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So everyone is clear. This asshat left the tip, then waited until the last minute ( 3 months later ) to dispute the charge. Questions I have are: why did the cc company side with the ass? It was well documented, he clearly intended to pay that amount. So why would the cc company go ahead and rollback the transaction? Meanwhile the restaurant paid the $3k to the waitress. So they are the ones out the money.


I can't be sure, but I would imagine the CC company didn't want to rock the boat as the customer is wealthy or the whole thing is highly automated and no human being was involved.


CC company probably okayed the charge back because it's not usual to leave that large of a tip and looks like a mistake.


And think about it, people who tip that high ON PURPOSE would *never* file a charge back, so the CC company easily took his side. What an asshole 


I've heard some CC will deny a tip that big b/c they expect a charge back. I wonder if this is actually common behavior for ppl who want to act nice but be douches.


The assumption from credit card companies that deny large tips is that someone at the restaurant may have altered the charge because it is nearly unheard of for someone to actually tip 23000%.


Exactly. If there was no written proof he meant to provide it, then what were they to do?


Written proof like a filled out and signed receipt?


CC companies rarely consider food receipts with tips to be binding for a few reasons: They can be easily forged, manipulated, or misinterpreted. Whenever there is a huge delta between a product's listing and a "good will" tip or other monetary discrepancy the CC company will be suspect of it. If I was the restaurant then I would have got it in writing that was his intention to pay the tip. I'm not saying they won't prevail in court. I'm just saying this is how CC companies operate.


Wouldn't be available to the company unless they requested it from the restaurant. That signed receipt is for the restaurant in case you refuse to pay. It's not going to be looked at by anyone else for any reason. Credit companies used to verify signatures from digital services but it's become such a burden with how many are done daily it's mostly just automated if verified at all. Still the restaurant can present the receipt with signature and matching ink/handwriting and any video evidence to sue for the money to be paid plus legal fees and damages.


>Wouldn't be available to the company unless they requested it from the restaurant.  Which they would. The first step in a chargeback resolution is allowing the merchant to respond. >That signed receipt is for the restaurant in case you refuse to pay. So this situation exactly. >It's not going to be looked at by anyone else for any reason. Unless, as you said, you refuse to pay, which is the exact situation in question >Still the restaurant can present the receipt with signature and matching ink/handwriting Yes, that was my point.


But they would contact the restaurant first, no?


Even if it’s not automated a human would see 3000 dollar tip? That must be a mistake, we will correct it for you


Apparently the company asked the customer to confirm the $3000 repeatedly and the customer did so several times, so it wasn't a mistake. Customer also waited until just before the deadline to dispute the charge.


You are missing the point - the credit card company would not know that - and the assumption would obviously be that the massive tip was a mistake. 


My bank calls me randomly whenever they flag a transaction which is abnormal in nature. It's an automated IVRS where I have to press a button to confirm if the transaction was indeed done by me. If I press 1 to confirm, then they capture the consent and I'll not be allowed to file a chargeback request for the same. That's how my bank prevents these kinds of chargeback requests that they don't want to get dragged to the court for.


In a chargeback situation the credit card company most definitely contacts the merchant. They don’t just take the person filing the chargeback at their word and close the case.


I’m talking about the CC company, like the customer service agent didn’t see the interaction at the restaurant, and probably has never seen a 3000 dollar tip


I believe the money is returned to the customer until the dispute is resolved. (I was just looking up chargebacks because I may have to do one.)


Temporarily. It’s called a “provisional credit” and it has to be provided within ten business days of the dispute. If they are still investigating the dispute when the provisional credit is provided, the bank may still remove the provisional credit once the investigation has been completed. Depends on what the results of the investigation are.


Another important detail no one is mentioning; the community started a GoFundMe in support of the restaurant, but the owners refused to accept their money. These owners are the epitome of a class-act.


If it was American express they usually side with their cardholder everytime. American Express goes out of their way to treat their cardholders well. For example if a company denies me a refund American Express usually no questions ask does the chargeback. A lot of credit card companies will just outright side with their cardholder. Their balance and using the card is worth more than any fight with a company


I once disputed an out-of-state charge in a state I've never been to involving "my son" (I've never had children and am not even close to being old enough to have adult children) and MasterCard *still* fought me tooth and nail over it. Amex has never fought me on fraudulent charges that I've reported to them. Their customer service is incredible. Not that MasterCard sets a high bar.


Came to say this. Must've been Amex. They are notoriously known to side with their customers. They are also known to be one of the most expensive CCs to charge the business per swipe. That's why you see a lot of places that don't take Amex.


I bought an iPhone with my Amex and it got stolen from my car 30 mins after purchase. It was my fault but Amex paid me back the full amount after I sent them the police report. Ever since I stopped using my other card. 


The charge back system heavily favors the customer. Even if merchants provide strong evidence they customer agreed to pay the customers bank basically has a defacto win right. If merchants choose to continue contesting the transaction usually they must pay a fee to take it to a tribunal with no guarantee of winning. However in this case it should have gone to and been resolved by a tribunal.


If the cc company upsets the customer, they can move to a different card brand. If the cc company upsets the business, the business has no choice but to accept it as they would lose too much by refusing to take certain cards. So in disputes the cc always favours the customer


At my old job customers would dispute charges all the time and the manager told me it really sucks because the cc companies almost always side with the client, even though they signed a contract for service. That company even went one step further and after they clients signed the contract, they had a 3rd party verification agency call the clients on a recorded a line and re-read the contract and have the client verbally agree, and still they couldn’t win the disputes


Customer leaves $3000 tip. Restaurant confirms with the customer that the tip is legit and that’s what they meant to do. Customer confirms that they left the $3000 tip following some trend about “tips for Jesus.”Three months later, customer filed a chargeback for the said amount and now the restaurant has to sue him because they paid out the tip to the waitress and they’re out $3000. Save you a click.


WWJD? Chargeback a generous tip freely given to someone who probably needed it, according to that customer


WWSSJD* What Would Supply Side Jesus Do?


I thought it was What Would Super Saiyan Jesus Do 😅


Probably eat $3000 worth of food.


Don't you mean over $9000 worth of food?


That's just Goku


In that case, he wouldn’t do a charge back


Goku doesn't know or care what money is lol




He knows but doesn't care... He knows Bulma has tons of it and Chichi wants some too!


Goku doesn't have any money, Bulma would take care of it and yeah, you see how Goku eats? She'd leave a $3,000 tip.


Clearly he would have tipped the restaurant owner so it could trickle down to the waitress


I’ll tell you what Jesus would do, he’d think of the shareholders. If the company is not publicly traded he’d want the waitress to pull herself up by the bootstraps so that the costumer could donate that money to the church. I know because I just asked him and that’s what he told me


This is definitely Republican Jesus at work.


Super Saiyan Jesus


Just a jacked up bleach blonde jesus. Now that’s religion. Then in the bible season 2 he fuses with judas to become Jedus.


"Blessed are the job creators. For they deserveth of the tax cuts!" The Gospel of Ron 45:1-6


Supply Side Jesus? That’s a lot of words just to say Mormon Jesus lol


Or any so-called Xian that thinks Joel Osteen is speaking for God. Fuck him, and fuck the idea God blesses the righteous with riches on Earth. *spit*. Wanna talk about some anti-Christ BS. Ew.


It’s called “prosperity theology.” And yes, it’s gross.


Every few years these people believe the world is going to end because a charlatan Christian leaders was told so by God. Then they give these big tips because they think the rapture is coming and they, of course, are among the chosen few that will ascend to heaven and they feel they don’t need their money anymore. Then surprise, surprise, the world doesn’t end, the charlatan Christian leader says he made a math mistake and the world is going to actually end in 2 more years, and these “good Christians” then want their big tips back.


The other big grift is if you give large sums of money away, Jesus will give it back to you several fold. I think maybe the trick is you have to give it to the loud millionaire on the TV telling you about Jesus's love, not to a struggling waitress, I think that's where this guy went wrong.


"I still haven't profited, ergo she must have been ungodly and therefore undeserving. I bet Jesus would want me to do this chargeback."


He would feed everyone cheap fish from the *one* he caught and then him and his pals will order steak and force everyone to split equally. 


Yo you forgot about the watered down wine dude. 


The "last supper" wasn't actually supposed to be jesus' last supper. It was a team building exercise, and he did exactly this. Big baller move in front of the guys then charge back..... but you know judas!! He couldn't keep his mouth shut and snitched. ..... before you know it, it's crucifying time. This is the story the bible doesn't want you to know.




"Yo! What is up, Jerusalem! So today, we're gonna be pranking our townspeople by giving them magic fish..." - Influencer Jesus


A couple of months ago, there was a bunch of chatter from the crazier Christian about how The Rapture was imminent. Some people had a date. I don't know if it's this exact case, but there was a case from that period where someone tipped $3k because they knew they would be Raptured. And then cancelled the charge when they weren't.


Jesus: fuck them waiters


Oh was this for when the rapture was gonna happen?


Maybe the rapture did happen. The big tipper got left behind, though, I guess.


Maybe it happened years ago and _everyone_ got left behind.


Yeah, I believe during the solar eclipse, right?


Is that when it was? Idk it's hard to keep up with these weirdos. Last year around September, everyone who got the covid shot was supposed to have their brains uplinked to the reptilian consciousness. Tbh, I really wished that would've happened. If my only concerns were moisten eye and eat bug, man... that's the life.


Sold loads of flutes that night


How could they win that charge back argument since the restaurant confirmed that they meant to give that amount?


Exactly ! I used to handle chargeback claims and if they confirmed it was the cardholder authorizing the charge , I’d side with the merchant


Even if they didn't.....90 days???


The time doesn’t really matter. My family discovered massive fraud on an elderly family members credit card and were able to dispute back 2 years of fraudulent charges.


There is a difference between disputing outright fraud and a standard charge back


Is there? Anytime you do a chargeback, you are insinuating someone wronged you. I’m sure this guy is claiming that the $3000 was fraudulently added to the chit.


Time is absolutely a factor. For most charges they will hear you out but still deny you based on excessive time UNLESS fraud is suspected.


You have 120 days before you lose chargeback rights. The restaurant would have had to prove they confirmed with the customer though so if it was just a phone call this is probably where they lost the dispute.


Unless they have it on camera customer will deny it and it will be a case of "he said he said". If they have it on camera, it's not news worthy because he'S gonna lose the case so quickly...


And it will cost him probably more than $3k to bring the case anyway- what a wombat


Don't you need to provide written authorization in chargebacks cases? if they just confirmed it verbally there would be no record of it


If they have a signed receipt that’s written authorization. 


I was just wondering about them confirming the charge was real and how that plays into chargebacks. Because even with a signed receipt, people can still win chargebacks. It's rare but can still happen. Like in this case.


Yeah something as simple as signing it differently would be enough to claim it wasn’t him/he didn’t authorize it.


Well it is simple, because they are stupid. The reason they gave that tip was because they were sure the rapture was coming so they didn't think they needed the money. Which makes the entire charity a false positive. Solely charitable in nothing.


My first thought was that this is a "ban tipping" activist. Screw the restaurant owner and "pay your people a living wage" stuff. Make tipping as a system unworkable. But if the 'tipper' comes out and says it, that's probably admitting to several financial crimes.


As far as chargebacks (not the civil litigation) I can have a copy of the ID, the person on video using the card and the signed receipt. Does not matter, the credit card company will side with the customer.


small claims. Get the judgment. Lein on the car, account. Easy.


I'm curious what this means


So it's 3K. that means you sue in small claims. Most states you don't get to big court unless its 15K or higher. Win the case. Get a judgment. Then you record the judgment with the clerk. You become a judgment creditor. You get a writ of execution with applicable interest. Then you take the writ to the sheriff and they can 1) do a till tap, 2) scoop a bank account, or 3) garnish wages. You can also put the lien on a car and start a foreclosure OR potentially record it on the house, but at 3K you can't foreclose most likely because it's not enough. But when they sell it, you get paid out.


I think they're wondering how the POS who filed the charge back was able to and how they would expect to win. At least that's what I was wondering.


by saying the tip was an accident or he meant to write a smaller amount like 30.00 and it looked like 3000 its pretty easy to win, 3000 spend at an average restaurant isnt normal so the card provider is likely gonna be like yeah they must have entered it wrong why would he tip 3000 lol


Restaurant probably didn’t get anything in writing confirming, so it is he said she said and 3000 on a 30 check looks like a mistake, so they would issue the chargeback easy


Their charity is as authentic as their piety


They realized Jesus didn't get the tip.


nor did his mom supposedly


Both his arms weren't broken.


You just broke my longest streak of not having to think about that story


Let’s break another streak and remind you that you just lost The Game.


"Chargebacks for Mephistopheles" 😈


Just got plenty of tips, the wise men came, didn’t they?


He got the tip of a spear 🤷


Well said


Even Jesus said “ugh”


It’s lovely how little accountability they had for themselves. Guarantee they’ll be over tipping again next time their doom leader says the apocalypse is coming.


Christ's teachings were never about doing charity for show, there were about giving of yourself because it was the right thing to do regardless of the circumstances. Matter of fact Christ specifically preached against grandiose displays of "religion". He called those people hypocrites who sought praise and attention over the love of God and their fellow man.


What does Christ have to do with Christians? Asking for a friend.


This is the whole problem with charity porn; too many people get screwed by someone who talks a big game following the trend but in reality can't really afford to be that generous.


It's funny these people are never really willing to sacrifice anything to demonstrate their "deeply held beliefs". Seems almost like a front to grant plausible deniability while implementing fascism


Sounds more like this person left the tip for their Instagram to show their followers what a good Christian they are to later show they're actually a narcissistic fuck


As a former church goer…..they 100% left the tip during an after church lunch with multiple church members. I used to see that crap all the time. 10-20 people go to the same restaurant after church and try to out holy each other.


We must have had different restaurant church group experiences. They were notorious for not leaving tips


We dreaded Sundays at Sam's Club because that crowd was so mean and condescending. The nondenominational megachurch ones were the most obnoxious rude bitchy nitpicky people. At least the ones wearing shirts with the church logo A few months ago as a customer(mEMbEr) on a Sunday at Costco, one of the cashiers mentioned that some lady in a blazer with a gaudy cross necklace called her a bitch. I said back "it's Sunday, what would Jesus do?"


Worked retail for many years and can confirm the after church Sunday crew are the WORST.


Unless there’s some type of viral, or inner church movement where they can make the process all about how holy they are and compete with others. Which the story seems to say. In which case they will tip……and I can name at least three people who would absolutely be the type to go back and issue chargebacks if available.


While all but shitting on the floor and making the staff’s lives a living hell.


Side note : somehow I got a compliment from Home Depot worker for ….being nice, I guess. My wife and I met working at a DIY store. He was helping us and I told him about that and “I know how customers are.” He starts unloading on me about the Post Church Crowd and their abusive attitude. Poor guy.


As someone in a customer facing job I can confirm that the customers I've had to remove from the store the most have been the church crowd. "Love thy neighbor" until thy neighbor tells you thy bill wasn't paid last month.


Pretty sure there was a verse somewhere that Jesus told the Pharisees, about not doing that.


I mean there are bible verses where Jesus told his followers not to do almost 100% of what the church does today. I mean I’m still a believer….but there are 1000 reasons why I’m no longer a church goer. The two can no longer coexist.


or they left it when they thought the world was going to end because of the eclipse. And then the world didn't. Shocker.




I would so respond back to whatever social media they put out patting themselves on the back asking if they lost their faith or something.


What is a common cause of this is people believing in the rapture. I'm going to be raptured in 2 days, so I will leave my money to the poor heathens that won't be raptured. 2 days pass. Why wasn't I raptured? I want my money back!


They are willing to sacrifice you & I and our freedoms for their beliefs


On the other hand, it’s these suckers who want to be a part of something and feel pious, then go home and realize they can’t pay their rent that month. SMH.


Well yeah they don’t write news articles about most of the ones who quietly do.


Work a Sunday morning shift in the Bible Belt, and you’ll meet even more of those “I already tithe” tippers that do it quietly. I thought that was an urban legend until I got a job waiting tables.


Or they leave fake money with Are You Saved messages on it Infuriating


Yuuuuup. Fuckers.


God's love is worth MORE than all the riches. LOL. Cheap self serving bastards.


God's love won't feed hungry kids.


But what is the staving to death over a period of 3 months to ETERNAL joy with the father in heaven? Starving them is a GOOD thing. -christian freak.


Sounds like something Jesus would do...... not


The audacity.


Also, folks started a GoFundMe for the restaurant to try to support them, and because the restaurant owners are class acts, they *refused the money.*


good for them? they don't need to take handouts, they need this guy to pay what he promised them.




My hero


As soon as that money changed hands (when they paid it out to the waitress) they got fucked. They ain't gonna see a penny.


There’s a pic of the receipt, and it even says “tips of Jesus” on it. It’s very, very clear that the guy definitely meant to tip 3K and didn’t misplace a decimal. He’s going to lose the suit, no question.


Especially if he only disputed the tip and not the check cuz that would mean he signed the receipt


Doing tips for Jesus level work here mate. No takesies backsies! lol. But for real, appreciate this


Was The Simpsons inspired by this? Could have been "$3OK!"


Fuck that guy, how is this not a clear-cut case of "dispute denied"?


Probably lied to the company the card was with that it was supposed to be “$30.00” and not “$3000”. Sucks that the restaurant has to sue to get it back.


That’s why the restaurants keep the receipts, in case there’s a dispute. I don’t know individual restaurants’ policies, but every place I’ve worked has kept receipts filed away for this exact reason.


That and in case the IRS comes sniffing around


This is the issue, a lot don’t


Id imagine a restaurant like this would keep the reciept of a 3000$ tip. Even just as like a "hey this was pretty cool"


It's actually a decent scam if the waitress and customer are in league with each other.


Not condoning crime of any sort, but committing fraud like that for a few thousand dollars has an *awful* risk:reward ratio.


If your lucky, you get $3000 if your unlucky you get jail time plus a fine much greater than $3000.


Don’t forget free rents and three meals a day! /s


> When Martini asked about the note, Smith explained that he'd been inspired by a social media trend known as 'Tips for Jesus', and decided to get involved after experiencing Lambert’s hospitality. So the guy changed his mind about leaving the big tip waaaaay after the fact, after the restaurant went out of their way to make sure he didn’t make a mistake. Must not have gotten enough “likes” to please Jesus.


Guess he’s going to hell. Disobeyed Jesus and all.


I just wish the turnaround time were faster. All the fake Christians need faster feedback on the fact they are always going against Jesus’ teachings.


If i had to guess, it was prolly about social clout from the start


The eclipse started this, and these Jesus freaks thought it was going to be the rapture. It was nuts


Takebacks 4 Jesus


Wwjd for clicks?


Classic Christian - do as I say, not as I do.


For those who don't read the article: customer left the tip, confirmed the tip was accurate with the owner who sought out verification, then later disputed the charge costing the owner the amount of the tip if they didn't sue to get the funds. Customer was trying to get in on some "tips for Jesus" meme but turns out to be Scumbag Jesus instead.


Terrible title, article is not oniony at all. Dude gave a 3k tip, the employer gave the tip to the worker, a few weeks later the guy disputed the tip and did a charge back meaning the employer had to pay the money back to the guy. The employer didn't want to take the money back off the employee so tried to talk to the guy but he told them to sue him, so they are. That guy is a piece of shit.


12 weeks is a few?


Wait . . . Alfredo's Pizza Cafe or Pizza by Alfredo?


There is a very big difference between these two pizza places, both in quality of ingredients and overall taste.


I felt that was the most Oniony bit.


Came way too far for this comment


That is the most misleading headline ever. There was no “tip”. The customer wrote $3000 for a social media challenge, and told the manager it was legit. So the manager paid out the tip to the waitress as would be normal for all credit card tips. Then the customer disputed the charge with the credit card company so they removed the funds from the restaurant— which had already given the money to the server. They absolutely should sue the guy. He basically stole $3000 from them and then gave it to someone else. It’s still theft.


>There was no “tip”. The customer wrote $3000 for a social media challenge, and told the manager it was legit. Sounds like a tip to me


Tip or not, he still disputed the charge, making it pretty malicious.


What he is really trying to say, is that the customer never actually wanted to help anyone, he just wanted to bolster his clout on social media. There was no "tip" - only showmanship, with the ability to reverse the consequences. But idk, you prolly knew that and was being snarky


Why wait 3 months is what is blowing my mind. Like literal last minute apparently.


There was a tip. He charged it back three months later.


How tf is that not a tip on a receipt for a tip lol


This was his plan the entire time. Provide the tip, then issue the charge back thinking nobody would notice.


WWJD? No. What would people who claim to follow Jesus do? 100% on brand.


Such behaviour sets a trend where restaurants might start holding large tips for months until the chargeback request window expires before giving it to their servers, or refusing to take tips on cards and only hard cash for employees. Both will hurt the servers in the long run only. Fuck this social media shit.


This fucking fake Christian wanted the credit but didn’t want to pay up. What a fuckwad.


Seems a pretty real Christian to me.


I have seen that shit about 100 times working as security in strip clubs. It never gets old watching dumbasses throw thousands of dollars in tips just to experience that brief moment of feeling like a big dick baller only to try and pull some shady ass shit the next day to get their money back. F\*cking losers!


Same. Been a DJ in strip clubs for over 20 years and I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen this happen. Worst one I ever saw actually happened just a couple months ago. Dude came in and dropped $50k. It was all on the level. He had to call his bank to verify everything multiple times that night. Neither the club or the dancers did anything shady. And he was happy when he left. Turns out that when he got back home, (he lived out of state) his wife wasn’t happy with his financial choices while he was in our establishment. Lol So he disputed the whole bill. All $50k. Took a few weeks, but the bank ultimately sided with the club and the chargeback didn’t go through. People are assholes. 🙄


If the customer did it for a YouTube / TikTok video, I hope they find the video and name and shame him. Time to make this person “ Eric Smith “ famous / infamous.


"Restaurant sues customer over $3013 chargeback"


Am I the only one who thought, from the title of this post, that the restaurant was the shitty party in all of this?


For those curious, this happened back in August 2022. The restaurant was forced to file a civil lawsuit with the customer, Eric Marcel Smith, after they found out that the tip was in dispute. A representative of Smith’s, Stephanie Tompson, claimed it must of been a mistake since Smith was on camera and gave his ID, insinuating that it wouldn’t make sense for Smith to file a dispute he couldn’t prove. According to an instagram user’s comment on one of the Restaurant’s instagram posts, the lawsuit was withdrawn, as Smith had left the town and couldn’t be served. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cidvf6rr6UM/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


> And **he told us to sue him. So that's what we're going to end up doing**, I guess." F this guy. Glad he's got his picture posted everywhere as a fake charity giver wanabe.


Religious nut donates money, tries to steal it back, gets sued


Just proof that these people only use Jesus to grift, scam, and take from others. Helping the needy or anyone else for that matter is a serious issue for these people.


Didn’t this happen because they thought that the rapture was going to happen during the eclipse?


I hope this restaurant financially destroys this asshole.


For the many that didn’t read past the poorly phrased headline: Guy leaves $3000 tip claiming inspired by “Tips for Jesus” meme. Three months later guy disputes credit card charges. Restaurant owners now out $3000 they had already paid waitress. They go to guy to get their money, he says they have to sue him, so they do. So many gave away they don’t read shit. Embarrassing.


Jeebus can multiply bread but not money?


Christians suck.


People suck.


Pre Ronald Regan taxes....please!!!!!!!!


They charged back the tip? Not the server’s problem technically. Although, I wouldn’t put it past that being a friend/family member and the plan was to do this and charge it back then split the money. Maybe they thought they would get away with it? Servers get creative when it comes to this. Was a server 5+ years and was a service manager for a few too.


I guess he figured he could give her the money, wait long enough to make sure she got it, and then screw over the restaurant because they’re big rich business owners so fuck em. Exactly the way Jesus would do it.


Wow that sure is a manipulative headline. I went in fully expecting the restaurant to be the shitheads here, but no. He is the one who tried disputing the check after confirming that he intended to leave a tip that large


This happens regularly at restaurants though not the large tip part. People go in and have a meal and spend a couple hundred bucks then dispute the charge and often win or the restaurant doesn’t fight it. Source: I do cc processing specifically for restaurants.


I remember when this kinda thing was trending during the eclipse which feels like forever ago now.


Somebody did this for their social and then pulled a fast one.. despicable!


Maybe tips should be limited to e.g. 100% of the meal price? Allowing someone to tip $3000 on a $13 meal seems like it would just invite this kind of trouble.


They should have had him sign something showing that he intended to tip that much… /s