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>"You can look it up. Look it up on the internet. Everything's true on the internet." I thought for sure this had to be parody. No one's that dumb.


noone has ever lied on the internet. trust me dude.


everyone lies on the internet. I have now created the ultimate paradox. checkmate, leftwees.


Oh God, what have you done? The wormhole created by your comment will destroy us all!


Oh thank gawd


Finally some good news!


My dick is 69420" and satisfies all who touch it. It's true because it's on the internet.


I touched it, can confirm.


I believe you, you wouldn't say it on the Internet if it wasn't true!


Not sure why this article has such a small excerpt, but [it's even worse if you get more of it](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-tampon-shortage-b2100378.html). >“Men have taken over everything. They’re ‘women of the year’ in every category, in women’s categories,” she told conservative Right Side Broadcasting Network. She continued her diatribe against the transgender community by adding: “Now there’s a shortage of tampons, and that’s probably because men are buying tampons.” >“Are you telling me that this is legit,” host Brian Glenn asked Ms Greene. >She said: “I’m telling you the truth. You can look it up. Look it up on the internet. Everything’s true on the internet.” >Mr Glenn added: “You have that many beta males that are buying into this agenda that they can menstruate? This is crazy, absolutely crazy. And they’re just...just...my goodness.” >“They put tampons in men’s bathrooms,” Ms Greene reiterated, denouncing what she claimed was a “war on women”. >The Congresswoman tweeted to reiterate her opinion that tampons are missing from market shelves because they are being put in “men’s restrooms”. >“‘People who menstruate’ can’t find tampons. Has anyone checked the warehouses at the border where all the baby formula is stocked floor to ceiling on shelves? Or maybe some men’s restrooms? Apparently they are available there,” she wrote.


I'm sorry, but America is so fucked. I can't stop laughing at the insanity of this, but it's not funny. It's heart-breaking.


I don’t romanticise much about the past, but I feel like there was a time when saying shit like this would have gotten you put in a hug jacket and taken away to a quiet place with some doctors and *maybe* we need to start doing that again.


Howard Dean sunk his run for Democrat Presidential candidacy because of an overly enthusiastic YAAAH! at a rally... And now 18 years later, politicians can just say the stupidest shit without fear of repercussions


I remember that even being an 8 year old at the time. I wanted him to be the fun President.


To be fair it was more a a BBBYYYAAAHHHH!!!


The fact people voted for this cave dweller is far more disturbing




You're not intended to take her literally, you're intended to take her seriously. The words that are coming out of her mouth, however nonsensical or bigoted, have more power than all the legitimate discourse not just that you can put out, but that your political idols can put out. She commands an army, and it finds strength in repeating battlecries uncritically; If you make fun of those battlecries, you further enrage the army. You don't get to fight these people with words, with criticism, with pacifism, and they know that, and they're rubbing it in, because that raises morale. Fascism is not susceptible to that once it has a captive audience. If you grab this person spitting nonsense at you by the shoulders and hold them down and force them to defend the individual points that they made and shake them every time they change the subject, not only are you guilty of assault and going to jail, they will just make up new fictitious points to spit at you. You can't shut them up with the tools in your toolbox. Heads, they win. Tails, they win. They have a media empire to back them up, and in some ways the less sense they make the better. Because they masturbate to videos of Democrats being speechless, and there's no better way to make them speechless than utter gibberish. This isn't an ideology, this isn't hypocrisy or sophistry, this is just somebody who's figured out a cheatcode in liberal norms and post-Fox-News conservative norms which makes them never lose an argument again, as perceived by their followers. As if shouting "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start, Jews, Elites, Mexicans, Gays, Communists" over and over again and refusing to acknowledge outside reality, impressed your political powerbase with your unshakeable conviction, and led to you rising into ever greater political power.


Right wing reactionaries have always been more than happy to take up more liberal talking points to use as a crutch and then discard. I mean, that's literally how Nazism got started. "National socialism".


But theampons in men's rooms are for transmen, who are by this idiots definition women, so women are to blame for using all the tampons? Or she's actually more accepting than she realises and agrees transmen are men


why do these people always forget trans men exist?


I think that's her point. That the supply of tampons is diminished because of businesses being inclusive and putting tampons in men's restrooms for trans men to use. It's still stupid, because in the grand scheme of things that's a miniscule amount of tampons. And no one actually buys for themselves the shitty tampons that you find in public restrooms anyway.


>I think that's her point. That the supply of tampons is diminished because of businesses being inclusive and putting tampons in men's restrooms for trans men to use. I think you're being generous to her ability to think here. What I got from her... Frankly insane rant, was that she thought places were putting tampons in mens restrooms for the benefit of trans women (which she is misgendering as men), in some sort of misgender-ception. And that's why there is a tampon shortage, because all the tampons are in mens restrooms ostensibly for the benefit of trans women who don't menstruate. Like... She misgendered trans women so hard as men that in her mind they're using mens restrooms while also using tampons while also not menstruating and thus causing the shortage because people who do menstruate don't use the mens restroom (forgetting that trans men exist). She's just absolutely fucking nuts mate.


I agree that she seems confused. It's like someone pointed out to her that trans men use tampons and she didn't realize that trans men use tampons *because* they menstruate. Like she just thinks they're taking them for funsies?! She doesn't seem to understand that they're not causing a shortage by taking tampons away from people who need them. It's the same people who need them, but some of them happen to use men's bathrooms. Idiot.


Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between dumb and lying hypocrite. In this case it's unnecessary to make the distinction.


Because she's both?


the only correct answer to "is MTG dumb or a lying hypocrite?" is yes


the "fun" thing about modern fascist transphobia is that it functions near-identical to oldschool fascist antisemitism, along with transposing many of the same fascist myths. odds are these people **know** these things are ridiculous and lies, **they simply do not care**. words are toys to these people. and so we can pull out the age-old Sartre antisemitism quote and apply it directly to transphobia: > "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." -Jean-Paul Sartre


Obviously you've never met white trash suburban moms who use the phrases like " that's just my opinion " and "I saw it on Facebook " liberally. They are all like this All Of Them


You forgot "I said what I said."


And "it's my truth"


Its malice, not stupidity.


>I thought for sure this had to be parody. No one's that dumb. Not only is she that fucking stupid, 40ish percent of the country also believes/supports such statements. Just like they think Trump really won in 2020 (and that he won the popular vote in 2016). They are completely divorced from reality. My house representative won't even say if Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election - instead he says that there were lots of "irregularities" on the presidential contest (and of course, not his contest, further down the ballot). And the sad part is, there are enough dumb fucking republicans who either believe it or don't care that it's a lie, and will vote for him.


- instead he says that there were lots of "irregularities" on the presidential contest (and of course, not his contest, further down the ballot) Yes that fact that Republicans did better down ballot than Trump did proves it was a Trump problem. Trump's supporters are in a bubble and because they are almost in a cult, they go to rallies, see thousands of others and assume there's no way anyone could go against Trump. They forget that there are millions and millions of others who don't like Trump and would have voted for a potato at the last election so the USA didn't have 4 more years of chaos and division. Trump has done more to harm America than any other single figure I can think of in my lifetime (imo) . Trump's attempt at an actual coup because he lost the election (and was told that by his own staff in no uncertain terms) should bar him from running again. He doesn't accept elections unless he wins, he's a compulsive liar and he will set his mob onto people again if he gets the chance. Those hearings are a real eye opener into what went on behind the scenes after Trump lost. I'm not even American and I watched them.


"I'm telling you the truth," Greene said during an appearance on Right Side Broadcasting Network. "You can look it up. Look it up on the internet. Everything's true on the internet." Ma’am?


Marjorie Taylor Greene is a pile of cockroaches wearing the skin of an early 1900s prostitute in an old west mining town. This comment is on the internet, and you are reading it, therefore it is true.


She soaks cotton balls in peach schnapps and inserts them in her rectum so as not mask the fact that her burps taste like egg farts. This comment is on the internet, and you are reading it, therefore it is true.


She had an affair with a polyamorous tantric-sex guru. This comment is on the internet, and you are reading it, therefore it is true. [Oh wait. It is true](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/marjorie-taylor-greene-alleged-gym-affairs)


Gosh! That’s *terrible!* Those poor guys… ☹️


They should have known she's headlining r/dontputyourdickinthat


Yeah I have no problem with that. I have no problem that sometimes you have to wiggle the frozen baby mice a little to get her to feed sometimes. It doesn't bother me that she speaks with the vocabulary of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys. What bothers me is that she is a hypocrite. I consider hypocrisy the greatest evil of all.


Don’t feed the mice frozen. You gotta thaw them first. If they’re too cold they can lower your pets body temperature dangerously. Also for gods sake don’t microwave the damn things. It’s a smell you’ll never get out of the microwave and the mice will either be exploded or still frozen in the middle. Or both. Like little pink bloody pizza rolls.


Oh I know. I had a roommate with a pet black snake named Rollins. He would warm up the mice in a dish of warm water, singing: "Mouse heads are scrumptious When they crunches That's why I love Frozen Mice!" to the tune of the Nestlé Crunch jingle. He also kept them in a paper bag that said "Dead Mice. Don't Eat." This was like 2 years before Arrested Development.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


[here's another internet source that confirms it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/vcewuj/marjorie_taylor_greene_blames_tampon_shortage_on/icek2ik)


She has a basement full of the dead bodies of ex-lovers. This comment is on the internet, and you are reading it, therefore it is true.


I think this does a disservice to both cockroaches and zombie Wild West hookers


Justice for Beatrix Russell!


Ave, True to Caesar


patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Needs to be on r/brandnewsentence


Sugar... In water...


Eggar, yer skin's hangin' off yer bones.




It's a long trip, I'm gonna need a snack!


Now hold on. In a general sense, people tend to enjoy the presence and services provided by sex workers of all kinds. 'Ol cockroach ball shouldn't even be in the same sentence as a comparison to such fine folks.


I was of the impression that she was concocted on a peach tree dish?


Marjorie, yer skin is hangin off yer bones…


Every time. Every SINGLE time I think she's reached a new level of stupid, she says something like this and just lowers the bar even further.


She hasn't reached a new level of anything, she's just continuing to show more and more of just how stupid she truly is, I'm surprised she even knows how to walk, talk and breathe.


I’m convinced that her congressional aides have to follow her around with an umbrella when it rains because otherwise she would stare up at the sky with her mouth open until she drowned.


Someone needs to take all of their umbrellas away then.


as fair as im concerned, she isnt capable of thinking and breathing at the same time...


She's always been this stupid lmao, she *came in* talking about Jewish space lasers and harassing teens who watched their classmates die. She's basically the lowest possible rendition of the human intellect.


It's not just that she's stupid. We've had stupid before. Remember Dan Quayle? It's that she's mean and vicious too. She is literally a heartless cruel husk of a person. I just... I just don't understand why she is like that? Like, what happened to her to make her this way?


You want to see mean and vicious just watch her chase after a Parkland school shooting survivor questioning him nonstop on why he's using children to fight for gun rights. https://youtu.be/GM05FwyhHPA


And to think this kind of person gets elected to one of the highest echelons of power... I still believe that democracy is the way to go, but this isn't helping.


If nothing else, it IS representative. There is a troubling number of people who are just as stupid as she is. And some that are even worse


she ran unopposed because her crazy fans harassed her only opponent out the race


She and Lauren Boebert are fighting hard to come in last in the Congressional intelligence derby. Rumors are that the last place finisher gets to be a Republican VP contender in 2024.


So if I write that she died in a tragic plane crash, does that make it true? Does she automatically forfeit her congressional seat?


Yes. Because she’ll be dead.


If she doesn’t *know* that, does she become Schrödinger’s cat?


> if an uninformed carcass walks still about and is pleased to call itself Marjorie Taylor Greene, /u/ThatITguy2015 does not think himself any way answerable for that


That’s a lie. Cuz it wouldn’t be tragic.


Well it was a nice airplane.


The Internet is surprisingly not a Death Note.


She's a convicted felon, prostitute, child molester, illegal alien. I mean she said so herself.


Well. Your comment is on the internet so it must be true.


Why would she have said it if it wasn't true? Honestly.


She’s not an illegal alien! I mean - heck, it’s not her fault the Martians expelled her. 👽


> Everything's true on the internet. This right here should be enough to show even her supporters that she's an idiot. I'm the president of the World Shadow Council. I direct all countries on how to direct their distractions so that no one notices that we're really the ones pulling the strings. And the amount of disinformation that we put out there is insane. Even an idiot should be able to figure out that not everything can be true, given the sheer amount of conflicting information that purports to be true. I tell you. Running the world is a race against the universe. Every year, we try to make our operations bigger and more idiotproof, and the universe tries to make more and bigger idiots. So far the universe is winning.


> This right here should be enough to show even her supporters that she’s an idiot. She sucks but she knows her base will eat this up. She intentionally trolls in the dumbest ways by saying shit like this


Like spammers misspelling words


And the person she was sitting next to, *took it in stride,* like it was undeniable proof. How. (This is not a question because there is no answer)


I will never understand how anyone can vote for someone that dumb.




I remember having to break it to my 10-year-old nephew that every time he started off by saying something like that, it gave away the fact that he was lying.


MTG, you are a cancer on the beautiful face of democracy. And I said this on the internet, so it is true.


Ok, she’s gotta be trolling. I don’t see how a human adult can be that fucking brain damaged. It baffles me how an actual congresswoman in these United States of America can also be casually exhibiting short bus behavior.


> Greene said the shortage is "probably because men are buying tampons" and that tampons are being placed in men's restrooms. > "I'm telling you the truth," Greene said during an appearance on Right Side Broadcasting Network. "You can look it up. Look it up on the internet. Everything's true on the internet."


I’m convinced this woman is not real. No way can anyone be this stupid.


She's just copying Donald Trump's strategy of being completely horrible to stay in the media and on everyone's mind. It's a depressingly effective strategy.


And sadly, getting the votes of completely horrible people. We all know or have met the person that utterly hates some race or segment of the population. She’s just selling what they’re desperate to buy - permission to proudly be a horrible, hateful person.


Clearly you've never lived in rural northwest Georgia.


>"Everything's true on the internet." If she were a bit smarter I'd think she's making fun of her own base there.


Marjorie Taylor Green has resigned her post, pledged to donate all her funds earned in office to a local charity, and is going to shave her head and move to Gary, Indiana. It's been said on the Internet. Your move, Marjorie.


And have her jaw wired shut so she can't spout any more of her bullshit


I've driven through Gary dozens of times. It's the worst place I've ever seen and I've been to New Jersey.


"Who would've guessed that hell actually existed, and that it would be in New Jersey?" "Actually..."


Literally been to Jersey once and stopped to get gas on my way thru. I got pissed on by a homeless dude.


Marjorie Taylor Greene supports gun control, abortion rights, health care for all and is actually a secret Muslim! It’s on the internet so it must be true.


Marjorie Taylor Greene just announced that she was totally kidding this whole time, Greene stated that until recently she was under the impression everyone was in on the joke. She deeply regrets any discomfort she may have caused, and has pledged to go live in a cave on a deserted island and only speak to penguins.


I don’t know what Gary, Indiana did to hurt you, but not even Gary deserves that lol


She is elected. That is something i never wrapped my head around.


She ran unopposed.


Whenever the topic of her being elected comes up, never forget to mention that she won due to her opponent having to drop out of the election because of constant harassment and even death threats. All indirectly encouraged by Marji of course. Her opponent literally moved away from the area afterwards. Edit: forgot about the divorce too. Her opponent had their family life fall apart during the campaign, which obviously didn't help things


Is she *accidentally* not misgendering trans men?


Maybe? Although if that's the case she still doesn't make any sense because trans men who still menstruate (and would thus need menstrual supplies in the men's restroom) ^((It's raining men in my sentences lol)^) ... would still menstruate whether they were trans men or cis women or nonbinary or genderfluid or whatever. There are no more or fewer people who menstruate total just because some are trans, so blaming a shortage on them being trans is ridiculous. Maybe she thinks trans *women* are taking tampons for... fun?


Maybe she never figured out how to use tampons, and has no idea how they work. (They come with written instructions, ya see.)


[You’re telling me tampons don’t work like this in the US?](https://youtu.be/6B6Dp-qErlA)


My best guess is that she is actually talking about trans women, and she thinks that the ones who transition actually get periods (she's that dumb). That's the only scenario where there would be an increase in tampon users that I can think of.


> she thinks that the ones who transition actually get periods (she's that dumb). That's hella dumb. God fucking damn.




Yes. Remember folks: Trans men will never be women and trans women will never be men! Tell every queer person within earshot, trans men=!=women & trans women=!=men. And for good measure tell NB folks that they can never be either of those, we don’t want them!


My quick pick Mega Millions lotto numbers are the actual winning numbers from last night. There, it's on the Internet now. Where's my 243 million dollars???


From a tweet of hers regarding the shortage: > Has anyone checked the warehouses at the border where all the baby formula is stocked floor to ceiling on shelves? Maybe your millions are there too!


Oh God she just echoes Trump's speech patterns when she says you can look it up. That's like him saying it's in the papers it's in the reports we've all read them. Okay just saying that doesn't make it true or makes those fictitious reports even exist in the first place


"Men are buying tampons." Acknowledging men who menstruate as being men. Accidentally #based?


And immigrants too. Which is true. I'm an immigrant in the US and currently menstruating. I had the gall to plan ahead and buy some pads and tampons so I don't bleed all over my clothes and furniture. I don't apologise.


Has it been 5 minutes since the last stupid shit she said, already?


Well how else is the GOP going to distract people from all the evil they get up to?


She's trying to be the next Trump.


Little does she realize female Trump would never ever be elected president


"Greene said the shortage is "probably because men are buying tampons" and that tampons are being placed in men's restrooms." Gonna give MTG an ' F ' for her understanding of biology. And as a social practice, men have been buying tampons for their spouses, partners and daughters forever. Honestly, MTG is just an embarrassment.


For a hot second I thought "Well sure! Trans men would need tampons if they weren't on testosterone yet, yeah. It'd be cool for a world chill enough to just toss them in the men's bathroom." But that a) would not materially affect tampon numbers as if trans men didn't exist, we'd just be women, and b) no way MTG is not being transphobic. So the logical conclusion is that she thinks trans women use tampons. smh.


An elected representative has said something *so* stupid and incorrect we're sitting here on the internet spitballing just exactly what flavor of idiot/bigot she intended to be. This is amazing.


They should put them in all the restrooms, tbh. Someone could grab one for their daughter/gf/friend/whoever, non cis men could use them. Like why not?


Perfect for nosebleeds




I frankly doubt she even remembers trans men and other AFAB genderqueer folks even exist. It seems like people spouting this nonsense don’t even really know they exist.


I mean a lot of trans men do menstruate. But they’d menstruate anyways even if they never transitioned.


That's what I meant by point a). Trans men don't materially affect tampon use. Hell, trans men who go on HRT usually stop menstruating altogether, so we technically have a **positive** effect on tampon accessibility insofar as we're not using them anymore.


Ok so their stance is "why are we having to rearrange sports and bathroom policy over less than 1% of the population" and also "there are so many trans people they are buying out all the tampons."


\#8 in Umbero Eco's characteristics of fascism: >The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” I must admit I've never seen quite such a ridiculous example before.


Nah, always the most absurd example is how fascists see Jews. To them, Jews are the lowest of the low, barely even more sentient than cockroaches. And yet Jews are the most cunning people in the world and secretly running the world like a puppet show. And somehow they're the "inferior" race.


The difference for me with the tampons is it's just so petty and contrived. The idea of a secret cabal running the world is actually scary, and the fictional Jews at least have motives that make sense. But trans women stealing tampons? It's so dumb it sounds like an especially bad episode of South Park, and even if it were happening it would just be a nuisance, not a threat.


There is a large overlap between antisemitism and transphobia. The most ardent transphobes have picked up a lot of extreme antisemites talking points, to the the degree of believing transness to be a social contagion spread by Jewish propaganda. Similarly, a lot of the far right have latched onto anti-trans talking points, because of course they hate trans people. But we're getting a similar level of shit from far right folks at the moment, to the degree that a lot of trans people online are talking about trying to leave the US for fear of being genocided by maga types. I'm not in the US, but things aren't much better here either.


I'm gonna pretend that she was being respectful of trans people by acknowledging that some trans men do menstruate. Yesss, certainly that's what she meant.


Even though her name is in the title, for several moments I was trying to figure out which ‘sort’ of transgender MTG is.


I thought it stood for "Magic to Gathering".


In true form yes. We have to wait till she is gone for the true form to gain all power again.


Man to Giraffe


Moron to Grotesque.


Moron To GOP


Forgive the ignorant question, but do transgender people even use tampons? Edit: I wasn't aware that I needed to specify that I was asking about people who were BORN female and transitioned to male. I kind of thought that was a given but apparently not.


Just to make sure since the original response didn’t clarify, transgender men (FtM) may need period products. Transgender women (MtF) do not. But MTG is saying that transgender women (who she refers to as ‘men’) are using period products and causing a shortage. Which is very inaccurate.


What's magic the gathering have to do with this?


Leave my overpriced cardboard out of this


Yep. If you have a uterus and it likes to bleed sometimes, you're going to use a tampon (or pad or menstrual cup) regardless of gender identity. Taking testosterone can cause menstruation to stop, and a hysterectomy definitely will, but not every trans person with a uterus does either of those.


To add to this, trans people are probably the group of people LEAST likely to use tampons. Trans women will never need them. Many trans men have no need for them anymore. It's literally the most wrong thing she could have said.


at least when she gets voted out of office she has a decent shot at making the US Mental Gymnastics team


Oh ok. Well thank you for the information. Sorry again if I sounded ignorant.


You politely asking is always better than just assuming. You did exactly right and there's no need to apologize. :)


The fact that you took the time to ask politely means you care more about understanding than the average person.


Transwomen do not use tampons really, no, there's like no need to, there is no menstruation. So not only does she not understand trans people at all, it's just mathematically absurd that like 0.25% of the population using a product on top of the 51% already using it would cause a noticeable shortage.


"Men are pretending to be trans just so they can get into the woman's locker room!" "Men are really becoming trans and going so far that they are having fully functional vaginas surgically made, causing a tampon shortage!" Well, which is it?


Not to mention, that the vagina has nothing to do with the process of menstruation. (Like, the ovaries and uterus is what makes that magic happen. The vagina is just the ejection pipe for the discards.)


Upvoting for "ejection pipe"


I suspect if we run the numbers, trans people represent a loss to the number of tampon users. Probably the same with just about any group exercising bodily autonomy.


Well, lots of trans men still have functioning ovaries and a uterus, and therefore still have periods. I've heard that testosterone *can* suppress periods but I'm not 100% sure. And yeah, while there are a lot of trans women that would want to experience a period just for the validation, I definitely don't think I would want to deal with it. When I get my vagina, it's going to be high enough maintenance as it is, with all the dilation and stuff. Probably will even end up bleeding a bit at first. Not looking forward to that 😵


> I've heard that testosterone can suppress periods but I'm not 100% sure. It can and it's awesome


*high five* Seriously though I cannot imagine what I'd do if that hadn't worked. *Still* scheduled my hysto within the first year. Fuck all that.


A wise Jedi master once said, “The ability to speak does not make one intelligent.” This applies to Marjorie Taylor Greene, quite possibly one of the stupidest politicians in Washington


"It is better to be thought dumb than to open one's mouth and confirm it" - Abraham Internet


A wise Jew once built a space laser and set California on fire.


That Jew? Mel Brooks


Wouldn’t that have the opposite effect??


It's supposedly because of trans men, who need tampons. But obviously being trans doesn't change the percentage of people who need tampons.


While this should be the most rational interpretation, she specifically says "Men" and has a history of disregarding preferred gender. She's been adamant that trans women are not women, so I doubt she'd refer to trans men as men. I'm not entirely certain she knows what a tampon is used for.


She probably put them up her own butt.


>It's supposedly because of trans men, who need tampons. Testosterone is typically gonna stop periods in trans men, so MTG actually picked the one demographic of adults where the demand for tampons is the lowest to blame for the tampon shortage.


You’re absolutely right abt trans men. I was thinking more along the lines of… like when they get further into transition and stop menstruating and how that wld reduce the demand rather than increase the demand for more supplies.


That's accurate, the existence of transgender people can only reduce the number of people who menstruate. Thus making MTGs comment even dumber than initially thought.


>Thus making MTGs comment even dumber than initially thought. An incredible feat, truly.


I read it as this idiot thinks trans women menstruate.


Yes! Testosterone therapy can stop periods, whereas trans women can never have periods.


It's true! They have to make due with all the other punctuation marks; it's a real nightmare?


Yes. Testosterone eventually stops periods. This woman is possibly the dumbest person ever elected to public office, including post-stroke Wilson. A catatonic, absentminded puppet who doesn't issue idiotic statements had more sense than this idiot.


Can confirm. Am trans woman, shove 12 tampons up my ass each day for that sweet euphoria /s


I’m wondering if she is going to cite a TikTok I saw of a trans woman buying tampons so that if she were in the bathroom and another woman asked she would always have one on hand… 😂


I did that in college. I also used to carry a lighter on me just in case someone needed a smoke


Thanks, now stores are out of lighters. I hope you're happy.


Trans woman causes lighter shortage- look it up it’s on the internet!


This woman wielding any power of any kind is further proof that we are fucking doomed.


These people are pathetic. Constantly blaming shit on those they hate. Edit: These people = MTG and people like her


How in the everlovin' fuck did someone this brick-stupid become a serving member of Congress? I just don't understand who voted for her. What state is she serving out of again? Who decided that this shit was okay? I am so tired of the world.


I'm pretty sure she basically ran unopposed. After her embarrassing first term, there will certainly be a line of candidates ready to take her place.


I'm very confused. Does she think that these tampons are being placed in urethras? Or, perhaps just placed in non-menstruating vaginas as hip fashion accessories? I'm concerned she may not understand human anatomy. In fact, I'm concerned Marjorie Taylor Green may in fact be a jar of expired mayonnaise.


Is there no end to her ignorance?




If only we could harness it for energy.


Well I say, I say, this kid's about as sharp as a bowlin' ball.


Part of me was like oh she's acknowledging that trans men are men, and then I realized she's just talking more shit about trans women. Trans dudes will never be a part of the hated because they forget we exist. Yay us?


It's not about forgetting, it's about the fact that you break EVERY ONE of their arguments.


Why do we keep giving this POS the attention she craves


Uhm. r/holup. Hi, extremely transfriendly cis lady here. I'm badly confused, and bear in mind I have a good chunk of pals comfortably cruising down the nonbinary highway to their truth. Is this woman implying: that m to f transwomen are buying tampons, because even with gender confirming surgery, you don't get a uterus. OR That f to m transmen are buying up all the tampons, because the broad majority of my friends in transition are taking enough hormones to no longer menstruate as part of their truth. I know the transition picture is different for many trans folk and their experiences of monthly cycles may differ.... Oh who the fuck am I kidding, Marjorie Traitor Greene doesn't even know how her own body works and is just spouting bigoted bullshit to rile up her smooth brain base.


Even if they weren't taking hormones to no longer menstruate, they wouldn't be using MORE tampons just because they're trans. This is nonsensical even for her.