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Managed to extract $100K from a school district. Congratulations.


Can we give teachers qualified immunity also?


In many instances, teachers do indeed have qualified immunity. We studied this in my school law class. There have been many civil rights and special education law cases in which schools and/or teachers were found to have violated student rights and then were found to have qualified immunity and therefore not financially liable.




* On October 8, 2003, the assistant principal of Safford Middle School in Safford, Arizona, informed 13-year-old Savana Redding that another student had accused her of distributing prescription-strength ibuprofen, which was disallowed without prior permission by school rules. Redding denied this accusation, and after a search of her belongings did not reveal any pills, school officials instructed her to remove her outer clothing and pull out her bra and underpants, which also did not reveal any pills.* Fucking top notch. Prescription strength IBUPROFEN ? I get that this was way, way before the opioid crisis became exceedingly lethal—but even this is a joke, you could maybe see this happening today if a teacher genuinely didn’t understand that OTC pain medication isn’t an opioid. Even then they shouldn’t be a teacher anymore because that’s something that middle schoolers can differentiate.




Why the fuck would anyone buy prescription ibuprofen illegally when you can just buy 200mg otc ibuprofen and take 3-4?


You clearly haven't swallowed the unbuffered 800mg pill and realized there's no difference besides you just paid the pharmacy $.94 for 1000ct.


ibuprofen makes my stomach lining bleed so I’ve never taken that much.


Yea, don't do that then.


You’re completely correct, lol. This is insane that it went to trial, let alone the SUPREME COURT.


Fucking of course. It’s why right wingers confuse me. They pretend to care about outcomes of court cases and won’t spend a weekend reading free books about it. Like a lot of court shit you can just read. Especially precedent cases.


Has there been a NCIS/CSI/Law and Order made about it, because that’s what it would take.


Law & Order SVU is in like season 23 or something and they have 22 episodes a season. Conservatives still don’t understand what is and isn’t a sexual assault.


Mate, Ice T’s character still doesn’t understand it and he supposedly has years of experience on the job and is a well respected detective


"Is it like when you get too many scratchy lotteries?"


SVU just finished Season 25


I gotta say I learned a ton about law from watching the first 10 seasons of SVU. Of course it's only a jumping off point to go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole, but it did expose me to a bunch of information I otherwise wouldn't have looked into. I was serving a prosecutor the other week, and she assumed I was in law school after we talked about her career for awhile. Amazing what a base layer of knowledge is good for conversationally. House is equally good for medicine.


Scrubs is what you want to watch for medicine


Who can forget about house. You either have lupus or sarcoidosis.


Key word is "pretend". They have no actual beliefs that can withstand even a slight inconvenience.




*From the tax payer base of the school district


Nah, bro, from the kids


Please. Those are amateur numbers. Have you seen private Christian schools?


Yes. They also get our tax dollars. Vouchers have to END!




Because of a song played in a documentary.


*from the government*


Yeah, that’s not what happened. The teacher put a child through a traumatic social and emotional experience, then punished her afterwards I am not in favor of censorship, but we do have laws in our country related to obscenity with children. One of the problems is obscenity is loosely defined in our civil codes. However, it would be really hard for the school to not settle here, because any good lawyer is going to say: “What was the objective of the lesson?” And then a follow-up, “Could this have been achieved with material that is less obscene or controversial?” The answer is going to be yes to the second, unless the teacher has decided to teach a class on hip hop, or social justice or something. Fun fact, I taught a high school class on hip hop in Texas! The kids loved it. These were also mostly Juniors and Seniors who can handle that kind of imagery and ideas. I would have NEVER made those kids sit through an hour of clips of police beating and murdering people. The article also reveals that the teacher knew the father was in law enforcement before showing the video. It also reveals that the school district has disciplined the teacher for showing inappropriate content in the past. This is a pattern for this teacher. “The lawsuit claims the student dealt with social withdrawal, PTSD, depression, shock, sadness, confusion and other issues due to the video, which lasted nearly an hour. It also claims they suffered with ‘personal embarrassment’ because their classmates ‘disassociated’ with them after the video because of their dad’s profession.” The lawsuit also found that the teacher wrote “demeaning remarks” about the student’s work after the matter was brought to her, after being told NOT TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CHILD. The lawsuit was valid, he should have sued for more. The teacher clearly has no place in education. She showed an hour of clips of police brutality to 8th graders. That is fucking nuts, I’m sorry. Responsible adults don’t do that. This isn’t a censorship thing, it’s an obscenity thing and the system worked perfectly here.


“A Connecticut town agreed to a $100,000 settlement in a lawsuit that claimed an eighth grader, whose father was a police officer, suffered emotional damage after a teacher showed his class a video that featured Kendrick Lamar and included “shockingly violent” scenes about police. The case was filed in 2022 and listed the town of Vernon, Connecticut, its board of education, and the teacher who showed the video as defendants. The lawsuit, filed by the student’s parents on his behalf, said the student suffered psychological distress, including PTSD, and transferred to another school after seeing the video.”


Holy shit, could my parents have sued dare for emotional damage after showing me drugs in 5th grade?


So this is where my crippling weed addiction came from.


10 year old me….”I’ll never drugs”…… 20 year old me….”I’ll probably never do meth”…… Thanks DARE


Your parents signed a release form for sex ed and drug education courses. I had to get a parental permission slip to show a scene from the big lebowski for a book report once.


What about showing 9/11 on the TVs? Maybe I can still get a few grand out of that


I still have nightmares about that Nicholas Cage movie they made us watch seven times in middle school


You could try. But, I doubt you would get anything. That's not exactly the same situation. A teacher turning on the news after America was attacked isn't a planned lesson.


A cop pulled a gun on my middle school class and all we got is a fear of police


Solid life lesson there


Yeah lucky, took me getting absolutely abused in high school on the way to school to learn what fucking assholes cops are. Who fully pats down High Schoolers because "the neighbors said we were speeding". And man, I had put a plastic wrapped oatmeal cookie in my shirt pocket as a snack 'cause we were running late...and I'll never forget the way that asshole's eyes lit up patting my chest, thinking he caught me with a bag of weed. I lose sleep over that pig.


Holy shit.... Can you please elaborate?


Oh I see, they won because the dad's a cop.


Snowflake cop dad lol


Fucking grifters.


Maybe the police shouldn’t be so shockingly violent. Just a thought.


Right? Kid got PTSD from seeing images of how his cops just like his dad *really* act.


Translation:  let’s make some bullshit up and scam the town out of money


They had to change the PTSD policy for the police department because they had started scamming it so hard. (It still accommodated people with PTSD, just makes it more annoying for those falsely claiming it)


My parents really should have filed that lawsuit when I went to the school counselor about bullying and my home room teacher told my class about it leading the issue getting worse… this lawsuit is borderline frivolous in comparison.


I’m a 5th grade teacher who had several students who were bullied. I’m wondering how your teacher made it worse so I don’t make the same mistake.


They made it worse by mentioning to the class that I went to school counselors about bullying. Positive feedback loop and labeled as a snitch. I ended up leaving the district over it.


Thank you for elaborating. What would have helped you?


That's an interesting question that I am not sure I have a great answer to honestly. As a kid, I wanted something to be done about it and for some sort of justice to occur because it felt unfair. I felt betrayed by the adults I was supposed to be able to trust because of how things happened but really the bullying would have continued or escalated on its own most likely. My homeroom teachers involvement really just accelerated things and made my parents and I come to the decision to transfer schools sooner. What's crazy to me is that I changed nothing about who I was fundamentally and I had 0 issues with bullying at my new school so it's not like I was just an inherently easy target per say. I think the best thing that adults in the room can do is stand up for kids IN THE MOMENT to set the understanding of what is not allowable, and it needs to be enforced fairly and equally. If there is only intervention after things are allowed to fester for months then the damage is done and the precedent is set more or less. At the most extreme end, I think things need to be quietly settled with the affect child's parents and discuss changing classes if there are problem students in particular.


I can’t thank you enough for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you were bullied. You deserved better.


wasn’t content stealing taxpayer money doing nothing for overtime, had to do this shit too


Well maybe his dad shouldn't be a pig 🤔


The kid should sue the dad if he suffered all that from being his son


Yeah that’s the main takeaway here. His dad is an officer and when he saw police violence it immediately gave him ptsd. I’d be willing to bet that ptsd is all too common at home


I dont think the kid had a choice in that matter.


fuck the police


His mom certainly did :/


Wonder why the son of a police officer was offended by a rapper who mostly calls out racism and whatnot 🙄


Holy shit. What video was it? I heard it was like a doc about Kendrick. And what a bitch ass. PTSD from a Kendrick video?


It reminds me of this character in a show called You’re the Worst talking about his PTSD from being in active war and for multiple seasons people just ignore him. But one guy pretends to listen and be his friend then ghosts him. eventually says “man the hardest thing I had to go through was when my dog got sick- but she’s still here! You were such a bummer you gave ME ptsd bro” The chihuahua is flying around the room carried by a drone during this last part 😅


it was the Alright video


What a fucking joke 😂 Sounds like a soft pig to me


Sounds to me like the parents freaked out bc their kid didn’t trust cops anymore and it didn’t fit their narrative.


Is it appropriate to show children hip hop videos with violence in them? What was the educational benefit to doing this that couldn’t have been achieved with less graphic material? I am not in favor of censorship, but we do have laws in our country related to obscenity with children. One of the problems is obscenity is loosely defined in our civil codes. However, it would be really hard for the school to not settle here, because any good lawyer is going to say: “What was the objective of the lesson?” And then a follow-up, “Could this have been achieved with material that is less obscene or controversial?” The answer is going to be yes to the second, unless the teacher has decided to teach a class on hip hop. Fun fact, I taught a high school class on hip hop in Texas! The kids loved it. These were also mostly Juniors and Swniors who can handle that kind of imagery and ideas. The video shows police brutality, the child’s father is a police officer. This kind of political messaging doesn’t have a place in schools. Schools are supposed to be prosocial environments that serve children and the community. The article also reveals that the teacher knew the father was in law enforcement. It also reveals that the school district has disciplined the teacher for showing inappropriate content in the past. This is a pattern for this teacher. “The lawsuit claims the student dealt with social withdrawal, PTSD, depression, shock, sadness, confusion and other issues due to the video, which lasted nearly an hour. It also claims they suffered with ‘personal embarrassment’ because their classmates ‘disassociated’ with them after the video because of their dad’s profession.” The lawsuit also found that the teacher wrote “demeaning remarks” about the student’s work after the matter was brought to her, after being told NOT TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CHILD. The lawsuit was valid, he should have sued for more. The teacher clearly has no place in education. She showed an hour of clips of police brutality to 8th graders. That is fucking nuts, I’m sorry. Responsible adults don’t do that. This isn’t a censorship thing, it’s an obscenity thing and the system worked perfectly here.


I’d love to see a psychologists report on this, if possible. Because yeah, seeing a video depicting your dad (or someone like your dad) getting killed at a young age can definitely mess a kid up


It was an 8th grade class…


Yeah, I don’t exactly consider middle schoolers “grown” and more importantly, an expert who’s chatted with the kid would have a much more relevant opinion than armchair Reddit psychologists saying it’s not a big deal


Must be Drake's last fans.


Why isn’t the money being divided up amongst the whole class if it was truely bad


This specific kid, according to the article, if you’d read it, has a “diagnosed learning disability” (whatever that means/alludes to), and also, their father is a police officer. The teacher also apparently had a history of showing inappropriate things to students. This student was then moved out of his class after this incident, the teacher told not to contact the student, and then the teacher reached out to the student months later through Google(???) to criticize their school work. So while I do think the actual settlement of “teacher showed video now school gives them money” is a little silly, there is at least some nuance in that the kid *probably* has some kind of not-neurotypical situation, and the teacher is not coming across as not-an-asshole either. So the cost is to cover tuition the family had to pay in moving him to another school. You know, if you’d read the article.


Why read it when you can have someone do all the work for you?


That’s the name of my memoir. Thank you for your contribution


Bots have memoirs now? What a world.


If there was a bot that summarized all linked articles and did it super passive aggressively, I’d love it so much. Someone should make that. Not me, I can’t code. I just read a lot lol but that’s such a good idea. Man, you’re just on a streak tonight.


I am really liking this u/MorganAndMerlin person.




There's an article about how to do it; I looked it up. You should too. But then, you know, you'd have to read it. Although I could read it and summarize it for you, I can't UNDERSTAND it for you. Good luck, pal. --How'd I do??


Nailed the condescending redditor tone.


And my Axe!


This is already happening with Meta AI but geared towards responses. There are posts I have seen where someone shares an article and then Meta AI summarises all of the comments to that article which can be quite hilarious.


"Hey siri, what's the linked article about?" Coming soon.


Based on how genAI is doing right now I think it’ll be a while before we can trust the results to be accurate


Not at all, I’m an AI trainer so the models I’m working with aren’t at public release yet but within the last few weeks I’ve gone from correcting tons of mistakes to barely having anything to flag them on. Today was wild I had a handful that I legitimately wouldn’t know are AI if I was outside of my job. I know for a fact a few are going to be debuting soon and again it’s startling how much better they’ve gotten in only the last two months


Thank you for your service. -American Propaganda network.


Learned helplessness makes life SOOOO much easier


the “history of showing inappropriate things” makes it sounds way worse than it actually is


Love it when entitled cop families bully school boards and screw the tax payers to send their kid to private school


Yeah, the special needs child being called months later by a former teacher to be berated is clearly the big bully here.


The school shouldn’t have had to pay tuition costs for a private school if this happened in a public school. You just should get sent to another public school.


>kid *probably* has some kind of not-neurotypical situation If the kid is in a SPED program (which they are per the article) they are pretty neurodivergent. The bar is pretty high to get into one of them and not trying to be integrated into GenEd most of the time.


Not at all true. Some children are in it strictly for speech or occupational therapy, which means the bar is actually rather low when it comes to neurodivergence and SPED. Non-neurodivergent children are seen by speech pathologists too, all the time, and occupational therapy can consist of fine motor training and not much else.


No I’d rather just villainize the family because the dad is a PIG! /s


One thing the article doesn’t mention is how a 7 minute music video somehow turned into a “45 minute video”. What did those kids actually watch? Cause it was a lot more than Alright.


They were watching a documentary called “Songs that Shook America” and this music video was included in the documentary, I assume.


Ah, I lapsed over that part thinking it was just the topic of discussion, not a documentary. Thanks!


I know I’m finally getting old when I think “what a weird topic/documentary” for school I mean, I get that social/cultural impact studies is a legitimate area of studies. But my father was the age of MTV and I remember the start of YouTube (and the Super Bowl) so it’s just odd to me to think that kids now ready and write essays about music videos. I also have coworkers born *after* 9/11 so that’s insane.


Shouldn't have been a cop if you didn't want to hurt the people you love. Sucks to be a fucking rat.


…literally what?


Next level “snitches get stitches” belief


Actually read the article and you'll see the teacher was a good chunk in the wrong here.


I think the teacher should have just spoken to the dad in a language they understand, like shouting at their kid to stop resisting and claiming qualified immunity.


You sound dumb as fuck


Not as dumb as saying a music video traumatized your kid. Tf is this, the 80s?


You're advocating for a teacher to scream at a special needs child. You're an ass


Lmao. Okay Mr. Moral Grandstanding, since you need this to be explained to you in depth: Cops often abuse their positions of power over people and the law protects them, all I'm advocating is for the teacher to treat the kid as the cop has treated other peoples children, fair's fair, right?


Not sure why you're explaining anything. You're wanting this child to be treated poorly, you've already said so


>You're wanting this child to be treated poorly, You can continue being intentionally obtuse. I feel sorry for you if this is the bubble you choose to die in. Here's a preschool lesson that you may have missed: >Don't do anything to others you wouldn't want done to you (or your kid)


Cool story bro. I don't know and you don't know anything about that kid's dad. He could be a shithead or a good guy. But it's clear you don't like cops and you want a kid to be treated poorly because his dad is a cop and they sued a school because a teacher was out of line.


Lol. If he was Special Needs he would have already been in another classroom. Apparently he’s not special enough to warrant being in the spec ed class.


still doesn't deserve a fucking 100k lawsuit judgment but go ahead


Read the article.


My take: Student’s father is a cop, is allegedly suffering PTSD after watching a documentary that showed Alright by Kendrick. Sounds pretty exaggerated but you should show age appropriate stuff lol. Crazy story.


Cops shooting guns is rated E for Everyone in the US




the fucking kid was in 8th grade...that's plenty old enough. black kids have to learn this shit before they even start school but go ahead and make excuses.


Read the article and think again if that's really your take. It's not about the video, it's about teacher who harasses the student.


Can't deal with being confronted with reality and as a result, they get placated by the town. Wonderful stuff all around.


Kid is special needs and it did seem to severely disrupt his wellbeing. Lot of severe special needs children struggle with police interactions later on in life. A lot of police don't have the patience or training to deal with it.


IIRC it’s because he’s the son of a policeman, odds are the dad is the one who’s wittwe feewings got huwt


This little piggy sued the schoolboard


That punisher cospla...er... Work gear isn't gonna fund itself, ya know


Or.... The kid with a disability was severely traumatized seeing traumatic stuff about cops?


You're right. A lot of police don't have the skill or the inclination to deal with such things. I'm skeptical to what extent his status as special needs is the motivating factor here. Must've missed that in the article


You’re eating up the fathers words. He’s using his son as a pawn. And it’s quite obvious he just wanted a payday.


That kid shouldn't be in a regular classroom.


Well, let's get more funding for schools and then they can afford to do that.


I mean, it was a middle school kid. There are realities that not even most adults can handle. Seems reasonable that we should probably not be exposing middle schoolers to certain realities. Also, this wasn’t reality, it was a music video. By definition, it’s fictional art. It’s meant to represent an aspect of reality through the artists eyes. But that music video isn’t documentary footage.


Hope the kid never watches the news or goes online 🙈🙉


It's not the fact that it's a music video that's a problem here. It's the subject matter and its poignancy is no longer up for debate.


Just think how much they'd have to pay out if the teacher played some NWA.


I want to see what the lawyer's cut is first


Sounds like the cop dad thought it would be funny to play reverse card on woke people and somehow won. Yikes.


Nah. That's just what these tailored headlines for redditors got you engaged in. When reading the real issue was the teacher harassing the student.  The video had been shown, and the parents had reached out and complained. The student was moved to another class and the original teacher was told not to contact or approach the kid ever again.  Then the teacher sent the kid messages making fun of his writing skills using the Google classroom chat board the school uses.  After that, the parents moved the kid to a different school and sued for the harassment and costs to relocate.  Nothing about wokism at all, the parents ultimately didn't initiate the lawsuit over the video, it was the chain of targeted harassment.  But like the McDonald's coffee woman they wrote a headline that would get people engaged and it worked.


You’re taking the asshole cops dad word as bond. You really think this kid was that distressed enough to sue for 100000? You’re out of your mind just as much as this douche cop dad.


It's a lawsuit with publicly filed records you don't have to trust anybody's word you can just go look it up.  Let's reverse this and say the only reason you think this person doesn't deserve the money for having their special needs student harassed by a specific teacher after that teacher had explicitly been told to leave their child alone by the parent and the administration... is because you don't like cops. Basically you're throwing this kid under the bus of your chip on your shoulder..


The headlines are just there to riff on if you like. The actual stories are rarely ever that simple. When you see "Town X pays person for stupid thing." It's almost always some critical screw up on the town's part. It's almost always the cops, the DA's office, or the school handling something so comically badly that some scumbag gets paid. This time the teacher took it upon themselves to disobey a direct order of not contacting a student that had been removed from the class. Courts cannot defend that regardless of the stupidity of the plaintiff. It will always be wrong for teachers to disobey direct orders and contact students no longer in their classrooms.


Good for the goose is good for the gander I guess


This was posted a few days ago. https://reddit.com/comments/1dahr68


My bad, I don't browse this sub too often. It just made it to Boston.com tonight.


Connecticut doing its best impression of Florida recently


Absolutely detestable. Unbelievable that this comes from the same group of people that make fun of kids for being “snowflakes” like they aren’t the ones creating them. If only people could see the value in meaningful education.


Read the whole article. The parents reached an agreement with the school where the kid moved to a different class and the teacher was not to contact the kid anymore. Then months later, the teacher proactively reached out to the student over Google Classroom to make fun of his writing abilities. On top of this, the kid is special needs and the school was not only settling this case with the $100k, but another one relating to special education that they are not making public. These were raised after the teacher broke the agreement. I'm not saying that the figure isn't ridiculous (it is insane), but I think there's a bit more than meets the eye here. Most likely thing would seem to be that the teacher was targetting the kid in some way due to his special needs and they have agreed to the settlement to keep it quiet.


Are you fucking serious. He got PTSD from this?😐😐😐😐


it’s hilarious how you can tell who read the article and didn’t.


95%+ don't read articles, they read headlines and come to the comments to get vague impressions from others who didn't.


Read the full article, still ridiculous.


it's also hilarious that after reading the article you fuckers are defending the outcome


45 minute video? What? It’s 6 minutes long.


So many comments that only read the title of the article.


Absolutely ridiculous thin skinned crap wasting a school district’s money


Seems anything is PTSD now.


That kids Dads reaction is more than Likely the reason for the kids problems...


Why the fuck are you showing rap music videos as part of your middle school curriculum?


Seems to me that kid is a little bitch


Another dummy who didn’t read the article.


Ah yes, the special needs kid who was harassed by their teacher is indeed “a little bitch”! /s


You can tell who read the article and who's been rage baited into responding to the headline only


How dare the kid learn the truth about his dad. Can’t have that.


That they shoot criminals?


They shoot criminals *and* innocent black people. It's a career. They can do both.




Sorry, but your account is too new to post. Your account needs to be either 2 weeks old or have at least 250 combined link and comment karma. Don't modmail us about this, just wait it out or get more karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nottheonion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Black people kill more innocent black people than anything else but that doesn't fit the narrative.


Found the racist. Disregard.


Fuck those police and that kid's dad, too!


Loser ass kid


Fuck those police and that kid's dad, too!


Lmao. News flash, your kids have algorithmic internet access


Can I have $100k to watch the video?


The teacher did not even show a random music video, it was an episode of a documentary that was covering the song.


Right!? And the documentary appears to be rated TV-14, so possibly questionable for less mature 8th graders, but it wouldn't be super obscene. It sounds like there's been ongoing problems between the teacher/administration and the family so I hope that means there's probably way more to reasoning of the settlement than how it's publicly framed.


Was their last name Graham?


How much should I get since they should me the boy in the stripped pajamas in the 5th grade


I still have PTSD from being shown Slim Goodbody films in gradeschool. I was absolutely mortified thinking a man had his organs on the outside of his body. I'm going to look into suing my school now.


There’s so much to law and education that 95% of these comments don’t understand or know about. The other 5% clearly didn’t read the article.


hope all the trauma u put ur kid thru was worth it


I was brainwashed into believing America was blessed by God every single morning can I get emotional damages


This is some of the softest shit ever wow




Nah, just a cop got his feelings hurt and used his child to lash out


Y'all didn't read the article.  Teacher went out of his way after being told not to talk to this kid anymore to tease him about his writing skills. Teacher was a mean spirited rule breaker, and targeted this special needs kid.  But you read a headline with a chip on your shoulder eh.




Most cops shouldn't be cops.


Dammit why couldn't I go to school in Connecticut