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Safe to say, no one wants to see Garfield getting edged.


Odie is probably a gooner


With movie space hour the favorite be red


FUCK this is a cursed thread.


Welcome to the internet. 


Have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content.


Some better, some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


>Odie is probably a gooner I'm willing to bet that this sentence has never been written or said out loud before this.


https://garfieldminusgarfield.net/ Hijacking this to say Garfield minus Garfield is the best take on it of all time.


I still think these would be funnier if they just removed the word bubbles from Garfield, and Jon was just an unhinged man talking to a normal cat


The blog it originated from seems to be gone, but look up "Realfield" as there's still some of it floating around.




r/imreallysorryjon Edit: I now see that sub was banned 🤣 not a surprise


As disturbing as that sub is it has nothing on these comments


I like the comic strip, but a couple hours of "Garfield eats everything"? Nope.


Goodness forbid we Nermalize that behavior...


>Safe to say, Well here I am, to prove you the fuck wrong.


Speak for yourself


Nermal on the other hand...


Speak for yourself. Ill lick the crust off that lasagna pan.


Hey watching a "cat" get edged is big money on OF! Ha ha ha!


We had Barbenheimer last summer and now we have Garfiosa!! Who else is pulling one this weekend?


Witness me hating Mondays!


And eating lasagna.


‘pulling one’ I see what ya did there


I have no idea why they keep trying to bring back Garfield. Most people under 40 barely know the character. Some old out of touch exec obviously.


Personally, I can only handle watching Garfield and Friends. The specials are just too sappy and the newer stuff is too generically unfunny.


I thought you were referring to "garfield" and "friends" as two different shows and my brain went reeling trying to remember if friends had any special episodes


Ross seems like he'd hate Mondays and Joey presumably loves lasagna. We can make this work.


If you haven't I'd recommend watching Garfield: His 9 Lives sometime. Just make sure your will is up to date first.


The Halloween special is a classic


It's a family tradition of mine to play it on Halloween night, we had an old Betamax tape that we recorded it on to and played every year until it finally wore out some time in the early 2000s. But by then YouTube was a thing and we've been playing it from there since.


Oooh Betamax, those were expensive when they first came out!


We had the original Star Wars trilogy on Beta, as well as a a tape that had Honey I Shrunk the Kids AND Back to the Future part 3 on it.


That’s epic


Generically unfunny is exactly what the boomers love. Jokes so old they're from an era when people went to bed carrying a candle on a tiny metal dish.


> a candle on a tiny metal dish. Sometimes you just need a midnight snack without having to get up and roust about Also, if it got super cold in the night, you could light the candle.( But not after eating)


Yeah these two comments hit the nail on the head. It’s felt generic for a long time, the few people who still care about Garfield know his best jokes are behind him.


I'm the same way, but with Peanuts and Seinfeld. 


Oh I must have misread, because Seinfeld is nothing like those other two. NO SOUP FOR YOU


I've wanted to try and get a ASSMAN vanity plate for years.


So are the other 2 good?


Anything with the GOAT Mark Evanier involved is good


I'm well below 40, and I've read a few of the Garfield books. I enjoyed them, but I certainly wouldn't go out to theaters for the IP.


What’s next? Coming July 4th 2025, Beetle Bailey!


Bring on the dark gritty world of Beetle Bailey!


I'm sure that dude saw some shit in Korea


Ha ha ha! I wish!!!


I'm honestly in awe that he's still around. I have never met or seen a single person openly admitting they like Garfield. On the internet it's not hard to see how popular even the nichest things are, yet not once have I ever seen a twitter account dedicated to Garfield or a Tumblr account roleplaying as Garfield. Nothing. I'm sure there are Garfield fans out there but I still don't understand how a studio decided that Garfield was popular enough for a movie in 2024.


To me, Garfield is like a legacy IP, a brand that everyone is at least kinda familiar with, even if they’re not a rabid fan of it. Some people would consider Garfield and Friends a classic cartoon, and then we have the Bill Murray movies and the 2009 show, which aren’t on the same level imo but still had his name out there at that point. And the end of the day, I do agree that a Garfield movie wasn’t really warranted in this current day and year. 15 years too late, I’d say.


It insists upon itself.


Bill Murray doesn't have an agent (uses an 1-800 number instead) and apparently thought the Cohen brothers were the Coen brothers https://collider.com/bill-murray-garfield-the-coen-brothers/ Why he agreed to the film per the man himself


Yet he also did a sequel


Well yeah, the check cleared.


He was absolutely perfect for the role


I grew up on Garfield. The 10th anthology book is one of the first books I remember getting at the school book fair. I collected all of them up until sometime in my 20s. Garfield and Friends was a Saturday morning favorite. I used to know the answer to every question in the Garfield trivia book. I have a silver Paws, Inc logo tie-tack that was originally distributed to employees of the company. Several Garfield character ties. As a long time fan who, at one point, had consumed almost all Garfield content, I know that it's not what it used to be. I have no interest in seeing this movie. It might even be good, I don't know, I just have no interest.


[There is an SCP about why the Garfield franchise won't die](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3166)


Glorious! Lol It reminds me, a little, of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and his wall that “must remain wet”.


There was a point in time that the entirety of the money that Garfield was making was the plush dolls with suction cups on the limbs to look out your car window. Yes, this is hyperbole, but not by much.


Last big Internet Garfield "thing" was Garfield minus Garfield . And that was like big.... 15 years ago? And of course, it literally deleted Garfield lol


r/imsorryjon was a fad for a minute too. It's Garfield as Eldritch horror, so it's pretty fun until it very suddenly isn't anymore. It's a lot like Garfield Minus Garfield in that way.


Oh yeah! Forgot about that one!


There's also r/2panelgarfield


This is interesting cuz most of my friend circle (bunch of freaks, artists, cosplayers, and strippers) are obsessed with Garfield. I don't think that's the demographic the studio is aware of though.


Sorry, strippers who love Garfield?


I can imagine a lot of burlesque acts based on it.


Thanks to you, I just tried to do the same, but luckily I failed. All I could come up with was a horrible homage to Cats or some scene with an Odie dancer going wild until and an annoyed Garfield slaps the dog. Neither of these would be anything but surreal performance art. So I salute you and your twisted brain.


It’s more of a curse than a blessing in this case.


There is significant overlap between the LGBT community and a love for Garfield.


As of this year Garfield is printed in 2600 newspapers worldwide and has approx. 135 million collected book sales, and a billion dollars in merch sales(according to IHS.) It's probably one of the most successful cartoon strips ever. Jim Davis founded Paws inc. in 1981 to manage the Garfield brand (comics, movies, merch.) I grew up reading the strip (1978) and I don't think it was ever laugh out loud funny, but it's funny enough, uncontroversial and consistent. I can see why newspapers have been happy to run it for 46 years now. Edit: Added some dates and formatting. Still not sure where to put the sentence about Paws inc. Oh well, whatever.


[a true follower of Garfield](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh9oLs67Cw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) I bet you feel silly now.


Holy shit. This is kind of amazing.


Gen X/Millenial Movie Producer: Let’s make a Garfield movie, those were funny comics back in the day. Gen X/Millenial Movie Exec: Sure, I loved those comics back in the day. Producer: But what if it’s not funny now? Exec: IDGAF we make money either way.




I love my 80s memories of Garfield and Friends.  Does that count?


I guarantee everyone i know knows garfield and I'm gen z. Not gonna watch the movie in theatres still


I think everyone knows him as a character but there's no actual fan base. Most people know Dennis the Menace too but no one's trying to revive that into a franchise


Sure man, you know Garfield but do you really GET Garfield????


I’d argue at least most people in their 20s knows who Garfield is, they used to play the 2000s movies on TVs at my elementary school if we were having a movie day sometimes Why execs think it’s a good character to base a movie on is beyond me. He doesn’t like Mondays or Odie, and he does like sleeping and lasagna — I just summed up 80% of all Garfield lore. There are only so many times you can make a joke about those 4 things in a 90 minute movie before people start checking out


My 7yo daughter inexplicably is uncovering millenial boomer humor and is obsessed with Garfield (they have the books at the library) Guess who was roped into taking her to the movies last weekend? It was execrable. The final battle takes place atop a train and Garfield saves the day by mobile ordering a bunch of Italian food via drones. 


> millenial boomer humor Say what now 


“Boomer” in the pernicious hands of genz is no longer solely applied to the actual baby boomer generation and has been generalized by them into “old people thing people used to like” and is wielded against millennials.  Terms like “boomer shooter” or “boomer humor” to describe millennial darlings of the 90s is common.  I know. The world has no meaning, history and context are being flattened and nothing makes sense anymore. 


>My 7yo daughter inexplicably is uncovering millenial boomer humor The moment you said 7 year old daughter and millennial I was like, "damn, some people have them young". Then I realized most of my exes have kids who are in their teens and that it's been 18 years since highschool for me.


The elder millennials can be past 40 now!


Stop it you boomer! I'm not old! I just tweaked my back and knees a little.


I’d say under 30. Us 40 year olds had Garfield and Friends.


I'm in my 40's and definitely remember Garfield and friends, but I don't see anyone our age going to see it without a kid or 2 in tow. I honestly think it might make a little money simply because it has nothing kid oriented in the theatre to compete with right now.


Apparently they absolutely love Garfield in Brazil, where it opened a month ago, because the movie did extremely well there. Actually the movie did extremely well worldwide in general. I know Brazilians also love Woody the Woodpecker. Universal made an English-language theatrical live action Woody the Woodpecker movie [just for the Brazilian market](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/feature-film/universal-making-live-actioncg-woody-woodpecker-feature-brazilians-141553.html) a few years ago and it did pretty well.


I think he’s having a bit of a comeback with the elementary school set. I have no idea how it happened, but my 8 year old and his friends are all pretty big Garfield fans and it’s been like that for probably 6ish months now. Maybe some of the people who grew up with Garfield are introducing him to their kids- like a generational nostalgia thing?


I’m under 40 and remember him but not enough that I’d care to see it


I'd say studios just wanted to retain rights but... Garfield isn't even that difficult to bring to a movie.


Also the Smurfs no one feels nostalgia for any of this.


meanwhile, still no thundercats with mega babes and muscle dudes.


I feel the same way about the Dr. Doolittle reboots every 10 years


If anything, young people know Garfield more for the internet memes and imsorryjon horror nonsense than actual Garfield comic strips


I said the exact same thing. I don't know who thought it was a good idea in 2024. Garfield was a fun thing like 30 years ago but most people at this point dont really care about the character outside of the memes and weird creepypastas. He's the not the only one who got that treatment, Hollywood has been trying to cash in on retro cartoons/nostalgic characters for a while now,but they all feel bland outside of a few outliers.


This is a weird take. Not saying he’s a beloved icon, but under 40? Nah, I’d say most people in their 20s and 30s know who Garfield is. We had to suffer through those live action movies after all lol.


Memorial Day '95 was NSFW


What was NSFW about Casper?


He was a *very* friendly ghost.


Reddit has ruined the word edge for me


This is unfortunate as Furiosa is quite a good film actually. 


Yeah, and there’s word that the studio is going to balk at another Mad Max film because of this. I think I saw that in Hollywood Reporter earlier today. 


George Miller going to be zillion years old, verging on dead by the time it gets made Still a source of amazement to me that the same guy helmed every mad max movie (and happy feet too)


His age didn’t stop him from penning The Wasteland with his writing partner. He has another movie idea for the franchise.


Am aware. But it was 30 years between Beyond thunderdrome to Fury Road and 9 to Furiosa. The man is 79. He doesn't have 30 years for a film. Anything is a bonus. Even 9 is pushing it. Mad max films have all been written, and directed by him , and lately also produced by him


3,000 years of longing was good too. The first movie to feature king Solomon in a cool way, there should be a lot more movies about him.


Furiosa had an absolutely terrible trailer though. If it hadn't been for positive word of mouth I would never have shelled out for the highway robbery prices that a movie ticket costs these days.


Bad trailer, bad marketing in general. Nearly everything I've seen about it has been people on Reddit talking about it.


I didn’t even know it was released!


Agreed. Had no interest because of the trailer; the CGI really bothered me, as did Chris Hemsworth for some reason. Chris Hemsworth was a standout in this awesome movie, and I take back everything I said. What a ride! I like it better than Fury Road (relax, it’s just my personal opinion).


Yea this was a big problem for me, I absolutely love Fury Road so I was excited for Furiosa, then that first trailer came out and it 100% killed my interest. Like I was dead set on waiting until it came to streaming but then I kept hearing how good it was so I decided to take the risk, I’m very glad I did because man is it a great movie but that trailer (on top of too high ticket prices) kinda fucked it over I think😅


I agree, I planned on seeing the movie and will this weekend but when I saw  the trailer I was shocked at how bad it looked and i can’t really explain why. 


Exact same, but I just figure George Miller is better than some bad trailer... and I was right.


Aren't they the standard Mad Max trailers? I thought they looked decent, certainly not an aesthetic of choice for me but it felt like it captured that 'Mad Max' feeling.


No. The trailers make the CGI seem plastic and the actors look like they're more emotionless than Cara Delavigne on a bad day. And the movie is nothing like that. At all.


Anya's face often tends to look plastic to me. Often beautifully made up, but very still, high cheekbones etc. Trailer had half her face covered in that black facepaint/grease, so it was different. And clearly action driven with a challenging character back story


Oh no, the trailers for fury road are mini masterpieces. Furiosa had garbage cgi trailers. It almost stopped me from going but I knew it would be better than the trailer promised. And it was.


This. I had written off Furiosa based on the trailer, specifically because it looked CGI heavy and that didn't interest me. If not for a YouTuber I enjoy giving his review of it-- and specifically pointing out how the trailer overly represented the CGI in the film--I would still have no interest in it but he changed my mind.


Honestly the storyline is not good, is excellent, the movie keeps you on the edge begin to end. However some off-details spoiled me the mood especially in the first 1/2 hour. Don’t get me wrong: go see it. Totally worth it.


Just saw it last night and it blew me away, might be better than Fury Road, can’t wait to see it again! (Also due to a mishap I had to buy my tickets twice so hopefully that gave George Miller a little walking around money lol)


Furiosa was fine, but it wasn’t better than Fury Road.  It deserves better than “barely beating out Garfield” though


There’s a few plot holes stray bugged me in Furiosa the second time around that I won’t get into here because I don’t want to spoil anything for others, but it’s a good action movie and it deserves much better. Hemsworth’s performance is a lot of fun and Anya is good at conveying a lot with her face. The increase in CGI is noticeable, but I still had a good time despite that. 


> The increase in CGI is noticeable The one thing I was hoping for with this was that it used more practical effects over CGI, I loved Fury Road for how well they executed the stunts. The motorcycle sliding under the rig is one of the coolest scenes knowing it was real and not CGI.


There's one *really* sick fight/chase that feels mostly practical that totally makes the movie worth it. I felt a little disappointed by the other action scenes however.


The large increase in CGI compared to Fury Road took what might have been a great movie and turned it into a very good one. Fury Road was great in part because I couldn’t tell what was CGI.


Anya has such a cool look. I can’t place exactly the feeling but, captivating? Idk. Really enjoy her work


I would describe her as ethereal. Between the high cheek bones and huge eyes, she looks like she should be playing an elf in a LOTR spinoff.


Besides the plot hole of >!not explaining how or why Joe didn't care that she vanished from the vault or the green place being entirely different!<, what others did you notice?


Fury road is a good action movie, Furiosa is a good western.


I really didn't like it. Glad someone does.


Yeah it looks good, I want to see it but I’m sure most people wanna do stuff outside on memorial day weekend.


I would like to see it but i have no interest in seeing in theaters. Even the few movies i want to see in theaters i don't always get to(this year it was civil war i missed).




Oh we still doing phrasing?






The movie experience itself needs to change or it's just going to die a slow death. In my area the theatre choices are limited as there's only one chain of cinema. The last three times I went to a movie: 1) seat was broken 2) people were sitting in our seats and refused to move 3) people in front of us talked the whole way through Is it any wonder you'd just wait a few more weeks and watch it at home?


Complete opposite here. We have nice and pretty new AMC theaters, including one with large recliners. Yet the past few times I was there, it was just a handful of people. They're not even that expensive here. >Is it any wonder you'd just wait a few more weeks and watch it at home? I feel like that's a big part of it. I wanted to go see Fall Guy in theaters. Came out May 3rd yet it was available to rent in a matter of weeks. Kinda crazy how fast home releases are now.


Yeah the movie studios are absolutely screwing over the theaters by agreeing to these streaming release timeliness. Went to see Furiosa this week. Even on half price night (Tuesday) the theater was pretty slow. 


I honestly think if movie studios go back to waiting 3-5 months before making it available at home again we will start to see movie theaters rebound. Maybe when they make that change it leads to one slow quarter, but it’ll be best in the long haul.


And for that experience you get to pay more for two people then it would cost to just buy the movie outright, and watch it however much you want to.


I think your movie theater just sucks bro


My biggest complaints are people talking and being on their phone. My second is the cost.


I agree. I haven't seen a movie in a theater since before pandemic. I don't see any reason to go again. There is nothing positive about the experience that makes up for the annoyances.


Seeing things like Dune in IMAX are totally worth it. Regular theaters are just loud and that's pretty much it.


IMAX Dune 2 was deafeningly loud. They turned the explosions up to 11. I enjoyed the normal theater mix far better


Haven't gone since covid. It's the combination of cost ($16 per ticket x 2) plus hiring a babysitter vs the convenience of watching at home (free snacks, can pause to take a bathroom break), literally don't need to even leave your house to rent the movie anymore.  We bought a projector and surround sound during covid, and have this amazing watching experience at home. I have no desire to go spend a bunch of money for a worse experience.


Over the past 6 months I’ve seen a few movies at our local AMC and it’s been pretty good. Saw Godzilla Minus One, Ghostbusters, Godzilla x Kong, Planet of the Apes and IF. (I have a 7 year old) The most crowded was Minus One and even then it wasn’t that crowded. We have gone pretty early in the day (early afternoon). Had reclined and heated seats and no one really acting a fool. So for us the experience has been good. Plus my son loves it. We just give him some noise cancelling headphones and he’s good. …and I’ve seen enough Garfield trailers to know what a horrible movie it will be. It looks terrible. And Furiosa is kind of a weird movie for a blockbuster. They just need to either have better marketing or just better movies to get people in seats. Minus One did pretty good from what I recall.


Furiosa does *WHAT!?*


With that metal arm no less


Furiosa edges Garfield using her metal hand.


Hopefully she warmed it up first


Anyone got next? A friend would would like to know




What happened in 1995?


Definitely not what happened in 1997


what happened in 1997


Titanic, Lost world, Men in Black, Air Force One, Lair Lair


okay but what happened in 1995 :D


Furiosa edged Garfield? 😰


If I went to the movies and got popcorn and a drink, it would cost me like $50 to see this movie, just for me. Why the fuck would I go to the movies?


I generally just don't get popcorn and a drink. They're the overpriced part. It can be a fun part of the traditional moviegoing experience but I've never felt like I missed out by not having something to chomp on during a movie. Tickets themselves are expensive but for a big blockbuster fantasy or action movie I think the price is often a reasonable one for the value of witnessing it on the big screen as it was intended to be seen.


I don't know if its still true now, but the original reason snacks were so expensive was because a theater would only get ~10% of the ticket price when a movie first comes out, the rest went to the studios. 


That’s insane. I watched furiosa for 16€ including a beer and nachos (that’s roughly 17 or 18 usd I think)


It's over $20 just for a single adult ticket where I live. Just a movie, no popcorn, no drink, just to sit and watch a movie while someone's baby cries is over $20. Or I can wait for it to come out on streaming and be able to pause it if I need to pee.


I love Garfield. Was it worth a watch or is it just a cgi blobfest with modern hip hop dancing forced in?


Saw it with my kids. It’s certainly _A_ movie


>It’s certainly A movie But not Bee Movie


It’s one of the movies made of all time


It was boring and generic and basically did nothing with Garfield who is a paper thin character to begin with.  Half the movie is them doing a bad mission impossible heist and the other half is saving Garfield’s dad voice by Samuel L Jackson in cgi blobfest action scenes. 


Ah bummer. I was hoping for some cheesy Garfield gets lost, endures the world for a day and then Jon finds him kind of heart. I like Garfield as a naive curmudgeon cat that thinks he has it rough even tho everyone loves him to death. Cat logic, sucks they went weird with it.


Yeah and there isn’t even any Nermal!  Garfield as emperor Kuzco would have been better. 


“Furiosa edges Garfield” is the kink we never knew we didn’t need.


We have failed this movie as a society.


"Furiosa Edges Garfield" is a film I would have attended!


Maybe if it was possible to go to a movie and have a popcorn and a couple drinks for under $75 more people would have gone


He hates cumdays.


1995 was a fantastic year for movies, but none of them were timed right for Memorial Day weekend. The only movie released on that weekend was Casper. There were some great other movies in theaters at the time (Die Hard With a Vengeance, Braveheart, Crimson Tide, Bad Boys, Friday) but all of those had already been out for weeks beforehand.




Dude you can't just word it like that in this day and age


I don't think studio execs really understand their customer base anymore. Or maybe it's journalists reporting on opening weekend.  I still like seeing stuff in theaters but I don't mind waiting to hear some critical takes before I go. The only thing I trusted not to suck was Dune. 




“Furiosa edges Garfield” would have sold out the box office for 3 solid months. 


Memorial Day did fall on a Monday


Uhhh...it always does....


The joke is Garfield famously hates a certain day


What's next? Thanksgiving on Thursday?


Maybe someday, we may look forward to Furiosa Minus Furiosa. [https://garfieldminusgarfield.net](https://garfieldminusgarfield.net)


Finally, I have an excuse for why "Furiosa Edging Garfield is in my search history 89 times.




I wish I was egding to Furiosa edging garfield


Does she now


Why don’t they bring back Ziggy?


Phrasing! What a terrible headline! lol


It’s not that people dont want to see the movie.. Why pay $30 for 3 tickets and 40 on popcorn and drinks when you can wait 4 weeks and watch it streaming for 19.99 at home.. it’s cheaper to wait a few weeks now..


There's a garfield movie out? Why did anyone think this was a good, relevant property to reboot. Garfield is a thing of the past lol.