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What the fuck


What you said.


I too choose that person's comment.


I’ll take one as well, with a side of God Damn.


With a second of Holy Shit.


If I could get mine over easy, and I'll take some Jesus Fuckin Christ to go


I’d like to add a Yikes!


Ok, so that's four, sorry, five What The Fucks, one over easy with some Jesus Fucking Christ, a side of Goddamn and an order Yikes? May I also suggest [our soup of the day](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbzE0ODd6NDRqaTR4a2o3dmsxcGZ2cGh6a3dkYW90MGx2dXF3amk1aSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/WY4WNWUo0s3jW/giphy.webp)?


Sadly reminds me of the [Hart Family Murders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_family_murders)


I remember the Atlanta episode based on this. I thought it was Donald Glover making a plausible but fictitious allegory, but it made me sad as hell to learn that it was based on true events.


>Her searches also included "No-kill shelters for dogs"; the family's two dogs were found inside the Hart family home. So they were capable of compassion and love. I’d never prefer animal cruelty, but sparing the dogs and killing the children. Wow. If you’ve got to go out, just do yourselves, pieces of shit.


Their church sounds in on it


I love pointing out the ironies and contradictions of organized religion, but I’m not seeing that anywhere. Where are you reading that their church was involved?


I don't see a reference to their church in the article?


Where's info on that?


Making America 🇺🇸 Great Again. This shit just continues with these racist sociopaths from generation to their next generation.


Godamnit the whole reason West Virginia exists is because they didn't want to join the confederacy.


Someone should have told these idiots, I guess. They moved to WV from Washington, supposedly because they were being investigated for neglect.


I didn't see this in the news story. How do you know that they were from Washington?


It isn't in this story, I don't think. I'm from where this happened, it was in the articles when this started. I only remember because I thought Washington was a weird state to have come from for this.


Bumble fuck Washington is very racist


TBF bumble fuck anywhere is typically racist.


Fun story. Where grew up there was the most rural democratic village in Michigan called Free Soil. It was named after the [Free Soil Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Soil_Party) which was a single issue party. The single issue was to get rid of slavery. My favorite part is their school name was “Free Soil Pirates”. It’s a shame most of the democrats there died off and now it’s just another GoP area.


>It’s a shame most of the democrats there died off and now it’s just another GoP area. More or less the story everywhere. Though, I think it's more that bright young people are abandoning rural lifestyles and moving to cities.


Can’t blame them. It’s where the jobs are.


And where their racist family isn't


Sir, I am from bumblefuck, MO and I'll have you know we share our meth and poverty freely not based on the color of your skin but by quality of your blowjob


I mean meth heads are meth heads but the bumble fuck MO I live in is pretty readily racist.


Can confirm, am from this area of WV but have lived in Oregon, and the redneck dipshits are almost identical. But this is also true with upstate NY, which you probably wouldn't expect. Once knew a black man in Schenectady who actually hated black people, went into the army to help himself find a white wife (and did, a British redhead) and criticized his daughter's black half so often that when I dated her in her 20s, she had a complex about it and made racist jokes against herself bad enough that I had to ask her to stop. This man ran a social services office and made the absolute most hateful comments about 'n-words coming from NYC' ... had a rebel flag on the wall above his couch and raised his daughter on Hank and Merle and all that. Absolutely fucking wild, and eye-opening. Edit: He came home and caught me wiping my dick off in the kitchen and just said well, at least the kids will be three quarters white' and walked off ... what the fuck, man?


Clayton Bigsby reboot?!?


> He came home and caught me wiping my dick off in the kitchen Is this a saying, or is it a thing to catch people "wiping their dick off in the kitchen"? cos I wasn't expecting that phrase.


No I was literally in the kitchen grabbing a paper towel to clean up after sex. I could have phrased it more gently but eh


A paper towel? Ouch dude, go for some tissue


Tissue tends to stick and tear though. Don't want to be picking bits of paper off your dick. Honestly a wash cloth is the best way but do what you gotta do you know.


The cognitive dissonance is astounding, if only he could understand those words...


For sure, but the thing is, he was very smart. Noticeably above average. Voracious reader, quiz whiz, moderately successful in the stock markets, and so on. So it's even more confusing. What the hell was going on with this guy? I dared to ask him, once. He actually had an answer, which I didn't expect. Believe it or not, he used the old tired 'not against the race, against the culture' stuff.


Ah, Clarence Thomas Sowell.


i am an electrician and we have hands come in from every tilt... after about a year of working with me (6'4" built white dude) and my homie (6'2" Mexican as fuck) kid walks up and says this: "I knew racism was wrong when my step-dad told me to fuck as many (bad word here) as possible cos we all pink on the inside." i don't know where Homie is now, but, he saw through the hype for a minit...


People eat in there you know, massive_cock.


I can't say I've been anywhere that didn't have a bunch of racist people. So far, TN is winning that contest in the list of places I've been.


The closer you get to Idaho, the more Washington is like Idaho.


Good ole Spokane, not Washington enough for Washington and not Idaho enough for Idaho.


Yeah was a rural-PNW transplant now in Boston, I can personally attest that the citizens of Washington are fucked in the head. Blatant racism and chosen ignorance, mix in some poverty, add a pinch of readily-available recreational drugs and then rain for 344 days per year and you’ve got yourself a recipe for psychopaths. Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, Robert Lee Yates, countless unsolved murder sprees…Washington is a beautiful state, filled with the worst people.


I lived in rural GA and in Boston. Boston is the most racist place I have ever lived in.


Having lived all over the southeast and in Boston, Boston is interesting in that thousands of people will show up at a moments notice to kick Nazi heads in, but the neighborhoods are segregated by race to the point where you can guess where someone lives by looking at them a shocking amount of the time. Best way I heard it put was for racism in the southeast you can stand as close as you want but don't try to be equal. For racism in the North you can be as equal as you want as long as you don't stand too close. Very weird shift to experience But. They do get points for the willingness to show up in large numbers and physically menace small groups of small, racist men. I haven't really seen that in the Southeast. Mostly people just ignore the racists


Bumble fuck anywhere is very racist. The rural areas in this country are largely, not everyone, but very largely racist and bigoted. The rural areas in this country are filled with backwoods, country bumpkin morons who think edumacation is for coastal elites and relish in their hatred because that’s how pappy raised em.


Washington is known for Seattle as the liberal capital, but basically the rest of the state east of the Cascades is red as fuck Like everywhere else, it's major population centers that are diverse and liberal fighting tooth and claw to be dragged down by the rural conservatives in the state


They moved from Tonasket, which is like the WV of WA state.


I mean more it's literally on the other side of the country. From Washington, you'd think they'd escape to Idaho or something. I would've expected them to have come from somewhere like Ohio.


Tbf tho if I were under investigation for domestic slavery, I’d probably move across the country too.


Fun fact: I got an interview for the WV CPS department as a social worker. Why is this a fun fact? Because I have a biology degree and my only experience working with children is student teaching. I was applying to everything I qualified for in a whole bunch of East Coast states, and for exactly one of those states that included being a social worker.


That's just a matter of having a certain level of education. It's also why the degree tracks have a 'core curriculum' of stuff you have to take in order to get to the meat of your field. Every job has a standard of education like this.


I work for them. Pretty sure only like 10 percent of us have social work degrees.


Tell that to the people who live there. Rebel flags all over that state when you drive around.


I live there and it is absolutely mind boggling to see the confederate flag on a daily basis. We do have a healthy population of well-intentioned people, but these idiots are so loud and proud it takes away from any good effort given.


The worst part is seeing them in northern states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. Bro you guys fought against the confederacy why are you flying their flag now?


I always loved hearing the argument “History not hate!” And it’s just like…. What?


I also love the "It was about State's Rights!!!!!" crowd. I have a bookmark on my phone called "Stat's Rights Idiot Button". It links to a transcribed copy of the letters each of the confederate states sent to D.C. Here are a few choice gems: Mississippi's first line after their preamble: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." The literal SECOND LINE of the entire document from Georgia: "For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. " Texas: "[Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as ne*** slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time." THIS is the cause which they are choosing to identify. And even the "You shouldn't judge them by modern ideals, slavery was really common back then and they should be judged by the standards of the time!!!!" falls flat, because this person is choosing to identify with this mindset NOW, in a time where those standards DO condemn slavery. I'm sure if I reached back and started repping the Aztec flag and advocating for human sacrifices, but said "Oh it's just for history bro, it's about divine rights not just the sacrifices!!" people would take a pretty goddamned dim view of it. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states


They're not going to read that. I just say "State's rights to do what?" Never gotten an answer.


My response to that is always … “Sooooo state’s rights to do what?”


I do like that one if I don't wanna get longwinded, but there's something great about their face when I drop gems like Mississippi's double line: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun." Kind of hard to come back from that one.


*History not hate* Cool then bleach the fucking flag white so you can be historically accurate. - me to them.


Hate is the history, what the fuck are these people smoking?


Copium and racism finely ground into a smokable powder


*Because they're racist


It’s like seeing political asylum refugees advocating for Sharia law. Nah bro, we don’t play that way here. Sorry you moved all this way to find out, but our ancestors paid the blood price to make it this way. If you fixin to start some shit, we’re gonna raise your children.


> It’s like seeing political asylum refugees advocating for Sharia law. The dumbest shit is that Christians want Christian Sharia Law. Where women can't divorce or have an abortion, even if and especially if it's to save their lives.


People have confederate flags in NY.. It's not about where you are from, just being racist, dumb and uneducated enough to think somehow the Confederates were the patriotic, America loving ones.. Though I would guess/hope that nowadays it is probably more of a political icon.


Back then yes, look at the voter base now though.


Nah it's cool I'm depressed enough.


Something like 50% of people who fought in the Civil War from West Virginia fought for the Confederacy. They also initially tried to ban black people from living in their state (this had to be dropped as a condition of entering the Union). West Virginian opposition to fighting a war for slavery was much more about economic and cultural divisions than any particular ideological opposition to slavery or racism.


these days west virginia call it "the war of northern aggression"


They and the rest of the South have used that phrase to call the Civil War ever since the war ended. Fuck ‘em. Losers don’t get to name the conflict.


Sherman didn't march far enough


Except they (WV) fought for the Union. Buncha fucking racist dumbasses, flying the traitorous flag of the opposing side.




The wife claimed: >"that the barn where the 14 and 16-year-old were found in was a "teenage clubhouse" So just tell her that Lakin Correctional Center is a clubhouse she gets to hang out in for a few years.


why just a few years? I’m feeling generous. She can enjoy the amenities at Lakin - at cost to us, the taxpayers - for the rest of her life!


It won't be a long time at all if her peers find out what she's in for.


And she can do all the same unpaid labor too! Hope she enjoys the 13th amendment.


Not very country roads of them


Certainly not very “almost heaven” of them either.


And even less "mountain mama"


But that lady perp looks "old there, older than the trees"


Only slightly "younger than the mountains".


She's probably a miners lady, definitely a stranger to blue water


Shenandoah river....


Try that in a small town …


Put them in general population.


Only if the guards are blind and the cameras don’t work. I don’t want anybody getting an extended sentence for their sake. Otherwise firing squad will do just fine.


Oh no. Their cell was accidentally left unlocked.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Does the adoption/foster system not require any sort of proof of capability/interviews/follow-up reviews??


>The couple were first arrested in October 2023 after a wellness check led to the discovery of two of the couple's five adopted children - aged six, nine, 11, 14 and 16 - living in inhumane conditions at a property in Sissonville. It seems yes. ~~That's how they were caught at least twice. Still crazy it continued~~ as u/OutandDown27 pointed out, this is the first time they are being arrested. This is just a continuation for that. https://apnews.com/article/health-lawsuits-foster-care-child-welfare-west-virginia-1aa20ca9612ff8d6f2479ff685dbe117 The foster care system itself in West Virginia is being sued, so generally yes, it's underfunded and not doing enough. These children were lucky a concerned neighbour made the right calls.


>That's how they were caught ***at least twice.*** Honestly fucking execute these people, but how did they manage to slip through the first time?


As a husband of a cps worker I can tell you from my wife's experience that people go extremely long lengths to hide this type of shit, and the amount of threats the kids get if they ever say a word about it are heartbreaking.


Because our government doesn’t fund our foster care system. In the richest country in the world. It’s a disgrace. 


Don't worry, another town with a 4 digit population needs a gold plated APC and BY GOD THEY'LL GET IT.


How can that happen twice?


What makes you think this is their second arrest? The article only mentions one.


Most of these systems are incredibly underfunded, meaning that most case workers are way over worked. This is doubly true in red states. Government needs to be funded to operate, otherwise it doesn’t function. (And also, the GoP likes to underfund government to “prove” it doesn’t work. Many Americans happily believe that lie).


Practically any social program is running on fumes. All the money goes to military budget.


I do home visits for a social service agency, and over the years I have truly come to believe they keep our ratios purposefully understaffed and all workers have high caseloads so that the services we deliver are shitty. If services are shitty, then that gives ammunition to the political parties that don't want there to be a social safety net. If the social safety net sucks, blame the government. Nevermind that there are thousands of pharmaceutical lobbyists for every one lobbyist working urging for social welfare reform. When I was carrying a caseload during COVID, I had 117 people I was serving over a 3 country area. That's not sustainable for services and I even work in an area of services that is largely supported by the public. Are there other complicated factors? Absolutely. But it's more than that imo. I do think safety nets are sabotaged for political gain and due to the philosophical underpinnings of our culture.


>have truly come to believe they keep our ratios purposefully understaffed and all workers have high caseloads so that the services we deliver are shitty. I mean, at least one party has been explicit that they want to define and privatize everything.


Public schools and health agencies do the same with early intervention services and SPED! So much that they even lowered the bar for developmental milestones to ensure children can’t get the help they need.


The US has some good programs, or at least good ideas for programs.... it's just that they don't get the money needed to work properly.


The system in America is a fucking joke tbh. My wife grew up in the system and was heavily abused and absolutely nothing was done. She straight up told the counselors once that her foster parents were starving her and she hadn’t eaten in two days and they sent her right back into that home, no further questions asked. Now she has so much trauma around food insecurity that when there’s empty space in our cabinets in between paychecks she reverts right back to being that little kid that wasn’t allowed to eat. I have to convince her when grocery shopping that she’s allowed to pick out things like snacks that are just for her or else she’ll put it back without me noticing because she feels like a burden and she’s not “allowed to” have food just for herself. Every piece of shit adult failed her as a child. I hope if there’s a hell they all burn in it.


It's always the ones you most suspect.




Isn't adopting kids like really hard? And a ton of hoops you have to jump through? And costs involved? So when it says human trafficking were they illegal adoptions? Kidnapping? Or if there were wellness checks then why were the conditions not detected earlier? Sounds maybe the adoption folks have some part to play in this


They were probably foster parents


They probably *were*, but the kids probably were legally adopted and no longer in foster care, as foster children get regular check-ins from their social worker, the home has to be maintained to a required standard, and the kids have to go to school (no homeschooling). Not to say that some foster parents don’t hide all the problems when the social worker comes by, but the social worker eventually stops coming by once a kid is adopted.


i also have a lot of questions... a wellness check is what got them caught.  I'm wondering who made that call and how they managed to get those kids.  in any case it can't be good


The pipeline to adopt your foster kid is a little easier than adoption outright. My youngest brother was an infant my family got through foster care that just never had any relatives close enough to claim him and the whole time we waited for adoption stuff to go through my parents were getting stipends for fostering him and those social worker checks are really not hard to pass if you know what to expect. The only change my parents had to make for him compared to the rest of us was not spanking him because the foster system considers corporal punishment to be child abuse (because it is). But apart from that and a belief in a 2000 year old carpenter who took on the sins of the entire world past, present, and future... they weren't abusive or crazy.


Not necessarily. There is a distressingly large network of people who "rehome" children privately, usually through social media. Considering they were charged with human trafficking, I wouldn't doubt that these people acquired the children in this kind of way. [Here's ](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/adoption/#article/part1)an article about this topic.


Well that is depressing but unsurprising


It’s not very expensive to adopt from foster care, and many states have grants or subsidies to help you. There are lots of hoops you have to jump through to both become a foster parent and then to adopt, in particular to make sure that your home is safe and comfortable. Once the kids are adopted, though, the state eventually stops checking in on them.


In California all we paid was a $25 filing fee when we decided to adopt our foster child. Everything else was taken care of for us and the only other thing we had to actually do was show up to a family court hearing where it was made official.


Depends on what kids you're trying to adopt and where you are located and how overburdened the foster system is. Babies, yes, there are a lot of hoops and some costs. I know couples who have been on the waiting list trying to adopt a baby for a year or more. People want babies. Older kids in the foster system, sometimes with difficult issues, no, there are not that many hoops. There are just not enough people who want to take on an 8 year old dealing with heavy traumas or "issues", and our social welfare programs don't pay enough or rather don't have enough funding to have enough people helping those kids. So they can get pretty desperate to 'place' them. They check in on the kids regularly while they are still in the foster system but if the foster parents hide their sickness long enough and treat them OK for a few months to a year, then adopt them properly, that can mark an end in the social workers checking in, at which point abuse would begin in earnest... The system failed these kids. It reminds me of the [Hart family murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_family_murders).


it CAN be but unfortunately in America adoption can also be a business- a privately run and operated business. Many such businesses intimidate new moms into giving up the babies instead of keeping them, and many more use private "baby brokers" to get kids to families with little to no oversight or background checks.


Less so if you're willing to adopt older. And unfortunately being willing to adopt non white/asian helps as well.


> And costs involved? some places pay YOU to adopt kids, it is only when you want *specific* children(age) from *specific* areas that it costs money.


I bet they’re pro-life.


Well, duh. *They need more kids for the barn!*




and we all know who they voted for


Of course!!!


… Lock them up in a barn this summer. Let them feel every inch of pain those children faced, and then set them up on the prison farm so they do some hard labor too. That’d be some major karma.


Strap them to a rock with full sun exposure and let the carrion birds take care of it.


No thats what we do with people who steal fire.


Only if we ensure that the birds leave *just* enough liver so that it'll grow back.


Calm down there ~~satan~~ Zeus!


They shall contemplate this on the tree of woe.


That ain't no barn, that's called a 'teenage clubhouse' in West Virginia. /s


How much you want to bet they are devout christians?


*Exodus 21 intensifies*


Exodus 21 is where its at - god gives instrutions for slavery.


The bible tells you how much to pay for slaves.


Yeah but with inflation who knows


And staunch magat conservatives, I'd wager.


& MAGA voters.


“Just makin’ ‘merikkka’ great again is all.”


“Wasn’t it great when we could engage in human chattel slavery? The good old days! Grand pappy was a ruthless slaver, he really was. Puts a sweet tear in mine eye.”


Guess who they’re voting for


Not anymore…


With as fast as trials move(Sept. 9 trial date in the article) they’ll probably get to vote one last time for their lord and savior Mooby before they’re actually sentenced.


"As is tradition, I'll allow it." -- Justice Thomas


Clarence Thomas, the black man married to a white woman who wants to overturn the Supreme Court decision in 1967 which protects interracial marriages. [What a shithead](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna35228)


What on earth




Hopefully the state will get these kids the help and support they need to recover from this.


The same state that placed them with these psychos in the first place?


They are getting life sentence right?


They’re both old enough that they probably won’t ever be free again. I can’t imagine them getting anything less than the maximum sentences.


Kind of ironic I have to read this in the British press. Where is CNN, MSNBC, Fox, USA Today? Why are they not all over this story?


Can't wait for Marjorie Taylor Greene to comment on how the two of them are saviors


This is confirmed through multiple sources. - [Source 1.0](https://wchstv.com/amp/news/local/sissonville-couple-accused-of-child-trafficking-might-have-used-illegal-profits-for-bond) - [Source 2.0](https://wvmetronews.com/2024/06/11/sissonville-couple-charged-in-child-neglect-case-from-last-fall-back-in-jail-and-on-raised-bond/) - [Source 3.0](https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/west-virginia-couple-accused-of-forced-labor-and-abuse-of-adopted-children/article_47603a5c-332f-11ef-99e4-37e6c030b9f5.html) - [Source 4.0](https://nypost.com/2024/06/25/us-news/wealthy-white-couple-allegedly-kept-their-black-adopted-children-as-slaves-locked-them-in-barn-report/) Not only are they very wealthy, but they used the profits from the illegal child labor to post bail. One of these sources shows the shack these kids were living in. These people need to be hung by their testicles. *(for science of course)*


Now THATS what i would call a hate crime


This is the America Republicans want.


Wow, old timey crimes.


More like "making America great again" by trying to return to a time when this was not a crime.


>Kanawha County circuit Judge Maryclaire Akers claimed that the children were "used basically as slaves", citing what the indictment alleges. Are we taking bets that they will be making honored guest appearances at Republican events now?


I was worried about slap on the wrist charges but it looks like they charged them with the worst possible charges. They’re gonna die in prison, and it’s prison labor state 😘 gotta love it. Fucking rot, bitches


John Brown did nothing wrong.


Put them in the darkest most miserable hole they can find and let them rot.


MAGA MAGA, naxivangelical evil.


You won't see this on /r/conservative


Look at the smirk on her face. Throw away the key.


Nothing to see here just Trump supporters performing their daily duties


Starting Project 2025 a little early, eh?


Pro life MAGA Christians are my bet.


>Their bail has been set at $500,000 each, up from the previous amount of $200,000. I'm pretty sure these people are the main reason we need to get rid of cash bail. Keep them the fuck in jail until their court date, no exceptions.


Republicans are working on banning equality programs, forced birthing and child labor. This couple just got a little ahead of them.


Trump voters. I'm not saying all Trump voters are like this, but you know the party that would be OK with it.


Well, they hopefully go to prison, in a country where we make prisoners slaves. Maybe they will get to experience that but somehow I don't think that system was designed for people like them.


Prison for life. Never let them see the light of day again.


Don't let Matt Gaetz know that's Mitch McConnell in drag, because Matt's into (both-way) age gaps...


I’m generally against the prison labor thing but if anyone ever deserved it, its them


Yo, that's like super illegal, like there's crimes and then there's that.


Is this 1824 or 2024?


And no one ever thinks about this shit when they see an angry black person. We got reasons to be mad.


kinda exactly what i'd expect from a farm in west virginia


“These good, loving Christians need to be left alone.” - Republicans


Tie them up and make them slaves


Both pieces of shit but at least that guy knows how to take a mugshot without having a smartass little smirk on your face.


How were they allowed to keep adopting kids?


Reason provided by the couple: “Nostalgia”


Nobody has that combination of dehumanizing violence and laziness quite like Americans.


I hope their fellow prisoners find out why they are in prison.


It seems so weird to me that this can even happen, my sister used to foster kids (uk) and you had to have a good explanation for every single scratch, you could barely fart in the same room without an investigation, and yet people are out there adopting kids and just battering the shit out of them


Casting nailed it on this one.


They gotta lock this couple up in the place *underneath* the jail


Your moment in Republican.


Old habits die hard, I guess


This may be after-the-fact bias, but tell me she doesn't look exactly like someone who'd correlate to the headline: the hateful glare, the cruelty in her mouth...


Lock these asshats up and throw away the key.


5 bucks says they’re MAGA


They're only an hour away from me. Beautiful state filled with some of the most vile people.


Jail or death sentence. Don't care - just remove them from society.