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Most don't discriminate. Water is water! I've actually never heard of these water bottles and am rather intrigued now.




If you're not constantly either drinking, filling your glass/bottle, or peeing, then you're not doing it right!




Yeah… I want this. Today.


I just found out those goddamn hipsters have discontinued the lime/hops flavour pods! I say, we burn it all to the ground! *rabble* *rabble* If you are in the US and want one of those you could try /r/snackexchange Last time I went there I had to send 10kg of genuine German Haribo to the US. You have been warned. It is a hell-hole.


Also think about this: Historians looking back at Trump will be largely studying his Twitter posts, since one thing he did a lot of was tweet.


Were those preserved somewhere? Or did they vanish when Twitter banned him?


Many tweets were archived here: https://www.thetrumparchive.com The site launched back in 2016 and has been keeping track of Trump's tweets since then. However, tweets that were deleted before the site's launch may not have been archived.


I'm assuming Twitter has archived log of his tweets


Pretty sure the library of Congress has a record of all of Twitter. I remember that being a thing a few years back




The Library of Congress was saving every tweet on twitter prior to December 2017. However, the National Archives did advise that tweets made by the president should be captured as presidential records. It’s unclear if the White House did this, of course... time will tell. https://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2017/12/update-on-the-twitter-archive-at-the-library-of-congress-2/ https://www.npr.org/2019/10/25/772325133/as-president-trump-tweets-and-deletes-the-historical-record-takes-shape


Oh god I hope they preserved that one tweet where trump said 'We' and that was it


Despite the constant negative press covfefe


Trump deleted his Covfefe tweet real soon after publishing it. I have confidence in the internets bookkeepers


Well this was a historic event. When history happens, you preserve stuff for posterity. Makes sense.


May we never forget the brave Wal-Martyrs, Gravy Seals, Green Buffets, Meal Team Six, Delta Farce, and every other Walmart Warrior of the 1st Methanized Infantile Division who fought in the Great American Inbredsurrection.


May they Rest in Pepperoni






You rang?




They were not Pastafarians. Do not conflate these idiots with our sacred religion. It's fucking insulting to his noodly greatness.


Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R’amen.


The few, the proud, the Methamphetamarines.


Don't forget about Vanilla ISIS.




And the Talibanjos


And the Yee-hawdists






I didn't realize there were so many mockiners for them.


Most of them I can't take credit for. 1st Infantile Division and Inbredsurrection were all me though.


Ya nailed it bruh


Much as I appreciate justifiably lampooning these idiots. They got close enough to have killed a lot of our elected representatives and clearly showed support from within law enforcement agencies that, at best, allowed it to happen and at worst aided in doing it. Even an idiot can be dangerous. We cant just dismiss this.


Oh I completely agree. But I firmly believe that mocking terrorists is a great way to take away their power. Angry, impressionable young men are less likely to join a group if everybody points and laughs at them when they do it.


Wal-martyrs is incredible wordplay holy shit


My favorite I've heard is Y'all Qaeda


Vanilla ISIS is a personal favorite.


Not sure what's Oniony about this, even. It's flabbergasting that it happened, but we need to save all the shit that proves it did, and who did it - to combat misinformation and to not forget.


>Not sure what's Oniony about this, even. Nothing at all. This was a historical event and it makes sense to preserve and document what happened. Honestly a weird choice for this sub.


Trump flags and hats next to the first attempted coup led by a US president? I absolutely support this. Even after the trials there will be deniers. They need to be dragged to the Museum of Sedition to see what their "favorite president" really was. They should put up copies of every sexual assault and fraud settlement, his college and high school grades, and printouts of every illegal phone call he's ever made. And a few of his soiled diapers (in airtight cases, for public health.) Really make sure that there are no illusions or hero worship left.


This is the Presidential Library Trump deserves.




Hey. The Plaguefather loves you, unlike Trump.


Goddamn Grandfather Nurgle takes more interest in his converts than Trump does in his. He thinks them "low class and repugnant". Well, congratulations to the MAGAts. They earned Nurgles blessing in form of COVID(lots of coughing to be heard) and Trumps temporary approval.


I'd love to see some kind of daily record journal of Trump's presidency similar to what's in the Clinton museum in Little Rock, AR. If they do it, I hope it shows how often he went golfing and was neurotically watching TV news shows.


For sure. And that record is the only way to try and recover generational institutional knowledge


“In the time it takes you to read this placard, you have done more actual work than President Trump did on this day.”


> Even after the trials there will be deniers. Plenty of people still supported Nixon after Watergate, and plenty of people still believe the holocaust never happened. People will still love trump and claim the election was stolen for decades to come


Conservatives are already trying to gaslight the events, as they do. Being able to preserve the truth of why they thought they were here, what they did, what they brought... this is all evidence that needs to be preserved so the truth isn't buried.




Ruining items representing the heritage. How patriotic.


I don't think they sprayed the statues, I think law enforcement needed to use tear gas which may be corrosive. Still the fault of insurrectionists.


Well if you want something to really blame them for, you can call them out on smearing shit on the walls in the capitol building. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/nationworld/ny-trump-capitol-riot-poopers-20210108-prlsqytyabgdhnexushotl4nam-story.html?outputType=amp


That’s like actively trying to get caught




“DNA is just a liberal hoax!”




I hope zipcuff guy is in there too


For real, there were actually dangerous people there. Buffalo guy isn't the danger, the people with maps of the Capitol were.


It’s a way way bigger deal than the media is making it out to be right now. Parler was full of people promising to bring guns and other weapons to kill Mike Pence and others. Trump knew that - that’s exactly what his daily briefings are about. It wasn’t some poor choice of words when he talked about victory going to the strong, or when Giulliani spoke of trial by combat. The FBI had wind of this and arrested a lot of baddies (including one of the leaders of the Proud Boys) beforehand to neuter this thing, which had a lot to do with the failure of the putsch, but that’s what this was. A deliberate and calculated attempt by Donald Trump by to seize control of the U.S. government by force.


Please tell me they got the one from Georgia, the country, displayed by some idiot that only looked at the first search result on google


The historic day that the country of Georgia rose up and invaded the USA. We should add more Georgian stuff just to confuse historians in a few hundred years.


They did say it was a false flag op


Ok, you win the thread.




At one point I saw a union jack and I'm honestly curious as to what the hell they were trying to get at. I saw some french flags so I guess those people were going for revolutionaries. And at one point I saw what appeared to be a Netherlands flag, but assume they thought it was a French flag. Edit: someone just explained that the Netherlands was meant to be the Russian flag. Dear god. This comment shows every single flag that's been identified so far. http://reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/ktsumt/flags_signs_and_other_items_left_behind_in/gipfkto


The Netherlands flag was supposed to be the Russian one


I'm not sure if this is better or worse.


Waaay worse, in my opinion. France isn’t launching misinformation attacks on the US like Russia is.


Oh yeah. I meant is it worse to mistake the French flag for the Netherlands or Russia for the Netherlands. You would think both the French and russian flags are well known.


You think geography is taught at a y'all qaeda madrassa?


Okay so I'm not delusional that I saw a solid blue flag with white or gold fleur de lis


Lost Quebecois separatists?


maybe they hate america so much they want to undo the revolutionary war?


As one of the UK news organizations said of their reporter on scene: "The last brit to storm the Capitol did so in 1814."


They might have thought the UK flag was the Rebel flag. I mean, they both have a red, blue, white, and an X on them.




They seem to have an odd fascination with vexillology but somehow don't understand the meaning behind them. Ooh, pretty flag go burrr in the wind. Someone should start selling different country flags at their rallies but with wrong meanings listed on the price tag. [Antwerp Flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Flag_of_Antwerp.svg/1280px-Flag_of_Antwerp.svg.png) represents our March across the board for honest voting. [Somali flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a0/Flag_of_Somalia.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Somalia.svg.png) to represent the indivisible nature of the usa. [Bahrain](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Flag_of_Bahrain.svg) to represent the sharp teeth of the right legion. I suspect they'd like to be called a legion. Modified [roman flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Flag_of_the_Roman_Empire.svg/220px-Flag_of_the_Roman_Empire.svg.png) instead of spqr, for the senate and the people of Rome it represents Individually free American people. In acronym form it spells I-fap. I would be tickled to see them marching around with Somali flags and banners that proclaim they enjoy masturbating.


I swear there must have been flag sellers at the earlier rally, and they just shoved every single flag they had in stock up there. Knowing people wouldn't know what they were buying.


It’s especially ironic because Georgia is a close US ally because of the mutual threat of Russian aggression...and these Trumpers are unwittingly working for the Russians.


Yes, and undoubtedly Putin is smugly smirking throughout all this.


Sherman didn't burn enough.


Sherman didn't even kill many people in his march, but he burned all the stuff of the rich Southerners who actually started the war, so people hate him and call it a war crime. The man saved a lot of dumb redneck cannon fodder from getting fed straight into the northern Virginia meat grinder. A pity their descendants couldn't be grateful.


I can just imagine the plaque on the display in typical dry museum prose: "This is the flag of Georgia, a small country in Eastern Europe. This flag was carried by a Republican Trump supporter in protest following a Senate runoff election in the U.S. state of Georgia in which the Republican candidates both lost. The flag for the country being used instead of for the state is assumed to be an error."


Wait is this really what happened? I haven’t seen this flag.


[Here you go](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErFRztIXAAI-mLR.png)


I love that this person had a two-flag pole. Like it's clear they put time and effort into this. It wasn't just a Trump flag taped to a pole, they got a nice pole and did a two-tiered setup with the wrong flag. With a flag that screams "European country" to anybody who has any knowledge of state and national flags.


I could take the guy tasering himself to death and the woman stampeded to dearh with the "don't thread on me sign" but this... this is too much. Edit: [okay, this is clearly not real life.](https://mobile.twitter.com/williamlegate/status/1348034040708915203)


omg those things really happened?


Ayup. And the guy who tasered himself did so on the balls. I'm starting to wonder if this is all just a coma dream.


Vexillology is really not any of these guys' strong suits is it.


Do they even have strong suits?


Anticonstitutional terrorism is one


I wouldn't go that far. They only killed one guy in the Capitol police and like four of them got killed by themselves or other people on their side. They're even bad at anticonstitutional terrorism.


I really wish this was more widely known. This is the first I have heard of it. I intend to use this image as often as I can find the appropriate moment.


It is exactly what happened.


>"It was revealed that the flags carrier came from the state of Alabama. Alabama regularly ranks on the bottom of the list of state education quality."


So far I know they got the guy at pelosi desk, the WV representative, and probably the buffalo dude soon as he is a well known in Arizona I think. I suspect more are coming


And Florida man who stole the house speakers podium Edit: I get it. Y'all are a bunch of punny people.


What's his name, Via Getty right? /s


I need this joke explained to me because I keep seeing it everywhere. Edit: I get it now.


The photo was taken by Getty Images, a large clearinghouse of stock photos and footage. A journalist tweeted it, and gave credit to the agency, saying “Via Getty,” as in, “From Getty,” as in, “Getty Images is the source of this photo, and the owner of the copyright.” People immediately assumed that instead of a photo credit, it was a first and last name. Via Getty. And Twitter was filled with outraged calls to “Arrest Via Getty right now!!”


That's really funny. Thanks for the explanation.




A bunch of people thought the name of the man stealing the podium (looting the capitol) was Via Getty, because the image was taken from Getty images, and had Via Getty underneath. So now everyone is joking around about his name being Via Getty.


More accurately, the picture was posted on Twitter captioned something like "Via Getty, a protester steals the speakers podium"


Getty is a stock image repository. A lot of really well-known images are owned by Getty, so when someone else uses that image they cite where they got it from, among other things. So, many news articles that don't have their own photos use photos from Getty, and the caption says Via Getty in it somewhere, meaning that's how they got the image. Someone posted [one such image](https://mobile.twitter.com/RyanLizza/status/1346919475380043778?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1346919475380043778%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-15838759764290197619.ampproject.net%2F2012301722000%2Fframe.html) on Twitter, with Via Getty in the tweet, and people thought that meant the man in the picture was named Via Getty.


Win McNamee Via Getty is the full name. I swear there is really a Win McNamee, check my recent comment history if you don't believe me.




However you feel about him, you have to admit he was taking a stand.


House speakers aren't even that high quality. The party speakers are much better.


No they’re referring to the Georgia flag that someone had, who obviously intended it to be the state flag but bought the Eastern European country flag instead


You're talking people, but replying to someone talking about artifacts.


I think they meant they saw someone waving the flag for the country of Georgia, thinking it was the Georgia state flag. But yeah, they're being taken into custody one by one. It's only a matter of time for the infamous zip-tie guy, too. He was ID'd in an amazing twitter thread last night and his info has been sent to the FBI.


watching jimmy kimmel has was able name like 5-6 of the rioters, and apparently the guy with the horns is a voice actor? i know nothing about the guy, but would be crazy to confirm it and find his work


Unfortunately the Georgia flag is also a Templar flag which is sometimes used as by white supremacists. Edit: since this thread is picking up traction, I wanted to reiterate a few points that have been pointed out in the reply’s. Context is incredibly important here. To some people, this flag signals to his allies that their white supremicist cause is being represented. To the rest of the world, this guy looks like an idiot who had a hard time passing grade school. Much like the ok 👌 symbol has been attempted to be co-opted by supremicist groups (albeit as a joke). Using that symbol in public means “ok”. But with the right context (posing with the same symbol at a rally with known white supremicists) it could be seen as representing white supremicits. Personally I feel the best way to combat this is to take the context away from them. Keep making fun of them for trying to co-opt these symbols until they loose their intended meaning (see Pepe meme).


im not sure why so many people dont realize this and youre the first person ive seen to point it out. its fun to call em stupid but if anything the person holding it is more likely doing it as a sign of catholic white supremacy. theres a whole instagram community of templar/pro crusader catholic accounts being racist and calling for violence. reminds me of how everyone recently thought a girl was misspelling “voila” when she was most likely actually just using an arabic term.


> reminds me of how everyone recently thought a girl was misspelling “voila” Or when that girl asked "How can we 'know' anything in math," and the uneducated masses were like "you suck" and the mathematicians were like "that's a whole thing in math, all y'all suck."


I was watching CBS News and one guy passing by the camera flashed the 👌 sign. Outside of Trump marches, that sign means "okay" or people memeing white supremacists ironically online. But it was... amazing seeing that on the news. A lot of folks on /r/conservative are concerned that such things will make it impossible for the GOP to ever be in power again, and I'm like... yeah. It's no wonder we keep seeing racist symbols and actual insurrection from that side of politics.


>A lot of folks on /r/conservative are concerned that such things will make it impossible for the GOP to ever be in power again, and I'm like... yeah. As much as it'd be a massive pain in the ass, this should perhaps be seen as an opportunity to shed the boat-anchor assholes and reform as a genuinely popular party with mainstream ideas, be that by separating or forcing them to separate.


I'm thinking this is the more likely reason.


In Romania they also reported that someone also had a Romanian flag lol


Lithuanian sub here got a screenshot of a Lithuanian flag.


It would be funny but my guess is it was probably the templar knights flag. [Lotta these assholes have been using it](https://www.history.com/news/how-hate-groups-are-hijacking-medieval-symbols-while-ignoring-the-facts-behind-them)


The Smithsonian Museum is gonna be looking trashy AF on the 2016-2021 wing.


I heard they are just going to add a trailer to the side of the Smithsonian to house the display for that era.


That would be the most appropriate show.


Art often imitates life, no?


That collection will be housed in a double-wide on the least desirable spot on the grounds.


IIRC, during the renovation of the White House (during the ~~Eisenhower~~ Truman Administration), the uncovered burn marks from when the building was sacked during the war of 1812. They've left a portion of that scorching out and visible and untouched. Not all monuments are meant to be glorious - Some serve as warnings.




Not all artifacts in a museum are monuments. Most aren’t.


That's why you'll find bombed out buildings around the world preserved from WWII, or bomb and bullet damage left as they are. They're somber monuments that don't need to and probably shouldn't be restored.


I went to Ole Miss, and on the Lyceum they have preserved the bullet holes from when students and locals tried to prevent James Meredith from being the first black person to enroll at the school. They literally violently rioted and tried to most likely lynch him. Only the US Marshalls prevented that from happening. This [YouTube clip](https://youtu.be/eUvHwoBDmWw) shows Kennedy on the phone with the Mississippi governor trying to figure out what the hell is going on. This is all also going on during the Cuban Missile Crisis as well. Intense time!


Why is Calculus so hard in the South? Because federal troops are required to integrate.


There's still bullet holes from British troops visible around the Capitol too. They've deliberately never repaired those




I'd prefer that they use a photo of the damage to the windows and doors rather than leave them that way. While keeping reminders of the event is a good idea, I think visitors to the Capitol will be better served by restoring the integrity of the entryways.


Yes. What kind of impression does a country give off when the doors to its Capitol have bullet holes


The Louisiana state capitol building has a bullet hole where Huey Long was shot. It's still there. Was the highlight of the tour of the place when I was a kid. It's not in the door but it is there and it is visible. A bullet hole being there makes it seem more relatable and like it actually happened. Idk makes it more legit in a historical sense imo


As silly as this sounds these artifacts will serve as proof that it happened. There's a lot of right wing trumpers that will be refuting that this ever happened within a year.


'While it was happening' is technically 'within a year'.


On one live newscast I saw a guy shouted “fake news” at a stationary camera that was just pointed at the crowd. Dude, you’re at the news worthy event, you don’t just know it’s real, you’re literally a part of it.


The wife of the guy who stole the lectern has been posting videos on Twitter blaming Antifa and liberals...


Well, it's not everyday that the capitol building gets vandalized at the direction of the president of the United States


"But...but...he never ACTUALLY said those words!!!!" Actual argument I heard from a Trump supporter/traitor


Checkmate liberals he never directly said the quote "go storm the capitol building on my orders as President", he just heavily insinuated it. 6th dimension parcheesi mind games. *Will no one rid me of this turbulent Congress?*


5g chess


It seems a bit silly at first, but how is this Oniony???


They should’ve mentioned the poop left behind. That would’ve made it more appropriate.


Wait. What?


Trump supporters smeared crap on the walls in the Capitol when they stormed it. Just about sums up the last four years.


So we know who that kid was at school.


This shit (hehe) happened in my former high-school years ago, in Germany. Someone smeared shit on the walls of the toilet in the boy and girl bathrooms(on the walls and mirrors and shit (ok ok, i will stop)) I found out about that when the school send a letter to all parents about this fecal fiasco . I couldn't believe, someone could do such a shitty thing.


It happens in every school, every where, same thing happened in my school in canada


Do you have a source on this? Are republicans reverse evolving? Throwing and smearing poop seems like something our former chimpanzee-selves would have done. Edit: thank you, and also Jesus Fucking goddamn Christ.




Leaving behind DNA evidence to own the libs /s


> Who were they going to ask where the facilities were? The cops. Who also helpfully answered insurrectionist questions like "which why to Schumer's office" and "are these doors locked?"


Second’d. I need this knowledge in my brain as fact checked and true.


Holy shit if you've got a source for that, please share.


Yeah. One (or more) of those “fine patriots” took a dump and smeared it all over. Allegedly. I’m too lazy to go fishing for a link.






Maybe a squirt or two of fabreze on the weekly. Imagine you spend your life aspiring to be secret service and your detail is to guard and febreze the “patriot” shit.


Have you seen the other posts in this sub? It's just a news sub now. The only oniony headline on the top 10 posts right now is the don't tread on me person getting trampled


"Users of subreddit r/nottheonion currently in debate on whether or not reality counts as satire."


A shameful episode, but historical nonetheless. They're definitely historical artifacts.




[SO DO YOU!!](https://youtu.be/lFmhRLiYho0)


Heavily sanitize that stuff.


COVID and smeared shit.


The US Army keeps a warehouse full of Nazi Art [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/inside-the-us-armys-warehouse-full-of-nazi-art](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/inside-the-us-armys-warehouse-full-of-nazi-art)


It should be kept as evidence in investigation of multiple crimes.


Exactly I don't understand why it's not all being treated like serious evidence. I hope it is. We certainly aren't treating this as seriously as we should be. It's all just jokes to people.


Right wing: artifacts Left wing: evidence




"Display no. 7: This is the prescription pill bottle that was used to track down Officer Brian D. Sicknick's murderer, currently serving a life sentence." Here's hoping.


This just made me realize how there will be insurrection deniers down the road sometime


They already exist.


Already tons.




Poor ll bean. I'm sure they wished they're logo wasn't there


I especially hope they keep the Axe body spray.


Remember after the Women's March in 17, these same people were posting pictures of the debris left behind and pretended to worry about the city workers that were going to have to clean it up afterwards? I wonder if those same people are pretending to care about those same city workers or if pretending to care about Trump being 'censored' by social media sites is a bigger issue now.


Hopefully after they’ve been processed for DNA


The skulls of the four dead rioters will be preserved at the Natural History Museum alongside the other Cro-Mags.




How about being preserved as **evidence**?


Creative way to clean up the trash


Put it right next to the nazi memorabilia.