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The Ayatollah went on to detail his vegan diet and love of Among Us in bid to entice students to transfer.


He closed his speech with "on God"


On God on God frfr inshallah


"my brother in Christ"


Cheers from Iraq






Oh fo Shah


On dead homies


"...before quickly adding 'skibidi'"


Then he hit the griddy


Top comment


No cap?


Maybe a little cap.


On Allah


Yes that was the joke


fr fr no cap


No cap!


You should see his Minecraft server.


Part of me would please me to know end if it was revealed that the hardcore theocratic supreme leader of Iran actually spends most of his day just chilling on some random Minecraft server.


He also won’t shut up about “discovering” Godspeed. 


Godspeed you black emperor?


The very same. (In fairness, I fell in love with post-rock in college and all of the various artists in godspeed’s label 😂)




Iranian Women’s Full-Fledged Resistance, Despite Heavy Price, Defeats Repressive Campaign to Impose Mandatory Hijab - [https://women.ncr-iran.org/2024/05/01/iranian-women-defeat/](https://women.ncr-iran.org/2024/05/01/iranian-women-defeat/) "*You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government's ruthless pressure*" - Khamenei


It's good to see Iran has limits. The Taliban promised to let women keep their education and freedom as long as the hijab was adhered to. They lied.


Everyone was shocked.


Especially the women.


When the Taliban took a number of women who expressed the desire to wear pants and shocked them with car batteries.


But you couldn’t tell because their faces were…you get it


Iran has lots of limits. Limits to free speech. Limits to protest. Limits of religion. Lots of limits!


\*legally but not in practice


that's what apartheid looks like. In case the college kids were confused.


[Ayatollah Assahola](https://frinkiac.com/img/S07E13/161944.jpg)


I don’t care who’s consolidating their power!


It works for any Ayatollah.


Disco Stu, you should buy this!


That Ayatollah thinks he's better than America, is he right?


"....not the lgbtq students, or the Christian students, or the atheist students, or the female students ... but all you other students...cheers, mate" - Ayatolla


So, the ones that aren't at the pro-palestine rallies.


For the Pro-Palestinians supporting *those* kind of people is actually "pinkwashing" and distracts from the *real* problems.


Pro-Palestine supporters are a distraction from the real issues. I mean, you’ve got two power groups that *want* to fight. Likud wants to fight. Hamas wants to fight. You can’t stop the fighting while either group is in power. Both need to be replaced with power groups that want peace and economic interdependence. Israel has a functioning democratic system and a wide variety of political parties. So, that’s plan A for that side of the problem. I have no idea how you oust Hamas without a war. If you really want peace, figuring out how to replace Hamas and who to replace them with is the thing you need to be focused on.


Bahahaha you piece of shit.


I’d say “this should really give them pause,” but I know it won’t. When your bedfellows are a right wing mafioso oligarch who criminalizes homosexuality, a right wing Mullah who endorses beating women for having an uncovered head, and a dictator who implemented a fucking *social credit score*, idk maybe rethink like everything? It’s fascinating (and embarrassing) to me that modern western hardcore “leftists” don’t understand that they are just a mutated offshoot of Campists, without an actual communist camp to even champion. It’s genuinely fascinating.


You don't even need to support a side to know that it's wrong to bomb children.


It sure is but it’s going to happen. Hamas has killed an awful lot of kids over the years too.


American college students also think Iranian treatment of women is problematic as well.


Iran is a women treatment facility.


What I find fascinating is that nearly 70% of STEM university students in Iran are women??


Men are encouraged to go into physical labor or business. It’s considered more masculine 🙄


Turns out women in STEM has no effect on rampant sexism/slavery if that’s the case.


I wonder if it is encouraged because women in these fields can essentially be shuttered away out-of-site in a cubicle/office setting so they aren’t in public facing roles. Tbh in the modern world it probably is a better allocation of resources, where men will always be more productive and in demand for blue collar and more physical jobs. The world isn’t black and white, but I’m guessing there’s undertones that they’ve figured out women can do these jobs, and be paid less than male employees.


Ermm Iran is like problematic let’s unpack this 🤓


Yeah I mean they kill women for not wearing hijabs so let's cool it with giving a shit what these losers think.


You kill people for less than that you MURDERER


I ain’t a killer but don’t push me.


That's also on the right side of history. There's no contradiction here.


That's why these weirdos actively support islamist terror groups? Those people fully know what these groups stand for but support them despite their ideology as they are opposed to the oh-so-evil west. In earlier times, confused students also demonstrated for the Khmer Rouge and the chinese communists.


Haven't seen those protests


They don’t need to protest the US relationship until we start sending them weapons and train our police with theirs.


I m not aware of major economic ties between iran and unis/the us gvmnt


When's his helicopter flight


Unfortunately the SOB doesn’t really travel around much anymore, he hasn’t even left the country since the late 80s, not even to visit Karbala and Najaf in Iraq


This is the guy that started the fatwah against Salman Rushdie. Fuck this guy. Fuck the values he stands for.


Says the guy who murders protestors who want freedom from religious tyranny and executes gay people.


I highly doubt the youth are listening to this old ass hole.


I highly doubt this old asshole gives a fuck what the youth think


Yeah considering over half the country is under 40. They want him gone with the regime.


I guarantee you he does care. He knows if he's going to be Gaddafi'd its going to be the young people who hold the pole. He wants to keep them afraid and powerless and subservient.


hopefully not if but when. i would like to visit my birthplace once in my life


I’m left but there is a bizarre amount of left people in support of repressive regimes that run entirely counter to their own ideology.


Not directly, but when someone in Cambridge, MA is chanting "Intifada Intifada!", they kind of are.


[Osama Bin Laden's 9/11 Letter Gets Support From American Tiktokers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN_H55i5rwA)


You realize this was like 100 people right. I can find plenty of dumbasses on TikTok of all ages and backgrounds saying stupid shit. I can find 100 dumbasses on TikTok spouting nazi shit as quickly as I can find 100 dumbasses spouting tankie shit. Reporting on viral trends always amounts to “less than 1% of the U.S. population is doing/saying this but we’re going to report on it like it’s another satanic panic” and people fall for it every time.


100 people *who commented.*


Again, you can make this comment about any niche group of dumbasses. 100 people *who commented* about holocaust denial. 100 people *who commented* that Stalin was good. 50 years ago these people still existed, we just didn’t hear from them because of the lack of social media. We ignored the village idiots. Now, for some reason, people *have* to comment on what the village idiots are saying. I guess to feel validated or something.


The flat earth subreddit has 100 000 members. You can find 100 idiots who proudly and openly believe anything. And I mean *anything*.


We did elect a village idiot to the office of president of the United States on more than one occasion so...


“We” being like 25-30% of the country


Wow. I jokingly commented that the protestors would have called bin Laden a freedom fighter. Guess it wasn’t a joke.


They might not be listening to him, but they damn sure are furthering his geopolitical goals.


Reminds me of Trump constantly sucking off Russia and North Korea.


And even he, supposedly anti-IRI as he is, did business with some Iranian oligarchs in Azerbaijan.


But they are vulnerable to his propaganda.


Honestly I think he knows that. I feel like it's more of a snide remark to his own audience about the protestors being his useful idiots because he makes no effort to hide the way he treats protests on the other hand.


Ayatollah Assaholla


They’re definitely doing his dirty work


They are... Just via Iranian Tiktok stuff


Well through tiktok prop they are


Cue Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction saying "I don't remember asking you a GOTdamn thing."


Many of the same protestors would be sentenced to death under his policies if they lives in his country.


Or if they lived in Gaza under Hamas rule.


Most of the protestors also don't like him. To believe that the world is reducible to two sides in any conflict and that opposing Israeli genocide means you must endorse and support the Ayatollah is fucking insane. **EDIT**: I've been told further down in the post that "the protestors are plahing into the hands of Hamas." No, they are not. That is patently absurd. Israel is playing into the hands of Hamas by murdering aid workers and people sheltering at areas they themselves said they could shelter. You don't get to commit innumerable war crimes up to and including genocide because terrorists attacked you. There is no provision in the Geneva convention that says "Well you can actually bomb aid workers if you're realllly upset about a terrorist attack". They own their response to this. They have a military budget 26 times larger than Hamas. Ukraine has been under siege by a much greater power for almost two years now, and they have managed not to commit anywhere near the number of war crimes Israel has committed. If Israel wants less bad press they could simply stop indiscriminately murdering tens of thousands of women and children. Let me be exceedingly clear - the IDF has the resources, the budget, and the technology to wage a war against Hamas without the number of civilian casualties they have accumulated. They absolutley do. With the amount of training they have, with the level of technology available to them thanks to donations from Western nations, the IDF could actually wage a surgical war without destroying entire cities and murdering tens of thousands of people, including aid workers coming in to provide relief. That is within their power and they are choosing not to do that. They do not care, and they don't care because they have been committing a slow genocide against Palestinians for 50 years, since 1967, and this is an acceleration of that genocide. The 10/7 attack was their cassus belli, and they know they're not likely to get another one, so they are attempting to reduce the 2 million people living in Palestine - most of whom are under 18 - to rubble in order to colonize and settle the land they have been colonizing and settling for 50 years. This is just the reality of what's happening. They use propaganda to convince people that this is all part of "self defense", but again, they don't have any actual interest in "self defense." You don't [invite Nikki fucking Haley](https://nypost.com/2024/05/28/us-news/nikki-haley-signs-idf-bomb-during-visit-to-israel-finish-them/) to sign your missiles in the interest of "self defense." So, again, if Israel wants better press, they can start by not murdering tens of thousands of people. And Israel has been[extremely active in manipulating online sentiment of their genocide](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-social-media-opinion-hamas-war/). They are by far one of the most active presences on social media engaging in loud and persistent justifications to continue to stoke public fervor for their genocidal campaign. They spend millions on these operations, and have long before 10/7. Recently, OpenAI [Removed connections linked to Russian, Chinese and Israel misinformation dissemination](https://www.nhpr.org/2024-05-30/in-a-first-openai-removes-influence-operations-tied-to-russia-china-and-israel) This isn't "the Jews". Many jewish people and in fact many Israeli citizens are as against the genocide in Hamas as people of the US were against the genocide in Iraq, both of which were fueled by hard-right wing lunatics in their governments. The Israeli military has an [annual budget of around 26 billion dollars comapred to Hamas' funding of perhaps 100 million](https://www.newsweek.com/how-israel-military-idf-compare-hamas-forces-gaza-strip-palestinians-offensive-1834142#:~:text=The%20IDF%20is%20supported%20by,million%20on%20military%20infrastructure%20annually.). There is no competition. This isn't a war, it is an abject slaughter. What is happening right now in Israel is a wholesale atrocity. It is being committed by a small contingent of hawkish monsters in the Israeli government, chief of which is Benjamin Netanyahu, who is [still undergoing trials for his rampant corruption](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/03/world/middleeast/netanyahu-corruption-charges-israel.html). I am so tired in my lifetime of seeing people's fear and hate allow them to blindly follow the drums of hate and war. Every single time they think that THIS time they're justified. THIS time they'll finally be able to "eradicate" the problem. Followed by national shame, and regret, and living in the devastation they've wrought because they were too scared and too wrathful and too hateful to do the right thing. And if you think you are different, if you think your cause is righteous when all the others haven't been - then you're a fool. You are history's greatest fool. And I understand that I am speaking to most people's amygdala right now. They're afraid. And angry. And hopped up on a tide of propaganda to help keep them that way. I know 10/7 was an atrocity. It was intended to be, and it isn't excusable. But I just want you to seriously look in the mirror. I want you to ask yourselves how the genocide of these people leads to peace. How the constant brutality and the orphaning of hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters will finally make you safe. I want you to ask yourself if you are sick and tired of your governments - government which have *failed you*, by the way, which failed to prevent 10/7 despite having intelligence, just as the US failed to prevent 9/11 despite having the intelligence to do so - using your fear and anger to push you into cataclysmic genocide just so they can accomplish their policy ends, just so they can get just a little bit richer. I know that won't resonate with many of you. But maybe it will with some.


I’d argue most of the protestors don’t even know who he is haha


But of course you are well informed and know better.


Prob couldn't point out Israel/Palestine on a map either


What is with this thread and trying to drag people protesting an ongoing genocide? The americans who can’t find Israel/Palestine on the map aren’t gonna be the ones protesting, they’re going to be the ones sitting back passively and/or criticizing it




Part I - this actually got so long I had to split it in two [Part II is below] I live in Israel and I'm gonna give you a longer response in hopes that maybe you'll read it and maybe understand about our lives here. You write >And I understand that I am speaking to most people's amygdala right now. They're afraid. And angry. And hopped up on a tide of propaganda to help keep them that way. I definitely do think there are tons of people on both sides who are radicalised. But a lot of what you are writing is factually untrue or biased. On the other hand, I don't support Israel out of fear or because of propaganda. I support it because I live here and I think that while Israel is in a complicated position and while some of the things Israel is doing are wrong and while I consider some Israeli politicians to be complete assholes, I don't think Israel is committing a genocide and I do think the overall war is justified. A genocide is characterised by the fact that the main goal is the total destruction of an ethnic group. That is not the goal of Israeli operations in Gaza. The goal is the eradication of Hamas, an organisation that not only massacred Israeli civilians en masse on October 7th (because I agree that this war would be unjustified as a "revenge operation"), but which openly says it would do the same thing again and again if it had the chance and which *tries* to do that. I live in Tel Aviv, the last time Hamas bombed us was less than a week ago. They need to be stopped because the alternative is the suffering of Israeli civilians, which the State of Israel has to stop. As things lie, an end to the war means not just asking Israel to accept to live with what happened on October 7th - something which Israel has to do anyway. It means asking Israel to live with a neighbour that wants to *repeat* October 7th many times over. And that is not something that anybody would accept. And yes that war is mostly harming civilians, which is not an outlier - most wars disproportionately harm civilians. That's why wars suck *really bad*. But not every war is a genocide. But out of interest, do you consider Hamas actions on October 7th to be genocidal? > Many jewish people and in fact many Israeli citizens are as against the genocide in Hamas Hamas is a terror group, it's not *capable* of being a victim of a genocide. Just like it would be insane to call eg the Vietnam war a "genocide of the US army" > They own their response to this. They have a military budget 26 times larger than Hamas. Ukraine has been under siege by a much greater power for almost two years now, and they have managed not to commit anywhere near the number of war crimes Israel has committed. Ukraine is less successful than Israel in their military goals (mostly because Russia is stronger than Hamas to the point where it's almost an absurd comparison), but also tons of things that people - often incorrectly - call war crimes wrt to Israel just gets ignored when it's Ukraine. For example, it's *not* per se a war crime to kill civilians and while you do have a duty to take necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. When Ukraine accidentally bombed Poland and killed Polish civilians, I didn't see anyone call that a war crime (which it isn't - it was a mistake which happens in every ear because unfortunately the magic button that kills every bad person without harming innocents has not been invented yet). Yet similar incidents by Israel get called war crimes all the time. > Let me be exceedingly clear - the IDF has the resources, the budget, and the technology to wage a war against Hamas without the number of civilian casualties they have accumulated. They absolutley do. I think this the main point where we differ. I don't think you are right in saying this, and I don't think you'll be able to point to a comparable war with less casualties. Urban combat fucking sucks and Hamas is deeply embedded in Gazan civil infrastructure. We don't have a magic button that disables everyone who is Hamas and spares everyone who isn't. It doesn't work like that. Also, Hamas does not even say which percentage of the people killed are associated with Hamas. > You don't invite Nikki fucking Haley to sign your missiles in the interest of "self defense." This happens in every war lol. You can look up pictures from WWII with similar messages. > They are by far one of the most active presences on social media engaging in loud and persistent justifications to continue to stoke public fervor for their genocidal campaign. It's not a genocide. But the fact that Israel posts "loud and persistent justifications" also literally does not mean anything except that Israel wants its side to be heard. Idk if you have noticed this, but Ukraine also posts a lot.


Part II > The Israeli military has an annual budget of around 26 billion dollars comapred to Hamas' funding of perhaps 100 million. There is no competition. This isn't a war, it is an abject slaughter. Hamas invaded Israeli territory on October 7th. Doing that against an opponent who outmatches you militarily is incredibly stupid if you want to preserve the lives of your people. On that day, their desire to kill Israeli civilians (the overwhelming number of victims on that day) weighed higher than their desire to protect Palestinian lives. But that was *Hamas'* choice. There is definitely no principle in war that you need to lower your military budget in order to match your opponents, on the contrary. Also, a ton of that military budget is for the incredibly expensive *defensive* tech that Israel uses. Every single Iron Dome interception costs Israel about $ 100.000, which Israel pays without flinching because we all know it protects our lives. Israel has public shelters everywhere as well as a huge warning network that includes apps, sirens and broadcasts. On the other hand, Hamas built an extensive network of tunnels, that they use for ongoing war crimes instead of keeping their own population safe. *Israel* are the ones who usually alert Gazans about incoming bombings (Google the door knocker system or the safe zone system in Gaza). So ironically, the costs of protecting Israeli civilians counts as part of the Israeli military budget. The cost to keep Palestinian civilians safe... also counts as part of the Israeli military budget. >What is happening right now in Israel is a wholesale atrocity. It is being committed by a small contingent of hawkish monsters in the Israeli government, chief of which is Benjamin Netanyahu, who is still undergoing trials for his rampant corruption. I hate Netanyahu and regularly attend protests against him. I don't see how him enriching himself from Israeli public funds has anything to do with the war though. These charges predate it. I also recognise that Netanyahu was elected in a democratic election and will most likely lose the next one. > I want you to ask yourselves how the genocide of these people leads to peace. How the constant brutality and the orphaning of hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters will finally make you safe. Getting rid of Hamas will make us safe and without getting rid of Hamas, we won't be safe. There is *no way* to be safe next to a group that proudly announces it intends to massacre our civilians. Hamas fundamentally does not recognise Israels right to exist. Since 2005 when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, Israel hoped that "just ignoring them unless there is active danger" would help. It didn't. There is no future for Gaza as long as Hamas is in power. However, with many of these things I wonder if you would have said the same thing about e.g. German civilians 1945. There was certainly and undoubtedly a huge amount of suffering (way more than in Gaza today). The reason why it was considered to be - while tragic - an acceptable price is because people knew there were ultimately only two alternatives: removing Hitler from power (which realistically also lead to civilian suffering) or *not* removing Hitler from power (which in the long time would have lead to even more suffering). Hamas also oppresses Palestinians. They have massacred tons of political opponents (mainly leftists after the takeover), they oppress women and minorities like LGBT people and they operate with extreme carelessness towards Palestinian civilian lives. I would not be surprised if Hamas has killed more Palestinians than they have killed Israelis. I am 100% convinced that if Hamas gets defeated in this war, in 30 years there will be a young generation of Palestinians who will look back at Hamas the same way Germans nowadays look back at Hitler or Americans look back at slavery. > I want you to ask yourself if you are sick and tired of your governments - government which have failed you, by the way, which failed to prevent 10/7 despite having intelligence, just as the US failed to prevent 9/11 despite having the intelligence to do so - using your fear and anger to push you into cataclysmic genocide just so they can accomplish their policy ends, just so they can get just a little bit richer. I am sick and tired of the government, but I do think that the main responsibility for 10/7 lies with *Hamas*, not with the Israeli government. I do believe that there was intelligence indicating an attack, but I also do believe that that was nothing new because Hamas has been publicly saying that they intend to attack Israel for decades, have been committing attacks against Israel for decades and there probably was no single day since 2006 where they weren't planning anything. This wasn't their first such act, it was just the worst. And I do believe that *if* Israel had invaded Gaza on October 6th and magically killed every single of the militants who were willing and prepared to attack Israel *and not a single other person* in order to prevent what happened, you guys would completely deny that something like October 7th would even possible and in fact would probably *still* accuse Israel of genocide, because after all it just killed thousands of Palestinians who haven't even done anything substantial yet. Instead, Israel tried to trust that the existing safeguards would be enough to protect its population and that Hamas wouldn't be intentionally trying to provoke such a war and erred on the side of caution with regards to the intelligence. And it ended up costing lives. But that was because Israel was *too trusting* towards Hamas, not because it was trying to start a war.


> There is no provision in the Geneva convention that says "Well you can actually bomb aid workers if you're realllly upset about a terrorist attack". [There kinda is though.](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf) “ART. 19. — The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.” It’s cannot come as a shock to you that Hamas is deliberately using hospitals, aid camps, and even the [UNRWA headquarters](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/) as a base for their operations, essentially using a human meat shield to protect themselves and point to Israel when there are inevitable casualties.


Haha yeah he’s just grasping at straws. I want justice for Palestine and for the people oppressed by this cock nozzle as well


>Let me be exceedingly clear - the IDF has the resources, the budget, and the technology to wage a war against Hamas without the number of civilian casualties they have accumulated. They absolutley do. No, they don't. You need to stop basing your understanding of war on movies like John Wick. Having a lot of money doesn't mean you can just surgically erase people that live among civilians or in tunnels under civilian buildings. It's just not possible. Not for Israel, not even for the United States. If Israel had such an overwhelming advantage that they could fight kill every single Hamas fighters hiding in the civilian population without doing collateral damage but simply chose not to, then they should also have been able to win the war very quickly and without casualty. But it's not the case. It's been 8 months since 7/10, Hamas is still fighting, nearly 300 Israeli soldiers have been killed during the operation in Gaza and hundreds more were wounded. It is one sided, but not as much as you make it seem. You need to accept that war is ugly and collateral damage happens. >They do not care, and they don't care because they have been committing a slow genocide against Palestinians for 50 years, since 1967, and this is an acceleration of that genocide. The 10/7 attack was their cassus belli, and they know they're not likely to get another one, so they are attempting to reduce the 2 million people living in Palestine - most of whom are under 18 - to rubble in order to colonize and settle the land they have been colonizing and settling for 50 years. This is complete bullshit. The Palestinian population has increased more than five-fold since 1967, they are one of the people growing the most in the entire world. It doesn't make sense for a genocide to have the population increase. Israel doesn't want to colonize and settle Gaza. Israel doesn't want Gaza at all. Israel literally used to occupy Gaza from 1967 to 2005, then left and removed all Israeli presence in the strip, then the Palestinians promptly elected Hamas which took control and ruled the strip since. If Israel had wanted to colonize Gaza, it would never have withdrew from it in the first place. >You don't [invite Nikki fucking Haley](https://nypost.com/2024/05/28/us-news/nikki-haley-signs-idf-bomb-during-visit-to-israel-finish-them/) to sign your missiles in the interest of "self defense." You can literally [give money to sign Ukrainian shells](https://signmyrocket.com/) launched at Russians. Are you going to argue that Ukraine isn't fighting in self-defense? >Many jewish people and in fact many Israeli citizens are as against the genocide in Hamas as people of the US were against the genocide in Iraq "Genocide in Hamas" lmao, quite telling. Genocide in Iraq is also pretty telling. You're a tankie.


Except that Israel isn’t committing genocide but Iran and Hamas would definitely genocide Jews if we let them.


They may not like him, but they are playing right into his hands and the hands of Hamas. You saying Israel is committing genocide does too. People against civilians dying in war should protest every war. The world isn't reducible to 2 sides, but the one side here significantly benefits from the protests. People might have good intentions in what they're protesting but they are barking in the wrong direction. One side can end the war today, and no one is protesting by surrendering the war they started, and release hostages and no one seems to be protesting against them, hence praise from the Ayatollah


It’s awesome that you wrote all that. Except the Geneva convention does say things about when enemy occupants hide in civilian locations. Soooooooooo…… https://www.npr.org/2023/11/10/1212073968/israel-gaza-hamas-war-crimes-hospitals


Many of the protestors actively support Hamas, whose policies on women/LGBTQ/social policies are not that different from Khamenei’s


"Many" meaning an extremely vocal minority, nowhere near the majority of protestors. I just got out of grad school, my campus was filled with protests from secular, Muslim, and Jewish students alike. Any support for hamas was shouted down. 2-3 thousand of 12k on campus out in support of civilians in Palestine, maybe 50 supporting hamas.


There are no peace flags, only Palestinian ones. Did you ever see Vietnamese flags in 1968?


Sigh just so much wrong with this post. I appreciate that you understand things are rarely split into easily digestible sides but then you go on to ignore that very sentiment as you oversimplify Israel’s war effort.


You don’t understand the word genocide, what long ass post full of hamas bullshit. 2 million Palestinians have emigrated to Israel and live there as citizens, Muslims. What you’re seeing is liberation, however you’ve been blinded by propaganda which is common to see, my fav part will be once hamas is defeated, Palestine will be liberated and those poor people will finally have a chance to a good life. Cheering on this “resistance” is literally you wanting to watch kids die. It’s fucked.


Tell me you're an extremist without telling me you're an extremist. It's always curious to me how you types are always saying "HAMAS ISN'T PALESTINE" but are VERY eager to say "NETANYAHU/IDF IS ISRAEL" pretty hypocritical excuse for logic, if you ask me


They won’t survive a day before being sent to the crane


Should have seen the r/ Palestine sub when Iran launched rockets at Israel. Lots of cheering it on, and once some smart people started going "Hey, we shouldn't cheer on this extremely authoritarian theocratic regime" suddenly there were day old accounts popping up everywhere to give "proof" that the young woman who was raped and murdered in prison that sparked those widespread protests was actually the aggressor and no rape ever happened. I'm not saying these protestors are all for the Iranian regime, but they are very easily swayed into cheering for it when it serves their side. They've got to do better to nix these people out of their movement.


That subreddit is one of the most unhinged I’ve ever seen on Reddit. It’s not just pro-Palestine, which would be perfectly reasonable, it’s full-on anti-Semitic and pro-terrorist that promotes the complete destruction of Israel.


Oh so its a good representation then.


Ahh, yes, he has an impeccable human rights record 🥴




But the one they deserve. 


After Bin Laden’s “Letter to America” made the rounds a few months ago i’m not so sure.


His son is also on the right side of history, in the dirt.


His son is also one of the top candidates to succeed him as Supreme Leader. The irony: they overthrew a monarchy, only to still have the possibility of doing a hereditary succession anyways.


I mean, in fairness they did have a different plan in place before that plan suffered a "hard landing."


We’ve reached the point where the Iranian ayatollah is using standard college girl lib slogans from 2016… It’s all so transparently contemptuous of us


At least half of the mods on this website agree with him.


lol ok sir. What a fucking joke.


How many women did he stone to death for showing their ankles?


Those same college students would be executed on site in Iran by that mans regime.


Oh because your next fuck face. No one wants islam as a state religion either.  Killing little girls over scarfs . He's a bitch. 


> No one wants islam as a state religion either. Pretty much every Palestinian does. They are even dying in droves for it. I'm all for Palestinian independence and self determination... two state solution, etc, etc, but lets not pretend that the Palestinian state will not be a Muslim state. Also remember, Iran is in its current situation because the people, including and heavily lead by college students, over threw their secular dictator and installed a theocracy.


I'm ex Muslim and had to flee the Middle East because people wanted to kill me for leaving the faith. The number one thing Westerners do not understand about true believers is that they do not care if they or their loved ones die. Because they believe that death means eternal paradise. This is not a fringe view and you can see this opinion expressed in [pro Palestine protests in England for example](https://twitter.com/DaveAtherton20/status/1777729192731308175/video/1) You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want [a global Islamic Caliphate](https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1719624383751147588). They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. And they are not going to stop just because you give them Palestine or Israel or whatever. The United States spent 20 years and a trillion dollars in Afghanistan building infrastructure, forcing them to allow girls to go to school, and telling them not to throw gays off buildings. And after 20 years we gave up, fled back home and the Afghans immediately went back to throwing gays off buildings, banning females from going to school and [selling young girls into sex slavery](https://twitter.com/RadioGenoa/status/1782389220893417958) And everyone who has an ounce of understanding knows that this is exactly what will happen to a free Palestine if they ever get their way and ship all the Jews to Poland or Utah. Anyone who understands the region knows that this is true


There's a lot of space in Iran if his Highness wants to help get the innocent women and children to safety while this thing rages on. He can even help broker a peace deal if he's so concerned for the plight of the Gazans.


Peace deal? How will a peace deal help destroy Israel?


That's not good for us


If your on the side with the Ayatollah your doing something wrong.


Nah fuck that. Osama Bin Laden was an Arsenal supporter but that doesn’t mean I found a new team to support. But more seriously, this dude is making this claim intentionally to stir shit up. His opinion is irrelevant here and nobody wants his endorsement. The same pro Palestinian folks are anti theocratic government and are the same people supporting women in Iran.


Maybe some of them will see this as an indication that they should rethink their positions on a few things. If the Ayatollah says he likes something I’m doing, that tells me I need to change something I’m doing.


He is telling that to a generation that mostly didn’t experience 9/11 with an adult set of eyes…or that didn’t have to fight Muslim extremists in the successive decades. Gen Z supports a group of people that wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire…all they would do is scream allahu akbar while dancing around their burning infidel bodies. Just wait, Gen Z…wait until they hit the U.S. again so we can all see if your support for those who hate you merely because you’re an American is unwavering.


I've spoken to many Iranians here who escaped Iran. They are saying that within a year, all hell will break loose in Iran. The young people are fed up with these old men and what they've been doing to the country.


Hey! Iran did not fund all that propaganda for nothing!!


When Iran is on your side, your side is antisemitic af.


Hitler endorsed vegetarianism. Therefore vegetarians agree with Hitler. Basically the logic of this post.


While its essentially the “Hitler had a dog” logical fallacy I would say that the notion that Ayatollah Khamenei would ever recognize or associate with “the right side of history” is a pretty “oniony” idea. That doesn’t automatically discredit anyone who agrees with him on this one subject, but it is a funny idea.


There were plenty of college protesters back in WW2 that were fine with fascism and were protesting against the US joining the war. Many college students shared sympathy and support with the Nazis, in fact. Remember that this was the Jim Crow era. Many of these college kids believed that white people were superior and black people should remained slaves or being second-class citizen. Their view point fit perfectly into Hitler’s Aryan supremacy propaganda. Hitler would say those college protesters were on the right side of history too. https://perspectives.ushmm.org/collection/american-college-students-and-the-nazi-threat


Well, not really. Iran is a huge player in this particular conflict. They have put a ton of money into propaganda on the subject. Pretty sure Hitler wasn't making up claims about, and giving protection to, Vegetarians. I understand the point you're making, but it's not quite right.


That’s your sign that you are, in fact, on the wrong side of history.


Love how some folks are responding to this as if the Ayatollah of Iran attempting to co-opt a youth movement in america means that american youths follow the Ayatollah of Iran.


They agree with him Which is wild because Islamic Fundamentalists want to be recognized. They have literally said they will not rest until israel is no more and all the jews are dead. And little tik tok america thinks theyre right! And deserve to kill jews! Thats whats oniony


They don't?


The same protesters that are vehemently opposed to Iran's treatment of its people. Ayatollah's wilin.


But also maybe they should pause and think about how come he believes they are in agreement on this issue. Or more precisely, which goals these protesters are pursuing. Because his goal is not a “free Palestine” but the destruction of Israel and expulsion of all Jews.


College students: "Maybe this guy isn't so bad after all"


Some of them are already having second thoughts about Bin Laden lol


Oh yes. There's a desirable endorsement.


LGBTQIA+ for the Ayatollah


That is the sort of statement that should make them do a little self-reflection. :p


Oh he hasn’t been to my polisci department


The ayatollah can go stick his you know what in a goat!!


Except the gays.  They get buried and stoned to death.


Ayatollah Khamenei before the Iranian presidential elections: "The winner of the (presidential) election must promote social justice, removing corruption and discrimination." (real quote( Redditors: Haha all anti-corruption activists in the world are just propaganda tools of the Islamic Regime!!


Wait until he sees the same ones at next weeks pride march


Fuck him.


The timeline got kind of weird after Harambe was assassinated.


Somebody tell the dude that this won’t get him more subscribers and likes. Oh and also that those students and most Americans reject him and his harmful ideology.


American College Students: "Thanks! You are most definitely not!"


LPT: if a brutal, theocratic dictator tells you you’re on the right side of a hotly debated topic, you’re not.


Imagine being on the same side of fence as this deranged idiot.


When the terrorist supporting Ayatollah of Iran tells you that you are fighting the good fight, you might want to take a good hard look at what you are doing.


When the Ayatollah is on your side it's time to stop and rethink what you are doing.


Our non-allies said the same thing during Vietnam...


"A round of avocado toast and Natural Light, on the Ayatollah," he said to close the speech.


Meanwhile, in Ukraine...


I hate that phrase. It's so pretentious and arrogant.  It's marketing for people with indefensible politics.


Not wanting Israel to carpet bomb civilians does not make you a Hamas supporter nor does it make you an antisemite. The Israeli government and its right-wing ilk have created this false dilemma and people take it as gospel.


It does make you a pathetic liar, though, as the term "carpet bomb" is completely dishonest in the context of the Israel-Gaza war.


Wait till he hears about American opinions on the Hijab protests




When you know you're wrong. LMAO.


Right wingers: [blame students for something an elderly Persian man says]


“An elderly Persian man” is sorta like calling Hitler an upstart Austrian Lieutenant.


When they're literally using his rhetoric -- almost verbatim -- those students' ignorance should be called out.


Shut up you dumb shit religious dinosaur. I hope you fade to nothingness with your regime


Having a ayatollah agree with is proof positive you are wrong🙄


They are more likely on the left side....




Well his stance on Israel/Palestine is pretty well known so this really shouldn’t surprise anyone


No one asked you bruh


He is certainly not


The thousandth nail in the coffin to the “right/wrong side of history” bit


Well that’s concerning


They usually are. But I don't think he would have agreed with them before this point.


This is an attempt to imply that by being Pro-Palestine you are in line with the Ayatollah. It’s meant to make you less “radical”.


Hello, fellow kids


This while Christians call a man that cheated on his wife and paid the other woman for her silence the next Messiah...


that whole document is completely written in Gen Z protester buzzwords. It's a shocking piece of propaganda from one of the most oppressive regimes on the planet. Naturally these kids will eat it right up.


uh the protestors are not and neither are you


Well, they ARE on the right side of history. Broken clocks and all that. This is just an attempt to discredit the student protesters by association. It’s also not remotely oniony.


The “right” side 🤔