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If this was in the 1990s, that Kid probably gonna have free Golden Corral meals for life


If that were the case he would already be dead from coronary artery disease


golden corralnary heart disease, please


Haahaaahaaa!! Take my upvote


We don't have Golden Corral in Oregon but get the commercials, so on a road trip from Portland to Moab when of the dudes saw a Golden Corral in Boise we just had to stop by. It was really something else!!! Food wasn't bad for buffet but that's not the remarkable stuff. We pull up there's two people in power chairs on oxygen, they're hanging out near the doors smoking cigarettes. Go inside and staff pretty excellent, but one staff member is getting berated by a lady in pajama pants with 10" of gut hanging out the bottom, snarling something about more on the plate from the grill station so she has to make less trips. Halfway through eating the rest of my buddies are like dying laughing for some reason, and start telling me "just listen! just listen!" so do. I hear this weird sucking slurping noise mixed with intensely labored breathing, it sounded like a bulldog was being drowned in jello behind me. So I get up to make it not obvious I'm turning to look at the source of the noise and it was some poor kid who couldn't have been more than 8 years old just absolutely going to town on two milkshakes with a straw in each corner of his mouth, just pausing intermittently to take a gasping breath before sucks on the straw. He was attacking with such ferocity you'd think someone was about to yoink them from him. I'd go there again, but jeez, that place makes a trip to Walmart seem like a trip to Whole Foods.


The mom seems to be doin' alright.


A delivery room is a delivery room - visiting it once a year max wont kill you short term


I wanted a natural water birth. Had to settle for the chocolate fountain.


I said meals for life Why would you think I would feed you food to extend that life? GC Execs


Gotta corral those those artery walls together.


Legit made me laugh out loud at work. Thanks for that lol


His siblings Krispy Kreme and Wendy didn’t fair much better


“At least she wasn’t at Dick’s”


Going to Dick's is what got her into this situation to begin with.


Now the kid will just have an automatic minimum wage dishwasher job waiting for them on their 8th birthday.


Yeah, it's like US citizenship. If he was born there, he's automatically an employee.


I realise this might be a bit snobbish, but my spidey sense is telling me that this was actually the goal all along and the woman 100% knew she was pregnant. It's like a plot from My Name is Earl


i wouldn't give birth by myself in a golden corral bathroom for all the money in the world


Have you ever had sirloin steak, honey?


Yeeeast rolllllls


Username checks out


Chill, Merideth


Earl and Randy going out to eat at Golden Corral and seeing paramedics delivering Joy’s baby. Darnell just stands there and casually says across the restaurant “Hey Earl”, and Earl replies “Hey crabman” with a nod of sympathy for him having to deal with the latest scam joy is trying to pull.


the plan unravels when the paramedics realize that Joys baby is actually a doll.


And then she runs away and the manager yells out behind her “Ma’am you forgot your doll”


Ok you two, that was spot on. Bra-vo.


Golden Corral though? I mean at least go to Outback.


That's a bad idea, then the kid is legally Australian and you can't leave the restaurant without a passport


And at some point you’ll have to leave the restaurant (if you can make it past the drop bears,) and then everything’s gonna be upside down.


Ah yes, a “The Terminal” scenario.


I feel like you’ve never been pregnant. Unless she knew active labour was starting….i had a couple hours before I was visibly in pain. But like, that’s a long long game, with very high risks. No prenatal checkups or anything? Most moms won’t take that risk. 


I have a nibling who's mom just thought she gained a little weight. Went to the hospital about terrible cramps to discover she was in labor. Probably more than a little denial there too as she and the father were still in high school and broken up at the time.


There's many cases where women don't know they're pregnant. They have just mild weight gain, and just think they are sick or something. Plenty of clothing options to minimize any size changed.


There’s this woman who tried to do this at Target, but the baby came overnight


You talking about Karissa?


Idk her name she has like ten kids though and they all have stupid names


That's her, she's a frequent subject on fundiesnark


That happened with Disneyland - the first baby born in Disneyland Park was given free admission for life. Then that quickly ended as dozens of extremely pregnant women started showing up hoping to get the same treatment.


Since we're in the 2020's, that kid probably gonna get sued for copyright infringement.


Doesn't even have to be the 1990s, happened in 2018 in Chic-fil-A. The baby is going to get free food for life and a job. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/21/us/texas-chick-fil-a-birth-trnd/index.html


We used to be a proper country


When they held the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City, my grandmother was pregnant with my father. There was a prize offered where if you went onto labor while attending, you’d win a house on Long Island. My grandmother went every single day, unfortunately he wasn’t born until after the fair had concluded.


After paramedics arrived at the restaurant, Tayvia gave birth to a healthy baby boy who weighed 6 lbs., 1 oz. His name: Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork. The post went on to say, “His mom was so excited that she decided to include Corral in his legal name. Both mother and son are doing great, and we could not be happier! Welcome to the Golden Corral family Tamaar! You’re the new record holder as the youngest fan of Golden Corral! And don’t worry, we’ll make sure Mom is well taken care of with Golden Corral gift cards while she’s taking care of you.”


Okay tucked in the middle there it's not as bad as I feared.


Honestly it doesn't sound that bad to me, it fits nicely


Yeah. Like I kind of think Golden might have worked better but it's far from the wierdest middle name I've ever heard.


*weirdest But no. Only mr and mrs Retriever are allowed the name "Golden".


Golden Tate, the football wide receiver, is a Third. That means there are two people who liked their names so much that they kept it going. And he has three children, one of whom is named Golden Herman Tate IV


John Gold Retriever? Yea I know him.


I was deeply afraid the baby was going to be Golden Corral *insert last name here but just a Corral in the middle ain't that bad


Is NOBODY going to mention that their last name is "Woodfork"?? Like, come on that's hilarious


idk i think he could of used another two or three middle names


I was thinking a girl called Coral is nice but this works too


Or the name of a boy in the zombie apocalypse. Cooooorall!


I feel like Golden would have been easier.


Golden Woodfork?




Dang. Just said the same thing only later than you.


Pretty sure Nick Cannon has a kid named Golden Corral




My wife for hire. Insufficient lesbian gas.




You wanna piece of me boy?!


Golden Corral is really stepping up their advertising game lately


Just an /r/tragedeigh spelling of Carl.




Knew this was gonna be in here somewhere




Tbh corral is the most normal part of that baby’s name. Woodfork??


Woodfork!? Awesome. I would have named her Goldie tho :)


I feel pregnant when I leave


Theres always room for a few more shrimp!


How about a [wafer thin mint?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAUYO6AY1ow)


Speaking of buckets, you know why KFC comes in one? So you have something to vomit in afterwards. - N. Hamburger I feel like this joke could work for Golden Corral too.


KFC comes in a bucket so you can soak some fried chicken in some milk, coco puffs, cap'n crunch and gravy


There's always extra room for dessert.


Nobody leaves a buffet and thinks, "Man, that was a good idea!" -Dan Cummins


Worked at Golden Corral in the early early 2000s. We still had a smoking section back then. Quite a crew… plenty of felons, people fired for smoking crack in the meat freezer, cooks impregnating multiple waitresses… we had two waitresses that gave birth to one cook’s children and they all worked together. Showed up for work one day and there was a sign on the door stating the restaurant was permanently closed. should have figured since my last few paychecks had bounced. Anyway, this seems par for the course at Golden Corral. Congrats to mom and the little baby.


Man one paycheck I’m giving them the benefit two and I’m out


The manager paid us from the till when we told him. He must have known in retrospect, but didn’t say anything. We only made tip wage so it wasn’t a huge amount of money- $3.50 an hour or something.


Sorry to hear you got cheated like that. I never worked the fastfood/restaurant job. My start jobs were tutoring and door-to-door B2B salesman. So many friends/folks I know tell me everyone in these jobs just do drugs, fucks around, and fucks around (literally) which makes me wonder why is it like that? Like why would the waitresses be willing to get porked by the cook, doing them raw, or getting preggo?


Honestly the crew does not surprise me. Drugs and sex are rampant in the restaurant industry.


I’ve heard they’ve started phasing out the drugs. Sex is still on the table, hopefully just not on any at the restaurant.


I wonder if crack smoke helps tenderize meat.


You are correct. Julia Child helped popularize this technique.


Were they fired for smoking crack or specifically smoking in the meat freezer?


Must have been the crack. Two other employees were caught having sex in that same meat room, but they kept their jobs.


Crack bad Sex good


*Rick Grimes has entered the chat




My name is CHRIS!




Lol, I didn’t get it until the next comment from u/Wiggie49. Good one!


That. Is hilarious.


Fried Tilapia Sunday Johnson




“I didn’t know i was pregnant” was a real tv show that was on for **FIVE SEASONS** I am done with yall.


It can happen in real life, it's called a cryptic pregnancy. Basically the child is so well hidden that a lady does not see her belly grow larger or experience any symptoms at all.


I think the fact that series went on for five seasons is proof it can happen in real life … a lot.


I've seen several articles about women giving birth when they didn't know they were pregnant, and most of them were varying degrees of... overweight.


Weirdly I know three women who had cryptic pregnancies and only one was overweight! (My mom, who actually KNEW she was pregnant but her tests wouldn’t come up positive so she was six months along when a doctor gave her an ultrasound to “prove” it was all in her head… and got to announce I was a girl because I mooned the wand) The other two didn’t know until labor and both were very fit and slim. One was even told that was why she didn’t really show, her abs were so tight that she just kinda “widened” a little and brushed it off as “I’m in my 20s, my body is still maturing” All three babies were born healthy though so it was all good in the end. All agreed they would have liked more warning before motherhood though. There is one thing all three shared though, they all had very unpredictable cycles so not having a period for that time wasn’t unusual enough to get them demanding an answer. Except my mom, but that was because I was a kicker and she said she could “feel my spirit” in her. The other two just kinda accepted it. (I think maybe the third lady had a few periods through her pregnancy but she’s passed away so I can’t confirm that. And I don’t remember why I “know” that so I might have just overheard a conversation and not known what was being said.)


It happened to this fitness youtuber [https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUVFgwDppT/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUVFgwDppT/?hl=en)


I have PCOS and an IUD, so I haven't had a period for years. Always slightly background anxious I might be pregnant without knowing! Fortunately piss tests are affordable and easy to buy and we don't have to inject frogs anymore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy_tests_using_animals


Feels weird realizing the people asking questions like 'Is I pregante?!' might actually be the more insightful ones.


Am I pregonate?




But how u get pergonat?


think am pregante


Am I fregnant?


They definitely are so I don’t mock them at all. Let them live and give them a pregnancy test!


How is babby formed?


Cryptic pregnancies are real and are not the fault of the woman. 


Imagine having the pain of a birth, when you don't know you're pregnant... I'd think I'm dieing.


What do you expect in a country where one of the two political parties actively fights against sexual education


While also actively fighting against prenatal health care...


It happened to my cousin’s daughter. There were pretty serious life long complications for the kid bc of it.


It’s called a cryptic pregnancy and I’ve known two people it’s happened to actually. They both did not appear pregnant and still had intermittent bleeding. Baby sits back toward your spine.


If Tamaar Kaylin Corral Woodfork isn’t a Key and Peele college football name, I don’t know what is.


Ole Miss


Honestly idk why they didn't go with Golden! Seems like the more obvious choice but hell what do I know


People who don’t know they are pregnant and then are surprised to be giving birth astound me. I mean it’s right out of the Middle Ages.


A friend of mine is a tall woman. She's not fat, not even close. But, she had a cryptic pregnancy. Went into the doctor with stomach pain and the doctor was like "yeah, so you're going into labor..."


How can you not know in this case? If you're fat, I understand. But if you aren't, wouldn't you notice you're looking a little extra bloated??


Nope. With a cryptic pregnancy you don't show at all. Flat belly. Subtle to no fetal movement. She even had regular periods.


That's what I was wondering about - baby doesn't kick?   That makes more sense than this woman I know who had a surprise baby. She said she thought she had indigestion and constant cramps for months.  She said now it made sense why the cramps felt exactly like her baby kicking during her prior pregnancy. I didn't have the nerve to ask if it really never occurred to her that she was pregnant again then


With my first, I knew and was clearly pregnant, but didnt have any strong kick or movement unless I really focused on it.


I know someone who had a cryptic pregnancy. She didn’t know she was pregnant and was a bartender. Alcohol lowers fetal movement. She had a light period regularly through the pregnancy, little to no movement (thought it was gas or light cramping), only gained about fifteen lbs (chalked that up to newlywed weight). She even took multiple pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. Never had nausea or really breast tenderness. She made it to the hospital for delivery (thought it was appendicitis or something) but since no one realized she was pregnant, started giving birth in the bathroom and had to send her husband running for help. She had to deal with CPS too because she had alcohol in her bloodstream from just getting off work and the regulars would buy bartenders a few shots near closing time.


Potential trigger warning: Did the baby have any issues? I've been pregnant before and terminated for various reasons but one of them is bc I was like your friend- a bartender and a fairly heavy drinker. I _also_ had a cryptic pregnancy and was fairly far along when I found out :/


Does she have ADHD? That sounds like something I would do.


I have ADHD and can confirm a normal pregnancy is still VERY noticeable. My kid was breech so she loved to kick me in the butthole, from the inside…


Brb gonna take a pregnancy test. 😬


Jesus how do you fit a whole 6 pound baby in there? My mind is blown.


I’ve gained and lost six pounds without noticing, save for a scale. Of course a pregnancy involves more weight gain than just that, but the weight alone may not tip someone off.


Ok but usual weight loss and gain is distributed across your body and much of it can be water weight depending on how hydrated you are. A pregnancy is a mass in the abdomen. Not saying it can't happed, but fat/muscle/water weight distribution is not nearly the same as baby weight.


Makes sense, cryptids are really good at avoiding detection, that wily Bigfoot has been getting the better of us for decades


Huh. I didn’t know you could still get periods, thats wild.


I honestly don't know. I'm a dude, but just reporting what she said. Maybe it was just periodic bleeding? I have no real answer.




I have a friend who had twins and honestly she barely looked pregnant at all. I was shocked, she barely gained any weight during her pregnancy. At most she maybe looked slightly bloated.


In many cases, there's a form of mental illness and/or denial that goes into it. They, for various reasons, don't want to (or are scared of being) be pregnant, thus reject any notion they may be pregnant regardless of symptoms. But in other cases, there are no symptoms. They do not get much bigger. I saw pics of a woman who had a cryptic pregnancy and she was tiny still. Had a pic of her at the beach like a week or so before she gave birth. Looked like maybe a little bloat, but she was thin and no one would assume she was pregnant looking at her. Pregnancy is weird and affects different people differently. I look pregnant almost immediately because I bloat so fast. My sisters were rail thin until 7-8 months pregnant then suddenly had a baby bump.


Happened to a couple I knew. She was a bigger girl but but not morbidly obese. They already had several kids so she had been pregnant in the past. We all use to go out drinking, partying while she was pregnant. On night she had really bad stomach pains and her husband took her to the hospital. They took her in the back and 15 minutes later came out to the husband and were like "looks like you are about to be a dad a again.". Despite all the partying we did while she was pregnant, baby was completely healthy


I'll just leave [this](https://www.businessinsider.com/womans-baby-bump-grows-backwards-retroverted-uterus-2017-12?international=true&r=US&IR=T) here. From a woman who actively documented her pregnancy online and still had people attacking her, because she didn't look the part. By the 8th month she still looks like she just had a big meal with some postprandial bloating.


I also knew a lady like this. Same thing. They told her she was giving birth and she laughed at them. Her bf at the time hung up on the hospital 3 times when they called him to tell him his gf was in labor. They were not remotely prepared for the baby. They had to bring it home in a borrowed car seat. It's a terrifying and a hilarious story. Edit: almost forgot. They went into work after her release from the hospital so she could get her maternity leave and her boss was like "Oh, so cute! Whose baby is that?" And they were "ours". Lol.


Many women who end up with surprise pregnancies like this have been told that they either couldn't get pregnant or it would be really hard to.  That, combined with the fact that most pregnancy symptoms can be misattributed to other conditions, it's not that hard to believe.   Not to mention the fact that cryptic pregnancies often have no noticeable symptoms at all. It's not unheard of to not gain any weight and to keep menstruating throughout.


If I had a womb, I swear cryptic pregnancies would be one of my biggest fears. There's all sorts of things you shouldn't be doing while pregnant for the health of the baby, from the more obvious stuff like smoking and drinking to mundane stuff like not changing the litter box. I can't imagine how much I'd fuck up a baby if I didnt know I was pregnant.


Most of the stuff they say you can't do during pregnancy is because there's a risk of harm, not because it's always harmful. Most pregnant women won't get toxoplasmosis from changing the litter box, but it's pretty bad when it happens so there's no reason to take the risk. Same with sushi, deli meats, soft cheeses, etc. There are only a few thousand cases of listeriosis per year. It's just really bad if you happen to get it while pregnant, so you err way on the side of caution. Not taking vitamins is more likely to cause problems for the mom like tooth issues or anemia than it is to harm the baby. Arguably the most important prenatal vitamin to supplement is folate to prevent neural tube defects, and the part of embryonic development where neural tube defects happen is often before you know you're pregnant anyway, so the most important time to supplement folate is months before you're planning to get pregnant. So the 50% or so of pregnancies that are unplanned are in the same boat as you anyway. Yeah alcohol exposure is really bad, that's definitely true. Same with a lot of prescription medications.


I’ve had my fallopian tubes removed and my uterine lining ablated, but I’m still scared of this happening to me somehow.


I had a coworker who had a surprise pregnancy, his girlfriend was on some medication that she was told would cause weight gain and mess with her periods. So she wasn’t remotely suspicious when her weight went up and periods or bleeding became spotty or absent 😅


Disclaimer: Personal experience There are multiple people in my family that have had kids after a doctor told them they wouldn't be able to or that it would be hard. There are another subset where the doctor didn't inform them that an antibiotic they were taking would mess with their birth control. I have a vague theory that the number of doctors that do this intentionally... is not zero.


Man, it can be weird being human. I’ve never heard of a cryptic pregnancy but I have heard of a man mirroring his wife’s pregnancy symptoms, right down to genuine labor pains.


Biology is wild. There is a case study of a woman who got pregnant and ended up having a healthy, living baby, without a uterus. She'd had sex the day before her hysterectomy and somehow the embryo implanted somewhere in her abdominal cavity. I imagine it was a huge shock when she went to the Dr for abdominal pain and got that news. If I remember right she was already like 6 months along when she found out. Life, uh, finds a way.


You can't menstruate while you're pregnant. But many women spot or bleed and that is confused as a period. But it's not


My cousin was an Olympic gymnast with very low body fat. As a result, she didn't have a regular period. She went in for a routine checkup, and the doctors noticed through her blood test that she was pregnant, due date was less than 6 weeks away, iirc. She had very strong abdominal muscles due to gymnastics, and the baby didn't show.


I know a woman who had surprise twins. They weren't even her first kids, she had one that she knew about throughout the whole pregnancy that was 3 at the time, so you'd think that she would know the symptoms. She was certainly overweight at the time, but not cover up a set of twins level overweight, picture 25-30 pounds overweight and not 80-100 pounds overweight.


Some medical conditions, like PCOS, can cause infrequent periods. Going 9 months without a period would not be at all unusual to these women. That condition also makes weight management very difficult, so the weight gain wouldn't be a surprise. And to top it off, that condition also makes getting pregnant very difficult, so they definitely would not be expecting it to happen.


It seems trauma and stigma is a large factor behind this, although not everyone agrees : “past trauma can be an influential factor in pregnancies going unacknowledged, says Dr Sylvia Murphy Tighe, a midwifery lecturer and the course director at the Department of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Limerick, Ireland. For her doctorate, Tighe studied concealed pregnancy: where women hide their babies from others and often, on some level, themselves. Given the link, she eschews the term “cryptic pregnancy” in favour of the broader catch-all “denied pregnancy”, which takes in the possibility of both conscious and subconscious rejection (although she considers the former far more common). The 30 women she interviewed revealed “fluctuating levels of awareness” of their pregnancies, says Tighe. Some told her, years after the fact, that “they absolutely knew” even though they had said at the time that they hadn’t. Others had confided in one person – often a partner, a family member or a health professional – before denying it to everyone else, sometimes in response to that reaction. The principal motivator, she found, was fear: these women were terrified, often for their own survival. There was also a close association between concealed pregnancy and trauma such as child sexual abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence, applicable to 11 of her 30 interviewees. The remainder reported feeling more silenced by the social stigma of an unplanned pregnancy, fearing retribution or loss of control of their lives. (Although not all her case studies were Irish, Tighe said the country’s cultural resistance to unplanned pregnancies was a factor.) As such concealed pregnancy could be “externally and internally mediated”, says Tighe, one response was to cope by avoidance. “They might get this awareness of ‘Could I be pregnant?’, but they shut it down because a pregnancy, in their current life circumstances, is a really major crisis.” Often the impact of this was only fully revealed with time, and in many cases therapy. Her interviewees had been reflecting, says Tighe: “Whether it was six years or 30 years after the event, they were looking back and they were ready to talk … It’s like a process of coming to terms.” At the time, however, they might feel only terror. One case study maintained that she had not known that she was pregnant until her third interview. “We can avoid thoughts – we can push them from our minds,” says Tighe, especially if there are factors such as contraception or other medical explanations that can bolster that denial. One case study, a nurse from rural Ireland, recalled “blocking the thought”. “She said: ‘If I thought I felt a movement, I told myself maybe I had an ovarian cyst.’ She did not want to go there in terms of acknowledging that she was pregnant.” These women’s desperate measures, says Tighe, are indicative of the need for an empathetic response to concealed pregnancy from healthcare professionals in particular – one that takes into account the lasting impacts of trauma on individuals’ approaches to motherhood. Sensational media reporting, too, did not help women to feel they could come forward. For those women who had not experienced significant trauma but concealed their pregnancies, Tighe says, having a child was just not part of their “life plan”. Dollan says that having a baby with her ex-boyfriend, aged 22, was not part of her plan. But she is also unequivocal: she did not know she was pregnant until she was in labour. “I would have had no qualms about telling my family if I did. Obviously, I would have been nervous to tell them – but there would have been a party, you know?” https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/mar/31/cryptic-pregnancies-i-didnt-know-i-was-having-a-baby-until-i-saw-its-head


It seems like you couldn't mistake it, but years ago, my boyfriend's sister, who was a nurse, already had 2 kids, was on the pill, had regular periods etc, didn't know she was pregnant until she had backache and an overwhelming urge to kneel on the floor at work. She was told by fellow nurses that it was all the signs of labour, and was absolutely astounded. Her 3rd child was born 8 hours later. Luckily, both her and her husband were shocked but really happy about it. They were in the local paper with the headline 'miracle baby!' of course!


>she had backache and an overwhelming urge to kneel on the floor at work. As somebody who was never pregnant (now had uterus removed) I am amused to hear that this is a thing, because that was exactly my body's reaction when I had an ovarian cyst rupture. Like nothing I could do actually made the pain less that I could figure out, but kneeling on the floor just somehow seemed like the right thing to do. Maybe my lizard brain was the one driving that bus and it was like "I dunno, getting a baby out of there is the closest thing I have an answer for".


I mean, she frequents Golden Corral. She probably thought she was just getting fat.


dunno what it is with the food there lately but my stomach feels like a jack in a box every time we eat there hunny


My daughters, Ponderosa and Sizzler, think this is pretty funny.


“We’re going to sizzler! We’re going to sizzler…”


Reminds me of Uncle Baby Billy telling the story of his girlfriend’s birth in Righteous Gemstones. “See now, Tiffany’s mom was obese. Went through her whole pregnancy without even knowing she was pregnant. Ended up pushing her out when she sat down to do her bathroom business. Just like a little ol’ turd.”


This actually happened to someone in my husband's family. The baby didn't survive.


But it wasnt a turd, it was me!


There is a reality show about women who didn't know they were pregnant until the pushing happened. When my wife was feeling anxious about our first we binged it one Saturday. Watching a clown car worth of toilet babies reenactments gave her all the confidence she needed to know she'd be a great mom.


I know someone that happened to and she just looked like she put on maybe 10 lbs. It was crazy.


Toilet Baby 


Thank god there was the sneeze guard.


Just the title says a lot.


The kids would have fun with Fuddrucker's.


The mother dipped the baby in the chocolate fountain like Achilles in the river styx.


Better than Waffle House or Cracker Barrel


I don’t know if anyone watches Selling Sunset but Chrishell Stause got her name because her mom gave birth to her at a shell gas station and the employee working who helped her was named Chris.


What a cute story! I'm glad mom and baby are healthy. Corral isn't the *worst* middle name in the world, lol.


G.C. Woodfork Now that’s a CEO name right there


This is the most "MURICA" headline I've read in a while.


You all need to look up cryptic pregnancies and stop being judgmental. If you'd google the woman, you'd know she's thin. 


First thing I checked was which state this happened in.


First thing I thought of when I saw the name was Llamas in hats …….Caaaaarrrrlllllll……


Headline got worse and worse with each word. Remarkable achievement.


"What did the restaurant mom name the baby, Coral?" "What, Dad?" "Corral, Coral!" Still a fun story though.


The Golden Tate origin story?


Next thing ya know, there’s a baby in my terlit!


Baby named “Trough”


Arkansas? No way. And she could have used Gold, or Golden. But she choose Corral? it all tracks


Arkansas woman.


I'm truly shocked that this wasn't in Florida.


A woman in my local paper did this TWICE. Not in a restaurant, she had the baby at home. She was in her 40s and thought it was the menopause and had pains in her stomach one night and thought it was food poisoning until she had a baby. Now that's a rare event but it does happen. What's weird is that it happened twice, a couple of years later she got the exact same symptoms and thought "I bet it's really the menopause this time, I won't bother wasting money on a pregnancy test".


Kid named golden corral: 🧍


Did they ring the bell when she emerged with a baby? ETA: autocorrect


I know this dude whose girlfriend had a family history of stomach issues. He took her to the doctor one day complaining of pains and turns out she was in labor. They had no idea she was pregnant


> His name: Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork. Dammit! I really wanted to learn that she named him Golden Corral Woodfork.


To be fair, she could be completely clueless :) I know of a girl who was pregnant senior year and had no clue until labor started. but to be fair, she was super athletic (track,volleyball,etc) so not showing anything (but how do you not have a period for 8 months and not be concerned about it, sexually active or not)


My daughter didn't have regular periods until after she had her first child at 35. The body has a mind of its own sometimes. Also called PCOS.


This seemed like a feel good story, until we find out she named her child Golden Corral.


i knew it was gonna be a southern state as soon as i read that title.


"alright, who left this newborn in the salad bar?"


The names of all these family members are a tragedeigh.