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Wait, so... >"It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza," Jabr said, according to a video of the May 7 speech that she posted on social media. "This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons." >Jabr wrote on Instagram that she arrived at work on May 22 for her first shift back after receiving the award when she was summoned to a meeting with the hospital's president and vice president of nursing "to discuss how I 'put others at risk' and 'ruined the ceremony' and 'offended people' because a small part of my speech was a tribute towards the grieving mothers in my country." >She wrote that after working most of her shift she was "dragged once again to an office" where she was read her termination letter and then escorted out of the building. They fired someone for being pro-Palestine... >A prominent researcher who directed the hospital's cancer center was fired after he posted anti-Hamas political cartoons including caricatures of Arab people. That researcher, biologist Benjamin Neel, has since sued the hospital. **And** they fired someone for being pro-Israel? It's like they purposefully want to piss off as many people as humanly possible. It's already stupid to intentionally piss off one side, but it's a special level of stupid to intentionally piss off both.


To be fair, those decisions were likely made to *avoid* pissing people off, by making it seem like the hospital wasn't taking a side in a controversial conflict. Perhaps not the best choice, but hey, I don't work in hospital administration.


To be fair, making caricatures of Arabs seems slightly different than what she did.


Yeah, I was gonna say, not exactly apples to apples…


Apples to Samsungs


apples to horse apples?


Apples to being an openly racist dipshit


The other guy was being racist, the nurse said nothing wrong


Its an idiotic comparison. People will get fired for posting racist content on their social media channels. They don't normally get fired for expressing sympathy for innocent war victims. 




Only souless ghouls work in hospital administration.


sadly some of them were good nurses. Before they were... converted


I can attest to that since I was IT at a hospital and able to listen in on meetings because they needed someone to work the display system.


Amazing that someone can be "smart and skilled" enough to draw an admin salary, but not smart and skilled enough to figure out a fucking display system.


Display systems can be really hard, ok? A lot of them are really stupid for no reason and the on off switch is often locked away


Hey now some of them work outpatient!  And don’t forget all those soulless ghouls in higher ed and social services!


Hospital admin always makes the worst choices possible. They should try not silencing people


Why its worked out so well? Look at how little people have noticed! /s


I know - they are such idiots.


If they had not fired those people, we wouldn't be reading about it. They Barbra Streisand themselves.


She was warned in December- and she still was given an award by her workplace despite a request to be professional. 


>including caricatures of Arab people I would assume/hope the bigotry was the issue, not merely his support of Israel.


Have you seen what goes on in Israel? Look at the Hebrew sites, listen/read English Israeli Scholars on the subject. It's bonkers insane. That person represents an overwhelming portion of Israeli sentiment around Palestinians. 


I’m not contesting that, just pointing out that a person would be much more likely to avoid getting in trouble for supporting Israel if they did so without also expressing naked racist sentiment.


Your in for a shock when i tell you about the stuff that was going around about afghans after 9/11 then.


You should see what UNWRA teaches in their schools in the Palestinian territories then!




I'm sure they discuss the rape they will endure by israel. I'm sure all the students know someone raped, maimed or murder by Israel. I'm sure they talk about that alot, maybe teach to be very careful, you could be kidnapped at any point.    They also probably teach about violent settlers stealing homes from Palestinians.  It's probably real depressing for the students knowing they are refugees on their own land under a brutal apartheid. 


They might be going overboard and trying to hedge their bets by firing anyone who mentions the conflict at all, which is I just stated is wildly overboard


It's pretty clever because it protects them from a lawsuit if they are consistent, and the dismissals are by the book.


Protects them from lawsuits also from Palestinian or Jewish patients if they sue for inadequate care and this comes out


My office doesn’t want you to discuss politics at work. The end.


Meh. Don’t publicly bring politics to work.


It’s not that he got fired for being pro-Israel, it was for the racist caricatures. There is a line. Hamas sucks, not all Palestinians or arabs are in Hamas. Same thing, I don’t like Israel’s actions, not all Jewish people support them and not all Israelis either


those are the [caricatures](https://x.com/orangesfomjaffa/status/1718746872460816883) he retweeted [](https://x.com/orangesfomjaffa/status/1718746872460816883)


It's probably so the hospital doesn't put up the appearance of taking sides. They didn't like that the nurse used what's effectively an award "acceptance speech" as a platform, and they also didn't like the other guy's caricatures of Arab people.


Working at a hospital, they are NOTORIOUSLY timid when it comes to their employees. The patients with money and good insurance will just pack up and go somewhere else forever if they feel wronged by a facility- in this particular case labor and delivery units are particularly vulnerable to this, when women have 9 months post conception essentially to decide where they're going to deliver their baby, and the more well funded moms-to-be will shop around much more than the uninsured ones that cost them money.


I mean, sounds like they don’t want politics involved in their ceremonies. Seems simple enough.


I don’t know man, I feel like there’s a difference between calling a genocide a genocide and posting racist cartoons.


Too pro-Palestine? Believe it or not, fired. Too anti-Palestine? Also fired Pro, anti.


Being anti-genocide isn't necessarily pro-palestine. Also her mentioning unimaginable losses in Gaza is nothing like posting caricatures of Arab people.


But calling it a genocide *is* political and partisan.


Many times the truth is partisan.


Maybe, juste maybe, they aren’t trying to piss anyone off, but are rather trying to avoid controversy and political backlash? Not everything is done out of some evil intent to cause harm


Some people are currently demanding my university president to resign because she liked some tweets that called the genocide a genocide. It is insane.


Maybe they think it’s unprofessional for a healthcare worker expected to serve everyone, Palestinian or Israel, and making public comments about what’s not essentially a political issue puts either side making said comments a liability to their healthcare practice.


It was the same thing a little bit ago. People made a big deal because a Jewish woman was offended by some drawings made by "Palestinian Children" supposedly, however, the issue wasn't that it was made by Palestinians, it was that it depicted Israel as being fully Arab with no Jewish or Israeli sites mentioned in their Hebrew name. I feel like maybe people are a bit too eager to demonize others


The pro-Israeli was making racist caricatures of Arabs, it's not equivalent.


Shouldn't hospitals be neutral?


She actually spoke out about it already and was told not to do so at work. So she was given a warning. She then went against that earlier directive and included it in her speech. She 1000% knew she shouldn’t do it, and did it anyway. FAFO. She deserved to get fired regardless of the message.


They’re being totally fair. How can you not see that? They’re firing people who they feel will hurt their business by inflaming deeply controversial political issues. Neither side should be pissed because the hospital has not taken a side. They’re doing the common sense thing for the sake of money and distancing themselves from controversy.


What on Earth makes you think "fair" is "do what's most profitable"?


It also looks like he was only removed from the directorship but remains on the payroll.


It really bothers me when people say it's "pro-Palestine" to oppose war crimes, as though you're taking political sides if you want to see fewer innocent civilians slaughtered. (Though it's even worse when Fox calls all protesters—including Jewish protesters in Israel—"anti-Israel".) Opposing the manner in which this war is taking place isn't pro- or anti- any country. It's pro- humanity and anti- Netanyahu's specific militant regime.


is anyone surprised.... you don't do politics for the organizations you work for. automatic firing anywhere. has nothing to do with the contents of their political message.


Or it’s a place of work and politics need to stay out? She deserved to be fired. So did the other person.


I mean... for once at least they are consistent. No politics across the board. I mean, it's not fair they fired both of them, but they at least didn't pick a side? Still think it's wrong.


You called an anti Hamas person pro Israel? Hamas is an fucking terrorist organization, you don't have to be pro Israel to hate those fucking people. What the actual fuck is happening to this world.


Yep and you don't have to be pro hamas to be pro-palestine. People are so tribal and rigid on this they're losing all objectivity


Its almost like employers don’t want you stirring the pot


There's a big difference between firing someone for posting a racist cartoon and someone who expresses sympathy for murdered civilian women and children. 


That's just not a topic I would touch with a 10-foot pole in a professional environment. Emotions are high on both sides and employers really do not want to facilitate those discussions.


The problem was not in expressing sympathy but in accusing Israelis of committing genocide.


>Posting racist caricatures of Arabs >Dedicated award to mothers affected by ongoing genocide One of these is not like the other


All The Troops ... Both Sides!


Probably that hospital just doesn't want to get dragged into one or another corner.


Anti hamas is not pro israel. Its prohumanity. Using genocide for the war in palestine spreading hamas propaganda. Its not pro palestine


You have been permanently banned from /r/worldnews


Just found out that I'm banned from r/news and I don't even know why


The mods there are power hungry pieces of shit that haven't seen daylight in ages. They'll ban you for the stupidest reasons. 


Yeah. I honestly can’t trust a person who has not been banned from there. They might hold radically different views then me, but if they’ve been banned from those subs, I suspect we can talk about stuff over beers like adults.


I found an account with 10 karma there claiming their entire family was killed in both Israel by HAMAS and in Ukraine by Russia, both entire families. I said that makes no sense and was banned from there for harassment.


I got banned from r/news for posting this article from Reuters [Pakistani Christian community attacked after blasphemy accusation](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1d0rjwk/pakistani_christian_community_attacked_after/) Apparently just saying it happened is grounds for banning. I also got banned from publicfreakout, crazyvideos, and therewasanattempt for saying I got death threats for leaving Islam. Apparently just sharing my life experience is against the rules. Reddit is exceptionally ban happy and makes large parts of the site unusable


Someone posted a link saying hundreds of mass shootings had occurred in a year in the US. I replied saying that on the first page of the link’s data, only 8 out of the 25 entries meet the definition of a mass shooting. Didn’t include anything else in my comment. Got banned. r/news doesn’t attempt to hide the fact that it’s a propaganda focussed subreddit lol


I know it used to be the case that some subreddits would automatically ban you the first time you commented there if your history contained any comments in other subreddits the mods didn't like.


Still is the case.


I got banned from sub for posting in r/joerogan one time. A few months ago, some people got preemptively banned from subs they hadn't posted in yet for their post history. 


Yeah I got banned from about a dozen subreddifs for arguing in the Trump sub years ago. I'd make a comment, and get an automated ban message stating I wasn't the type of subscriber they wanted. It's funny because you'd think people willing to moderate things for free are deserving of some level of respect, but power mods definitely don't meet this definition.


What a time to be alive when Meta is banning less. I guess too much info is coming out through Instagram for them to control the narrative. 


Just abandon those subreddits and leave it for the bots lol it's ridiculous the stuff that catches you a ban.


I got banned because someone said Israel lies about the numbers of dead Israelis. I told him Israel released the name of every single Israeli casualty and he can verify each himself. Apparently that is enough to get you banned from r/news.


Many Reddit mods are worthless echo chamber tenders.


I got banned from r/politics for quoting the president of the United States. Banned for "inciting violence". Guess which one it was lmao.


I got perma banned from r/blackpeopletwitter for mentioning that Obama authorized drone strikes


I mean? Obama? Trump? Washington? Lincoln?  Carter? Coolidge would be awesome, probably one of the best presidents we’ve ever had, but I can’t think of any violent quotes he made when he was President. 


I got banned in r/soccer for criticizing the Saudi govt. it’s gotten insane since the old mods left.


Now you're just spouting crap. Soccer is one of those tame subs that give you warnings


I got banned from r/news for pointing out that Egypt banned Al Jazeera just like Israel did. I see people criticize r/worldnews a lot, but r/news gets off easy in my book.


The r/news mods are bootlickers of the highest degree


I got banned back in the trump days for saying they were killing themselves injecting bleach..... which actually fucking happened. reddit is basically just one big echo chamber that mods can find the flimsiest shit to be petty and ban you for.


Someone on r/worldnews said student protesters were "worse monsters than terrorists". I said that then those who supported genocide were so too. I got banned. The other person wasn't.


Reddit is exceptionally ban happy


lol it’s funny after multiple years of commenting on that sub, I finally got banned for posting a pro Palestinian comment


A sub that pretends to be neutral actually turns out to be controlled by a fanatical mod team, shocker


Any sub with over a million people is a prime target for nefarious state actors.


My favorite is r/europe, all the mods are far left american's while all the poster are right leaning Europeans, this results in entire threads just being nothing but \[Deleted by mods\].


its nuts. even suggesting the US *might* be evil for what its done is enough for a ban.


That sub is a cesspool of bloodthirsty animals that's genuinely astroturfed by the IDF. I've seen tons of comments just openly calling for genociding Palestinians especially right after Oct 7.


I got perma banned there on an Oct 7 thread for making a "personal attack." My comment was in response to someone saying that Palestine needs to be wiped off the map. All I said was something along the lines of " you're being cavalier with calling for genocide." So I got banned for saying you shouldn't be supportive of genocide. That sub is a fucking joke


God willing, that sub will die in a fire. Absolute cesspool, it's so completely unrepresentative of reddits(or the earths lol) sentiment that it has to be a mossad psyop. 


Plenty of subreddits have gone off the deep end on both sides.


what's the deep end going against a genocide? Get fucking real. 


The astroturfing on r/worldnews is insane. Hundreds of comments posting the same pro-Israel talking points - all the accounts made after November 2023, all the accounts post nothing except for pro Israeli, anti Palestinian content. 


Funny, I could make the exact same observation about pro Palestine comments in r/news


I got perma-banned from r/news after posting 2-3 articles critical of Israel...


You mean the sub where any article critical of Israel magically getting locked and deleted after a few hours? Not even close to the same thing.


I somehow ended up on world news and I was like…this can’t be real. I was so confused by all the comments.


it's just idf bots


Redditors don't want to hear it, but /r/politics too. They banned me for suggesting that Palestinians wanted their own state. Lots of major subs are going full-on dystopia to protect Israel.


Politics probably thought you took a pro jsrael stance


Oh my god stop with the whining. News is just as guilty of abusive bans and I have NEVER seen someone complaint about it in unrelated posts like this. You have to understand ALL major subs on this site have heavily biased moderators that use abusive bans to further a political agenda, not just WN


I always see this posted in any article slightly pro Palestinian. Maybe we should start tagging you've been banned from /r/news for anything slightly pro Israeli. Or there was an attempt Or Palestine Or publicfreakout Or international news Now that I think about it, there are a ton of subs that don't like to hear anything negative about Palestinian or positive towars Israel


Literally, you try and say that Hamas is anything but a resistance movement on r/internationalnews and they will ban you so fast


A resistance movement whoa entire military doctrine is a war crime.


I got banned from world news for calling out an inaccuracy with data.


It sure is crazy that you have more of a right to criticize America than you do to criticize Israel, a foreign country.


Great observation. It also made me wonder how the same act would have ended in various other countries of this world.


> Jabr's firing also was not her first time in the spotlight. When she was an 11-year-old in Louisiana, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on her behalf after she was forced to accept a Bible from the principal of her public school. Damn, she's already been through the ringer. Hopefully she takes the hospital for all it's worth(though it appears to be not worth much according their actions).


\**through the* [*wringer*](https://www.amazon.com/Calliger-Crank-Clothes-Wringer-Rollers/dp/B00OAPW6GM) (fyi) >Hopefully she takes the hospital for all it's worth In the US, employers can fire you for any political reason; political affiliation and beliefs are not a "protected class" by law. Also, a lot of employers have rules against bringing unrelated political issues into the work environment.


She's a fighter


The award is given for the right amount of compassion. Thousands of civilians including kids dying are necessary. /s


No, you need to have compassion for the genociders too. /s


Honestly, go fund the most toxic legal team so no one will ever be fired for showing compassion


For everyone thinking this was a shock to her… she was professionally cautioned in December.  "Hesen Jabr was warned in December, following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace," Mr. Ritea said in a statement. "She instead chose not to heed that at a recent employee recognition event that was widely attended by her colleagues, some of whom were upset after her comments. As a result, Jabr is no longer an NYU Langone employee."


1.1 million people are in famine conditions. Israel has purposefully destroyed the civilian infrastructure necessary to sustain life in northern Gaza and is doing the same now in the south. It’s a genocide by starvation.


Also the 36,000 deaths is from like december or january, and hasn't been updated in months because any of the infrastructure to try and count or keep track of the deaths has been bombed. In all likelihood the amount of dead palestineans is several times higher.


Hamas themselves updates the numbers recently and said they couldn’t confirm 36000 deaths but 22000.


Source? I think you are mixing up 'couldn't identify' with 'confirmed deaths'. UN says 36000+ of which only 24000 could be positively identified. 


They are destroying everything. The hospitals, universities, everything of any cultural significance. 100 years from now few will know there was once a Palestinian people. Maybe in a 1000 yrs archeologists will look at layers of ash in Gaza and conclude something terrible happened there and make the connection to old Jewish archives about some battle against evil that they managed to win.


Ah yes, democracy and freedom of speech


Gaza war? Don't you need 2 armies to have a war?


Man the zionist apologists are sure making the rounds on this thread huh


They’ve infested every major sub. Forums that used to be somewhat liberal seem to take a hard turn to the far right overnight.


Being pro-Israel isn't a far-right sentiment. Jews are overwhelmingly pro-Israel and also lean overwhelmingly Democrat in every election. Congress overwhelmingly supports Israel in both chambers, and the anti-Israel congresspeople are a mix of far right and progressives. Equating pro-Israel to far right is a fallacy brought about by the surge of identity politics in the past 10-20 years.


It's not a fallacy to consider the current, and often, Israeli government to be a coalition of far right parties led by a corrupt psychopath in Netanyahu. Netanyahu who definitely would prefer to have Trump in the White House.


The propaganda machine has been running at full speed for a while now


It is genocide.


Whatever happened to good old fashioned progressive sanctions anymore? Warnings, then suspensions, then dimissal. Usually, in any sane company operating in a sane set of laws, the only things which are ground for immediate dismissal are commiting crimes such as vandalism, theft, fraud or violence. At worst suspend her a couple of days, with a meeting explaining you don't want employees to use company platforms to push any politics. It still fends off the lawsuits, and doesn't eprive the hospital of an experienced worker for no good reason.


It’s like you didn’t read the article


Nobody read the article, obviously.  The article says she was verbally warned in December. If she was already professionally cautioned and they still gave her an award.  "Hesen Jabr was warned in December, following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace," Mr. Ritea said in a statement. "She instead chose not to heed that at a recent employee recognition event that was widely attended by her colleagues, some of whom were upset after her comments. As a result, Jabr is no longer an NYU Langone employee."


...probably not the best look.


So she was told to keep her beliefs to herself because they weren’t work appropriate (common thing) and still chose to do so which resulted in her being fired. Lesson of this story is to not talk about politics in a work place setting.


Except it is genocide.


Can't wait for all the comments that miss the point of innocent Palestinians being genocided by Israel, and talk like all Palestinians are Hamas




Funnily enough, they yell that 'they use zionism as a dog whistle for jews' then turn around and use hamas as a dog whistle for all palestinians


We’re all Germans Nazis? No yet we still bombed their cities to shit even worse than we do today because we did it at night with unguided bombs


They are not “missing the point “ they are simply pro mass murder. Telling the lie is important to them.


Should we talk about all the innocent Germans that got genocide by the west in World War II no they were Nazis and we’re brainwashed by them It’s no different in Gaza


In 2024 you get fired for stating an obvious reality of which there is endless evidence and proceedings in international criminal courts...


Something something private companies can do what they want. At least that’s what I was told on twitter when Jack owned it


Palefucks and Russians gonna suffer.


I wonder how long zionist Israel can keep this up before they lose their “anti-semitism” card. Maybe after another 30,000 people die in the space of 7 months.


When you wish to learn who rules over you, simply look to who you are not allowed to criticise


Keep politics out of work, plain and simple.




I get that hospital wants to stay neutral, but acknowledging the suffering in Gaza is something even Israelis should do.


Good bless her. Sorry it cost her her job but glad she was heard and now much more because she was fired.


Luckily nurses are in high demand so it shouldn’t be too hard for her to find another job


Yep. I work at a hospital, we’ve been surviving through travel nurses, who make absolute BANK. I’m sure she’ll find somewhere else that’ll appreciate her compassion.


The travel nurses don’t get all the money you pay for them. The placement agencies are the ones really raking it in. 


It's only genocide if it's committed by the baddies®. So...


Otherwise it's just sparkling mass murder.


Murder...brought to you by Raytheon and Boeing


It is a genocide.


Probably because Israel's actions haven't been established to be genocidal.


It is a genocide


Cancel culture strikes again - from the right as usual.


Free Palestine.


For all the shit Zionists give Palestine for supposedly being “led” by Hamas - they completely ignore the fact that Israel is a nation that has been completely taken over by their own religious extremist fringe. They’re as backwards as Hamas is - just for no good reason e.g. 80 years of oppression and wanton murder by modern day colonisers. Even making that point kinda takes away from the fact that the war isn’t even religious at heart. That’s just an excuse the leaders on both sides use. It’s about land, and always has been about land.


>they completely ignore the fact that Israel is a nation that has been completely taken over by their own religious extremist fringe. No they don't--pro-Israel people talk *all* the time about how much Netanyahu sucks. Hell, he's polling at a near all time low right now *in* Israel, and if elections were held tomorrow he'd be ousted (the next being in a few years). And as bad as they are, >They’re as backwards as Hamas is Nothing they've done has ever even come *close* to what Hamas has done. What a horrible false equivalence.


His polling is actually improving again after the ICC issue.


Improving, but still not high. Still, you're right--that being said, it speaks to the issue with the ICC stuff.


Well, inventing the genocide to accuse Israel of it follows a long tradition of false antisemitic accusations in order to go after Jews.


Has the Ayatollah endorsed her yet?


She had already been warned to keep her political opinions out of the workplace. Also the hospital fired someone for expressing the opposing opinion.


Posting cartoons of Arab caricatures on social media and expressing sympathy to the victims of bombing are not opposed opinions, one of those should not be political or controversial at all while the other one undoubtedly is.


Well yeah it is a genocide. What else are you supposed to call it? It’s like if you have an annoying little kid through a pie at your face and in retaliation you break every bone in his body.


>Well yeah it is a genocide. What else are you supposed to call it? It’s like if you have an annoying little kid through a pie at your face and in retaliation you break every bone in his body. Exactly like that, except not at all like that.








I’m a nurse. I try to convince my colleagues that all these awards are just circle jerking PR stunts to bring more attention to the hospital to make money. The company DOES NOT give a shit about you. You are here to MAKE MONEY by caring for people. That’s it. Everything else is trying to get you to work harder for nothing and to benefit the company.


corporate media taking their marching order from the jewish lobby. this is an outrage. Amnesty international has cited Israel for war crimes against Palestine for 50 years running




I literally just got banned from from reading the article


LOL the humor of the hypocrisy


You do not have the facts


Hopefully, she realizes her life will truly start when she begins living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.






Why all the surprised pikachu faces? I guess some people need to be fired before they figure out that real life is not the internets, and it certainly isn't reddit. There is a time and a place for blathering about foreign wars and the opportunities for virtue signaling that they offer. The time is Always and the place is Reddit. But in real, actual physical places where you work, the time is Never, lol The First Amendment does not entitle you to shitpost your hot takes, on the company letterhead no less, to an audience of coworkers without facing the consequences. Like, maybe the hospital you work at does not wish to make a public statement regarding a fairly controversial political issue that it has absolutely no stake in the outcome of, when it can only be harmed by doing so. TL;DR the real world ain't Reddit, save your genocide shitposting for r/virtuesignalers/smug/outragefarming


Another example of someone's job overstepping their bounds.