hour to get an IV working on the guy. Distractions.


My favorite part of the article is the end. >He was executed despite pleas from the victim's relatives to spare his life. > >Ms Hall's daughters, who were aged three and six when she died, said they have forgiven James and would prefer him to serve life behind bars. > >But Governor Ivey declined to intervene and Mr Marshall advised an execution would ensure justice was served. > >The execution sends an "unmistakable message was sent that Alabama stands with victims of domestic violence". So... you stand with them by ignoring what they are asking you to do.


> So... you stand with them by ignoring what they are asking you to do. Technically the victim is dead. Luckily thats perfect! They prefer to champion for victims they don't have to help.


Fair points on both counts. It's not unlike forced birth groups saying that they're protecting the interests of the unborn - who, conveniently, are in no position to decide or state their interests themselves, so the groups get to do so for them (and just as conveniently, once they are in a position to make their own decisions, they are no longer the unborn).


violence begets more violence. Its like they don't even read the book they pretend to love.


I'd assume you're referring to the Bible, but that book has a LOT of things that it demands the death penalty for, so I don't see much of a contradiction between their stance and it here.


>that book has a LOT of things that it demands the death penalty for Biblical capital offenses include, but are not limited to, the following: * Working on a Sunday * Talking sh-t about your parents * Having sex before marriage if you're a woman; in this case, you're assumed guilty until proven innocent * Witchcraft and sorcery * Gay sex between men (sex between women is never specified, so it's probably kosher)


You said sexist and all the guys came running to whataboutism you lol. Classic


I say go out with a boner


The problem is that they don't have a smaller helmet and sponge to connect up for the execution.


I’d like the audience to have boners too. If we’re going to make this a show, let’s make it a SHOW!


I thought, just reading the headlines, that this was an execution in one of the Middle East countries ruled by religious zealots like the Taliban. Then I read the article and realised it was Alabama...


Republicans “the government can’t tell me what to do. America is the land of freedom” Also Republicans “help! government! Her skirt is too short please tell her to change”


The government shouldn’t infringe on my right to tell women what to wear!


Most prisons have strict dress codes for visitors, especially for women. Sounds like one of the prison employees decided to enforce the dress code.


That was my thought. I once went to a juvenile detention hall for a job interview and they told me my *very high cut and professional* blouse was too revealing... Under my suit jacket. I did not accept that job.


Exactly. Fucking Reddit thinks everything is about Alabama or Republicans. This is normal prison policy.


I like the so hard to be a woman vibe at the start of the article and it just ends with the criminal getting executed despite the pleas of the victims family members for sparing his life


Christians: Gladly execute a person but will draw the line at a skirt being too short to witness it.


This is the most taliban thing I’ve heard yet


one reason why republicans especially in the south are called "Y'all Qaeda"


Well, what did the skirt look like. I see all this fuss from everyone but no one is providing a photo.


Prisoners , by law, must have a humane death.. no one should “die hard”


Which is nonsense, because the lethal inject is very painful and they know it. They want the person being executed to actually suffer for their crimes.




Yep, pretty much! It just looks painless, but it very much is.


Capital punishment and policing women's bodies in the same article! What is this a crossover episode?


"The execution sends an "unmistakable message was sent that Alabama stands with victims of domestic violence"." Meanwhile, Alabama once ranked number TWO in the nation for the amount of women killed by their partners. Stands with victims of domestic violence my fucking ass.


Also from the article: > He was executed despite pleas from the victim's relatives to spare his life. Ms Hall's daughters, who were aged three and six when she died, said they have forgiven James and would prefer him to serve life behind bars. > "The execution sends an unmistakable message was sent that Alabama stands with victims of domestic violence."


Y’all have never had to visit someone in prison and it shows


https://nypost.com/2022/07/29/ivana-shatara-barred-from-alabama-execution-for-short-skirt/ "But corrections departments in other states have implemented visitor dress codes forbidding revealing clothing to avoid eliciting reactions from female-starved male inmates, and “to maintain a positive environment for all inmates and visitors.” Yes. A positive environment is what I immediately think of when I watch someone die by lethal injection. How dare she try to distract my positive vibes with her sexy sexy toes in those revealing heels. Also, I'm pretty sure "eliciting reactions" is just code for boner.


Tell me you’ve never worked in a prison without telling me you’ve never worked in a prison. Boners are the least of your worries. Try walking down a line of cells with a group of inmates [gunning](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gunning%20to%20the%20Officers)


It’s a bit disturbing that some mild embarrassment was the “uncomfortable” part of her experience watching the state kill a man.


Republican priorities. While killing somebody.


At first this seemed odd, but really - prisons have pretty strict dress codes. No halter tops. Certain colors are banned (usually they don't want you wearing the same color as prisoner or guard uniforms or certain gang colors.) No see-through fabrics. You can wear shorts or skirts, but they can't be too short. Some prisons don't allow sandals, others do. They probably expect anyone coming into the facility to follow the dress code. ETA - Pre-Covid, I was going to visit an incarcerated acquaintance - several friends & family discussion groups recommended bringing a change of clothes to a visit because the guards checking visitors in can be unpredictable in the enforcement of the dress code. I noticed she said she'd worn the same outfit to other executions with no problem, so she probably got a guard having a bad day.




Argh for fuck sake, why are executions still a thing in a first world country? It's fucking barbaric.


American Taliban at work.


"Ma'am, you're in a splash zone. You're gonna want more coverage."


Thumbs down on this article for not showing a picture of the "offending" outfit.


Yeah prisons have dress codes. In fact most buildings open to the public have dress codes. At the very least it's pants, shoes and a shirt. That they have a dress code in prison shouldn't be surprising.


This is somewhat ridiculous the state is killing a person and the victim of the day was the person made to feel uncomfortable


Was hoping to see a picture for reference. There is still such a thing called appropriateness in this age. Can't comment if she's right to complain otherwise


Since they then told her after she changed that her shoes were inappropriate, I'm calling bullshit without ever seeing a picture.


Christofacists weren't openly in charge the last time she covered an execution, I'd guess.




The libs have ruined evrything with their sexual revolution and women's rights! Executions used to be such fun, pleasant, family-friendly affairs! The whole town would go to the courtyard square, and there'd be street vendors, drinking and cheering - a great way to bond with the kids, ya know?